Slow Money
Slow Money
Slow Money
A new economic vision. An emerging network of investors, donors, and farmers rebuilding the economy from the ground up.
Beetcoin Dialogue featuring Mary Berry
2 года назад
Beetcoin Dialogue featuring Will Harris
2 года назад
Beetcoin Dialogue featuring Narendra Varma
2 года назад
Beetcoin Dialogue featuring Roberto Meza
2 года назад
The Slow Money Movement
3 года назад
Slow Money's 2Forks Club
6 лет назад
Slow Money Event Highlights
9 лет назад
@xikano8573 5 месяцев назад
As an eng I'm not 100% onboard w/going 100% renewables and scrapping everything else. I believe a hybrid approach is more practical, better built homes and of course people power and of course real horse or ox horsepower. Sure, less dependancy on fossils is good but its good to keep it available, just not use it as often or for everything. Truth is, as humans weve gotten lazy and accustomed to having immediate power source. We need to kick the habit and diversify. From construction to cooking to gardening, the right tech for the appropriate application is in my opinion the best approach.
@irvgotti6847 11 месяцев назад
@xikano8573 Год назад
Colonization thru capitalism.
@stinkpanther Год назад
I wasn't able to attend the conference but I'm really excited to keep exploring this concept. I'm about to open my own urban regenerative farm in my food apartheid city, but the financial piece is not my strongest knowledge area.
@WayneLaChapelle1 Год назад
Thanks Woody!!! ❤
@GreaterGood2024 Год назад
I'm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 🇲🇾
@brothersnorthwest3400 2 года назад
Love this!!!
@yoninasnowman4753 2 года назад
քʀօʍօֆʍ 😑
@chanandlerbong2477 2 года назад
This .. this Beetlejuice's coin?
@greenrover1 2 года назад
And this is what is great about America!
@growingweedisfordummies4190 2 года назад
joels a farmer poet comedian. who else found him bc of Tai lopez?
@Timiscool1321 2 года назад
Wealth from plantation capatilism? You're a crazy person
@wcgraeber 3 года назад
Excited to host Woody to talk about his book "AHA! Fake Trillions, Real Billions, Beetcoin and the Great American Do-Over" in Lincoln, Nebraska on October 21st, 2021.
@juancarlosarbelaezl 3 года назад
@weeder609 3 года назад
@lukefarley9807 3 года назад
Bench Marks of Truth 1. 3:38 Build Carbon 2. 10:16 Child Friendly 3. 14:48 Being Honoring 4. 18:08 Equity is Non-Physical 5. 19:34 Innovation is Empowered 6. 27:40 Should increase the Commons not Decrease the Commons 7. 33:03 Easy Entrance and Exit 8. 37:17 Consistent Across All Fields Spiritual, Ethical, Economic, and Ecological 9. 39:36 Appropriate in Both Developed and Undeveloped Countries 10. 42:49 Scales Up as Well as Down
@hdezoo 3 года назад
As the son of a conventional farmer working my way into regenerative ag, this is music to my ears.
@lonnieyoder7856 3 года назад
Exactly same here
@OBRfarm 4 года назад
How can we invest!?!
@slamuri2801 4 года назад
Monsanto- The one channel that disliked this video. I know I’m late to this by a long shot but I was just showing how screwed up the whole situation is to my wife. She had never heard of the things they do to farmers including purposefully contaminating crops with their seeds, then taking them for everything they have, they have flown planes over fields to contaminate them, they have purposefully dropped tailgates on highways near competing farms to contaminate. Also not to mention their battle against science.
@lenasayers7086 4 года назад
the frequency band that all this information is being transmitted on is messing with the human brain, it hurts to hear all this stuff
@greglewis2398 4 года назад
We need more of Joel Salatin😉!
@unbrokenground5694 Год назад
Oh we are out here! He started a worldwide movement and there are thousands of us that think just like him! We may not be as grammatically eloquent, but the tide is turning!
@tomdewell9866 5 лет назад
Waking people up to the fact that what goes into our mouths is critical to our well being. Without real farmers, people with dirt under their nails, not machine technicians driving giant machines who never touch the ground, our lives are in danger in a way most people can't and don't imagine!
