woah yeah yeah

OFF - Secret Ending (Joke Ending)
2 часа назад
OFF - Boss Battle 3 - Enoch
2 часа назад
OFF - Optional Boss Battle - Sucre
2 часа назад
OFF - Boss Battle 2 - Japhet
2 часа назад
OFF - Boss Battle 1 - Dedan
2 часа назад
Shin Megami Tensei IV - Neutral End
2 часа назад
weird SMT4A oversight (read desc)
День назад
@bartholomew3436 21 час назад
This is the first of the two endings I got, and thus matches my perspective on the right outcome for the world. There is nothing left of the world. I have gone through and killed its ruler, its guardians, its people, and finally its creator. It would be meaningless to keep it going; it’s an empty land devoid of life. The judge seeks to stop us in mere spite of what we have done. He pointlessly seeks to preserve a world with nothing to preserve. To prevent the destruction of the world is to delay the inevitable and ultimately prolong the suffering of this broken, hollow world. The judge would live a meaningless, lone life until he eventually dies. Why not get rid of the stagnating world that the batter and I spent so long eradicating of its life? His rejection of the deliverance the batter can offer is a mere petty refusal to accept that the battle is already over. We have won over him. The judge has been complacent in the world’s destruction. He clearly sees the effects of what the batter and I have done to the “purified” zones. It is eradicated of life, only populated by the demons we have unleashed to wipe its people. It is only once everything is finished that he seeks to judge us as is his namesake. He is not a hero either. He may not be the villain we are, but he stood watching as we annihilated his world, only to reject us at the last moment for his selfish desire to prevent us from finishing the job.
@mungi12 6 дней назад
I chose it seems bright, is that the wrong answer
@bartholomew3436 6 дней назад
@@mungi12 there is no right or wrong, it just slightly influences what ending you get. make what decisions feel right in the moment, and the game will sort you into an ending you’ll probably vibe with
@lorietherizzler 7 дней назад
i dont know if its just me who noticed but did anyone else notice how omori takes bigger strikes with the knife and sunny more weaker but omori takes more damage everytime sunny strikes even though its weak? I like to think its equivalent to Omori obviously being younger than Sunny so he takes more damage despite how weak Sunny striked.
@jeandutoit1226 8 дней назад
18:09 I can see why y’all can’t stop crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@saket1937 18 дней назад
I like how the gimmick makes sense since Hayataro spams witness me. One of my favorite soundtracks too.
@joaovictordaciodacosta792 26 дней назад
I beat the reaper and it gives me more EXP, Sold the bloody button to get more money .
@user-dq5nn7wb7q Месяц назад
Omori last succumb
@BenedettaHoneycutt Месяц назад
I think the most influential (and accurate) aspect of this battle, is that when Omori berates Sunny, he repeats certain phrases: "people like you don't deserve to live," "it would be better to just die," and finally, over and over, "you should just die." This is how it feels when you're suicidal, like those words repeating and repeating, not necessarily audibly except in the case of hallucinations, when its arguably the least endurable. It's internally sourced manipulation.
@corey5613 Месяц назад
What happens if you press continue on the title screen after you beat OMORI?
@bartholomew3436 Месяц назад
It just brings you to the file select screen. The game doesn’t save after you beat it, so there’s no post game or anything unless you’re playing the omori route
@JaneTheDoe-id2vx Месяц назад
this game is like pokemon
@pulsar2049 Месяц назад
Seeing sunny take a bow at 12:16 was probably the highlight of the entire scene.
@tisya_2013 Месяц назад
i was sobbing inside at 18:10 when something fades away, i don't know why. it feels like maris soul is definitely gonna rest in peace now.
@nielsost3083 Месяц назад
Game could not stop me so they just took my healing away :/
@CoincidentalClouds 2 месяца назад
@Pluto_omor 2 месяца назад
8:50 the fact you see all the friends shadows hanged is crazy.
