Machon Shilo
Machon Shilo
Machon Shilo
Machon Shilo is devoted to spreading Torat Eretz Yisrael
and advocates intellectually honest, revitalized, halachic Judaism.

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Memorializing Marcos Dana
14 часов назад
Does Sin Cause Punishment?
12 часов назад
The Half-Slave and Korbon Pesach
14 часов назад
"Ki Lo Chupasha"
21 час назад
Group Incitement to Idolatry
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Beware of Famine
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Cross-dressing and related issues
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@crosermaat 6 минут назад
Crimes and attrocities of nationalistic judeo-zionistic Askenazi Israel is the problem, since Balfour Declaration in 1918, illegal immigration and terror attacks/killings of Haganah, Irgun, Lehi.
@conductoralweinstock 26 минут назад
As long as there are "good ishmaelites" in the country, the people of Israel will never have rest in their own land. . A "good ishmaelite" is an ishmaelite who lives outside of the State of Israel.
@conductoralweinstock 28 минут назад
השמדה טוטאלית לא רק בעזה,אלא גם ביהודה ושומרון,ובשאר ערי ישראל. ה׳ נקמות ה׳,ה׳ נקמות,הופיע...
@stoicepictetus3875 38 минут назад
Love to Judaism and Zionism from The Netherlands !
@Feldman1 54 минуты назад
Can you guys make sure our government is exactly aware of all this? Do you have any power/connections?
@bh1935 57 минут назад
The rabbi sounds wise but he is way too conspiracy minded. Hence his view that Michelle Obama is a man and his anti vaccine views.
@sheilah4525 2 часа назад
Thank you for sharing the truth because I don’t get this information from anywhere else! Times are very scary. I pray for you both and for Israel. Please don’t stop these discussions, as it has been helpful to understand the big picture.
@Shoshana-xh6hc 3 часа назад
What a great idea to bring over Jewish kids from around the world who live in these hateful countries, ( including the one I live in atm) to fill the places of these enemy invaders, and get a fantastic education in Israel. If I had done that I would still be in Israel.
@user-fy3pn6dm5k 4 часа назад
BB's also a target
@AsserYarafatso 4 часа назад
All of the two dozen leftist jewish organizations have been started by CIA spies that run Israeli intelligence as hamas was. The leftist NGOs are funded by the USA government. Israel is becoming a lost cause run by traitors.
@AsserYarafatso 4 часа назад
Why do you continue to blame the army and not the prime minister? Why do you blame the schools and not the prime minister? 17 years as PM and he doesn't control anything?😂
@helenerickson2195 4 часа назад
Israel must know about it, however, we have to wait until Israel has full evidences to prove it and exposing to the world. Otherwise, madia propaganda machines gaslight Israel making conspiracies. We all know how they play the old evil games.
@LesterBarrett 5 часов назад
In spite of all evidence and experience, the phenomenon of magical thinking can make it impossible for otherwise seemingly rational people completely unable to grasp an unpleasant reality. This is not new; and you find it everywhere in life, from the individual level up to the national level. Like logic, this phenomenon applies to good and bad people alike. When one looks at the situation concerning Israel from an objective level at, say, fifty miles or more up from the face of the Earth, the incongruencies are glaring. Your enemies are a solid block that have vast superiority in population, gold, territory, standing in the World Community, or fighting cage, in another way of seeing things. Your dependability on the friends you had after WWII due to events that could not be ignored has slowly eroded due in no small measure to the effect of the phenomenon I mentioned above. People don't want to accept a problem if it does not seem to affect them directly; they get tired of problems that won't go away, for whatever reason, even if they are due to inadequate responses on their part. Your primary supporter, America, has lost the will to do what is needed in the Middle East and everywhere. The focus has changed to a trust that technology and 1984-style population control will work in their favor to solve all future problems. Drunk with power and no will to use it, tired of wars that do not have the support of allies in defense pacts that have been infiltrated by enemies of enlightenment, the situation has gotten too complicated to explain and manage. Leadership is incapable of understanding the nature and scope of the problems. New developments and trends are assigned to ancient definitions which no longer apply. The logic of enlightened