2 Mutch
2 Mutch
2 Mutch
I talk about roblox games.
3008 | A Sandbox Disguised as a Horror Game
2 месяца назад
Decaying Winter | The Infamously Hard Game
3 месяца назад
Combat Initiation | A Peculiarly Dead Title
4 месяца назад
Hellmet | A Promising Demo
4 месяца назад
Guts & Blackpowder | A Unique Zombie Experience
5 месяцев назад
Town | A Sandbox Nobody Talks About
7 месяцев назад
@Bungewehr 27 дней назад
game journalist ahh apology
@spvspv7809 Месяц назад
i mean i really like your videos i got your point , everyone got their own feeling about games ,don't be sad hope you will be a famous youtuber one day :D "my English is bad hope you don't mine"
@asratyb Месяц назад
git gud
@sauzorsgaming3185 Месяц назад
You dont have to yap about every game having the good to bad ratio. So we know you have skill issue so please stop making every game with potential look bad?
@sauzorsgaming3185 Месяц назад
friendly fire should stay for funni
@TikiChannelGaming Месяц назад
this apology sucks
@Epicmogger634 Месяц назад
Id like to see other objectives in the game.
@Pringle2 Месяц назад
rage bait
@Internet_No_Body Месяц назад
Some tips from a level 96 player, since your gameplay reminded me of my first few hours of playing the game: Use your melee whenever you can, if you're up against a single infantry at medium range, either get into cover and wait for it to get into melee range or rush it down if you have the HP for it. Use your gun in the first 3 waves against shielders and cloakers, even though you can melee cloakers it takes timing and skill. Pick off special enemies whenever you can. Don't let things like Snipers and Engineers live if you can help it. If you're struggling with ammo, buy the combat toolkit early on as it saves 50% of your ammo. This is only for when you make it to the later waves and find yourself needing to buy more than 20% ammo. Never, in any map, stay in the spawning area. There are almost always betters spots to fight from, the cliffs on Dune, the further away houses in Coastal, the islands in Archipelago, you name it. Unless you're playing Swamp, in which case it's your fault for playing Swamp. Also, spawncamping is a perfectly valid strategy, letting you get some enemies out of the way earlier than others. Don't upgrade Assault's grenade launchers. Both upgrades suck. Parabolic Hydra used to be one of my favourite guns but it got massacred by the devs. Make sure to have a jetpack for later waves, trust me, you'll need it. The Rallying Cry will save your life, even without the ability. If you can use the ability effectively, it'll save you from a lot of things that would've 100% killed you. Experiment with different classes and weapon combos, certain upgrades can make the game feel like an entirely new thing. If you want to use turrets in high ground, you can put teleporters somewhere closer to where the tanks will spawn to make them soak the shots. Teles are easily replacable, turrets are not. Trust me, you're not going to be able to play with turrets for long without this hack. If you play specialist, use Stonewall+Rallying Cry+Jetpack. This can even be done easily on public servers since the first two are easy-ish to get.
@wolfmoonens3378 Месяц назад
Stonewall isnt bad but it really isnt that good i gues its preferences though. F.A.S.T (teleporter) is cheaper than jetpack and if you know decent spots to place it even swamp becomes completely doable. Rally cry is really good but if you are playing assault and going for grapple gun i would recommend overcharger instead how ever rally is still a good option. When you do get a jetpack both upgrades are good i personally use terminal instead of aero but i recommend excpiriencing both of them
@Internet_No_Body Месяц назад
@@wolfmoonens3378 You are correct, it's just that stonewall's insane DPS allows you to use it as an all-purpose weapon, killing APUs and far away snipers reasonably fast, which is why I suggested it And the Harpoon+Overcharger is absolutely a fun combo that any DvN player should try out, but the Rallying Cry is technically better for practicality since it gives you room for error and live where you otherwise wouldn't, especially if you're getting the hang of the game.
@wolfmoonens3378 Месяц назад
@@Internet_No_Body for rally thats fair some people might say its only 20% damage reduction (when the special isnt active) but it could indeed save your life
@wolfmoonens3378 Месяц назад
@@Internet_No_Body also i personally just get the rpg
@Internet_No_Body Месяц назад
@@wolfmoonens3378 Yeah honestly, it's the best bet, I just like not buying the RPG out of principle whenever I can.
