@jeeperspeepers8323 2 часа назад
Okay! What’s for lunch?
@jeanmank6342 3 часа назад
But there are more painful deaths that take much longer. Still, I am grateful for Christ's gift.
@ayyanshaikh8078 4 часа назад
great video sir
@lynderherberts2828 5 часов назад
You're full of bull. John was the only one who wasn't executed. He died of old age on the island of Patmos. John was the son of Zebedee. You shouldn't try to convert the long name into John. The Romans crucified thousands of people. John was a common name. Your research has more holes it it than Swiss cheese. You shouldn't lie.
@JakeAtFlashback 5 часов назад
@lynderherberts2828 Yehanon Ben Hagkol was not a biblical figure and I never said he was. I even said we don't exactly know what his crime was. Archaeologists in the western world referred to him as just "John" since its shorter and also the English version of the name. Check it out on Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehohanan. Seriously just a tiny bit of homework and you wouldn't have to be rude :)
@applin121 7 часов назад
The breaking of legs was not done out of pity but was done for reasons of expediency. A person taking days to die would create delays.
@JakeAtFlashback 6 часов назад
@@applin121 just when you think it can't get worse haha
@applin121 Час назад
@@JakeAtFlashback the Romans were nothing if not practical, and if things went wrong the soldiers responsible for the executions could find themselves in extremely hot water.
@marydeewright3576 14 часов назад
A very thorough description of what Our Blessed Lord suffered for us, thank you so much.God Bless you.
@crownprincesebastianjohano7069 17 часов назад
Sedile and Cornu also offers the dubious delight of men buggering themselves as they do the dance of propping themselves up over and over. Another level of humiliation as being pegged often induces unwanted erections and ejaculation.
@2wittysue535 День назад
Excellent, best I've seen for a while. I'm pressing subscribe. 😊
@JakeAtFlashback День назад
@2wittysue535 glad you enjoyed!
@mariakempinska6201 День назад
Brilliant work.
@JakeAtFlashback День назад
@@mariakempinska6201 thank you !
@mariakempinska6201 День назад
@@JakeAtFlashback I am a child of Polish parents who were prisoners of war in Siberia and devout Catholics. My family members were murdered by the Nazi's and Stalinists the terror they experienced was as horrendous as you portray here. I am pleased you do not shy away from the brutality of war and 'soul' searching questions. The questions you pose here are eternally debated and I am a psychotherapist and entrepreneur too and have these discussion with my clients. I also deal with a number of suicides where these questions are debated too. I will pass on your work to them. Please continue as you are spot on.
@JakeAtFlashback День назад
@mariakempinska6201 Thats very kind of you to say so! My next video is actually on the German occupation of Poland and the Warsaw uprising (I really like Poland lol) It's less philosophical and more horror history, but as a pole, you may get a kick out of it! dziękuję!
@james_baker День назад
Nine days on the wheel? I don't want to anything that feels good for nine days straight.
@james_baker День назад
guess I'm skipping dinner tonight.
@JakeAtFlashback День назад
@@james_baker sorry! Please eat 😫
@aa.8823 2 дня назад
Oh, what happens next? It's obvious. Now they need to drive up their stock price by aggressively investing venture money into expanding their customer base. If the stocks fall, your economy is collapsing, and you need to buy them out. You cannot bankrupt a prison, after all -- it's crucial for a functioning society.
@lorenengland4079 2 дня назад
This is what the Lord Jesus Christ in his great love for us went through to pay our sin debt. A debt we could never pay. Worse than even the crucifixion was the three hours he hung in darkness and suffered the wrath of the Father which we can avoid if we realize that we all are sinners in desperate need of a savior. We have to accept this free gift of salvation individually in this life.
@Soundbrigade День назад
What debt?! Isn’t it odd to first make up a ton of rules that he knows we cannot follow and that “sacrifice” himself to pay our “debt”. So three hours on a wooden contraption, the same ordeal hundreds or maybe even thousand of others have gone through, not to mention the thousands of people tortured and murdered by christians, would wipe out what we had “sinned”. This is the most revolting part in the christian religion - “I did this for you and now you are my slave and personal item forever ….”
@grahamblack1961 15 часов назад
You really are an idiot if you believe that garbage
@birdofevil7970 3 дня назад
Is it safe to assume Crucifixion was a worse punishment than Blood Eagle?
