BAd Commander Gameplay
BAd Commander Gameplay
BAd Commander Gameplay
We focus primarily on tournament game play with bi monthly postings.
@ethanhickle2929 10 дней назад
What deck is this? I honestly don’t think I’m ever keeping this but I’m hyper aggressive with my mulls
@BAdCommander 10 дней назад
@@ethanhickle2929 tivit
@Dubbios 21 день назад
Either T1 remora from morphic pool (dont giving away free information) still hoping for a land either for the mox or if white using it for the sentinel. Or T1 Sentinel to avoid the fish pact followed by a T2 remora if you didn't draw any other mana source. But best one... Just mulligan one hand lands.
@BAdCommander 21 день назад
You can only turn one the esper if you play the play the mox. That would have been the better play.
@TheUrDragon25 Месяц назад
I also recommend hull breaker. Obviously it makes inf mana with the usual loop, but more importantly once it makes inf mana it continues the loop with tivit to draw deck off inf clues. Also wins with the one ring or obm loops if your under drannith. Great alt win con.
@BAdCommander 29 дней назад
I agree. I reasonably made that change before this tourny
@evanprimeau3810 Месяц назад
Why… would you play a Mox Diamond and discard your ONLY LAND, MISSING YOUR LAND DROP, when you could’ve just…. played the land for turn… this can’t be a real play that way made by a cEDH player. You even put a land in your graveyard for the Deathrite Shaman ON THE BOARD to use next turn! WHY?!
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Better colours
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
The bad play was not playing the esper sentinel first
@Sarkhamy Месяц назад
That was nadus hand?
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Ya, apparently, it was suspicious, but there was no payoff
@TheUrDragon25 Месяц назад
You said you wanted to get crypt to cast rhytic. If im not mistaken, you had already land dropped and only had black white available, so the reasoning didnt make much sense to me. Thanks for posting!
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
@TheUrDragon25 your right i totally mistapped. I realized right as i was about to resolve DC but wasnt going to ask the table if i could tap different after priority was passed
@heirophantpm Месяц назад
just want to note, while Mystic made sense as a t1 play given the Morphic, I think once you drew the Mox you should have switched over to Esper Sentinel instead. reason is this: early game fish can often result in a pact between opponents (like what happened here); this pact only becomes appealing because they know that eventually the fish will die on its own... unlike an Esper Sentinel. I can't think of a single time when the table agreed to not cast non creature spells because of a Sentinel... can't say the same for fish. who knows if either would have been fed much, but ES gives a higher likelihood of successfully drawing out of the drought in my opinion.
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Thanks for the advice. Your right no one makes esper pacts
@Mfiwchuk Месяц назад
haha you could have been greedier
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Haha shoulda coulda woulda
@evanprimeau3810 Месяц назад
The Nadu Player absolutely let that Dark Ritual resolve, and then backtracked AFTER the Toxic Deluge came down. It was far too late to counter the Dark Ritual, he already drew off Rhystic Study, did not say anything about responding, and THEN ASKED how much life the Player was paying for the Toxic. This was strictly cheating, unsure why the table allowed it: you can’t rewind time and counter a spell that already resolved, ESPECIALLY after having gotten additional information on the next card an opponent was playing. I would’ve shut that down immediately.
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Good points! I was not paying as close of attention as i felt like i jumped straight from dark rit to toxic and felt i didnt give the table enough time to pass priority.
@TheUrDragon25 Месяц назад
I dont know. Priority wasnt passed. Seems fine to me, I think mike did the right thing and i am pretty sure a judge call would not have gone Mike's way as priority was not passed.
@evanprimeau3810 Месяц назад
@@TheUrDragon25 Here's the problem: Toxic Deluge pays life as cost for casting the spell, and it is a Sorcery, which means turn player cannot cast it until the stack is clear. By asking "How much life do you pay to the Toxic Deluge?", the Nadu player is acknowledging that the spell is being cast, and costs must be paid. I don't think any judge worth their salt is going to side with the Nadu player, here. Watching the footage, it's very clear that the Nadu player has no intention of countering the Dark Ritual UNTIL he realizes that a Toxic Deluge is coming down (which means it's already too late to counter it, the Toxic Deluge cannot be cast without the mana in the pool to cast it). It's a scummy shark move, that happened to look okay to the naked eye because the turn player played fast. I mean, come on... in what world dwould you mental misstep the Dark Ritual here WITHOUT knowing that it's a deluge coming down? Watch the footage again, he only counterspelled after he realized that the player had no mana to cast the deluge without the ritual.
