Altercate SC
Altercate SC
Altercate SC
Hi, I'm Altercate. Welcome to my channel!

I make beginner's guides for StarCraft 2. I also make retrospectives and other video essays of games like Final Fantasy and Xenoblade Chronicles, which you can find on my new channel:

I hope you enjoy what you see here! I can't promise regular or frequent uploads right now as I'm just doing this as a hobby and I have a day job and a family to take care of. But if you want to support me and help my channel grow, consider subscribing! 🙏😍
I’m splitting up my channel.
2 года назад
Everything Final Fantasy stole from D&D
3 года назад
@JohnWick-uq1su 23 часа назад
@humble_integrity День назад
ffv is near and dear to my heart. it played it when i grew up and it shaped the way i thought about things. back when games required you to use your imaginations
@ProjectRedfoot 2 дня назад
1:18:30 *deconstruct not decompose (unless you were making a pun, in which case, GOOD ONE!) Lol
@ProjectRedfoot 2 дня назад
1:07:35 How is that ironic?
@ProjectRedfoot 2 дня назад
36:15 Why is this ironic?
@kirkclarke7396 6 дней назад
This was the first rpg i ever played and is still my favourite.
@spudsT 7 дней назад
A lot of the strategy in the original FF is lost with things like auto retargeting and other QOL changes…. But this is a fun, casual way to play the game 😊
@Shawneezy 8 дней назад
Thank you for this video. I've been wanting to learn how to play Starcraft ever since I was a kid, now that I'm in my early 30s these tutorials really helped me enjoy the game. Kudos my guy!
@doublecastzz 8 дней назад
I cant wait to play this one!
@umbrascitor2079 8 дней назад
I must be one of those rare freaks who didn’t like this kind of Job system. To me not only does it water down the characters as mentioned, but the ability to switch a character's Job more or less at will seems to trivialize the Jobs on a conceptual level. There is no sense of commitment, or stakes inherent in choosing one job over another; no character-specific quirks of assigning a Job to a different party member who manifests that Job differently; no real penalty involved in changing Jobs just long enough to heal up from the menu screen (which is basically just "cast Cure" with a bunch of extra steps). Regarding character specialization: Something that appears to go unnoticed in FF6 is that outside the Esper system, characters learn spells on their own just by leveling up. Yes, you can teach almost every character every spell, but individual characters also have natural affinities. I remember seeing Locke learn Shell on a level up, and thinking _Wow, that's super appropriate to his character._ The main magic users learn tons of spells naturally. It’s like a small bit of lore that you only get to appreciate by not being in too big a hurry to grind through the Esper system. I would have liked to see a similar, even more overstated nuance in the freeform Job system. Perhaps making Bartz into a Thief confers some kind of stat bonus or unique ability that doesn't apply to Faris the Thief, who has her own take given that she's an actual pirate. Not that I expect such an early entry in the series (and gaming as a whole) to have a perfectly refined concept. I do appreciate it for what it is. But I prefer character specificityand expression of identity through gameplay, over unbridled flexibility.
@nicolettaarru3 10 дней назад
I like dungeons & dragons, final fantasy & dragon quest!
@mobstacks9693 10 дней назад
@jamesgrieve8435 12 дней назад
Very good break down review
@JoeBudden-gh8fi 13 дней назад
Thanks for all ghe spoilers
@Khora1995 14 дней назад
4:50 Yoo why those men flying 😂😂😂😂
@Countersoul 14 дней назад
Had no I dead you could add buildings/units to existing control groups. This is a game changer for me
@Circurose 17 дней назад
This is fire.
@dali763 19 дней назад
Thanks alot!
@Shattered-Realm 19 дней назад
3:53 - in depth explanation how to get to GM as Protoss
@miekwavesoundlab 19 дней назад
2:01 you forgot about the part where it was originally called Fighter Fantasy, but Fighting Fantasy was trademarked and they were about to go with another lousy title but went with Final Fantasy because it sounded cool
@ElNegroMasGuapoDeMexico 21 день назад
54:00 51:00 Watch when the worlds merge
@UrokGrimwolf 23 дня назад
Been playing Starcraft since it started 2 has been a great addition. Thanks for this video. Well made
@Aptonoth 24 дня назад
My new most hated ff I never thought anything would surpass 13 as the worse FF game but when I sat with the max xp boost on grinding for nearly 1.8 hours near the steam refund time limit and only had only managed a few stat increases and was leveling like I should by attacking with swards or casting spells. No matter how much I tried I couldn't get my cure spell or spell stats to level up at all and those are pretty vital so just said fuck it uninstalled and decided to do some investigating on the collection. Good thing I did saved myself 50 dollars and only intend to play 4 and 6 no need to waste money on garbage I'll hate. I loved the first one way more than I expected too and so far of the classic era it's the best sometimes less is more guy's.
@Aptonoth 24 дня назад
So far of the 4 Pixel Remasters I played 1 2, 3, and 5 I actually think the only good one worth the money is the first one the rest feel like the rest are just inferior de-remakes that are way way way too complicated and on the combat focused side and the stories are bad or have weird problems like FF2 bad RNG leveling system I loath. I still have 4 and 6 to go and am aware they are a lot more original. FF 2, 3, and 5 may as well not even exist they are so bad compared to modern games in the series its not even funny. It also explains why I mostly loath ff14 as Yoshi hails 1-6 as classics and hates anything 7 onwards and refuses to add any references other than 1-6. The only thing I liked i ff14 was Shadow and slightly endwalker expansions.
@beartackle 25 дней назад
I swear, if you say anything bad about Final Fantasy 6, the best game ever, I will... Edit: I agree with the bad parts you mentioned! Great video!
