I make mediocre montages of games. (Self Imposed vacation from Titanfall 1 for my mental health JAN24) Titanfall 1 mainly. Otherwise I'll just post clips of other games and maybe a shitty video essay every blue moon.
Just here to post now to remember the good old days.
Naraka Bladepoint: Hacker ID:6771100090164
2 месяца назад
I'm Taking A Break...
4 месяца назад
Naraka Bladepoint-Trios Highlights #11
5 месяцев назад
Titanfall 1-Trash Shitpost #19
5 месяцев назад
Naraka Bladepoint-Trios Highlights #10
6 месяцев назад
Titanfall 1-Long Journey
7 месяцев назад
@MokaSlays 3 дня назад
@NerfTessa 3 дня назад
I take it as a win I didn't end up in a 7 minute monk montage. thank god
@PapiMalo3 3 дня назад
Your Monk accuracy is just Crazy bro! Great video!!
@cavelstone9545 3 дня назад
Earlier today I was mid, then i watched one of your Tianhai montages now I land 70% of my grabs all of a sudden. Thanks coach :)
@nmlopqrs5767 3 дня назад
Lmao oh no not another one
@cavelstone9545 3 дня назад
@@nmlopqrs5767 Astral V and climbing. SOON! if you see someone named TheColossal it's me
@nmlopqrs5767 3 дня назад
So glad im not on this dudes wrong side lol
@terrorshock01 15 дней назад
more yueshan gameplay plzzzzz
@cavelstone9545 15 дней назад
It's criminal that I'm the only view and like but you're insane at this game. Keep up the good work man :) Edit: As I say that more people appear
@StrMYT. 26 дней назад
I mean I have no clue what this game is but it looks fun
@user-fz2vq9rp2t 25 дней назад
its a battle royale game, ive tried it a few times, was interesting. might give it another shot after seeing this video. 🤔
@StrMYT. 26 дней назад
Man sometimes I wish the entire titatinfall community at its peak would come together and purchase the entire series and then we can update the game and get better servers. Crazy idea the will never work but just sometimes I think about it. Also seige is coming on its 10 year anniversary and I started playing when I was 4 titainfall,seige and rocket league maybe you can play that
@terrorshock01 Месяц назад
more naraka trios gameplay clip plssss
@rosemary8328 Месяц назад
The Akos roars were my favorite 😂
@BrokenBullet99 Месяц назад
Definitely a change of pace from what I normally play 😅
@srayairplane5660 Месяц назад
Titanfall can make Titanfall 2 people come to this game, if you owned a 360.
@Fly-superior103 Месяц назад
Honestly shame on respawn and EA
@BrokenBullet99 Месяц назад
Not every game needs to be a masterpiece and have constant support and successors. I'm honestly surprised the servers are still up for R1. I predicted they would go down in 23 once the game was taken off the market.
@PapiMalo3 Месяц назад
Forgot to include OP Monk beast in your intro bro!!!
@-V3X-xSenpaehr_ Месяц назад
did u change ur mic lol
@BrokenBullet99 Месяц назад
I think I've had this wireless headset for about a year but yeah it sounds like shit 😭
@nesiansenpai4213 Месяц назад
I would main monk but being on console and aiming with thumbsticks kinda tuff😅
@KaioMind 2 месяца назад
@titanfallsentinel 2 месяца назад
@NerfTessa 2 месяца назад
@Keilan864 2 месяца назад
Best of the Rest
@PapiMalo3 2 месяца назад
Your monk clips are crazy!!!
@Fikayoz 2 месяца назад
Peak monk antics
@user-ed4yp6eq5k 2 месяца назад
I started playing with the monk bc of u first match yesterday u killed me I will be back 😈
@J0J0Z 3 месяца назад
lol Linksys, Weemac and leviathan, everyone is cheating for these guys. Nothing unusual here haha
@BrokenBullet99 3 месяца назад
Old ass video, I just didn't know the scale of braindead at the time 😅
@J0J0Z 3 месяца назад
@@BrokenBullet99 Yes you right this video start to be old now 😅
@MudkipsAreEpicWin 3 месяца назад
You make this look so fun. I wish I had the patience and skill to learn the game. Edit: I really enjoy your content btw.
@BrokenBullet99 3 месяца назад
It's definitely not an easy game, trust me there are plenty of infuriating moments I don't show 😅 Finding a good group of people to play with is the best! I only do trios anymore and hardly play ranked.
