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WandaVision Ep 5+6 Spoiler Thoughts!!
3 года назад
WandaVision Ep4 Spoiler Thoughts!!
3 года назад
WandaVision Episode 3 Review
3 года назад
WandaVision Ep 1+2 Thoughts (SPOILERS)
3 года назад
History Of.... Daimon Hellstrom
4 года назад
4 года назад
TOP 10: Funniest Lines In the MCU!
4 года назад
@akira17_samurai Месяц назад
I dont think you covered other grey area charecters like kingpin and jessica drew
@alexsveles343 Год назад
Be carefull whit yelena. She turns germans into nazis and wayches them.implode
@misterextraordinary4106 Год назад
@razzle1964 2 года назад
This would seem to explain why Aunt May got killed off, I guess.
@2ndstreetmarvel 3 года назад
Let's get into this!
@reeferman42078 3 года назад
What If ...? Is AMAAAAZING!!!!
@jonathannk1238 3 года назад
Love the intro
@jonathannk1238 3 года назад
Watch movie it movie
@jonathannk1238 3 года назад
You also like marvel like me I'm subscribing
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Amazing thank you so much!
@fullhushar4411 3 года назад
Hi I am from India
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Amazing, so glad audiences from all over the world are watching! What do you think of WHAT IF so far?
@ZenMultiverse_ 3 года назад
Amazing review. I loved this episode overall and can't wait for episodes.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you so much! Me too- Episode 2 review is coming out today and hoping to get my Ep 3 review out tomorrow so we can chat more about the series so far!!
@PurplePandaGuy88 3 года назад
This was actually a really great video You just earned a new subscriber 😃
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you so much! Really appreciate the support man😃
@Gokul_GV 3 года назад
I got this in Recommendation..
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
That is great! Thanks for checking it out!
@ChillMonger 3 года назад
0:31 There's a half second where you realize what you just said 😆
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
😂😂 its a common saying in the UK but after I said it I realised people from other countries might think I was being serious when I said it!!
@ZenMultiverse_ 3 года назад
This is a phenomenal review. The Loki show was a overall Joy. I am looking forward to knowing where Ren Slayer is going. I have so many questions and theories but that's the fun.
@2ndstreetmarvel 3 года назад
Hello! We still need to get together and do a stream/video collab! I’ve just been so busy, I haven’t had a chance. Maybe we can do it soon!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Heyyyyy!! Yes 100% I would love to collab, don't worry completely understand life just gets in the way!
@ZenMultiverse_ 3 года назад
Just subbed up. I can't believe I was not subbed before. Listening and watching now. Looking forward to the theories in this video.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you so much! Really appreciate the support!
@amber-jg5jv 3 года назад
She actually wasn't add in the game, yelena was
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Its a shame she wasn't in the game but Yelena was by far my favourite character so I am happy she was the one they decided to add to the film!
@amber-jg5jv 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 it is indeed, i was hopping that they would add her when the movie was released but they didn't
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@amber-jg5jv Yes it is strange! Hopefully moving forward they will add all the upcoming characters to the games!
@josemariocastillo3409 3 года назад
Cool for BWidow
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you! Yes very interesting character and LOVE the theories that she might be Taskmaster/ The Main Villain of the film- would be a fun twist to see why she may have turned on Natasha!
@mtime6648 3 года назад
Marvel have to get back all of its characters right #TeamMarvel
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
I agree @muthu, hopefully not long until they do, Fantastic4 and X-men are already back, lets just hope Spider-Man follows soon!
@mtime6648 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 we need Marvel studios not to depend any other studios
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@mtime6648 Yes!! Luckily, I think Disney (who own Marvel) are such a big company now that even without certain characters, they can always make things successful, take GOTG for example however, Spider-Man has ALWAYS been and likely always will be one of the most famous Marvel and well superheroes of all time so I think in some ways they will always rely a little on Sony to keep using that character.... especially now he has been introduced into the MCU because I can't see the fans being happy if he just disappeared all of a sudden due to SONY owning him!
@ChillMonger 3 года назад
Sam should've stayed Falcon. And I feel the same way you do about Bucky dropping Winter Soldier for White Wolf
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you Chill! I agree mate like I just don't like the Captain America name if I am honest and think Falcon sounds much better or potentially Captain Falcon if they really wanted Captain in there but I suppose having 'America' in there is the political part of the name! 100%, like you said in your review, we see Bucky has left this persona behind and doesn't really want to be associated with the Winter Soldier... plus I think White Wolf is an awesome name!
