Christian Evidence
Christian Evidence
Christian Evidence
Christian Evidence exists to provide a place where people can find out more about the evidence for the Christian faith, and debate the issues. We produce materials via our blog and website which provide reliable information about the Christian faith. Christian Evidence is produced by the Christian Evidence Society, founded in 1870.
Sir Gary Streeter MP
10 месяцев назад
Simon Thomas: How can we live after death?
11 месяцев назад
Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin: Who is my neighbour?
11 месяцев назад
@ranjitwijesinha1342 Месяц назад
rwsinha, why did Jesus say kingdom of God is within you or around you. Is God a person up there??
@mountbatten2222 4 месяца назад
@sonyaparkin7841 4 месяца назад
@lizgichora6472 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this enlightened conversation on who is my neighbor? " Lord when did we see you hungry? " Thank you Bishop Rose Hudson Wilkin. We are the church and God is like you.
@robertjarman4261 Год назад
This man is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Please be warned.
@Jhghfgdcb. Год назад
The ad about service animals is not about the speaker who might not know, it's about getting into your medical and social security, and banking information for hidden invasion and fraud.
@Jhghfgdcb. Год назад
The question is if thru diversity they learned anything. No, they are divergent. They are tares.
@leebarry5686 Год назад
All problems come due to not listening to God , His words. The worst is taking man made documents as words of God and forging tenets of religion on baseless allegations and imagination
@leebarry5686 Год назад
Isn’t The current pandemic a man made one in the course of biological war?
@leebarry5686 Год назад
Who is responsible for Unjust wars? God or men ?
@leebarry5686 Год назад
God tells Jesus is god , and he is one of the 3?
@stephrichards4611 Год назад
Even when my prayers are not immediately answered, I always find that, in keeping faith, the situation will change and God will solve my problem in his way and in his perfect timing. I will usually receive a sign or several to remind me that I am on the right path.
@jaydunstan1618 2 года назад
Absolutely wonderful, frank and thought provoking.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
I know god exists, I know jesus knew his father and our father exists, that doed not make me an institutional Christian.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
Every Christian has to act individually as a Christian, you can't just be a communal Christian, then go home live your privileged lives then go back next week and become a communal Christian again.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
A hugh assumption.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
No of course he dosnt listen to us bleating our own self righteousness, he sees what we do.
@robertsreflections 2 года назад
38:22 moved me to tears.
@carmelpule6954 2 года назад
Any one person living on his own can only be a hunter or maybe a fisherman, but certainly not a farmer, nor a herdsman, as that would need at least two people living together. It seems that nature meant for the minimum number of people to sustain a living for a long time, this needs to be a man and a woman operating together for reproductive purposes, hence the formation of a family to provide most requirements including ethics, spirituality, and practical economic requirement. In such a small family, the kitchen table was a multipurpose surface and served as the dining area, the working coking area, the surgical area, and the altar praying area, where the parents were the managers, the workmen, and the high priests and the entertainers providing the working, and the reproduction and the entertaining rituals. As the tribe grows, ideas are shared and rituals grow and a centralized community function is normally followed, This grows to Churches, local councils and parliaments and theatres and cinemas and bus depots, and specializations in hospitals and schools. Protection, Education, and Health schemes are normally centralized, built away from the individual families. Soon there will be a generation of parasite professions that live on the back of others. An amount of security is generated through the centralized system, where, at least the human mind is drugged to think that better security exists when living in a community, but in practical terms, the new communal security could be a state of mind and not a real issue when it comes to practical terms. Community living, favors healthy marriages, as intermarriages in small tribes are a disadvantage. The herd instinct seems to gain out from community living, and its rituals and the individual difficulties are solved through meeting witchdoctors, rain dancers, astrologists, entertainers, court jesters, circus clowns, and actors on a stage, all are contributing to a healthy human mind. A developed human mind does not like to be in a material living all the time, and the human mind loves to live in an imaginary state within the boundary of thought and language, which