@bricegalaxy8629 Час назад
3:50 he was so sure about floods of rage when it was clearly darkness revealed or ultimate weapon lol
@Bubble0seven 7 часов назад
Can i have one of those magical hatchets cause my shots on huntress suck
@oHiSup 7 часов назад
@sl0Niu 12 часов назад
funny how u miss easy shots and hit the hard ones xD
@oHiSup 12 часов назад
😭 the struggle, sometimes i just cant hit shit no matter how long i’ve played 🤣
@IThrowThingsDbD День назад
so many good shots! love the video
@karthal6583 3 дня назад
That first streamer is an absolute man child. How are you gonna complain about a game when it's your own internet that is taking a dump?
@MetalLamprey 3 дня назад
“I’m tired of all huntresses using aura builds” okay, I’ll use pain res, dms, surge and pop
@SweetLeavesXbox1 4 дня назад
I think of myself as a nutty huntress with a build very similar. Watching this still inspires me to get better. Cross maps like those are the only reason why i still play. Your cross maps vids are on a different level of insane. Definitely enjoy the content! 👍👍
@oHiSup 4 дня назад
Thank you so much, i appreciate the kind comment and i’m glad you enjoy the content!
@slickdomTV 4 дня назад
Keep up your great content, ) survivors are allways crying lmao
@oHiSup 4 дня назад
thank you!
@NIGHTFANGTV 5 дней назад
Love your videos dude. I used to main huntress a few years ago and recently got back into maining her after getting spirit to P100. Was wondering if you had any tips or advice for aiming and stuff. Not sure if it helps but I'm on xbox and never played her on PC so not sure if anything will apply to console since I've never seen anyone make a console huntress guide
@bluenekofox 6 дней назад
So I was playing huntress and I am rather new. I was going against a streamer and getting good shots. I stayed around the hook because the streamer had 2 people coming around to unhook him. If I go against a streamer I normally will down them pick them up and just dance (go around in circles and spin) till they flop off shoulder. But he kept calling me a bitch and hurtful words so I final hooked him. He then kept saying I should go after everyone else first and leave the streamer for last.
@flaarezwow2693 8 дней назад
Wow.. He was super entitled... Its like he think the game is about him having fun only! and only him playing! What a mindset to have.... Yikes!
@casanova5859 9 дней назад
Entitled survivors like these always cries when match doesn't go their way. They always find a way to blame their skill issue on someone. You did great on your hand so just ignore them
@TheGhostieShow 9 дней назад
i too am a victim of magic hatchets :'(
@oHiSup 9 дней назад
we really need to spread awareness of this issue that effects so many.
@Ihemaa4 9 дней назад
U would be such a famous dbd streamer but i think u prefer focusing on the game rather than talking
@oHiSup 9 дней назад
That’s fair to say, I am working on that part of it but you’re right. I also need to try and find time to actually stream because i know a lot of people want that, thank you for the comment!
@Valkyrie_Qu33n 10 дней назад
Some real inspirational words in that intro.......I play a lot of Huntress myself on PC and I can agree that missing is very easy. Any half decent player will try to dodge your shots, especially from range but missing over and over can help you adjust where you release. If you want to be good at Huntress, that's the first step....keep going for it.
@oHiSup 10 дней назад
100%! Thank you for such a kind comment I really appreciate it
@beautifulgorgeousman 11 дней назад
the survivor gameplay is funnn
@oHiSup 11 дней назад
ive been having so much fun on survivor
@coltonboyd788 11 дней назад
Fucking survivors man 😆😆
@richmckill4471 12 дней назад
dbd has perhaps the most bitch ass community in all of gaming.
@dylan9699 14 дней назад
they say she is cheating and that they are clearly aimbotting and as soon as he missed one they say hes bad. also say giving benefit of the doubt he instantly claimed aimbot like can they not just accept they dont know anything and stop complaining
@alexfullerton1089 16 дней назад
Hisup ignore them i love ur content buddy
@SweetLeavesXbox1 17 дней назад
Ohhhh BORGO, love of my life on release. Hated by the community. Used to be such an open and broken map for Huntress. Blood Borgo, il miss you. As for the streamer shaming.... Every one rages. People should never take this seriously. Never needed to make this video so people can agree with you. Stop forcing the issue and let them hang themselves. A DBD juggernaut should be used to salt at this point. Your Huntress gameplay is good. Long shots was nice. Accurate orbital that just missed. Fun shots through holes in certain tiles. All the Huntress fun stuff. That M1 at the shack window was gross. We all kno, it should have been an M2.......
@oHiSup 17 дней назад
Yeah, i’m not happy with this video and have reconsidered my approach. Thank you for the feedback i really appreciate it! Also I wouldn’t call myself a juggernaut lol but that means a lot to hear so thank you
@SweetLeavesXbox1 17 дней назад
Your definitely big in the community. Respected by most dbd gamers. Things you say can really effect how people view certain situations in DBD. Seeing your very good at Huntress. Wondering what you thought about Huntress in indoor maps. Most say it's crippling to play on most indoor maps with Huntress. I don't experience oppressive gameplay in indoor maps as Huntress.
@oHiSup 17 дней назад
@@SweetLeavesXbox1 I think the amount of opportunities to show a high skill level are lower on indoor maps, though i think some indoor maps like lery’s and gideons have some really cool shots that you can go for but it’s still a net negative.
@Soldat_1918 18 дней назад
last guy: "she's witerawy good at the game, i'm not jelous or anything. but she's weatawy so good at the game" (basically)
@HyrulianArcher 18 дней назад
That last game is the exact reason people need to play both sides otherwise you get this us vs them mentality that's not good for anyone. Great video BTW!