@TheUrDragon25 Месяц назад
@@evanprimeau3810 i never heard him say "pay how much life". He could be checking costs for ritual as he is new. I don't know. I see your point and I hope you see mine. It is suspect, I agree but I didn't see priority properly passed from my perspective.
@evanprimeau3810 Месяц назад
​@@TheUrDragon25 Start at 26:33, here is the literal dialogue that is had, and then please have the gall to tell me this wouldn't be the quickest judge call imaginable: Mike: "Gonna tap the swamp for Dark Ritual?" Alex: "Uh, I have a Rhystic Trigger?" Mike: "Yup, paid." Alex: "Okay." Mike: "Then I will Toxic Deluge." Alex: "With the Three, okay... um.... Paying what? Oh wait, how much, wait what'd you do to the... what's the... is that Dark Ritual?" Mike: "Yeah." Alex: "Yeah, I'll pay two life to Mental Misstep that." One of the other players: (Whistles at the sheer balls on this guy to try and pull that.) This is cut and dry. Alex realized that Mike didn't have the mana to play the Toxic Deluge without using the Dark Ritual mana, which he ACKNOWLEDGED WAS IN THE POOL IN THE TRANSCRIPT, so he did some blubbering cheater math in his head and decided that he should try and shark the table by acting like he wanted to respond to the Dark Ritual with the Mental Misstep he opted NOT TO CAST before. Priority was definitely passed, Alex had plenty of time to ask for the Rhystic Trigger AND SAID, "Okay" to the spell. That is a textbook "I'm cool with that" in cEDH. It's cut and dry. Alex cheated here.
@dieterrd3147 Месяц назад
Perfect example of a trap hand. Aggressive Mulligan is the way 😢
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
100% correct. We live and we learn
@andrewkreklow5389 Месяц назад
Bro,doc lime was in another video I watched and was being a super salty player because someone was chaining off with Nadu. DOC LIMES ASS!
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
@cameronc4131 Месяц назад
Cab you try and find that rog thras list? Seemed crazy
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
No chance my man. But its basically playing all the pingers and curiousity effects. Xyris, Niv-Mizzet and old thrasios and vial smasher lists do play that way
@SpaceAznZen Месяц назад
I don't know if it would have changed anything but I would have told the Stella player that the bowmaster would have been pointed at the Nadu player and him only; not countering it would have been beneficial to the table seeing that they all fed him cards and there's an engine on the field that would allow you to keep the creature count low as well. Not to mention, it would not have left him wide open to get his wheel MBT'd...
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Ya, i thought about that too after the game. My polotic skill isn't always the best. And since nadu didn't have a boardstate yet, i didn't want to start over poloticing and fear mongering the nadu player.
@jasonsommerfelt9541 Месяц назад
Should have played the Springheart then cracked the fetch.
@shyuugaheero2614 Месяц назад
Don't think it mattered. The seed born was exiled and then shuffled back in with twister.
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
I also dont think the player found theyre land or they got no basics lol
@whitwhitmore7921 Месяц назад
Earthcraft doesn't target the creature. So it doesn't trigger Nadu.
@nevsterk2463 Месяц назад
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Good to know. It targets the land and not he creature
@symbs Месяц назад
@@BAdCommander ugh, i cringed so hard seeing him do that.. like wtf kid
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
@symbs hell before this tourny, i didn't know shuko could target a creature it was already equipt to. Ill definitly have to read up on the deck
@michaelristau4041 Месяц назад
You didnt pay the additional 2 for your One Ring off of your Transmute Artifact. Shame Shame.
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Nope phyrexian metamorph was a copy of urza. So no need for paying extra costs.
@TheUrDragon25 Месяц назад
"shame shame shame" 🤣🤣🤣
@aklepatzky Месяц назад
Please dont stop uploading!! Would love to see more Kinnan tivit
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Dont worry, just taking a small summer will be in a tourny this weekend and at the end of the month as well!!
@zacharymccutcheon8607 Месяц назад
Nah, this is crossing the line. it's one thing to ask for a draw, it's another thing to alter how you play the game to try to force a draw. Miscasting the demonic tutor did it for me. Letting his "draw pact" button demo tutor but not letting the other guy tutor means that he's letting the "pact" affect his plays. He's not playing to win, he's playing to draw. Giving him more outs because of collusion. Would have called a judge.
@BAdCommander Месяц назад
Ya i agree. And ill definitely do tgat in the future
@mybuggas7806 2 месяца назад
When geese swung into the combat trick from pennie you could just hear the defeat in his voice
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
I've done that too many times at the LGS
@roguetrenton9285 2 месяца назад
I feel like that was border line collusion on those two. Agreeing to draw and then talking about helping each other out crosses the line for me.
