Performance People
Performance People
Performance People
The Performance People Podcast. What can we learn from people at the top?
Weekly episodes on: Sport | Science | Health | Business and more with Georgie Ainslie
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How To: Make Fear Your Friend
21 день назад
How to Ride Life’s Waves | Laura Crane
21 день назад
Why Mentality Is the key to Longevity
2 месяца назад
Where Your Attention Goes, Your Energy Flows
2 месяца назад
@Ahmed61052 Час назад
Rest in peace Dr. Simon 🙏
@michaelwarlick4328 15 часов назад
When speaking of overregulation , I am reminded of president Trump. One of Trumps early executive orders was that each new regulation must retire two elder regulations. This got rid of hundreds of redundant regulations.
@interloperdrones1172 20 часов назад
Who hasn't had lunch on the countess of Evesham lol
@Alan-wn7lo 22 часа назад
Kinda dropped out last 4 years, didn't watch TV, listening to this about Clarkson & Kaleb running a farm sounds like the most real reality programme that's been made, it's relavent to us all who eat food and wear clothes, farming one of the most important businesses yet its so badily paid the government has to give farmers money grants to grow food cereals meat & milk for the public and keep prices down, it's basically the same in Ireland.
@bernese1004 23 часа назад
UK Government would want to follow Donald Trump when President and LOOK AFTER FARMERS
@whitedragonracing 23 часа назад
Keep bill gates away from injecting your birds.....
@bend3rbot День назад
What a banal presentation. Pandering and Guile - professional nothingness for the masses.
@chrismac2234 День назад
50p an hour. I was getting the same as a british soldier. Best thing to happen to farming since Norman Burlock
@jonathanwatt5771 День назад
Enjoyed the discussion mixing TV and farming and the take it for granted attitude for RR food production. It made me think of the Andrew Marr quote ref A History of the World pg18 "Our abundance is so great, no disaster-movie producer has even contemplated famine as a Western plot line."
@liliworth8098 2 дня назад
Jeremy and Kalebs show is just Lovely. We as the viewer get to experience… the best bunch of fabulous characters be natural annnd funny, happy, wee bit sad, friendly, kind, loyal, sweet and real. This show is a magical escape. It’s like catching up with the rellies on the farm., thank you thank you thank you.
@HYUKLDER1 2 дня назад
DEFRA is not fit for purpose - run by political activists instead of people who know farming and fishing!
@Laugenberger 2 дня назад
Great Father and son Team with partially reversed roles
@chip9177 2 дня назад
Surprised the show is doing so well considering how much the British hate farmers......
@panaceiasuberes6464 2 дня назад
Now can you make a video for the ones of us that are immortal?
@williamj8349 2 дня назад
I'd love to see Ricky Gervais do "A farmer abroad"
@Moist-Gamba 3 дня назад
Cant stand two people talking and saying one sentance at a time to then look at the other person to give them the green light to talk.... fucking weird
@simontheyers801 3 дня назад
It's the new version of.... the 2 Ronnie's 😂😂😂
@pwillis1589. 3 дня назад
Jeremy and Kaleb interact like they have known each other all of their lives.
@_Davepocalypse 3 дня назад
No turkey for Christmas? How wrong he was
@earthstick 3 дня назад
Maybe sheep know they are only alive to be eaten by people, so they aim to die in gruesome way out of spite.
@clockwork2299 3 дня назад
Jeremy Clarkson was the sort of person good folk were advised to avoid….
@gavinrichardson3918 3 дня назад
Think you'll find that when clarkson retires he will sell the farm to kaleb!
@brokenh8911 4 дня назад
Watching from United States I totally agree with Caleb I support my farmers I was raised on a farm and the government shut everything down in Illinois the hog now the cows are next sad sad
@RichardHowells1234 4 дня назад
Hemp Jezzers.
@ap80shg 5 дней назад
Kaleb complaining about pay and also stating he didn’t pay attention in school… the irony
@MealTeam6 5 дней назад
@lauraw.7008 5 дней назад
Pigeons may be “rats of the sky”, but humans are responsible for them being that way. Homing pigeons were big business.