one may allot a " spiritual" condition. In times of war and sickness and when a soldier at the front is hurt and lonely and left alone to face the music, those are the situations that humans do cater for through their beliefs. In addition to rifles and guns and tanks and aircraft and submarines, military personnel is supplied with a religious chaplain to meet the mind state that exists with the military work. There is a video that shows one of the Blue Angels crashing and one Headteacher of a school is seen saying to another, " I must leave the school and put on my uniform as my duty as a chaplain is now needed urgently" Then the chaplain is seen with the widow of the dead pilot and the two orphaned children. The Miltary is certainly equipped to cater to all circumstances, but one cannot help weighing up the reality of the situation, and one cannot help smiling a little at the manner in which the human mind operates when nothing practical seems to work. Engineering products, since 250 years ago, gave more security to the family than politics and religions, law, medicine, and artists and entertainers ever did in the last 10,000 years. Humans still need to "belong" and the community get-together is still necessary. Not being independent is still very human but engineering tangible guaranteed products found in and outside our homes made us more self-sufficient in both spiritual and practical needs. It would appear that when families are poor, they seek each other's company and the needs for a spiritual man, but when tangible, guaranteed engineering products fill in the family home, then the spiritual, ethical, and economic well-being does assist the family members to be self sufficient but perhaps not so independent of the basic instinctive and sexual requirements to be able to build the next families of the next generations. Poor people seem to need to Herd up together, while families whose home is filled with modern engineering products become like some eagles which can soar high while living on their own and when the reproductive sexual stages come to be, they mate temporarily to ensure the upbringing of the next generation. Engineering products including digital cameras and microphones and loudspeakers have enabled communities to listen to Rowan Williams over a video conference rather than people needing to travel through the horse manure that filled the streets of Landon 150 years ago. Perhaps centralized churches and communities were formed because in poverty no one can build a home good enough to receive and host God in it, and so impressive Cathedrals were built for the purpose do being able to host God Himself. Now with modern engineering, every home can host a God knowing that most homes through engineering have improved to give the hosting of God at a better level than the poor people's homes could do 200 years ago. Now over 50 % of mothers are single mothers and over 50 % of men do not want to get married. Engineering seems to have replaced not only the need for religion but also the contact between man and woman. Infertility is increasing while IVF is on the increase. The silence of tangible products and guarantees of engineering operations, especially those using " Electrical Energy" seems to have replaced the promises and spiritual products of any praying session in any large Cathedral. The new God, is Albert's Einstein God, and it is found transformed and resurrected on either side of the equation shown as E=mc^2 and God travels in silence to any corner of the universe according to James Clerk Maxwell where one of his four equations shows Electromagnetic energy as being related to, Curl ( Electric) = d( Magnetic)/dt which is what Rowan Williams is using all the time in his popular digital transmissions. It is about time that Rowan Williams gets to know that my engineering God is always with him, helping keep him company in the form of a silent Electromagnetic Energy, where, to operate and support the universe the engineering God does not need to hear the flowery repeated entertaining words of. Rowan Williams. "We are made in God's image", and, " I am a son of God", and " bread and wine are my flesh and blood" are all related to the fact that God as Energy probably ElectroMagnetic energy, may be transformed and resurrected according to Einstein's equation E=mc^2. The Universe is no more than Energy transformed into the matter where it evolved to a stage where we are now and when we die we shall all resurrect into Electromagnetic energy which may roam the universe to be reincarnated into a leaf or a tree.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
Evil becomes real when we create itand it is real only faith can kill itI know,curses are Real because people create them ,faith can protect us and return curses as I have had to do throughout my life,it's probably good that most people don't believe, but the occultists and esoteric society's who don't understand create lots of evil and it is real and after releasing their curses they should take the consequences seriously curses should not be left to bounce around affecting all who enter .