@aF-ml2zl 2 месяца назад
final duet has me feeling y = x²
@opalander 2 месяца назад
0:07 Me finding the guy that ruined my life. 11:32 Me forgiving the guy that ruined my life
@bartholomew3436 2 месяца назад
this marks the last optional boss that isn’t new game + exclusive. expect a 40 minute long demi-fiend video a few years from now lol. whenever i decide to do that, it’s gonna take a lot of grinding up serph, argilla, and cielo (to my knowledge, who you bring doesn’t matter at all apart from cielo who’s universally recommended, and serph is just easier to grind up to prepare for the fight)
@bartholomew3436 2 месяца назад
tbh im not sure why i trained up serph to get ziodyne, but it ended up paying off this late into the game lol. to my knowledge, kohryu always resists elec (to varying degrees based on phase), but never drains or nulls it, so it’s the only real viable option unless you’re tryna gamble
@lower47 3 месяца назад
I just noticed the background sound before it gets very corrupted is an electric fan sound. That's sad
@nathanhacault5319 3 месяца назад
obcessed with you
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
Set in a Purgatory-esque world of ceaseless war and violence called The Junkyard, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga follows The Embryon, one of many warring tribes consisting of emotionless soldiers without memory nor personality, seeking to conquer all other tribes. One day, a light suddenly envelops all inhabitants of The Junkyard, changing them as they start to develop emotions and gain memories from a life they have no memory of. This light also gives them the ability to transform into demons with the caveat of an insatiable hunger that will lead to their deaths unless they consume other humans. Now, instructed by a mysterious entity calling itself Angel, The Embryon must defeat all other tribes in The Junkyard and bring a mysterious girl named Sera to the top of a tower to reach a state of being called Nirvana, all while consuming their foes lest they fall victim to the starvation induced by their new demon forms' hunger.
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
Context for this world is given in the sequel, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2, in which it is revealed that The Junkyard is a combat simulation hosted by a group named The Karma Society. All soldiers present in the combat simulator are artificial intelligence based on real people from The Karma Society who died in the real world. Angel, in reality a member of The Karma Society disillusioned with the organization's cruel ways, implanted a virus into the program, the light that enveloped the tribesmen that granted them their demon forms, to end the stalemate in the simulator's battle and give the artificial intelligence memories of their past lives and sapience. Reaching Nirvana in the combat simulator is, in reality, a method to transfer the data of surviving soldiers from the simulator to the real world, giving them form and freedom from the simulation as real humans. Sera, the mysterious girl who appeared in the simulation along with the light, is in reality Angel's daughter, placed in the simulation due to her ability to sing a song that can manipulate data (aka souls) in such a way that the insatiable hunger of the demon forms can be suppressed, thus enabling the simulation to end with a true victor rather than having everybody perish from lack of cannibalism in the case of a stalemate. It is through her song that the data from the simulator will be converted to physical world entities.
@nathanhacault5319 3 месяца назад
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
youre obsessed with me....
@nathanhacault5319 3 месяца назад
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
me when jesus kills god idk this game is weird
@nathanhacault5319 3 месяца назад
zayin 是一个非常酷的角色,这让我对他的表现感到失望。对于这个意识形态是“伙计们的暴政是不好的。请不要屠杀你的人民”的人来说,最终宽恕并执行对地球人口的灭绝确实毫无意义。他们可以让这个人变得更加自然发展和有趣;当他成为东京千禧年的领导者后,让他让你去执行考验他信仰的任务。让他不得不铁腕统治,最终让他自然而然地变成他曾经讨厌的样子。但不,相反,atlus 让他突然说道:“哦,我现在是撒旦,所以我想杀死所有人。我不后悔。你也死了,阿莱夫。”
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
glad we've got translators for the international audience
@nathanhacault5319 3 месяца назад
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
yeah idk if you saw, but the bible ends with "and then jesus' second coming came in with a gun and killed lucifer with his mom/gf"
@nathanhacault5319 3 месяца назад
@nathanhacault5319 3 месяца назад
@nathanhacault5319 3 месяца назад
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
kinda weird how given demon stats are generally quite low and you can't customize them, i was able to bring some really underleveled demons (freyja and anubis) to the final boss, and they still contributed a ton (tarukaja and divine retribution are just that busted). it kinda sucks that tarukaja causes an overflow glitch though. always have to be careful to not accidentally cut aleph's damage from several hundred per attack to single digit lol
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
also shiva is so broken. divine retribution plus enough MP to cast it several times??? utterly absurd.
