The Escapist
The Escapist
The Escapist
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Will XDefiant Keep Players Coming Back?
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How Hellblade 2 Succeeds & Fails
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Modern Video Games Are Horribly Paced
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How To Remake Resident Evil 5 in 2024
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I Was Wrong About Digital Gaming...
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Every 2023 Zero Punctuation with No Punctuation
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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (Zero Punctuation)
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The Future of AI in Gaming | Cold Take
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Sonic Superstars (Zero Punctuation)
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Lords of the Fallen (Zero Punctuation)
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Consumer Rights Need to Catch Up | Cold Take
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World of Horror | Review in 3 Minutes
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Assassin's Creed Mirage (Zero Punctuation)
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Dark Envoy | Review in 3 Minutes
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@fredtyus8863 16 минут назад
You'd do better to worry about Playstation. That state of play was a disgrace
@BigWrangler 19 минут назад
Gears is the main reason i own an xbox. If they mess up gears 6 i think im just done with microsoft
@LightShadowOnyx 59 минут назад
I really wnt that gears 1, 2, 3 feeling again I want that magic back
@LOEKASH Час назад
I like how Yahtzee deliberately makes you unfamiliar with the side characters by not emphasizing their overlaps in certain decisions. Hell, Clementine doesn't even get a mention.
@Mind_Forge69 Час назад
Me and my little cousin just finished the first three levers and now we’re too burned out to do anything because of how frustrating the game is
@tigerbot2480 2 часа назад
At least they finally listened to you about remaking Thousand Year Door
@AirsickDolphin 3 часа назад
Never been interested in Xbox and hated it since my parents got me an Xbox instead of ps2 when all I wanted was to play jrpgs. However, we need Xbox to be successful, Sony can't have no competition it's not healthy (Nintendo doesn't count heh)
@predetor911 3 часа назад
Gears return is the only thing that will make me buy an Xbox series X. Halo Infinite just didn’t do it for me.
@100164 3 часа назад
Groundbreaking in that it will have even more bullshit micro transactions. Blood sprays? Seriously? You can’t even ducking see them
@mechadope 3 часа назад
glad im not the only one that didn't like this much at all. sucks cause it looks so good.
@ysgramornorris2452 4 часа назад
It's incredible, just seeing the bit at 1:37 reminds me of the sequence it inspired in The Messenger. You guys did an awesome job.
@super.somarion 4 часа назад
I agree wit him sayin we need to not force stealth onto player by makin him feel weak, das some real talk right dere
@MasterJazz09 6 часов назад
You guys have no idea what you want and the gane will fail not cause its bad but because you just want a copy of gears 3 and that's not good enough yall are sounding like stuoid halo fans where everything has to be halo 3 Your to blinded by nostalgia for anything to be successful from xbkx you want to much and living in the past ita the 1363626273 makenor break for xbox yall need to just move on if Xbox is not giving you what you want Games will be on ps5 get over it or get gone
@MasterJazz09 6 часов назад
We just pretending gears 4 and 5 was bad lol fuck off yall are tripping with revisionist history
@andymcgarr7324 6 часов назад
Just shows at the end of the day we don’t care about all this new stuff give a solid game with the basic mechanics and we are happy
@TheProAce99 6 часов назад
I can’t wait for gears 6 to be a free to play game with micro transactions. It’s just going to be halo infinite but gears.
@Towik 7 часов назад
Sadly it's just an emulation with changed few aspects, they didn't even bother to actually read the source code and make the game. The emulation is pathetic about 30% of the time, the FPS drops to 3 or worse for no reasons at all... at least in epsxe I could play it without any issues except for fps drops were the battle started it did lag horribly, Here you pay so much for so called remaster and get slapped in the face by SE. Don't get me wrong I love CC it's in the top 3 most loved PSX games, together with FM3 and PE2... but you have to objective otherwise you lose sight and you go back to being an NPC that just consumes crap from disgusting companies 😐. SE is really close of being put on the shitlist that EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Activision (...) are They had a great chance to expand the game and do stuff they couldn't do back then, so many extra combination and more mechanics just went bye bye because of lazy dipshits that just care to push out something to keep IPs / etc
@Dagoroth55 8 часов назад
One thing they don't do is fumble a Gears of War game. Halo, fumbling since Halo 4.