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
No-one teaches us to follow Jesus but their institution, with the institution in charge, that is what ordinates are taught, Jesus doesn't come into it if people don't follow Jesus and belief is the norm ,then we are going to be secular people who debate god as concept which is what is happening. True belief is so different, and those who have it are of course ad Jesus said dispised and persecuted and if possible killed.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
You are not able to interpret god for us or any body in any moment of time for anybody ,god is not temporal we are they are so different we cannot know.Eternity follows completely un understandably where we know only the present eternally.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
I personally have cast iron proof of god and none of the intellectual speculation comes close those like you are a distraction to those who have the grace of faith and belief.the church just mucks up belief by their arrogance,they don't know but have to pretend they do .
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
It is not in the mind but in our action people who follow christ are Christian the church is further away from Christianity than those who instinctively do God's will, church goer support the institution which is not follow christ.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
No god is not listening, to our vain speculation, he wants us to follow his son in righteous action, then people will join us.
@OH-pc5jx 2 года назад
Dr Williams’ final answer in the main section was just absolutely stunning
@DSTH323 2 года назад
Because "Science" is one of the most philosophically-loaded concepts in any language and culture today, one must press the question: What does one mean by "science"? Is it Speculative science? Is it "Hard" empirical, observable relations of cause and effect? What precisely is the definition being used, and what of the subtexts that may or many not beg the questions, if they exist?
@alwalw9237 2 года назад
I am so grateful for this conversation. I have never found science and religion to be mutually exclusive. As I have always seen it science is almost always having to do reverse engineering on God's Creation. This conversation reminded me of this quote from "The Origin, by Marshall Vian Summers. "There is no conflict between Creation and evolution, for God created evolution so that everyone in Separation could find their way back. Even the most sinful, the most dreadful and the most depraved will find their way back because there is no alternative to Creation. Even Hell and all the dimensions of Hell that you could possibly imagine are only temporary in the greater scheme of things. The power, the draw and the calling of God are within you, deep beneath the surface of your mind. With this is the memory of the greater purpose that you are born with, which is not a purpose for Separation, but a purpose for contribution, which has the power to undo your Separation and to liberate you from it, thus returning to you the strength, the confidence and the reality that you are not alone."
@johnchapman5125 2 года назад
@msallies 2 года назад
Agree! Science & Religion are not mutually exclusive.
@tomw4821 2 года назад
That's an important understanding... thanks for sharing
@garthwilkinson3929 2 года назад
Brilliant exposition of why both science and religion depend on faith.
@markballantyne393 2 года назад
The reason priest don't talk about how tò pray is because you all assume rather arrogantly is that the prayer is in charge .but it is God who is in charge.
@merrybolton2135 2 года назад
It must be said , god is deaf or uncaring or just not there ?????????
@matthewstokes1608 2 года назад
Or not
@alwalw9237 2 года назад
I cannot thank you enough for this insightful discussion with Dr. Rowan Williams. Even when I was deeply devoted to my agnostic views, the demonstration of Dr. Williams life spoke to me on a deeper level. I cannot thank him enough for keeping a spark of awareness regarding the Divine alive in my heart, when the world seemed so dark. This conversation reminded me of a paragraph I read entitled "Who is Jesus" by Marshall Vian Summers, that genuinely moved me. 'Christianity and all the other major religions have fostered a bridge between cultures and between races. These are not simply religions of one tribe or one group. They are religions for all of humanity. This is not to say that everyone can adhere to them, follow them or receive them, but they bridge the normal boundaries that seem to separate people and cast them apart. The religion of forgiveness, the religion of reunion with the Divine, the religion of human development, the religion of compassion-all of these tremendous movements in the evolution of religion in the world were fostered by the establishment of the world’s religions, which have brought the world to its present state.' ''Jesus set into motion a direct relationship with the Divine through the intermediary of the Holy Spirit, which in Greater Community understanding would be defined as Knowledge itself. This relationship emphasized the Divine reality within each person and the possibility for personal revelation and spiritual development. Humanity has been struggling with this ever since, yet it is a remarkable achievement that Christianity is present in the world and that it is accepted by millions of people in different countries, from different cultures and backgrounds. This is a religion for international civilization, as is true of many of the other religious movements that were initiated in the world and that have advanced into a more modern age.'