@MudkipsAreEpicWin 3 месяца назад
@BrokenBullet99 That's fair. And tbh the main thing that made me stop after like 10 hours was pulling the exact same cosmetic from 2 lootboxes in a row. Will you be posting anymore titanfall 1 stuff soon?
@BrokenBullet99 3 месяца назад
Yeah the gatcha is pretty bad, can't deny that. Unfortunately I have no short term plans to post Titanfall 1... I am taking a break from the game because I have lost all fun and joy with it. Every second in game was pure stress, anxiety, frustration, etc... I saw myself hitting a point of no return in my tilting phase, and decided it's safer to just stop playing then try to compile a video together after hours of pain. Long term I may do something this year! I want to remake my sandbox review and maybe make a best of 4 years compilation.
@MonderMurshed 3 месяца назад
@Davis6-4 3 месяца назад
@Sun-glitter 3 месяца назад
Love your play
@KillshoTheLeanMachine 4 месяца назад
@NerfTessa 4 месяца назад
@PapiMalo3 4 месяца назад
Epic grabs!!!
@titanfallsentinel 4 месяца назад
Totally understand and support you, well be here ambitiously waiting to see how the channel develops good luck💜 Also just as a game suggestion, DOOM Eternal?
@BrokenBullet99 4 месяца назад
I still have Doom 2016 to go through and Doom 3, Doom 64 too if we want to count that 😅 But I just finished Shadow Warrior 3, which is basically a Doom Eternal light unfortunately. I adore the Shadow Warrior series from 97 until SW3. Replaying SW1 (2013) and it was the Doom 2016 before Doom 2016. Doesn't get enough credit and I love it.
@Elllington_. 4 месяца назад
You're a menace to all hadi mains
@Davis6-4 4 месяца назад
@RaidenLiveee 4 месяца назад
Why do you hate Titanfall 2? If i was playing on EU all day I would lose it too. I miss titanfall 1 but the low pop is rough
@vasiliosthomas4883 Месяц назад
probably the ttk? nerfed skill ceiling? smaller cod-like maps? either way RA1 is dead. pay your respects and hope to the gods respawn one day, gets the green light for Titanfall 3
@-V3X-xSenpaehr_ 4 месяца назад
yeah it do be like that sometimes its hard to enjoy the game nowadays ..especially pubs ... some people's mental illness is beyond unrepairable and plagues whats left of this small community from a frustrated ugly looking no lifer who spent his entire nonsense life ddosing the servers to a couple of mentally reduced turks who cant even comparhand that you dont cheat and they are the ones ruining the fun of other casuals having the audacity to call hacks and talk smack while speedhacking ... anyway ..im kinda ranting randomly right now a break is sometimes needed .. titanfall is probably the most mentally draining game i know at the moment so yeah ..its hard to have fun ggs nerdo <3 ... ur part of us now and youll stay that way
@FedorableJew 4 месяца назад
That unfortunate right as I find your channel but I totally understand your reasons for quitting! Maybe something will happen on 10 year maybe not just do what makes you happy man!
@Keilan864 4 месяца назад
I’m honestly amazed that I wasn’t apart of any of those clips 😂
@l0s78 4 месяца назад
😢 And certainly there's something about TF1 that can just draw you in, everyone that keeps playing it seems to get hyper competitive. Maybe it's the frantic, chaotic sound / sound design, maybe it's the skill ceiling of always having that little bit better you could do. Not sure. Jeanue and now the turkish derps have thoroughly cancer'd the game for everyone, unfortunately. But kinda knew this was coming. Will miss you son, it has been a pleasure to gaem with you. And watch you progress to one of the best I can think of of all time. ❤
@NerfTessa 4 месяца назад
you should totally play with that nerf tessa guy more often he seems cool !
@mirium4610 4 месяца назад
I suppose you enjoyed this game for a while during a certain period. It gave u fun, entertainment and joy. Because I relaunched the game recently after a break of nearly 7 years, I see the difference between before and now and I think I can get what u re talking about in some ways. The thing is, maybe u re not really playing a video game anymore. Like you re stressed because you want to upload good videos (which you did, your videos are great), you want to keep a good level and be able to fight against the best remaining players. U re, in some way, in a performance attitude which leads to a certain amount of pressure. The fact that u re not playing on your servers and that the community is horrible (i'm talking about the public aspect, not about our friends from discord ;) ) is also smthg that kinda hurts. I'm also personnally affected by the fear of a server shut down (if I understood well, you also are). But maybe, despite all these problems, you should tryna remember that, first of all, you are playing a video game, that has to be fun entertaining and joyful. If it aint the case, taking a break is probably a good option. But never forget the good moments and the awesome experience you had with this masterpiece. Whatever you do after that, thank you for your content that, even today, keeps the game alive.
