LinuxFest Northwest is an annual event that takes place every Spring at Bellingham Technical College in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit: www.linuxfestnorthwest.org/
LinuxFest Northwest 2024: SRE is a fad
14 дней назад
@EdersonBairros 2 дня назад
I've never been as excited for the launch of an OS as I am for the new cosmic. Pretty pretty pretty.
@iced-rs 3 дня назад
Absolutely beautiful!
@vitormelo22 4 дня назад
Thanks for the work.
@ary2000 5 дней назад
I like this :)
@pragmaticmero686 5 дней назад
Duuuuuuuude make a yt channel, your knowledge is freaking interesting, also I'm peruvian, Peru mentioned lets goooooo
@pragmaticmero686 5 дней назад
Companies like that really align with my values and my ethics, i really like their way of doing things.
@jpsalis 5 дней назад
The intuitive tiling brought me into pop OS, I'm glad I chose to stick with it. Looking forward to Beta and full release
@Sim-rh4tj 5 дней назад
Looking forward to trying this 👍
@TheCharlos64 5 дней назад
Workspace grid pls XD
@ibrahimhussain3248 6 дней назад
@con-f-use 6 дней назад
2024 python unit testing should mention pytest as the de-facto standard.
@silversentinal 6 дней назад
I am so impressed with the work that's been done. I am not a Linux power user, so the fact that this is designed to work simply is sooo appealing. What other operating system component should they tackle next?
@MorganNilsson 7 дней назад
Super exited for Cosmic!
@deviantsemicolon618 7 дней назад
I might temporarily move away from Hyprland to try this on Nix. I'm excited for this
@PavloskyUfanov-Trooper 9 дней назад
At t=2699 Amazing.
@PavloskyUfanov-Trooper 9 дней назад
I just love the whole thing, it feels like a hybrid of XFCE and Gnome, where they have picked almost all the good paradigms of XFCE and the only thing of Gnome that is worth anything; AKA it's clean aesthetics. Can't wait to try it.
@fakecubed 6 дней назад
Yeah. I use GNOME and Xfce as my desktops on various systems, and neither is exactly thrilling, but they're both directionally where I want them to be. If COSMIC manages to pull off a nice stable system that runs well on my hardware, I will probably switch to it on my distro of choice and never look back.
@SwitchxA 9 дней назад
Good talk, would love to see a follow up with the suggestions from the Q&A. This does confirm my bias as well that mainline distributions for gaming are just as good as a gaming(TM) distro.
@tohur 10 дней назад
Not gona lie rust looks like a disaster for GUI apps.. looks like something from the early 2000s.. but guess what ever floats folks boats LOL
@mmstick 8 дней назад
You must have come from an alternative reality if you saw applications from the early 2000s that look like this.
@Jesse_Carl 8 дней назад
What was it you don't like about them? I ask out of genuine curiosity because I'm not much of a UX designer myself, but they all seemed useable and cute to me
@Little-bird-told-me 10 дней назад
*There has never been a time when I have waited so eagerly for the launch of an OS.*
@Legion-495 6 дней назад
Same. Just for the DE. There is already a Fedora Spin SIG to get an official spin going. Everyone waiting for Cosmics release x3
@gnschenker 10 дней назад
Great presentation once more. Every time we apply EM we discover things that otherwise would have fallen through the cracks. Also all of a sudden all stakeholders, technical or non technical alike get a deeper understanding on the system we are building.
@petegiant 10 дней назад
i3 with XFCE. I feel sorry for people who have to manage windowed apps.
@Linuxgymrat 11 дней назад
I hope pop os will feature snapper at one point.
@dominik2327 11 дней назад
I‘m hyped to test Cosmic as it sounds like everything I ever wanted a Linux desktop to be.
@MaxxxJoker 12 дней назад
Help yourself! I would like to make a donation, but I need to create an account? I want to pay but I don't want to create a new account. I realy like POP_OS!
@seibx9290 12 дней назад
Fascinating and promising future, however, will it be lost in time like the Enlightenment DE?