@Nickelius1 Месяц назад
wtf is going on i just found that vid in my recomindations 😭😭😭😭😭
@sky_more7852 Месяц назад
one of the developers for dvn did notice your last video about the game and they did agree with some of your hot takes on it and they said they will try to improve and fix the game around those parts
@BastogeneBastogene Месяц назад
you should try out hell mode its a balanced difficulty
@desh323 Месяц назад
I hate hell mode and 2 mutch will find a reason to like it
@AE-qk8dw Месяц назад
Abandon dvn. Return to entry point.
@aaz.2007 Месяц назад
they're both different games you're so stupid laol
@e.r.robert1062 Месяц назад
Great video, happy to see you changed your mind, and I can't wait to see what changes you will bring to the game, what I mean by that is that the devs have seen your video, and the whole DVN community for that matter, last video was the first DVN video on youtube in a long while *besides masochist solo attempts, you are probably one of the most influential people in the community right now, in a era where DVN is changing, in my opinion, for the better. Of course, 2.1 will never come, but these small rebalances and QOL changes really bring back the old days, when any change to the game made the community mad as hell, like when exo was removed. The only thing I will like to add is, "Welcome to DVN"
@miata-gaming Месяц назад
Thats it buddy. This game is a "Play more = be better. Died = skill issue". I dont think you would play it more, but who knows.
@asratyb Месяц назад
@ianerton Месяц назад
try to not let it get into your head too much, you just made a mistake with that video - making mistakes is just part of the risk of video making i'm afraid also get some sleep damn it.
@zurthearbiter Месяц назад
your thumbnails go hard dude keep up the good work!
@ezekiyam3827 Месяц назад
btw here are some tips for the bosses if you still intend to play the game Wave 3: Daedalus: To easily beat him with any kit you can circle around if your not playing scout to bait where he will spawn. Strafe hard too to dodge his boulders. Fuisiler: don't go first person obviously and have quick thinking to quickly take his grenades. I suggest keep the grenades in your pocket. Run backwards and shoot him Tempest: run and take cover and don't melee him PLEASE. Wave 6: Prometheus: I heavily suggest to be on the high grounds and directly be on Prom's line of sight cause his AI will be confused and constantly charge hitting the wall. Prometheus has a far range attack but they are dodgable and also you can destroy is fuel tanks to kill him faster. Prometheus also heals on his own fire but if you destroy his fuel tanks he will slowly take self dmg. Gaia: Don't show yourself and you can use the rocket stormer by shooting in the air and press Q to here location by guiding the rockets. Or if your skilled enough you can take on recon kit and use the GOF on her. Another tactic is to use aeroig + Overcharger ability but that is more risky. Her escorts are the real deal so take em out first. Hermes: Hermes can't bypass overcharger so if your in a safe area with out hermes's support, you can use overcharger so his machine gun wont dmg you and take out his missiles so you can damage the main body. He can self repair if you destroy all of his missiles 3x only. Wave 9: Achilles: You probably have jetpack by now so quickly go to his teleporters to sabotage them. Achilles will have a shield and shooting his drone will temporarily take out his shield. But don't peek out on Achilles line of sight for too long or he will one shot you ten fold. Sparta: This guy is fun to fight. You need good timing to dodge his attacks. I suggest that you MUST 1v1 him having a literal duel or have your teammates fight him too. He will charge at you a couple time till his AI suddenly stops moving for awhile. If he stops moving you can safely shoot him but not for long. If your skilled enough, you could dodge and shoot him at the same time. Trident: Trident is the easiest wave 9 boss. You can be at a safe distance away from him and dodge his hook. If he grapples you, don't go first person so you can quickly shoot at the orange orbs to free yourself. You will also have a grapple immunity for 4 seconds (I think) so take your time to run and shoot him. Epilogue final boss: Ares: Ares is terrifying. Do not fight him until the helicopter is fully ready to deploy and all of the enemies but him are killed. The reason for this is that Ares is the only boss to revive himself. He has lots of attacks so yeah get the hell away from him.
@wolfmoonens3378 Месяц назад
You forgot to mention that to make achilles teleport you need to melee him
@Epicmogger634 Месяц назад
I think I was being too hard cuz u were just sharing ur opinion, so yeah hope u get big.