@boxOtter141 4 месяца назад
No worries! Why punish yourself? If you eat your favorite meal everyday, you won't like it as much as you used to. Thank you for helping keep this game alive. It's been a long time since I played this on the 360, and your channel and others brings about some nostalgia
@Camelrs 4 месяца назад
I need a NSFW warning next time with that language.
@PapiMalo3 4 месяца назад
What sense do you use when grabbing with Monk? 🔥
@BrokenBullet99 4 месяца назад
Default in game sense (25) and 1400 DPI
@jakemac5535 5 месяцев назад
I have a feeling that the community is a contributing factor in this person’s overall dislike of this game. T2 and T1 do have differences in gameplay which are more than just the graphics or the animations. Movement is different for example no slide, loadouts and armament are different EX: smart pistol primary and guns have a in general slightly slower time-to-kill (discounting headshots), especially titan customization is much more different when compared to T2. This person shows exceptional skill in both aim (in a game with projectile bullets; they’re just super fast) and also movement using a pilots’ base options to they’re fullest (didn’t even use grapple hook). They’re obviously a very good player that I would be terrified of as both a pilot or titan. With this in mind I don’t understand why this person is getting hate for voicing their (albeit controversial) opinion. I love T2 and think it’s a great game and are saddened by Respawn’s and indirectly EA’s idea that another TitanFall would fail and so are barely keeping both game’s doors open. I never got to experience T1 back in its heyday but this person probably did and so has a deep love and respect for it and is willing to stick with it despite the probability that the load times for matches are long and even few and far between. Their opinion isn’t physically killing me thus they’re entitled to have it even if it’s contradictory to mine. (That’s ok) P.S the dmr isn’t even that bad I know it’s easier to use than the krabar and thus is the defacto “noob weapon” but in this person’s hands all that means is less kill uptime because of the krabar’s small mag and chambering time would only slow them down. Besides when’s the last time YOU saw someone actually using a sniper rifle in this game cause it’s mostly smgs or spitfires every match and I’m kinda getting tired of it be honest. Feel free to ask me questions or give a WELL THOUGHT OUT CRITIQUE just as long it hasn’t been two years or something cause by then I would have found better uses of my time then to argue with people on the internet about decade old video games.
@BrokenBullet99 5 месяцев назад
Well said. Very refreshing to see someone have this kind of take. You're completely right about the community being a reason why I dislike r2. I don't enjoy what is left of r2 and places like r/titanfall are just way to internet shitpost/meme filled for myself personally. I played r1 at launch back in the day on Xbox, and picked up the game again February of 2020 for PC. I absolutely loved it more than r2 and would crave to get matches. After playing the game on PC for 4 years now, I still enjoy it a lot and it was the main focus of my channel for years. Last year Naraka Bladepoint has kinda been dominating my playtime though so I haven't uploaded as much r1 videos as I used too. I made this video as I was messing around in r2 without the Northstar mod, just normal r2 gameplay. I don't enjoy r2, but I think it's a good game if you have never played r1. R1 plays different and has tighter and faster movement (I mean look at eject strafing) I play DMR pretty much only because of the low mag size, scope, and lack of super reliable hip fire. People get mad when facing a slower playstyle, and I actually enjoy playing slower in r2 to anger people and just play how I want. I have chat turned off in r2. I'm definitely washed up in r2, I maybe install it once a year and play for like 15 hours before I decide I like the free space more than the game.
@Preparefortitanfallpilot 5 месяцев назад
i remember this. i need to play again not only because it was the best but also the pilot suits were amazing
@90zjusto19 5 месяцев назад
Teach me how to play monk better😂 I’ve been grabbed by you to many times
@BrokenBullet99 5 месяцев назад
Check out Yato's Tianhai series. I learned a bit from him but practice makes perfect.
@Random_guy788 5 месяцев назад
People still play the first Titanfall?
@BrokenBullet99 5 месяцев назад
PC EU is the most active with 1 lobby going for most of the time. Xbox is pretty decent population still I would imagine. 100+(?)