@themekahippie991 19 дней назад
Gameplay was fine. Streamer was toxic. Cool shots.
@xFrosten 19 дней назад
Very nice trebuchet :D You seem to have gotten a ton better ^^
@oHiSup 19 дней назад
thanks you! Glad to hear that!
@jessechuu 20 дней назад
26:24 “we cant do anything cause killer mains are gonna bitch” sir- you a survivor main bitching about killers using perks in a damn game 🤧
@jessechuu 20 дней назад
28:13 “the same aura build that every other huntress uses” LIKE EVERY OTHER SURVIVOR BUILD EVERYONE USES!? HELLO!?
@xFrosten 20 дней назад
Its so funny how you can play enough to be p100 on a character (maybe multiple) and yet still have zero understanding of basic game mechanics and killers playing "fair". What a cringe streamer holy Nice shots as always oHi!
@Bubble0seven 20 дней назад
why do small streamers generally the bad attitude ones think they are so important yet have like 2 viewers. I will never understand the "look at how important i am complex" some have and its funny because most of them play nothing but DBD, and yet still have no clue what they are talking about. They need to be more humble
@yolasumbra410 22 дня назад
second streamer got so out skilled he resorted to using the "they're hacking" tactic there is a thing called game sense and watching for the crows, gotta watch out for those dang crows, they snitch all the time.
@beardedcatman 23 дня назад
This was such a pleasure to watch! Especially the 2nd match!!
@travisdavis815 26 дней назад
This is exactly why im taking a break from the game. I cant stand the attitudes of people. Its more aggravating than it is fun to deal with all the salt in this community
@Th3_Edit0r 26 дней назад
The thing with huntress is its easy to start off very strong but just as easy to lose all your momentum, especially when you aren't running any gen perks. I see zero problem with the playstyle you used in this match and you played more than fair
@keopi-meokgoshipeoyo 27 дней назад
I don’t wanna say touch grass but that first dude really needs a break from the game lol. Actually triggered over some hatchet shots from 2 meters away. It must be server latency and not the fact that he’s running into obstacles and getting back rubbed with hatchet shots lmao.
@VentureIsCool 27 дней назад
The only thing I can maybe relate to is that they could have had a bunch of bad matches prior and just went off in this one. But at that point just stop playing and being an ass to everyone. NOT EXCUSING HOW THEY ACTED. JUST SAYING
@leehwang7123 27 дней назад
I'm on your side. The first streamer is such a snowflake. Like come on, DBD is supposed to be a horror game and killers are supposed to be scary.
@charidhermin5794 28 дней назад
The fact that people like this streamer are allowed to vote 😅
@charidhermin5794 28 дней назад
That first downed survivor definitely called timeout right before being tagged when they played tag as a kid
@SapphoForAphrodite 29 дней назад
is that streamer on youtube?
@carcompcar 29 дней назад
i don’t think they realise huntress has infinite range no matter the addons 🤣
@justzacky2051 29 дней назад
Sadly i switched to unknown my huntress advanture sadly went to the end
@oHiSup 29 дней назад
unknown is cool too, excited to see some of the crazy shots that are possible on him!
@HunterWhoLaughs 29 дней назад
@tundra2597 Месяц назад
Hi sup I love watching your huntress gameplay and I want to get better at her myself and I was just wondering where you think I should start
@LapisD Месяц назад
My favorite part is that first streamer was using one of the most sweatiest survivor build and was complaining that you were “try harding”. You did nothing wrong and actually played super fair, since you could’ve 4K them super early if you were playing serious. Some survivors with huge ego like that one wants to enter a game, loop the killer forever to laugh at them and have their chat increase their ego saying how amazing they are. But if the game doesn’t go exactly how they want they start blaming everything else and not them, because obviously they are amazing and never play wrong
@LapisD Месяц назад
Survivor mains when the killer is killing them and not just standing there letting them farm BP without any consequences: *surprise pikachu face*
@rimpy6320 Месяц назад
Do you stream on twitch too???
@oHiSup Месяц назад
Very occasionally, it’s oHiSup on there too! I hope to find time to stream soon but it has been quite awhile :(
@coreycheeseman Месяц назад
last bunch of ppl are a bunch of round earth believers.
@oHiSup Месяц назад
couldnt be me
@eggsample. Месяц назад
Maximum level cope.
@imviviotic3448 Месяц назад
Each video of yours im learning more and more spots where hatches can hit people. I never would of even thought of throwing an axe under the red tractor. Amazing vid!
@thegame346 Месяц назад
That build needs to be nerfed. Every fucking huntress runs it. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
@OaklesFINE Месяц назад
I've experienced both sides of this quite often, and I've learned that many survivors are just trained to believe something is always at fault of the killer. Killers always believe that something is at fault of the survivors. It's just a mindset that both sides have that makes DBD the toxic mess it is. Killer: You kill all 4 survivors? You're sweating, cheating, or toxic. You play anything that's an A-tier or above killer? You're abusing broken killers because you're bad at the game. You do anything remotely skillful? The game is in your favor because of latency, etc. Survivor: You loop the killer for too long? You're toxic. You use perks like DS in order to not get tunneled? You're abusing meta perks. You flashlight save or rescue your teammates? You're bullying the killer. Each side has their own stupid mentality that gets instilled into them after playing for too long. And it affects a large majority of players. I feel like I rarely encounter games anymore like the 2nd streamer, where the killer plays fair and the survivors compliment it when they lose. This wasn't on you at all, many people just avoid putting the blame on themselves. People put the blame on the killer especially if they're queued with a SWF. I could go on this rant for hours. DBD is just such a toxic mess, and it's why I avoid playing it sometimes.