@TheSussiest 8 часов назад
Will the escapist be able to keep viewers coming back is the real question.
@trillpapi6189 9 часов назад
I usually dont get hype anymore in this era of gaming but i have an itch with this one. What if this will be the most sickest Gears we get? Top-notch visuals, gameplay, gritty tone. Crossing my fingers
@modernoverman 11 часов назад
I installed this game today, having not played it since it's initial release on PS3, for my son 6 year old son to try out. Sure enough, we ran into another player. Wild.
@Kaneyane 12 часов назад
I want them to retcon gears of war 4 and 5 they are so shit story wise.
@mrscrappz1063 13 часов назад
Gears 6 will be a "rag tag team" of women with over exaggerated, boss girl personalities.
@xRocketzFighterx 14 часов назад
Wait Gears of War is still a thing?
@jacobben-shmuel1649 14 часов назад
Goodness this aged like fine wine
@Nuthouse01 14 часов назад
I absolutely 100% guarantee that when a leaker says that "gears 6 will be the game that makes Xbox worth it again", they are talking about graphics. graphics graphics graphics. Any game expected to carry their console needs to be showing off all the pretty graphics, and I can't imagine a game designed to show off all the pretty graphics also being fun.
@TheCreepypro 15 часов назад
we all know what is going to happen....
@amirmohamad2270 16 часов назад
I've been using these compilations as sleeping aids for more than a year. I honestly cannot remember how I could sleep without them. Yahtzee has done for me what my mother used to do two decades ago : make the sounds of my brain go quiet.
@clutteryguy9747 16 часов назад
I absolutely love this game
@chaytonmartin7110 17 часов назад
Like if you want Gears of War to be cross-platform
@Fuuntag 18 часов назад
Didn’t The Escapist literally fumble its entire website this year?
@chickenpermission637 18 часов назад
Kinda like how you guys fumbled your entire channel when you lost Yhatzee?
@edwardkargbo119 19 часов назад
Why in the fuck can't people just enjoy games for what they are? you don't have to compare everything to call of duty. if you want to play call of duty, go play call of duty. its completely fine to want to branch out and play different games. but let those games be just that, different. so what if it doesn't have a camo grind or doesn't have a fleshed out meta progression. and everything isn't tailored to call of duty players. the only thing that was a valid point in this was the sound design argument. that does need to be better.
@toolittletoolate 19 часов назад
The Irony of The Escapist talking about other companies fumbling anything.
@joseph2000117 20 часов назад
Compared to how Gears 4 soured the brand i Cant believe people hated Judgement.
@jasonm47100 15 часов назад
I loved the MP of Judgment.
@Kaneyane 12 часов назад
@@jasonm47100that’s exactly why people hated it
@MrGoldfishwish 4 часа назад
Gears 4 was far superior to judgement.
@joseph2000117 20 часов назад
Some months ago, a man walked in where i worked with a Gears Cog shirt on and we immediately started talking about GoW and what should have been. After reminiscing on that convo i think Gears 4 should have been a hybrid sequel/prequel where you place a non-linear campaign alternating between Pendulum wars and 2 generations after marcus (Have Marcus and Anya elderly, alive, and happily married) and the story could be somehow related to that. The best part of Gears 4 was the short flashback sequence lol. What a shame GoW at its peak was literally a phenomenon and its game modes where peak.
@arcadedelprof 20 часов назад
Long time Gears of War fan here, and i am sad to say, that the thing that could get GEARS back on track... is unnataiable, cause it's good ol' Cliff-B... before he got too high on his own supply. Now, i liked 4, and do not get the hate for 5... BUT we gotta face the fact that the series peaked in 2. because back then this guy KNEW what the gamer wanted of the experience. Now i do sound a bit dismissive of the whole team, and i dont really think it's just his work that made gears good. But you can pin-point the moment things spiraled downwards and that was when he left epic at the time... (oh god.... WHAT YEAR IS IT???) Like when halo left bungie for 343... the change of hands marks a drastic change in IP handling.