@craffaele 3 года назад
I think you were looking for "closure" with the Bucky situation 😂 Anyway no, it's not like anything we seen in the MCU so far from a hero: Walker killed that man not only as you said while he was surrendering but out of rage and bloodlust it was a murder fullstop; in the comics we know that no hero is spot clean but the MCU isn't there yet and even Sam killing people in the first episode during the elicopter scene was not like that. And how the full episode keep saying "Eh, come on people, Walker is still an hero even if he is a bit darker" is a problem for me because he was portraied during the season to mirror certain type of people as much as Karli. Redeeming his character and pushing over the edge Karli's character was a stance that didn't match the message of the episode. Karli was a villain because she couldn't understand the value of human lives, Walker is a villain because he values his own life above everyone else.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
😂 Thank you! The amount of times I forget words because there are just soooo many thoughts running through my mind is unbelievable! I agree that what the MCU has shown us in this series has been much darker than anything we have seen in the past, both in regards to its political commentary and address of being from a minority as well as in the actions of John Walker in particular and his violent ways in Episode 4. I think the audience are all very forgetful that our heroes are killing men (like Sam in Episode 1) because we never officially see their dead bodies or they are not confirmed dead AND they are usually villains so in the context of things we just accept it that they are doing it for the great good whereas Walker wasn't as you said, it was straight up murder and bloodlust although I can understand where such rage came from and am very happy the series showed him brutally murder that Flagsmasher because I think that is a comment on mental health and how the training of certain soldiers can lead them to such erratic actions. I do wonder though if we will ever get other characters in the MCU really bring to attention how the heroes have killed in the past (similar to Zemo, although his frustration mainly seems to be super soldiers) I actually REALLY like what they do with this John Walker character in this episode as I don't think they were straight up telling us you should like this character now or see him as redeemed. I think everybody who watched this episode would feel differently towards the John Walker character in this episode based on their opinions of his actions in the past! I do think the FlagSmahers and Karli's approach went a bit off this episode but I think Falcon... sorry Captain America's speech where he says 'she was willing to die for this cause, to get your attention' shows just how young she was as a character and how her belief in the cause drove her to more anger driven decisions rather than using strategy. It is a huge shame the Vaccine storyline had to be cut as I think the show may have turned out very different but overall, I must admit, I by NO means think John Walker is a hero BUT I also don't think he is a villain or bad man, I just see him as a man that knows nothing different from fighting and being something that his country are proud of because he is lacking self confidence and doesn't know who he is without Lemar or something to fight for/ a cause to feel he is contributing to. I really LOVE how the series has got all of us divided on his character though and having such awesome discussions! Thank you so much as always for watching and commenting and would love to continue chatting on this or anything else Marvel you want to chat about!
@craffaele 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 I really do think you're an amazing reactor! Anyway I still disagree with you. The John Walker who killed the Flagsmasher would never have helped the people in the van, there was no possible character development in such a short time: he should have gone afer Karli. Maybe if we seen a scene where Val forces him to follow some directives like "If you have to save people or fight Karli, stick to the hero action because we need to change your image" I would have been ok and loved the episode. But such a change without anything in the middle? As Deadpool would have said "That's just lazy writing". You can see Karli character slip further down in her madness when at first she just has an ideal and when she is faced with uncertainty she resorts to violence and murder because she, as opposed to Sam, doesn't know other way to express her frustration; while with Walker we see him too fall deeper into his need of justification, his longing for recognition... and then he makes a U turn and he is an hero; and just to be clear I love Wyatt Russel he is an amazing actor and I'm actually really glad he will be kept in the MCU.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@craffaele Sorry for taking a while to reply! But THANK YOU very much Raffaele, I really appreciate you checking out the videos and always giving your take on the episodes- I love to discuss Marvel projects with other fans! Although, I personally like what they did with the John Walker character, I definitely see your point and actually think it makes more sense than my opinion, I think I have just convinced myself to be happy with it because I like the John Walker character and wanted to see him redeemed so kinda looked past the 'lazy writing' like you say! I do think they did an alright job with Karli going a bit crazy as she simply seems very chaotic in her decisions and makes them so quickly without considering the ramifications which shows she doesn't fully know the scale of what she is trying to deal with/fight for/ against in the government! With John Walker, I do think the turn in the last episode was a bit sudden BUT like I have said in my other reviews, I also think he is quite a good man that just doesn't have the confidence in himself to be the hero we all want/ an amazing man like Cap or Sam. I also love Wyatt Russel and am ecstatic he will be kept in the MCU like you but I do hope they focus a bit on Mental Health with this character and him battling his demons especially with the missions I am guessing Val may send him on. Do you think we will see him become a part of the Thunderbolts or Dark Avengers or neither?