@JakeAtFlashback 3 дня назад
@@birdofevil7970 I actually don't know much about blood Eagle punishment- only that its bad!
@lostinspace013 3 дня назад
Sorry dude but you are WRONG. Torture and exceptionally brutal executions were absolutely common in Europe. Even "only" burning alive at the stake was used very often. In Germany alone, over 30000 people were burned this way. In one city, Würzburg, about 900. Breaking on the wheel, cutting off fingers, ears, burning with hot metal, breaking bones - that was the norm. When I read about, for example, the state chasing bandits in the Beskidy mountains, the execution of each one was one big massacre. The chieftain was hung on a hook (driven under the ribs) after many tortures so that they would die from exhaustion and pain. Or wars in the borderlands, in the territories of today's Ukraine - impaling, very common. So no - unfortunately, but your video is absolutely wrong.
@JakeAtFlashback 3 дня назад
@lostinspace013 While you are right that these things were 'common' in the sense that they were features of the justice system; the point of this video was to explain WHY My point was that the MOST extreme styles of punishment were (on a continent wide scale over nearly a 1000's years of history) relatively unusual. The average medieval person would not have attended a public execution or had the opportunity to even see one (unless living in a major city) I never said these things didn't happen, I also never said they were actually rare - I just said they were less used than we commonly think. The point of the video is to explain WHY they were so brutal, and in order to do that, you also need to explain that they weren't used arbitrarily as we often imagine. But yes; humans are, of course, prone to immense cruelty! By the way I didn't know that kind of thing was happening in Ukraine. That's really rough to hear
@TheRealSkippyTheMagnificent 3 дня назад
The poor pig
@thenaiveofficial2670 2 дня назад
what do you mean?
@TheRealSkippyTheMagnificent 2 дня назад
@@thenaiveofficial2670 The pig at the start
@thenaiveofficial2670 День назад
@@TheRealSkippyTheMagnificent oh ok.. yeah i get you, i agree
@terryjacob8169 3 дня назад
The Romans actually always carried out scourging with the condemned stripped totally naked. Thus lashes from the flagellum inflicted wounds not merely to the back and shoulders, but also to the buttocks, thighs, belly, and even the genitals. Many modern authorities now suggest that, having been stripped fully naked for scourging, the condemned remained completely naked for the remainder of the crucifixion process. Therefore, when being publically paraded to the site of execution, carrying the pulum or wooden crossbeam, the condemned did so stark-naked. In addition to men, the Romans crucified a lot of women, principaly slaves, but we don't have a handle on numbers due to the Romans not recording slave crucifixions by gender. When condemned to crucifixion, women were subjected to a similar process to men with two exceptions. Although stripped naked for scourging, a whip or cane was substituted for the vicious flagellum. Just like the men, the women remained completely naked thereafter. At this point they recieved another concession to their gender, they weren't made to carry the 40-50kg weight of the pulum, although they were still publically paraded to the site of their execution totally naked.
@JakeAtFlashback 2 дня назад
And just when you think it can't get worse It gets worse 😅 Thanks for sharing!
@aelbereth6690 2 дня назад
However in Judea the Romans apparently made a concession to the Jewish culture, in which public nakedness was particularly taboo, for fear of a public uprising of disgust at the sight of the condemned paraded naked through the streets. So after the scourging, the condemned person would be dressed again for the carrying of the crosspiece, and stripped naked at the site of crucifixion before being nailed to the cross. This is what happened to Jesus, as we are told that the soldiers divided his outer clothes among them, and cast lots for his seamless undergarment - probably a valuable item woven from very fine linen, as would have been worn by a high priest.
@LuvBorderCollies 2 дня назад
The Jews would not tolerated parading totally naked people around Jerusalem and then put them on public display. Besides it'd be totally unnecessary plus the nasty wound to the groin area could easily put a person into shock and/or cardiac arrest. That would be counter-productive to the whole process.
@thenaiveofficial2670 3 дня назад
the white and red stripes come from the bandages that barbers used to hang on their marketplace stool , the white signifying that they could bandage up simple wounds , and the red blood soaked ones signifying that they also let blood , much as you say in the video ... but hey there's a few additional details
@JakeAtFlashback 3 дня назад
@@thenaiveofficial2670 The more you know!
@thenaiveofficial2670 2 дня назад
@@JakeAtFlashback that's my slightly on the spectrum small talk that i go to whenever i'm getting my hair cut and don't know what to talk about
@thenaiveofficial2670 3 дня назад
animals could be put on effing WHATTT??!!!!!