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Agreed, but there was no monitary value discussed, so it's not really breaking the rules. Also, we all knew going into it that that drawing would get the other 3 into the top 16. I had to play to win to get to the top 16. Old doc lime was trying to force my hand into drawing because i can't fight through everyone feeding rhystics.
@JpDubbed 2 месяца назад
Where did you get those treasure tokens ShadowOfSoul? Thanks!
@cristiangabriel6486 2 месяца назад
List of grand-arbiter-augustin-IV
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Youll have to go to topdeck.gg to get the list
@codyeichelberger4790 2 месяца назад
Mike, can I ask what webcam you use? Great videos btw
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Just a basic logitech. I think it was like 70$
@OmegaX117 2 месяца назад
Why on earth was there an agreement to draw? Blue farm wins because 2 people died and then rog sai loses at draw Step?
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
In tournaments, people offer draws so they dont have to fight over the clinch play to garuntee points
@BlooMoon94 2 месяца назад
I love CEDH, but I feel like the tournaments are kind of a joke.
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
When it comes to draws yes i agree
@SaltSeekersMTG 2 месяца назад
I thought he got the triggers from damaging opponents
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Pretty sure the got the tiggers and un tapped his land no?
@SpaceAznZen 2 месяца назад
@15:40 there was a misplay; Derevi was put onto the battlefield and he received his triggered ETB while you had Elesh Norn under your control. He shouldn't have gotten that trigger to untap. Edit; just saw it was only 2 untaps rather than 3, so never mind. He did not get the ETB untap trigger.
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Ya i caught that too. I think the untaps were from damage with two vig creatures.
@vincentfeng9802 2 месяца назад
ima be honest, i don't know how making a pact to draw if either of them win would work, because its collusion adjacent because they wont interact with each other, and like in the video, actively help each other "win".
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Your probably not wrong. Im not a judge but feel like what they did was no different then offering a split. No prizes were discussed. Sadly i was the only one that need to win that game to go to top 16. Everyone else could have drawn that pod to get in
@vincentfeng9802 2 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander thats the thing, you just dont offer the draw, just tell them before hand, if it comes down to it youll have the person win then draw, so then the other two are incentivized to actually play to win.
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
@vincentfeng9802 i was the only person insentivised to play to win. The other 3 were garunteed top 16 with a draw. It was a bit of a bully tactic but i have zero ways to win and a draw was better then a loss for me
@raydyko 2 месяца назад
26:32 He should have keep 33 life, cause Tymna have lifelink.
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Good catch!!
@owentaylor9777 2 месяца назад
It'd be really cool if you gave a quick little closeup of the cards being played for people that don't know them to pause and read
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Sorry its a lot of work and sadly i dont have an editor :/
@owentaylor9777 2 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander maybe put a little Google image png or something with the cards text?
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
@owentaylor9777 i understand what your saying but my laptop just doesnt have the processing power to do that. Plus theres the full time commitment to do stuff like that. Maybe once youtube starts paying me 30 cents ill beable to.
@krenarspahiu4261 2 месяца назад
Jorman noooooooooooo!!!!😂😂
@alanoftheinfinite 2 месяца назад
Why not flip the top two camera's if you're recording a spelltable game? Just curious
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Never matter what what i flip them. People always want it a different way. Realistically id like the names and life total to cover the majority of the non play space.
@Keddy1228 2 месяца назад
What MH3 cards are you testing? GG on the win.
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
In tivit right now, just Strix Serenade. In Prossh, I'll be testing out the red flare and warren soultaker. In kinnan, I'm testing iut the storm drake.
@Keddy1228 2 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander have you considered sink into stupor and disruptor flute?
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Oh i forgot. Sink into stupor replaced urzas saga in tivit and minamo in kinnian. Have not considered the flute yet
@MsThatstuff 2 месяца назад
Only people complained about how masters because it ensured the same top 8 decks are the only viable options to play.
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
I disagree. 90% of tourny use the same point system. The only difference is that the top players are playing at inperson tournys and not all in what was the premiere online event. Online events now rarely get to over 40 players. If anything, the meta is dominated more if the top players show up.
@whitwhitmore7921 2 месяца назад
What's the etiquette for asking opponents to use push to talk if they're going to have other people talking in the background?
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Great question. Hard to say. Most peoples audio is quite shitty as is. Something ill definitely be more mindful of in the future!
@christopherhuffman256 2 месяца назад
Thank you sm <3
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
No problem 😊
@jamallynch1218 2 месяца назад
that card representing the floating mana at 13:30 is sweet where can i get one
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Lots of inperson tournys give them out/sell them
@jamallynch1218 2 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander now i'm sad there's never any tournys in modesto ca my goal is to get into the seen just fished my deck now blinging it out waiting on my webcam to get in a online one but in person is my goal
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
@jamallynch1218 thats awesome. Ive never been to an inperson either since im in canada. Cant wait for vegas in Oct thoe!