@craffaele 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 you're a really nice person, thanks for all the time you take to answer! I would actually love to see more of Walker, as I said before many times I think Wyatt Russel is an amazing actor, I just don't want a second line Cap America "some people" would use to say Sam Wilson is irrelevant and used only as a token. If they want to make a US Agent they must have the guts to take the stance that there is something broken in him that completely disqualifies the chance for him to become Cap America. Overall I still loved F&TWS, I don't want to come out as an hater or something, and I want to be clear that this is just my personal opinion and I'm glad to see people with their own!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@craffaele Thank you so much Raffaele, and sorry again for taking over a month to answer... I just want to ensure I take everything you say into account and answer correctly! I agree that Wyatt Russel is a phenomenal actor and has done great with the writing he was given. I definitely think his character was meant to be read in different ways and create controversy between the audience. I think it would be very interesting to see how an ex veteran watching the show would feel about the character and how he has been written! I have been re-watching recently with my mam and she immediately saw that there is something broken in the John Walker character, especially after taking the Super Soldier Serum, I on the other hand mentioned I think he is just a man suffering from anxiety and mental health although after re-watching, I am liking his character less this time around. I understand more of your stance now especially considering they are setting him up to be US Agent moving forward and like you say they should commit to him having an evil side or at least a negative personality trait that sways him to always make the wrong decision! No, you are definitely not coming out as a hater at all and I think the varied opinions and discussions we are having about the show just shows how successful the shows have been, although not all opinions are positive about it, having any opinion is better than people just not caring enough or finding it boring! Thanks as always for your opinion, love to hear them and hopefully I will be getting some LOKI reviews out so we can discuss that!
@jonmcinnis1645 3 года назад
Marvelonmymind For the tasm series to be fair the Tasm series was supposed to be the beginning of a shared universe consisting of the marvel characters that Sony owns not the one that venom started The reason it was canceled is because the actor that played Peter didn’t showed up at an expo in an alternate reality he did showed up at that expo he was supposed to go to and it wasn’t canceled here’s what does this universe would’ve looked liked in my opinion (I use TV tropes of the tasm series for this look it up and go to canceled/planned films this series would’ve been impressive) Tasm (2012) Tasm 2 (2014) Tasm 3 (2016) Sinister six (2016) Kraven (2016) Black cat (2017) Spiderman 2099 (2017) Silver sable (2017) Venom (2017) Sinister six 2 (2018) Tasm 4 (2018) Silver & black (2019) Carnage (2019) Jackel (2019) Agent venom (2019) Spiderman 2099 2 (2020) Kravens last hunt (2020) Silver age Spider-Man trilogy 1 (2020) Clone saga 1 (2020) Superior Spider-Man 1 (2021) Venom/carnage 1 (2021) Silver age Spider-Man trilogy 2 (2021) Clone saga 2 (2021) Superior Spider-Man 2 (2022) Venom/carnage 2 (2022) Clone saga 3 (2022) Superior Spider-Man 3 (2022) Silver age Spider-Man trilogy 3 (2023) Venom/carnage 3 (2023) Death of Spider-Man 1 (2024) Death of Spider-Man 2 (2025) Death of Spider-Man 3 (2026) Td;lr: if this universe did happened it would end with a death of Spiderman trilogy
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
THIS SOUNDS AMAZING!!! I love this pitch. I think this is the way to go about building a Universe like the MCU and love how you have given The Sinister Six and Kraven and other characters their own dedicated films so establish and invest the audience in them as characters which would make their appearances in the Spider-Man films more impactful! And if you built all of this up over these years, people would be so emotionally affected by the Death of Spider-Man trilogy and may even feel similar to how they did when Tony Stark died in Endgame! The one from this list I would want.... and still want to see most is Kravens Last Hunt BUT I want a movie of 2 just to establish that character on his own, that way we will be more invested in his ideas. Thank you for watching and commenting!
@jonmcinnis1645 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 Look up on TV tropes for the tasm series (the amazing Spiderman series) that series was supposed to be the beginning of a shared universe consisting of the marvel character that Sony owns not the one that venom started look it up on TV tropes you know what I meant
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@jonmcinnis1645 Thank you! That sounds interesting so I will definitely check it out!