@tuffgonggbUNCTION 2 года назад
@aflutteroffeminineconfusio1986 2 года назад
I didn't know I needed this until I'd listened to it....I went searching for Rowan Williams on a whim, ive not really listened to him before ,but I knew his voice was soothing and my soul needed soothing today .. This entire interview was so grounding and well done and encouraging so thankyou.god bless....you've got a new subscriber 😊🙏
@JT-2000 3 года назад
Is that an Epiphone Casino hanging on the wall? I love RW, I just find he reveres Aquinas and Augustine a little too much for my liking (as most Anglicans do - whether they realise it or not), and that way can lead to madness (aka evangelical fundamentalism) if not careful. I'd love for him to join the Eastern Church... with that beard he's a shoo in. Still, in my opinion the greatest ABoC in my lifetime, although way too intellectual, I think for the rank and file CofE. After the appointment of Welby, I honestly don't think it's a stretch to see someone like Nicky Gumble given the job!!!
@JCCOTS 3 года назад
Thank you very much for this interview. It was thrilling!
@gunner678 3 года назад
Is God still there, the answer is 'through the earthquake, wind and fire, o still small voice of calm' God is still there, through the bitter and the sweet, the still small voice of calm, to strengthen us in our despair. He is not in the earthquake, or the wind or the fire, but He is there THROUGH it all! 1 Kings vs 19.
@nublu6344 3 года назад
On point.it is.god is.
@gunner678 3 года назад
So refreshing to hear my old archbishop. Listen to the likes of Dr Rowan and of Miester Ekhardt and one quickly comes to the realisation that there is more to the Christian faith than blind fundamentalism, or indeed ignorant rejection.
@christ19832000 3 года назад
Thank you for asking real, practical and challenging questions. IMHO Williams is the best living proponent of Christianity because a) he actually understands science and b) he faces, full on, the doubts any honest believer must possess.
@gunner678 3 года назад
I agree also IMHO.
@yuvilasher250 3 года назад
Rowan Williams is a thinker of the utmost integrity
@indianadoggovitch 3 года назад
I salute your sincerity. But I'm very relieved for future generations that this 1st century way of thinking has been slowly dying and being replaced with rational, testable and observable facts.
@EuropeanQoheleth 8 лет назад
So true. People get so focused on trivial stuff like what this or that celebrity did. I guess a little prolefeed is needed to keep people's spirits up but the big questions are the ones worth answering.
@matthewandrews4660 9 лет назад
"Society now is so insane, so trivial and stupid, and the values are so crap, that nothing of any importance seems to get paid attention to. And yet, I read somebody the other day he said, you know, there's only one question that really matters, and that is; "Is there an after-life?" And I thought, yeah, that's what I think. That's the question that interests me. What do you hear about that on television?
@sonicspring6448 4 года назад
@Nick Pease whether you like it or not, you began with an assumption: one that would shut down the open mind and negate any willingness to research the matter. It's actually a question of great importance, with the potential to change our view of reality and bring comfort to many.
@zytigon 9 лет назад
In fact there are more articles written on the internet about the question of afterlife than you could ever get time to read. See Premier Christian radio show "Unbelievable?" hosted by Justin Brierley for a really good one. or BBC radio 4, "In our time" hosted by Melvyn Bragg. I recommend the books of Valerie Tarico, John W. Loftus, Robert M. Price, Richard Carrier, Victor J. Stenger, Jerry A. Coyne or RU-vid videos by The Thinking Atheist & many more. Atheism says there is no afterlife Universalism says that everyone goes to a happy ever after Ultimate reconciliation says that everything ends up ok for everyone, Agnosticism says we don't know but could be a mix of the above ideas.
@fuckface9962 9 лет назад
+zytigon There is no such thing as agnosticism, just a bunch of agnostic atheists who dont understand what agnostic means.