@jamallynch1218 2 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander i was just looking at the prices right now lol how funny i think i want go
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
@jamallynch1218 should totally come down! Ill be looking for competitve games all weekends. I even signed up for the cedh single elimination events!
@beefcake9235 2 месяца назад
Just had a thought do you still play prossh??
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Yes sir. Got it fully built. Been rotating through decks on the channel. You wanna see it again?
@beefcake9235 2 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander yes I do! I like it and also thought of a new card to add to it the warren soultrader from the new mh3 set
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
@beefcake9235 awesome i was thinking of trying out the new red flare as well!
@beefcake9235 2 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander oh yeah that would be a good addition to that deck too!!
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Cant sac a kobol but still a good add
@Mfiwchuk 2 месяца назад
@BAdCommander 2 месяца назад
Ya buddy!!
@EternxlKxng 3 месяца назад
dont worry i face scum like this all day when i play tasigur
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Tasigar looks fun!
@EternxlKxng 3 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander i run it as i would with kinnan but with all the fun black spells more podlike
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
@EternxlKxng i see a lot of thrasios//tevesh decks doing that too. I might just brew tasigar for my next tourny 🤔
@EternxlKxng 3 месяца назад
Happy to play one day
@cursedpenguinMTG 3 месяца назад
Love the video!
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@whitwhitmore7921 3 месяца назад
Seems like a punt on your last turn. Had 7 mana floating. Should have cast Kinnan for 6, used the one remaining to cast mana vault. Tap mana vault for 4 to activate moonsilver key and cast basalt. Then channel the colorless mana into Treasure Vault. You had all the pieces but timed it wrong.
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Your not wrong. I also had a clone in hand that would have solved the issue as well. It was paralasys by analasys. I just didnt see the line. The problem with tournys is that slow play is a pain and tends have people missplay from rushing.
@victorvargas4840 3 месяца назад
Same here but when you miss your triggers, ot teiggers me lmao
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Hey we BAd at the game lol.
@aklepatzky 3 месяца назад
I enjoy your videos a lot
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Thanks! I try to keep the decks fresh and try to make as few mistakes as possible! Any thing you wanna see in the future from the channel?
@aklepatzky 3 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander i just built a kinnan deck so ive been watching all your content featuring him. As long as you keep posting frequently its fine cause the videos themselves are enjoyable
@SpaceAznZen 3 месяца назад
Did it go to draw due to time? If so, the 2nd seat player probably should have received a warning due to delaying the game. More often than not, he took way longer on his turn than needed. He didn't have more than 7 cards in hand except one time, and even then it was only 8. Spending over 10 minutes a turn while not doing very much seems kinda egregious. In contrast, the 3rd seat player was taking long turns as well but was actually making meaningful game actions.
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Yeah yeah but so was long enough. We were in time when Angels Grace was played. Slow play is hard to call there's no real hard and fast rules on it. It's really up to the players in the game to call a judge
@SpaceAznZen 3 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander For sure. Just kinda wished someone had called him out on it. The constant card shuffling in hand would have sent me. lol
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Thanks for bringing it up. Ill look for it more often in the next tournys!
@chellthealchemist4751 3 месяца назад
they should have let you draw they should have responded to the draw triggers.
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
I agree responding to draw triggers doesnt happen enough
@beefcake9235 3 месяца назад
We live in a Bowmasters world where draw triggers should always be responded too haha
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Yep sir!!
@aklepatzky 3 месяца назад
Man stopping the win and sisay did you dirty. Id have negotiated with the table before pacting
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
I did have a discussion with the table. I didnt feel like i needed to negotiate the pact. We should have discussed the stax piece sisay was going to get.
@aklepatzky 3 месяца назад
Why is the necro player still participating after he said he cant win? Isnt that kingsmaking?
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Because in a tournament what are you supposed to do? Should he just scoop? Some decks rely on having four players in a pod. I'm a big fan of playing your cards and playing to your outs.
@TheNathan4122 3 месяца назад
Some magic players are so cringe it's crazy.
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Guessing you're referring to bad stacks players?
@TheNathan4122 3 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander just the way some people talk and interact socially.
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
Ya my political game is weaker in tournys then in person casually
@TheNathan4122 3 месяца назад
@@BAdCommander It is a higher stakes situation, so I can imagine people are high anxiety.
@BAdCommander 3 месяца назад
@TheNathan4122 the hardest issue is its on line. My cameras were citting out in game two and that through me off too