@vince24sgo 25 дней назад
Good video to share with friends not familiar with the game
@peytonwamsley9486 25 дней назад
goddam get to the point
@75ur15 26 дней назад
Not to be that guy, but if you are playing the nes version, it is coneria...l was added later
@eskilmadsen4864 26 дней назад
thank you so much, this will help me so much❤❤
@aCaboodL 26 дней назад
idk why i watched the series but i did
@MegaChaosGelee 27 дней назад
This is a good video. But I have to heavily disagree about the story being done by the time you reach the World of Ruin - regardless of most of it being optional. For me, it was the big highlight of the game, including its narrative aspects. Many character development and ensemble story beats go full circle here. Just think about Terra's and Locke's "episodes" in this part of the game. Or about Celes and her deeply sad struggle on Solitary Island. Or about Setzer, who gets most of his spotlight this late... Also, I never felt there was a lack of driving force at this stage. Kefka in his tower is a looming threat to the world, and a main plot theme stringing the World of Ruin together is absolutely present and in my opinion perfectly encapsulated in the title of Uematsu's music track played when in the Falcon, flying towards the eternal sunset: "Searching for Friends". Yes, it's cool that the player has the option to go to the final dungeon once you obtain the last airship. But it was obviously never canonically meant to play out that way. You are searching the post-apocalyptic wasteland for the surviving heroes, for your party, to destroy that evil nihilistic clown in his tower once and for all! It plays right into the games central theme of hope. Doing what we can against all odds. And for that, this time, you have to be prepared. With the crew back together - and maybe even meeting a couple new friends and recruits along the way. The atmosphere in the second half of Final Fantasy VI was so strong, I never got "lost" in it and I would never call it "side content", just because you don't absolutely have to do it to see the credits, or just because you can almost freely choose the order in which you do these smaller, more character-driven tales. I sometimes think of the World of Balance as a movie, whereas the World of Ruin is more like an episodic TV series - with Kefka's tower being the satisfying grand finale to both as a single story. Yes, the more the party regains their former strength in numbers, the lesser the stakes, but that is exactly the point of the whole thing! Finally, hope is growing again. I wouldn't have it any other way. The heroes, and by extension the player, have been beaten down to the deepest abyss of despair, yet crawled their way out of it and up again. It wouldn't work if it happened fast. It would kill the immersion. Just because the main villain doesn't move anymore and doesn't have direct interaction with the party, that doesn't mean the plot is somehow grinding to a halt. The results of Kefka's actions can be felt virtually everywhere! There is SO much happening here, I never understood this criticism of the World of Ruin. Even aside from the character stuff, exploring what has changed and what is left of the planet worked wonders for the world building. And don't get me wrong, I understand the choose-your-own-path approach isn't for everyone. But I am convinced it is not detrimental to the story experience at all. At least, as testament to that, I still tear up whenever I hear "Searching for Friends".
@desmondwilson3416 27 дней назад
This comment was quick and a huge favor in helping reach more people.
@RMarkNolan 28 дней назад
This is great, I'm glad I discovered this.
@Balipersonaltrainer 28 дней назад
Health advise at the end is gold
@project-007-m3j 28 дней назад
@shiningmoongames6515 28 дней назад
beginner here thx for the great guides
@RPGLegendarySoundtracks 29 дней назад
Two words: Namingway Edition
@suneckito 29 дней назад
asombroso el video, descubri par de cosas que creo que me ayudaran mucho en mi gameplay
@antoniolugo4011 29 дней назад
I just finish Final Fantasy II, I started playing it alongside my brother (each our own play through) & I agree 100% I really loved your video, your comments & the way you put together everything here. Final Fantasy II definitely gonna stay in my mind forever, & I’m not afraid to say I love my experience here. Thanks :D
@leoallan2225 29 дней назад
Yeah, FFVI looked cool, and interesting with its steam punk vibe, I saw a friend of mine playing it, but when I saw the FFVIIs 3D graphics, and trailers I was pumped, for a deep, and epic story, and you're right it had great marketing. I wasn't totally sold though until I played the demo that came with my Playstation, that had the characters using Magic, Summons, and Limit breaks, then I was sold. It was the killer app to me, I couldn't wait to play the real game, Mario 64 looked alright, but a 3D platformer couldn't compete with FFVIIs Epicness. Even Zelda OOT seems lackluster compared to how massive FFVII is, and as far as all the stuff you can do, and get in it.
@lemonmerrengue Месяц назад
Thanks for this!
@Calistake047 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for this <3
@Bunjiman Месяц назад
dope videos, thanks!
@jasonhunt6842 Месяц назад
Now that I think about it, Celes was the Rydia of FFVI.
@rage665s Месяц назад
@justinsullivan8250 Месяц назад
I’m not gonna lie. This game was very tough for me to complete but was a good experience all around. I still think that Final Fantasy IV is a better game overall but this was a worthy follow up.
@user-c4b9b Месяц назад
HUGE video with a lot of superfluous information for Novice players but - some gold nuggets in there. Thanks
@MrTBSC Месяц назад
question: you said to use the arrow key over the mouse i have a personal issue ... i do not like the arrow keys for map navigation i rather prefer using WASD (because being already used to using them in other games such as FPS games or thirdperson actiongames) there is also the issue that with using the left hand for the whole keyboard it's a bit of a hassle for me to move the left hand all over to the arrowkeys just to perform some short screenadjustment to then go back to the core hotkeyarea would a WASD setting be too disruptive with the hotkeysetting or does that not matter?
@darkin1484 Месяц назад
Testing on non gamer wife is always the move hehe. Also gives a glimpse of the gamer world and saves her the embarrasment to be found not knowing the difference between star trek, star wars and starcraft ;d
@enogur5 Месяц назад
nope i cant