@TRSF1RACING 5 дней назад
Clarkson a national treasure
@Astrodicted 5 дней назад
Kaleb travels the world...pls amazon make it happen
@lexwardle790 5 дней назад
Great chat. Definitely felt the pitting women against each other thing in most (not all) jobs thing although unironically where the manager has been a woman this has never been the case. Natalie proper hit the nail on the head when it comes to mental health system. Some might argue that bingeing 'Ambulance' episodes for a fortnight is probably a really terrible thing to do from a mental health standpoint, yet I found it enlightening because for most of the episodes from 2018 onwards mental health has gone stratospheric. People are talking more about their struggles. No-one's immune. Add on to the fact that paramedics are now under more pressure than they ever have been to help these poorly individuals without the necessary resources and training to be able to deal with it. This is a service where staff are at a significantly higher risk of suffering with PTSD (x7) than the general public. All it does is take them away from focusing on those who need to physical help those who need it most. There are small charities around Ol' Blighty that are attempting to solve this problem but there again there's only so much that can be done. A lot do signposting, share resources with users and offer listening services. At the end of the day, that's what most people need: someone to hear them and show them understanding when no-one else (for whatever reason) has. I volunteer with one such charity called 'Safe Space Movement' set up as a result of the founder's nephew committing suicide. We are a free listening and signposting service via phone and webchat. Everyone has their story to tell in overcoming struggles, so to an extent we've all got mental health and it's our job to look after it to make sure we or anyone around us doesn't disintegrate to the point of no return. x
@z.pberic3061 5 дней назад
80,000 a year subsidy .NZ got rid of subsidies years ago our farmers are the best in the world
@keds07 5 дней назад
This was my first time watching this interview, and I enjoyed it. Respect to all farmers out there 🫡. As a Christian, what Kaleb stated about sheep being given a secure location with good green pastures and still choosing to break camp to feed elsewhere is a revelation to me....thank you, Jeremy, Kaleb, and both interviewers.
@annaelrick7930 5 дней назад
Interviewers are dull. Clarkson and Kalebs personalities shon through and saved the interview regardless.
@tectoramia-sz1lu 5 дней назад
At least the restrictions imposed by the local council, will be ended soon. Farmers will be allowed to do a lot more on their own property without the local jobsworths being able to interfere.
@lynneharding1101 6 дней назад
Pigeons are not rats in the sky which we are led to believe. Pigeons back in the day were pets, they were discarded 😢 thats why pigeons are so tame with us.
@vickywilson5204 6 дней назад
It's voting with the pounds and pennies yet again. Corporate business is a huge problem. We must not be dictated to as to where we buy. Can the farmers not sell straight to public.For example restaurants, networking to the people that want fresh quality food. Apple and pork sausages sounds yum. So maybe farmers should look at recipes and supply and demand. Then work out a recycle of a chain reaction to feeding. People would love a fresh sausage and to know where it came from.
@user-qk4bp2cf7b 6 дней назад
Thank you for the inspiration Stanley! I'm beginning Monique's workout system today and I have Lyme Disease - in serious pain every day but I am going to push through and get this core in action and blast through it.
@annaoslo8650 6 дней назад
Ok speaking of people’s experiences, the amount of people sharing how the carnivore diet saved them from debilitating health issues is getting too big to ignore. There is really something happening in that community that is miraculous. I would really like the vegan community and carnivore community to have a conference together and sort out what really works and when. I still feel that there is a place is our diets for both but there are people who have suffered tremendously on plant based diets who then feel super human on a carnivore diet and it helps with all kinds of issues like kidney function, infertility, deficiencies, definitely diabetes and much much more.
@spacegeeking 6 дней назад
One of the UK’s most charismatic TV presenters, Kaleb Cooper has been entertaining the nation for some 3 years with his uncompromising take on the farming industry and life in general. Fixed it for ya.
@fatrick5004 6 дней назад
Anyone else see the story of Cameron and the tractor as an allegory of Cameron and the country?
@brianboys9015 7 дней назад
HATE those mics. Surely theres better better stuff better than THAT
@hiscifi2986 7 дней назад
I worked on a 600 pig farm, and in 1995 the farmer said that he was loosing £5 on every pig he sold. We were using the most economical way to grow these pigs, but the figures were not favourable. He shut the pig side of the farm, and all 4 of our neighbours also did the same. Some of the buildings were turned into 'Luxury Apartments' and sold to people who did not know the history of the places. I blame the downfall on people having continental breakfasts, instead of the old fashioned Bacon and Eggs, or maybe it was that the Danish could do it cheaper. If Clarkson is still doing pigs, maybe his retail side is helping make some profit out of them.
@lukekanowski4107 7 дней назад
"the once tranquil village" stated with literally the most tranquil, zero noise, deserted background in the history of mankind...
@daninavan2034 7 дней назад
Really good that ❤
@lewisf9266 7 дней назад
If the battles with the local boards are real. There is no reason to want to be there. Just let it rot
@christiaanvorster1988 8 дней назад
Those are the couches from season 1 🤣
@GreenTurtle181 8 дней назад
Such an interesting chat. So good to know more about Natalie. Lovely person.
@victordisfluxgrynfeld7728 8 дней назад
St Caleb!
@inhale.exhale.2527 8 дней назад
sensible lad. tuther side of the fence taint all tits cracked tup tabee. ☢
@halflucan 8 дней назад
This podcast is criminally underrated