@dumbass-bh3uj Месяц назад
"can someone tell me why anyone would use the trowel" LIVE sentry REACTION
@keanalrey3351 Месяц назад
It wasn't grouch level! Don't worry!
@coreflakes Месяц назад
Like the top comment, it does show a first impression of the game from a newer player. Had critiques like that too at the start. A lot of the QoL features mentioned in this are incredibly valid too, something like a defibrillator hotkey and main menu are very long due
@somebodysclone5554 Месяц назад
First off, I didn't think the first video was that bad. There were some valid criticisms, and if nothing else the bad takes are still a good showing of what new players might think about the game when they're first giving it a shot (though, I do think you may have poked the hornets nest a bit because you did insult the community a few times). (also while I do think it'd be kind of silly now, I was right there with you thinking the devs should add rocket/grenade jumping to the game when I was still new, which further supports that this is what new players think of the game and that this is an issue with the game, not the player.) More importantly though, I'm gonna just apologize for whatever the creatures (if you're sympathetic with this poor guy, then you're probably not one of them) that crawled out of the DvN servers might have said to make an apology video about sharing your opinion. I practically glanced at the comments and saw a lot of people basically just saying "skill issue" and that the only reason that you didn't like the game was because you were new to it.. like, c'mon guys, surely we're all aware that this game is unforgiving to new players and that new players have to unlock the upgrades that make the game actually fun and far more forgiving, right? (which does kind of mean I agree that he didn't like the game bc he was new, but I also don't pretend like it's his fault lol) Surely we can all agree that it wasn't this guys fault for not liking the game at first when it has no tutorial, doesn't tell you what any buttons do, doesn't give any hints, and actively makes itself harder to new players by locking them out of getting upgrades, right?!?!? Like, I'm a level 68 and have been playing the game for ages, and even I think that if I were to play the game for the first time ever today, I would NOT enjoy it. Why are we being so critical of this guy for not pushing through to the part that's actually fun when the part that isn't fun is the literal first impression that the game gives you?!? Why would he expect the game to get any better when games are supposed to be their best at the start to actually hook you into them????? Again, I'm a level 68, and even I can see that the things that we have learned through experience that we think are obvious, are only obvious because we have known those things for so long. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen new medics shoot people at point-blank range with the med bow to try to heal/revive them, only to either heal them for 12 health or die in their repeated attempts to revive the person at point-blank range. Man, this comment got long. I just have a lot to say when it comes to this community and how they seem to treat new players. For example, one time a guy immediately insulted a low level medic for not using the med bow properly. Great game, but.. yeah, some people need to understand that their favorite game doesn't have an absolutely flawless new player experience. (also sorry that this whole comment is mostly negative, I just don't understand how people looking at a game review for this game didn't expect a lot of criticism caused in large part by the bad new player experience) ***TL;DR***: No, it's not a skill issue on his part. I have seen countless new players try the game, and none of them fare any better. You cannot expect a level 5 to be the same skill level as you or even a level 20, you could only compare them to other players around the same level. The issue here is that the game does not explain anything to the player whatsoever, via a tutorial, hints, or even a giant textbox that appears on the screen when a player first joins that explains what the menu buttons do. While the encyclopedia can help somewhat, It's moreso a band-aid fix than an actual solution (who the heck is reading actual useful information mixed with lore spread across 5+ paragraphs just to understand how a single unit works when they can easily have basic information/counters described in a single paragraph??) This TLDR is getting a bit long, but you get the idea. Not his (or any other new players) fault that the game has literally no form of teaching you anything outside of an incredibly inefficient "Encyclopedia". Also, to the sane people in this community, this comment is not even slightly directed at you. It's moreso directed at the.. well, insane people I guess, lol. Also also, if you're just gonna leave a comment saying "I aint reading allat" or something similar.. well, I predicted it, just read the TL;DR right above this if you care enough to leave that type of comment lol.
@AnAlrightPlayer Месяц назад
For the short attention span people here : He revert some of his comments Still thinks it isn’t beginner friendly Add quality of life (like move ammo box to end of hot bar) Changed rating 4/10 > 7/10 Major apologies