@Parasmunt 3 дня назад
Mankind must fashion his own God, a kind and wise being to guide him. Heaven or hell both can be brought forth by us but will never come from outside because they don't exist. The Universe is indifferent. Let's be nicer to each other, be better than the Universe.
@popcorn9791 4 дня назад
YT allows torture depictions, photos of under age girls with few clothes yet will Suspend you if you don't make happy supportive comments...nice.
@JakeAtFlashback 4 дня назад
@popcorn9791 I certainly didn't suspend you... And I don't even know what you said!
@tonyvogue3640 4 дня назад
great video sir :)
@JakeAtFlashback 4 дня назад
glad you enjoyed!
@jamesfitzpatrick9869 4 дня назад
If they crucified jesus then you ca garantee others were done to so dont believe al this crap .? James
@ralphpalmer4391 9 часов назад
U know spel gude jams.
@deeznuts3472 9 часов назад
Bro what??
@jamesfitzpatrick9869 4 дня назад
Lol lol its a f joke all f lies and no prof to confirm it again i bet its rc crap its funny how the cof e dont seem to have miricals every day or fantastic dreamed up fake finds like the rc brigade boy they have a load to answer for its 20000 yr s or more fake crap to control poor brain less Eople back then so they wil Believe anything anything and they do .? James
@jonjacobjingleheimerschmid3798 5 дней назад
How does this fake crap keep popping up..! Block this crap!
@JakeAtFlashback 5 дней назад
@jonjacobjingleheimerschmid3798 what makes if fake? And why block it?
@nonprogrediestregredi1711 4 дня назад
WHY is this "fake crap"?
@birdofevil7970 3 дня назад
Obviously this person is a "Liberal", ie an atheist Marxist enemy of the human race. It is bone chilling to reflect that the majority of people condemned to Hell believe there is no such place, and "wake up" in an agony of terror when they realize where they are.
@jamesaf50 День назад
You must be feeble minded. Crucifixion was historically confirmed. This was confirmed by Medical Doctors as how crucifixion was performed. This was how Jesus died as foretold hundreds of years before his birth. Throughout the old testament in the Bible were exact predictions about how the Son of God would be arrested, scourged, and hung on the cross. Even the fact that none of his bones would be broken was told in prophecies long before he was born. The Romans were told to break his legs but they realized he was already dead so they did not break his legs. Why you call this fake and ask that this be taken off RU-vid is because you are an atheist. And obviously not a very smart atheist.
@williamwilson6499 5 дней назад
The punishment rendered by the Romans to Jesus was just and righteous.
@gagalover2k10 3 часа назад
Please elaborate.
@autoantics 5 дней назад
As I was watching your high quality, well researched video I was relieved it wasn't like so many "so called" history related youtube channels pumping out AI generated voices and repetitive BS to make the videos longer. Great job. Subscribed!
@JakeAtFlashback 5 дней назад
@autoantics glad you enjoyed!
@ELSapp 5 дней назад
A forensic pathologist (Dr. F. Zugibe) did a study in the late 1980s where he suspended healthy college students on a metal frame to simulate crucifixion. In the standard crucifixion position, the students did not have difficulty breathing. (Many years ago, I found summaries and pictures from his study on the Net. I cannot find them now in free version, though research sites have them behind a pay wall.) This short article lays out multiple theories for the cause of death by crucifixion: pedied.com/documents/Articles/ScottscopyCrucifixion_a&e.pdf
@mikker32 5 дней назад
There is only one small missing part, when men endures such great pain they would have a erected penis, a part of the humiliation. New sub here
@titomontes9670 5 дней назад
This is what our Blessed Lord endured to pay for our sins.
@MrAuskiwi101 День назад
Lolcwhat nonsense. Please try thinking.
@titomontes9670 День назад
@@MrAuskiwi101 Ohhhhh. Let me do that.....I'm thinking, hold on......ohhhhh.....still thinking........ok, I have decided. Thank you. You're so smart. Your deep and insightful comment of "Please try thinking," has helped me immensely. I don't know what I would do without the perspicacious wisdom you've imparted on me. Your "lolc" also shamed me and really prompted me to look with faith on your words "Please try thinking." Without that FAITH that what you are saying is absolutely true (with no other evidence), I would have never have tried thinking. So, thank you again. I will certainly put my FAITH in You instead of 2,000 years of great theological saints such as Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Theresa of Avila, and Catherine of Siena. You saved me.