literature and of the philosophers has been unable to grasp that any statement of fact or logic can also be misapplied by anyone who does not buy into the overall understanding that underlies all Western thought. America's actions make sense only if one believes that America has a trump (no pun intended) card that it can play if things get too threatening. The atomic answer is not good. If everything were to be wiped out, it would not solve anything other than to bring about a post-apocalyptic World. There are actually many people who would feel that they would be somehow advantaged in such a situation. Their guns and go-bags are ready to fight the zombies. Maybe a biological weapon could be used to selectively kill the enemy. That might actually work if one could figure out who the enemy is. Every State now seems to have the view that it is not the citizens of the enemy that are the problem; they are all good people; but that it is the regime. This is one of the first fallacies. Most people have unbreakable ties to those evil regimes. Some of our enemies have come to the realization that mass bloodshed on all sides is the answer, with less education and a higher birth rate and lower standard of living being the brooding house of their victory. The idea that the West in its present glory is going to convert the World to their thinking when most of the problems have not actually been solved and human misery everywhere is increased by population explosion, is not realistic. People everywhere are insecure and regressing to primordial association and methods. Israel is truly the harbinger of what is to come. Homelessness and ignorance have been accepted. Philosophy has been distorted. The Devil is afoot with vengeance in mind. God is not going to send a Messiah to solve the problems that we ourselves create. Leadership has always had to tendency to abandon responsibility in favor of taking care of themselves. When the World was a big place, this worked too well. My position is to keep moving ahead as an individual, because it is all that I can do. I know that nothing I have, whether it be health, wealth, or any of the advantages that have accrued to me, is forever. My plans and aspirations are subject to immediate cancellation by the forces of stupidity that have engulfed the World. I don't believe that people who cannot solve racism, basic unfairness, population explosion, and general insecurity, who spend their time arguing about how to accept any number of sexes and other crazy ideas they must support; people who take the money but not the responsibility, can bring it all together. The money that humans spend on fighting each other is obscene. Their minds are not working.
@3HR3NGR4B 6 часов назад
Is there a higher Reward beeing a Jew than staying as a Noahide?
@davidandtsviadavidandtsvia7205 6 часов назад
Why or you using the term October 7 please say שמיני עצרת or שמחת תורה.
@malkykahan9448 6 часов назад
What a super nut job
@shelleykw 6 часов назад
What do we do with this information besides get depressed?
@barbados3592 6 часов назад
in your case, you start supporting your Jewish men
@SuperKripke 6 часов назад
Pollard is an expert in treason having committed it.
@user-yb6eo1xp2f 7 часов назад
@andrewackerley9985 7 часов назад
Nakba's revenge & the paranoia sets in. Time for religious jews to carefully read & understand the scriptures & leave Israel for exile.
@sherylkruger3344 7 часов назад
Very scary, thank you
@cathyontong5324 8 часов назад
Please people of Israel.... the WORD of HASHEM is ............ "If MY people, who are called by MY NAME, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek MY FACE, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN shall I hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land . " 2 Chronicles 7:14
@cathyontong5324 8 часов назад
Protesting is proving a lack of faith in your GOD. ! ! 25 “””””Now when Moses saw that the people were unrestrained (for Aaron had not restrained them, to their shame among their enemies), 26 then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, “Whoever is on the Lord’s side-come to me!” And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him. “”””EXODUS 33.
@chafeimasoud8907 8 часов назад
@chafeimasoud8907 8 часов назад
@bdalack 8 часов назад
According to Avi Weiss, the IDF developed a plan to rescue hostages in the very first days after Oct. 7, which they had to cancel because the spy was present during meetings where those plans had been discussed. He is being held now at some close psychiatric ward to prevent his investigation and conviction, despite some very prominent Israeli psychiatrist testifying that he does not have any mental illness.