@Nerbatsu 20 часов назад
Based off of what we have been getting, its gonna be terrible. Story will be soemthing to make fun of after a few drink and multiplayer will worth trying after a few months after release when they fix all the bugs.
@markusbirdman1069 20 часов назад
Realistically, how can the Coalition deliver a satisfying cap to this trilogy when Gears 4/5 were met with such lukewarm receptions? I don't think anybody really cares about how this trilogy wraps up. The original three games may not have been narrative masterpieces, but the characters were fun and likeable, and there was something compelling about the horrific struggle against the locust that kept players coming back for more. I also think each sequel pushed the envelope technically - they were essentially consumer showcases for the latest and greatest Unreal Engine features. Gears 4/5 are no different in this respect, but imo gaming tech was so much more exciting back then, and the visual leaps we were seeing were more obvious and impressive. I guess this is a subjective opinion but a lot of current gen titles really aren't that much more impressive than the previous gen to me. Whilst I can't personally comment on the quality of Gears 4/5 (I've tried to play through 4 twice, but I get bored within a few hours and have never finished it), I don't think they've had the same draw the original trilogy did, so I don't think a third entry can ever truly hit the mark the franchise needs it to. I will say this is a good opportunity for Microsoft to reveal a Halo Anniversary style re-release of the legacy titles (but without the launch issues). I would love to see remastered Gears 1, 2, 3, Judgement (especially if they appear on PC). I think the current situation with Xbox raises a broader question - do we really need a MS gaming console? From a hardware perspective they are essentially delivering the same experience as Sony. Meanwhile Nintendo continue to do their own thing (with great success). Microsoft/Sony's machines are so similar from a hardware perspective as to be essentially interchangeable. I will say I prefer the Xbox controller and the design of their hardware over the PS5
@redhansen8328 20 часов назад
I dont get why it didn't end after 3. Such a good trilogy and it's ruined in the 4th, barely standing in the 5th.
@aXimo 20 часов назад
Xbox is a joke...
@blazlock7285 21 час назад
Halo just showed their goal, the many studio dismanting proved anyone can be removed. They'll fumble this, or a good attempt but the expectation will follow the previous title's strengths, value and returns, while not realizing the new price tag does not match the gameplay, fun and details of yester Generation.
@skyman322 21 час назад
It's already fumbled by existing. Gears of war and halo ended at 3
@apathygod 21 час назад
Gnasher. The Gnasher is the main reason for players leaving the multi-player modes. 80% of game play is Gnasher and anytime a mechanic is put in place to counter, it gets taken away. Retro Lancer, stim grenade, slowdown when being shot, Enforcer smg, powerful melee, etc are all counters to the Gnasher. Eventually those were all taken from main play and once again the Gnasher is the primary focus.
@parrotyee 21 час назад
How's it possible every major game known to mankind is going to have the number 6 in upcoming titles... Black Ops 6, GTA VI, Forza Horizon 6, Gears 6... We're living at an interesting time!
@predetor911 3 часа назад
2011 had Gears of War 3, Resistance 3, Serious Sam 3, Battlefield 3, and Uncharted 3
@eleusinianexport 21 час назад
Gears 6 needs to be nothing but blockbuster. It’s the one franchise that can truly blow it out the park, especially with The Coalition’s expertise with UE5
@gameking501 21 час назад
Gears 5 came out in 2019, and we MIGHT see Gears 6 UNVEILED in 2024:-D
@jaredbangerter8156 18 часов назад
The longest gap in games we had till now was Judgment to Gears 4 which was 3 and a half years. March 2013 to September 2016. Now is been 5 years and Gears 6 is at least a year away. Maybe longer.
@vice7538 22 часа назад
i think it is a dangerous game resting out on the wing that is hope in today's age in a dream that an ip will be shown the love it deserves. These companies will not stop dropping the ball; And as difficult as it might be I think at a point you've gotta cut the cord. Otherwise they will always have a foothold.
@TheJohhnyE 22 часа назад
The problem is that people don't actually want a new Gears game. They want to be magically transported to when they first played the old games, and that will never happen. Even when the developers stupidly listen to the screaming masses, they still complain about everything and claim its the worst game ever made. Just look at what happened when Ubisoft listened to the crybabies and made assassins creed mirage. 😂