@MrAuskiwi101 20 часов назад
@titomontes9670 please try thinking is very pertainant advice. Besides childish sarcasm you offer nothing of substance to back up any god/jesus claim. You're running from responsibility as your type always does. Let me know when you find the courage to question your nonsensical beliefs in the light of logic reason and history. Thanks.
@marjorieallworth6172 6 дней назад
Holy mother pierce me through in my heart each wound renew of my savior crucified !
@ganndeber1621 2 дня назад
utter bollocks
@SteveGrin 6 дней назад
Finally, a reasonable explanation as to why we settled down.
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
@trampslikeus3575 6 дней назад
I've heard that sometimes they would hang you upside down, nail your feet to the crossbar?
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
Sounds grim!
@aelbereth6690 2 дня назад
St Peter, leader of the apostles, is said to have been crucified upside down during the reign of Nero.
@robertengland8769 6 дней назад
There was only one crucifixion that matters.
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
John (the victim of this video) probably has a different opinion.
@nonprogrediestregredi1711 4 дня назад
Yes, the crucifixion of this man, John, does matter. It has given some very good archeological information.
@magnuskallas 4 дня назад
The one that never happened?
@ladaegolaeva8102 6 дней назад
ok i love being so early to a great video!!!! slay mr!!!
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
Thank You!
@thenaiveofficial2670 6 дней назад
I believe the way crucifixion works is that it puts so much preassure on the heart having your arms fixed up in that position that it slowly induces a heart attack
@birchthebirch4593 6 дней назад
Crucifiction is a doddle
@losthobos 6 дней назад
I'll settle for community service and a tag please ......brutal ...
@ganndeber1621 2 дня назад
maybe a stern talking to
@Barnabas45 6 дней назад
Humans are such a humane species!
@agxryt 6 дней назад
Because many medieval people were horribly ignorant, cruel, religious, feudal morons. Especially the ones in power. That's why, and no amount of historian apologetics or pseudo-humanism will change that. The enlightenment was the dawn of humanism and universal empathy
@jusdcg 6 дней назад
Well made clip !! Glad I wasn't there at the time !!! 😂
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
Thanks! Me too!
@peteacher52 6 дней назад
Some fundamental religious groups know this but why the biggest group of all places multiple effigies of a poor guy being tortured in a "sanitised" way throughout its buildings, is beyond me. They totally omit the scourging, which would have rendered the unfortunate victim a bloody mess of mangled meat.
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
Yeah - we often see Jesus looking quite well put together on the Crucifix - the reality is that it would have been painful just to look at someone who'd been crucified. Nasty stuff.
@alessandrofirmani700 6 дней назад
Good video, deserve more subs
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
@@alessandrofirmani700 sooner or later! Thanks again for watching!
@TherymasterWidnes 6 дней назад
Very informative. Thanks for the posting 👍🏻
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
@@TherymasterWidnes thanks for watching!
@brentowen2225 6 дней назад
Idk how this doesn’t have more views… great video man!
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
@@brentowen2225 we are a very new channel - you're just first to the party!
@UndercoverNormie 6 дней назад
Nice channel
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
@@UndercoverNormie thank you!
@Seekingtruth4life 6 дней назад
Good video especially for not sugarcoating how Horrendous these Vial acts of the romans were. The beast that is rome will get its judgement by YAH and all that follow in its ways
@Jeejeetyyppi123 6 дней назад
According to the quality of this video, one would think you'd have a "K" after your channel's subcount. Anyway, earned +1 sub from me!
@JakeAtFlashback 6 дней назад
@@Jeejeetyyppi123 I'll take it! Thanks for the kind words
@christyler6234 7 дней назад
There is a pretty nasty two tier system in the UK now, from what I hear. Sounds like some reform is necessary
@SteveMcGreen 7 дней назад
Meant as a warning, taken as a template. poor world. As I am a bit curious about your background, would you consider speaking about your own history in one of your next videos ?
@JakeAtFlashback 7 дней назад
@SteveMcGreen as much as I'd love nothing more than to talk about myself - I doubt many others would be particularly interested - and right now my priority is to grow my channel! My background is nothing special I'm a graduate of PPE (Politics, Philosophy and Economics) Then I was a history teacher for a number of years And about 2 years ago I quit to become a freelance video presenter I started this channel around 2-3 months ago!