@shipsanckor 8 часов назад
I can’t imagine they are in collusion- I think they are in denial of the threat- just like here in the US - our leaders here all live in another world than the average American- and they open our boarders because they want a voting base to keep them in power and appease and assimilate everyone thinking that they will have one ideology, even at a cost of a national security threat/ risk because the benefit outweighs the threat especially in their case because they have security and they think the threat will not reach them- however we have already seen how this is faulty in several cases because the laws of Hashem puts them to shame- all the evil they (as rulers) permit onto the people shall return upon their own heads by a hundred fold
@simplyme475 8 часов назад
When i listen to you two telling the truth , my face lands up in the soup😖😢😭
@simplyme475 8 часов назад
I agree with you whole heartedly Jonathan why wait, your suggestion of how to take care of the problem is exactly what should be done
@bluecoffee8414 8 часов назад
World reaction would be immense
@samfromisrael 9 часов назад
Biden is a puppet and a Manchurian candidate. God willed it. America's imminent collapse is also God's Will.
@samfromisrael 9 часов назад
@samfromisrael 9 часов назад
Our military is compromised.
@samfromisrael 9 часов назад
Our military is compromised by outsiders.
@simplyme475 9 часов назад
@samfromisrael 9 часов назад
Pray for Moshiach.
@samfromisrael 9 часов назад
@samfromisrael 9 часов назад
@samfromisrael 9 часов назад
Comments are being deleted by RU-vid.
@thequaggaslastday 9 часов назад
We're led by reckless, indifferent morons !!
@AlyThree3 10 часов назад
Wtf is this bs? Why such a man need to speak up in such critical times?? Please remove this video! It won't get you the right viewers.
@malawidouglas6464 10 часов назад
Unfortunately this goes on internally in all politics. I am reminded of Churchill’s famous response to a new Conservative MP who looked across the chamber to the Labour benches and observed to Churchill “there’s the enemy”. Churchill was aghast and said that they are His (or Her) Majesty’s Official Opposition. The enemy is sitting around and behind you. Sadly nowadays the enemy is everywhere including on the ‘Opposition’ Benches and Enemy Trenches. And yes, they are woke globalists.
@paulnewberry8679 12 часов назад
What does Jacob - Issac - Ab - Ra - Ham mean what put like that? We're supposed to obey the Divine character not a story book character. The virtues are proportionate to generating wholesome states They have an excess and deficit vices Charity has spendthrift (excess) and greed (deficit) Courage has gung ho and cowardice Mercy has pandering and vicous Diligence has fussing and reckless Etc The vices have self defeating irony and logical impasses in them. We do them for reasons (bad ones) and they are incongruent with their motivating principle.
@paulnewberry8679 12 часов назад
They're emanated into existence as wholesome or unwholesome cause and effect speech, intentions, deeds etc They're self evident and self defining
@NVRagain4any1 12 часов назад
Yes the world is waking up this propaganda🤡
@user-pd7il3xz5j 14 часов назад
There is always the possibility of an assination of any country's leader.
@simplyme475 14 часов назад
Our soldiers are protecting them. They are unworthy of our protection, they should go and ask Sinwar for protection😡😡
@simplyme475 14 часов назад
If we were in the Temple, the Cherubim would be back to back, we are fighting a war for our existence , and there are people among us who have placed Israel in danger and are placing Israel in danger and halachically we are not allowed to put our fellow Jews in danger
@ybe7011 14 часов назад
They should all be suspended and yes sent to Gaza if thats what they care so much about. What priveleged ingrates! Arabs attending HEBREW University and going against the country that gives them a voice to speak. Unbelievable.
@sunnymitra6372 14 часов назад
It's amazing listening to this conversation from India. We in India too suffered Multiple Terrorist attacks and during the Leftist Coalition Government UPA there was Literally Zero Military response. They were more concerned about the so called Hindutva Radicals or Hindu Extremists and our own Media used to shame us for fighting against Terrorism.
@richardmartyn7865 14 часов назад
The right to protest is not the right to disrupt....
@richardmartyn7865 15 часов назад
Two huge dragons face us...Islamism and feminism...HUGE