@jonmcinnis1645 3 года назад
MarvelOnMyMind ok thx once you look it up it’s impressive
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@jonmcinnis1645 Thank you for this!!! The detail on the TV Tropes site is amazing and VERY VERY detailed! It will take me a while to read through it all but I love the way the site breaks down each of the films into the different characters so its easy to follow how many films would have been made for each of the characters. AND WHAT...... A CROSSOVER BETWEEN FOX/MARVEL AND SONY/MARVEL.... lets hope that will still be possible within the MCU now that Disney own 20th Century Fox
@mashrafeealam2387 3 года назад
I’m really scratching my head due to this and I’m not in a comfortable position.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you for watching! Oh sorry if I didn't explain it in an understandable way. If you let me know what specifically it is that you are struggling to understand, I would be very happy to explain/ discuss it further!
@mashrafeealam2387 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 also sorry for being rude about the comment I added
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@mashrafeealam2387 No not at all Mashrafee, I don't think you were being rude at all, I just appreciate you watching and wanted to try and help you understand better!
@David-kp8fn 3 года назад
Great job on the video and is a well detailed explanation. As far as everyone knows, currently Namor, Hulk ( and his associated characters) and Spider-Man (and his associated characters) are the only ones that Disney/Marvel Studios doesn't own the full rights to. I wonder what that means for the Disney Plus She Hulk series since that has the characters from the Incredible Hulk 2008 movie. Hopefully time will tell and Disney can acquire the rights back from Universal for both Hulk and Namor. That would make things so much less complicated. I predict Sony will retain the rights to Spider-Man for some time especially with the rumors about Spider-Man No Way Home and if they are true, that movie will make Sony an extreme amount of money.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you David, really appreciate the support! As far as I know, Universal only has the distribution rights for solo Hulk films which is probably why Disney haven't made any after The Incredible Hulk as they wouldn't legally be allowed to release it. I don't think Universal however has the rights to Hulks supporting characters i.e. Emil Blonski, She Hulk, Thunderbolt Ross etc... which is why I think they are able to appear in the Disney+ show without conflict. Also I am not 100% sure on this but the Hulk rights might only apply to films which could be another reason these characters can appear with no issues due to it being TV. The Namor situation has always been a bit random and heard different rumours which may or may not be true so for that one I will just wait and see until Marvel or Fiege confirm something! Like all companies, Universal is driven by money and I HIGHLY doubt that them making a Hulk movie that has new cast and characters completely unrelated to the MCU would give them a lot of money, they would definitely make more if they just sold to Disney BUT now Disney is doing so well with these 'side characters' it all depends on whether or not they actually want the Hulk back but with the MCU I always say... anything could happen!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
I completely agree with regards to the Sony deal coming through soon, especially this past week as there has been so much news about it, just need that last bit of confirmation from Feige!
@thefancasthub6862 3 года назад
This is a very fun video!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you so much! Sorry for my slow reply but I really appreciate all the support, glad you liked it! Keep the notification bell on as my review for Episode 6 should be going up at some point today or tomorrow!
@FeverDreamlandTheater 3 года назад
Agreed, another great episode. I don't even know that I can imagine where this is all going. Which is a good thing. I like unpredictability. I guess I could see Walker being the big villain, especially after this episode.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Yes, the best in my opinion and not just of the Season but of all Marvel Television! I agree that the unpredictability is fun and although I do think this series seems more like a movie being split into 6 parts (and will be better with a binge viewing) I am VERY happy to have it week by week for the first time we see it as that gives us time to digest, speculate and discuss what will happen moving forward! I know a new trailer was released yesterday for Eps 5+6 but I am AVOIDING these at all costs as I want to go in completely blind. I agree Walker will likely become a villain, if not in this then maybe in a future series or film?? Thunderbolts perhaps??
@FeverDreamlandTheater 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 Ah, Thunderbolts. Could happen. I have to read up on those books, I recall people liked that storyline though.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@FeverDreamlandTheater I have never personally read anything with the Thunderbolts in.... well not that I can remember anyway but yes from what I have heard they are well liked characters and even if not I think the MCU has proven that it can take lesser known/ liked characters and make them world phenomenons!
