Einstein: ’"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a loyal servant." let’s sit down and have healthy, rational, discussions so we can formulate ideas that will make life more meaningful.

Let me take another reference from another brilliant mind. Elon Musk. He once was asked; everything you do is for humanity. Why are we worth it? I will paraphrase his response, and that was “As a teen growing up, I struggle with various issues and wanted to find out what the meaning of life was. He said, after reading several books written by great philosophers, the one that made sense to him was taken from the author Douglas Adams. “The universe is a big computer, and we just need to figure out how to ask the right questions” my name is Joel Bennett and I host a Podcast called “1Step, Let’s talk about the journey.” My aim is to formulate the right questions, so we can all discover together the meaning of life and strategies to navigate our journey.