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
zayin is a really cool character which makes me disappointed with how he turns out. it really makes no sense for this guy whose ideology is "guys tyranny is bad. don't massacre your people please" to eventually condone for and execute the annihilation of earth's population. they coulda made this guy so much more naturally developed and interesting; after he becomes the leader of Tokyo Millenium, make him have you go on missions that test his beliefs. make situations where he has to rule with an iron fist, and make him eventually become what he once hated naturally. but nooooo, instead atlus made him just suddenly go "oh, im satan now, so i want to kill everyone. im not sorry. you die too, aleph."
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
mom and son duo (who are the same physical age) kill lucifer for no apparent reason.
@bartholomew3436 3 месяца назад
oh yeah and the son is jesus' reincarnation and like 2 years old
@GoldMario5500 3 месяца назад
A long journey just like EarthBound Beginnings
@Claptrap21 3 месяца назад
@unlikelysnail24 Месяц назад
Unlocking Ambush
@witherannouncer 3 месяца назад
0:28 7:52 11:33 17:58
@Kat-tu2dg 3 месяца назад
idk why but right at the start i started bawling once i saw the fight menu appeared and the theme kicked in. was sitting there crying for 2 whole minutes then continued the fight
@LightKing1237 3 месяца назад
Gosh you can hear Maris scream then sunny saying "OH NO! MARI!"
@lalifunziy 4 месяца назад
8:57 DUET
@ChimeraLotietheBunny 4 месяца назад
This is legit
@AlexAwesome0810 4 месяца назад
6:57 Sad Fact: These hanged bodies are actually Sunny's friends, 1st is Kel, 2nd is Basil, 3rd is Hero, and 4th is Aubrey
@tomvhresvelg9286 4 месяца назад
Healing skill is diarrhea?
@soulless5057 4 месяца назад
You.... you are a.... no.... not a.... you are now The GOD. The Champion of Champions.
@pehpet9477 4 месяца назад
final duet still makes me cry
@nathanhacault5319 4 месяца назад
@bartholomew3436 4 месяца назад
my cat's name is rossy he is cute he goes meow meow but only rarely most of the time he goes mrrrp because he is fat and lazy so he meows with his mouth closed lolololol
@nathanhacault5319 4 месяца назад
@nathanhacault5319 4 месяца назад
@bartholomew3436 4 месяца назад
Haha, you’re absolutely right! This game IS an allegory for the Cold War! I’m impressed you caught on to Zelenin and the angels representing the USSR and Jimenez and the demons representing the USA! Edit: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1000 LIKES!! Edit 2: omg, 2000 likes?? You’re too kind!
@nathanhacault5319 4 месяца назад
@bartholomew3436 4 месяца назад
L + no macca + no magatsuhi + small Mara + no menorah + creation destroyed
@noahleprotabeilledethernoir 4 месяца назад
wish i hade someone and i could be me
@lalifunziy 4 месяца назад
11:13 omori farewell
@legacymeme8746 4 месяца назад
Bro i literally used this exact team for the final boss it's so good. Quick tip though, with bosses as strong as the reaper, don't use theurgies without a buff on them.
@Nilio522 3 месяца назад
@nuttygamer6484 3 месяца назад
...Armageddon- But yeah, good general rule of thumb's to have buffs/charge/concentrate going before theurgies.
@superchichu560 3 месяца назад
@@nuttygamer6484didn’t know you could concentrate/charge therurgies. Huh I have missed on shit load of damage then…
@nuttygamer6484 3 месяца назад
@@superchichu560 Yeah lol, theurgies outside of Armageddon take into account concentrate/charge, kaja buffs AND passives like slash boost, ice amp, magic ability, etc.
@likeicareusewe 4 месяца назад
You fight it to farm Persona items. Reaper is the fastest way to grind out Personas to max level, rewarding you with their items so you can craft the ultimate equipment.