@craffaele 3 года назад
I loved this episode as well even tho the cut from the original story made it look quite weird at times... I wonder if in the original release John Walker took the serum on screen. Awesome review anyway!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
I haven't actually seen the original cut anywhere! Is it available online somewhere? I do know they intended on having a storyline about vaccines but that was put on the back burner due to the COVID pandemic which I think is slightly evident in some of the events throughout the show but it doesn't affect the show too negatively at all in my opinion, yes there are a lot of small stories happening which may be replacing 1 overarching story that had to be cut (the vaccine story) but the characters drive it forward in my opinion! I do think there must be some version where we see Walker taking the serum. I personally would have liked to see it just for the purpose of seeing how he reacts as we see the Super Soldiers in Civil War and Karli mention the burning sensation whereas Walker is just straight up fine with it!
@craffaele 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 oh, I don't think it's available somewhere, I wouldn't know to be honest I just heard the rumor but I don't want to dig too deep in that direction because I don't want anything spoilered 😅
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@craffaele Sorry for the slow reply Raffaele! I agree with you though, I always aim to avoid spoilers and delving too deep into what could have been as some fans tend to do that too much and it leads to them becoming disappointed which is why I think a lot of fans turned against WandaVision at points!
@craffaele 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 no worries ur doing an amazing job! 😀
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@craffaele Thank you so much! My Episode 6 review should be dropping shortly, would love you to check it out and let me know all your thoughts on it! Lets keep that discussion going!😀
@ChillMonger 3 года назад
52:02 Nowadays people will claim youre being too woke. I agree with you and I think the showrunner has shown us he agrees too
@craffaele 3 года назад
Well distracting from a story with another story is media manipulation 101... they will probably flood the news with lots of displaced people doing bad shit while apologizing a couple of times for the episode and making John Walker walz away from the spotlight. We seen that A LOT in recent events...
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@craffaele Yes, I think over the past 2 years especially we have seen that the Media manipulates and controls absolutely everything and we as a society eat it up and just accept what is being said at face value without questioning anything although if we actually thought about what we are being told... it wouldn't actually make logical sense! Interesting to see such a big company like Marvel/Disney comment on these kind of real world issues!
@FeverDreamlandTheater 3 года назад
I'm loving this show so far. Cannot wait until ep. 4. Hyped again. : ) As for speculation: I just watched another vid which suggested the previous White Wolf reference has to have some future payoff...so we shall see.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
I am very late at replying.... sorry about that!! BUT EPISODE 4 MAN!!!! BEST EPISODE SO FAR in my opinion anyway! Hoping to have my review out either later today or tomorrow!!
@FeverDreamlandTheater 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 No prob. I finally watched ep. 4. I wont mention spoilers, but it was cool. I liked it.
@craffaele 3 года назад
Precisely what I thought, I agree the reaction when the guy spat on his face was even restrained but it's the attitude, he doesn't act like an "icon" he just expect everyone to recognize the shield and pay respect!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Yes! It is almost like he believes the symbol that he has been given should make people look up to him and respect him despite the fact that he hasn't even earned that symbol! His character has clearly been praised heavily for his past achievements and now EXPECTS that from everyone he encounters... I mean look how much praise he got from the Good Morning America woman for his 3 medals of honour - he is too entitled in my opinion and when he stops getting the praise he craves.... he will turn to the Power Broker to become something he think people will respect and possibly fear! Thanks for watching and commenting!
@AduderReviews 3 года назад
No idea who the tearful cameo in episode 5 will be tbh. If it was Chadwick that would be amazing. Fantastic episode, my fave so far. Zemo's got the moves!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
I know... I hope the writer isn't just teasing us! I know, Chadwick would seriously make it a tearful moment but I really don't think it will happen so not getting my hopes up or letting my mind run too wild.... maybe its Mephisto😂 Completely agree, great mix of music, action, character development and some AWESOME dance lessons from Zemo- I swear when the clubs reopen after this pandemic I am going full Zemo, fist pumps everywhere!
@AduderReviews 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 Haha of course Mephisto! It's so obvious now i think about it 😂 The "Zemo" will be the move they'll all be doing in the clubs that's for sure. They might get him out as guest dj 🤣
@FeverDreamlandTheater 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 Chadwick would be incredible. The internet would go NUTS. I'm not getting my hopes up either....we'll see.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@AduderReviews I honestly can't believe they have released an hour long 'Zemo Cut' but I AM SOOOO GREATFUL for it🤣🤣 makes me want to get 'low, low, low, low' !!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@FeverDreamlandTheater I think the internet would actually break! If that happened it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Disney+ and internet connection as a whole just crashed! After Episode 4, I think it is very unlikely! But I am hyped for whoever it is anyway!! Thanks for watching and commenting!