@brainstormsurge154 13 дней назад
Loved the presentation. Though I really wish you edited out the background noise as it's so easy to do so.
@Jopekos 13 дней назад
Great showcase, a shame there was an annoying turbine noise in the background.
@feliperodriguessouza3184 13 дней назад
Fantastic, here in Brazil we are excited to use the new system. Congratulations on the work
@vitormelo22 4 дня назад
Somos 2 ;)
@markusjohansson4949 14 дней назад
It looks good. Is the panel the same as the dock, just configured differently? I would like to just have a panel with an application switcher, start menu, virtual desktop switcher and notifications.
@mmstick 13 дней назад
Yes, the dock is just a second panel. The dock can be disabled. You could have more than two panels, but the settings application is only designed to aid with configuring two panels.
@afro.systems 15 дней назад
can't wait to try COSMIC out
@tropical-thunder 15 дней назад
What advantage does this have on cloudflare tunnels?
@justn0th1ngg 15 дней назад
lammer talk
@williamfish1407 15 дней назад
Love system 76. Own a thelio major and am definitely quite likely to try out cosmic de
@WHAT-GRINDS-MY-GEARS 16 дней назад
I love system76, I own one of there laptops. SO support your Linux first laptops. But I hate the heavy Linux DEs. I Run Arch on mine. I know your waiting for the BTW. but System76 made it possible to get the right drivers for the hardware. Makes them a great company. thanks for not making me us Cosmic guys. Cosmic is just gross to me. Go Hypr.
@pranavpatil7312 16 дней назад
Sir , can we use Electronic Control Unit i.e.open ECU for controlling the 4 wheeler robots ?? How to start ?? What should be a roadmap??
@Jaaaaaffff 16 дней назад
Great job Olympia Mike!
@DavidSmith-ef4eh 16 дней назад
Should hire a designer. I saw major design flaws in it, first one is the huge circle in the menu bar, second is the alginment in the screen settings toggle buttons and color picker fields. There are bunch of others as well. Shame, they steal apple ideas and ui layouts, and think they can improve uppon them? Good luck with that, just copy it 100%.
@mraiupov 16 дней назад
SerpentOS + CosmicDE = The Best Сollaboration 🤟
@mmstick 15 дней назад
I hope that it happens!
@rickwise41 16 дней назад
Will we be able to use it as a server for workstation?
@mmstick 15 дней назад
You can, and due to the architecture and use of Rust from the ground up, there's less surface area for vulnerability exploits.
@avijitbiswas7773 16 дней назад
I have been using Pop os since 2020, don't find any other distro as reliable as Pop OS and very exited for the Cosmic DE with 24.04 LTS.
@AlexKretzschmar 16 дней назад
21:40 Saturday.
@DevParkour 16 дней назад
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to start a very productive conversation. Thanks to both the software engineers and the SREs for coming out to hear it!
@andym.4790 16 дней назад
As he mentioned in the video, I'll definitely be using Cosmic DE for gaming in Steam and Lutris.
@arubaga 16 дней назад
Gnome will break interoperability by next version.
@scooter4196 16 дней назад
The feature set for hybrid graphics is really awesome!
@ItsTheSameCat 16 дней назад
Great talk Alex, and it was cool coming here and watching this right after finishing an episode of Self Hosted on the same topic.
@happygofishing 16 дней назад
ebussy fuming right now
@minux1434 16 дней назад
Shut up and take my money! (in case someone doesn't know, it's a Futurama meme used to express my necessity to have Cosmic)
@andreaszweili8593 16 дней назад
As for stable and unstable, an even better solution is to just use certain packages from unstable while the rest of the system stays on stable. This is possible not just for the kernel but every package.
@mikekellytech 16 дней назад
Totally. That was a little out of scope for this talk, but 100%
@TheS0meguy 16 дней назад
Haha, I love it when Wes says at the beginning of the presentation they are obsessed with NixOS - I finally get into it a few days ago and I already feel the same 😅