@FeverDreamlandTheater 3 года назад
So great to have ongoing series like this from Marvel. The last two cliffhangers had be both excited and kinda angry. (because I didn't want to wait until the next episode) Great, energetic review. : ) I really dug the 2nd episode as well.
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
100% loving every second of it! I really appreciate them taking the time to explore these characters more because I always think that even the 'least important' of characters we have seen in the MCU are someones favourite characters and ultimately it is the time spent with characters that draws us towards them and there is no better way than almost 6 hours worth of character development! I feel like I am getting just enough in each of these episodes so far that I am not too bothered about the wait until the next episode like now I just have a week to build up my hype for seeing Daniel Bruhl back as Zemo- SO HYPED! Thank you so much for watching, really appreciate the support!
@AduderReviews 3 года назад
6 episodes doesn't seem to be enough but loving the show so far. Great video. Where did you get your Spider-Man top btw?
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
I know man! Please can we get like 6 episodes that are all 6 hours long!! Couldn't agree more, loving the show and character development and can't wait to see the dynamic between Sam, Bucky and (hopefully) Zemo moving forward! Thank you for the support! The Spider-Man fleece is from an online website called Zaful got some great variations on there as well! Link below for the Marvel section mate uk.zaful.com/spider-man-e_343/
@AduderReviews 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 Thanks so much. I'm a bit Spider-Man crazy so will check that link out. And bring on Zemo!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@AduderReviews Yeah definitely go for it! Mine were really cheap and came in air tight sealed bags, well worth it, especially in the cold weather and YESSSSS Daniel Bruhl for the win!!
@ChillMonger 3 года назад
14:11 NOOO! Disney+ crossed the line!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
I literally cringed so hard..... and in the episode when he introduces himself as 'Captain America' ..... take that name out of your mouth, you don't deserve call yourself that or wear that Shield!
@craffaele 3 года назад
I think, and I might be VERY wrong about it but I am saying this in good faith, that Bucky at the start is more angry because he is channeling a bit of "Karen" attitude while Sam is more(sadly) used to be disappointed by real world so he hides his feeling behind a thicker skin of cynicism... You know like Bucky is ready to talk to the manager while Sam is more like "Yep, same shit everyday." Thanks for the video, it's very good content!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you so much for the support! I think you could be correct in your thinking, I definitely think it is unintentional from Bucky but realistically, back when we were first introduced to him, he was very highly regarded as a great soldier and friend to Steve Rodgers and also a bit of a ladies man then he has been practically brainwashed for majority of the time we have seen him by Hydra who are considered very bad but yes he hasn't had the chance to understand how BAD the government and forces that run the world truly are the way Sam has! Yes he has therapy but he has still been pardoned (and for good reason) but ALL of the soldiers that have fought in war have been at risk of losing their lives in war whether it is against Thanos or just another country, it took the same courage and what has the government given them for their bravery?? We see Sam in TWS acts as a Councillor to make up for how shitty the real world/ government is for veterans especially!
@ryyydizzle 3 года назад
I was thinking they could go the Mandarin route with Walker too. I think it’d be cool if he starts off without being enhanced at all but maybe finds a way to get some form of the Super Soldier Serum maybe to get the shield back or something. Loved the vid!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Hey ryyydizzle, thank you so much! Yes, I think that would be a very interesting story like a man who is naive and childish so he maybe needs the fame and love of the public which drives him to going through dangerous experiments to become a super soldier all to be in the public eye again and be a 'hero'. It will be interesting to see if The Flag Smashers are experiments of Karl Malus and he goes on to experiment on John Walker. Whether John Walker is good or bad, I think we can all agree he looked terrible in that Cap costume.... Karl from Up anyone??
@AduderReviews 3 года назад
Great video. Found your channel through Chillmonger. Subbed. 🤘🔥
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thanks man! Really appreciate the support🤘🔥 Will sub back now!!
@AduderReviews 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 Thanks a lot! Appreciate that fellow Marvel fan 😁
@everydaygeeks7630 3 года назад
Great video!! Can't wait til you see the entire show, it's mind boggling
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Thank you!!! I know already it is my favourite TV show of all time, I honestly don't understand how it can possibly get any better but apparently it does with every episode!! SOOOO HYPED!! Thanks for watching!
@nikkijam23 3 года назад
NICE! You finally saw it!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
YASSSSS.....I know it seems like a very long time coming but I have finally come to it and enjoyed every single second of it and the anticipation for the next few episodes is at an all time high!
@amasabigelow5231 3 года назад
My Ranking For X-Men X-Men Origins X-Men First Class Deadpool 2 Dark Phoenix Deadpool X2 X-Men Last Stand New Mutants The wolverine Days of future past X-Men
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Hey Amasa, thank you for getting involved!! Amazing to see your list and how differently people feel about the X-men films as majority of people REALLY hate Wolverine Origins whereas it is your favourite. Most people really like X-men and Days of Future Past as well but it is at the bottom of your list! I personally really like your list- although I don't fully agree (as you will know from my ranking) but I really think X-men Origins in very underappreciated and is actually my favourite of the Wolverine Trilogy, although Logan is also exceptional! I agree First Class is one of if not the best X-men film to date and also agree that Deadpool 2 is better than the first movie! I would personally have DOFP higher on my list as well as X-men 2 but I love seeing other peoples opinions! Would love to hear more about why you have Origins and Dark Pheonix so high on your ranking??
@ReosPositivePOV 3 года назад
This 3rd one has potential to be the best Spider-Man yet!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Heyyy! Thank for checking out the video and yes every new announcement just makes me even more excited for this film! Nothing would shock me anymore although I know a lot of people are anxious about this having too many Spider-Men and villains but I have faith in Feige and Marvel plus I think they will only be cameos or brief appearances that could set up SpiderVerse for the fourth film!
@ReosPositivePOV 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 yeah I don’t expect them all to be main characters and I am intrigued to see how they do it
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@ReosPositivePOV Me too! I mean the Multiverse has to be involved in some way, especially now we know Doctor Strange is involved in the film! It would be a majorly annoying cliff hanger but also a great moment if the whole film is about Tom Holland's Spider-Man and Matt Murdock proving his innocence then Doctor Strange is introduced in the 3rd act and the very ending of the film shows us all 3 Spider Men ready for Spider-Man 4 which will be SpiderVerse!! Just a thought but that would be awesome!!
@ReosPositivePOV 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 an awesome thought!
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@ReosPositivePOV Thank you! I am not the greatest at pitching stuff but in my head I literally just keep picturing Doctor Strange bringing Tobey and Andrew through a portal to then have Tom Holland say 'what the f***' and end the film!
@merve5160 3 года назад
thank you :)
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
No worries Merve! Thank you for checking it out! Glad it has helped. @marvel.mania1939 is my Insta so get in touch if you ever have any questions relating to Marvel!!
@alfredmusiime9675 3 года назад
I want spiderman and all characters in the mcu
@mashrafeealam2387 3 года назад
I even want all Marvel characters in the MCU
@alfredmusiime9675 3 года назад
Spiderman and all characters must stay in the mcu
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
I agree Alfred! I want to see all of the characters in one universe but also have there own pockets in the wider universe so its not always an Avengers and X-men and FF crossover. They all need space to breathe on there own but ultimately they would be owned by the same company. Sony seem to be very stubborn though and with a working relationship they already have with Marvel, I doubt they will just sell Spider-Man and his characters back unfortunately!
@robbiemcinnis5582 3 года назад
Marvel mania Through research I figure out 4 different companies owns the rights here they are Disney: owns 90% (back in 2019 they used to own 70% but they bought news Corp. in 2019 which owned 20% and now it’s 90%) Hasbro: owns 1% (AKA rom and micronauts) Sony: owns 8% Comcast(The company that owns universal): owns 1% So if the rights for all the marvel characters will be under one company again I think Hasbro should sell the rights for the marvel characters they own back to marvel (A.k.a. Rom and Micronauts) and then Disney should buy Sony and then Comcast should buy Disney and BAM! all of the rights for all the marvel characters would be under one company again here’s a possible timeline and I imagine it 2022: hasbro sells the rights for the marvel characters they own back to marvel (A.k.a. Rom and Micronauts) 2026: Disney buys Sony 2029: Comcast buys Disney TD;lr Within 9 years all of the rights for the marvel characters would be under one company again by 2029 Marvel mania that’s how I think the rights for all the marvel characters would be under one company again (because four different companies owns the rights for all of them) so what do you think?
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Hey Robbie, thank you for such a detailed response! Sorry I have taken soooo long to get back to you! I completely agree that all the rights for Marvel characters will be under one company again in the future. I also agree that Hasbro will be the first to sell the rights back to Marvel as they have no intentions of using the characters they own and would profit more from having Disney buy them back. I do think there is a possibility of Sony selling back to Marvel as well. Although this is much less likely as Venom made a large box office despite critic and some fan disapproval and for big companies like Sony and Disney, profit is what drives them. It does seem like there may now be negotiations already taking place where the Sony characters will be integrated into the MCU with Olivia Wilde being brought on the direct a female led spider character which is being Produced with Kevin Feige. If this is the case and they are working well together, I don't think Sony will want to sell back because as long as they have the rights, they have control of quite a lot but Disney will be fighting to buy him back. Although Disney is having a bit of a financial dilemma at the moment, I don't think they will ever be bought by Comcast! The mouse is just too big and profitable to be bought. I think it is much more likely for Comcast/Universal to sell Disney the 1% they own. But who knows at the end of the day, this year just shows that anything can happen!!!
@robbiemcinnis5582 3 года назад
Marvel Mania Thanks but I’m pretty sure Hasbro will sell the 1% of the marvel characters they own back to marvel (AKA ROM and Micronauts) since you know they’re marvel characters
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@robbiemcinnis5582 Yeah I am with you on that! Hasbro will end up selling Rom and the Micronauts back to Marvel. I mean there was a Micronauts movie being talked about all the way back in 2009 and that didn't move anywhere! But they have had plans to do a Micronauts movie and integrate them with the GI Joe characters and others they own which was announced back in 2015 and was meant to be released in October 2020 but they then pushed it to June 2021 BUT with everything that has happened, I can't really see it making that release date. I also don't see the film being really successful and when they see it isn't I think they will sell back to Marvel. Plus, it seems Marvel are going to focus more of the Microverse moving forward so it could be a good get for Marvel at this point! I don't know, do you even think the Micronauts movie will go ahead? I haven't heard any production updates on it!
@robbiemcinnis5582 3 года назад
Marvel Mania thanks what do you think about the Sony part?
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@robbiemcinnis5582 Well with Sony, I think it can go one or two ways and think things could have been very different before Venom came out! Before Venom came out, I think Sony were planning on releasing the film and then using the box office of that film to judge the success they can have with the Spider related characters. Despite backlash from fans and critics, Venom performed a lot better at the box office than people expected which I think gave Sony a lot of confidence. They then became more confident when Into the Spiderverse was released as (in my opinion) that is the best Spider-Man movie to date and did win Best Animated Film at the Oscars and although it didn't make a lot at the box office, the hype and praise for the film ensures fans will come back next time as will loads of new audience members. Now moving forward, they have Venom which will probably do quite well because people want to see the sequel and Venom and Carnage are two of the biggest Spider-Man characters. BUT there is also Morbius who is not as well known so I think Sony are waiting to see how lesser known characters perform. I then think they are going to try and implement one or two characters into the MCU and test that out and then finally compare and see what is more profitable. If it is much better to have the characters in Marvel films and they see that, they will be able to charge Disney loads for the rights. So I think it kinda depends on the success of Sony's upcoming films! How about you? How do you feel? Personally, I would like to see Spiderman and his characters back BUT Sony did win me over with Into he Spiderverse
@vincently1995 4 года назад
Iron Man = Marvel Wolverine = Fox Hulk = Universal Spider-Man = Sony
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
Exactly! Although Wolverine and the Mutants moving forward now will also =MCU/Marvel and with the recent news that Jamie Fox will be back as Electro in Spider-Man 3, it wouldn't surprise me if soon Spider-Man also =MCU.
@vincently1995 3 года назад
Marvel Cinematic Universe = Marvel Studios (part of Disney) Fox's X-Men Universe = 20th Century Studios Spider-Verse = Sony Pictures
@mtime6648 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 can Spider-Man rights return to MCU automatically
@marvelonmymind7245 3 года назад
@@mtime6648 Not that I know of! I don't think it is the same as the Fox deal where if Fox didn't make a film with the Fantastic 4 every few years, then the rights would revert back to Marvel automatically. I think with Sony, it will have to be an agreement between Marvel and Sony for Sony to sell the rights back!
@mtime6648 3 года назад
@@marvelonmymind7245 Marvel was clever at that period and present
@mutantcrewmeta 4 года назад
Awesome review! Drop by some live streams so I can help you grow!
@thefancasthub6862 4 года назад
These are pretty amazing! Especially Javier Bardem as Dr. Doom.
@thefancasthub6862 4 года назад
Great picks!
@marvelonmymind7245 4 года назад
Thank you!