@Jefferdaughter 5 лет назад
The concept of 'transparancy' on a privately owned family farm is nice... but allowing anyone at any time access to private land and the animals that live there is an open invitation to problems. These days, a lack of respect for others, for their property, and for the rights of others has resulted in people causing major issues for some small, ecological farmers. Salatin is well know, Polyface is on the large size for this type of farm, both in acreage and cash flow. And there are a lot of people living and working there, family, apprentices and interns. All these factors make Polyface Farm much less vulnerable than many small ecofarms around the country - so don't be surprised or ttake it as a negative sign if other sustainable/regenerative farms ask you to respect their privacy and property boundaries. Transparency is important for governments and corporations. Let's respect the privacy of farm families, and their time. Most have open farm events, or other opportunities to see their farm and learn about how and why they do things the way they do.
@Jefferdaughter 5 лет назад
With all due apologies to Joel, but this is how our grandparents farmed - with the farm managed as an ecosystem that imported very little, and exported just food, plus brilliant young people who went on to contribute a lot to the world. Sure, some of the tools have changed, but the principles have remained the same. A few years back, someone finally showed Salatin an image in book that doumented chicken houses built on wagons, a practice that was in use hundreds of years ago in Europe. Cattle, sheep, and other livestock were herded with skill and the help of dogs, as covered in the book, 'The Art & Science of Shepherding'. Predators were kept away by livestock guardian dogs, and the good ole' farm dog, like in Disney's 'Old Yeller'. Oxen and horses were used to haul timber out of the woods - and their exhaust is FERTILIZER. When land was being cleared, goats were then brought in to eat the brush and any sprouts from tree stumps. Then hogs were brought in to clear the roots and uproot stumps. Some stumps were also pulled with the draft animals. In rocky fields, some dug trenches around the boundaries, and let the pigs roll the rocks around until they ended up in the trenches - making a great base for a stone wall that would resist frost heaving. I could go on... Nevertheless, we are fans of Salatin and appreciate his talent for getting the word out there that food production is rightly a biological process, not an industrial one.
@Jackwesker3232 5 лет назад
Wonderful Dr. Vandana Shiva.
@threellyai6893 5 лет назад
Can someone else?? chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/threelly-ai-for-youtube/dfohlnjmjiipcppekkbhbabjbnikkibo
@marcomaddox 5 лет назад
wow !!!
Très bel homme....
@JDBrown4peace 6 лет назад
When I read the interview with you in ACRES magazine, I said yes! Yes! YES! We are getting really close to a model that might work to get new farmers and even some old ones like me back out on the land. I want to get a group started here in Billings Montana. Teach me how.
@christinacaruth4894 5 лет назад
An great concept for the locals to develop beyond the Green party !!!
@daletinafloyd8284 6 лет назад
Thank you Joel for pointing out our need to be using our "big heads and opposing thumbs"...
@hammypie 7 лет назад
Are u the same guy in Boys for sale documentary
@Serena-777 7 лет назад
hammypie that's what I wanted to know . But I read he committed suicide before his documentary came out
@andersfuchs9209 7 лет назад
bs this guy is a scam
@melovescoffee 7 лет назад
I'm so happy i found this collection of videos from this wonderful organisation. Thank you for the absolute top quality sound, lighting and staging. Top notch. I am just another consumer lost in the forest. 5 years ago, i was so lost about food. Just another one of those consumers who had no idea about the workings behind our foodsystem, just being maximally angry at big ag and big food. Now, because of people like you, i feel empowered and informed, full able to make educated choices. Thank you. I started by growing food, but that is not enough, it is indeed a community effort. After that, i started sourcing food from local suppliers, which is no small task, living in Europe but i actually found some. Big supermarket chains are often better stocked with ethically produced products than small businesses. Now i also buy from some large companies again. They are lost like i was. We can teach them what we want from them with our purchasing power. I actually enjoy sniffing out eco labels, fair trade emblems and things like that, for the things i can't possibly find local. My soaps and washing up liquids, some clothes, i'll have the organic supermarket sausage too when it's too cold to go to the little local market. I no longer feel powerless although this is all new and unexplored territory for me, but also for the producer. I see that now and i no longer marinate in anger all the time. It takes time to turn this ship around but let's do it!
@danwalthall3344 7 лет назад
You may want to contact Dr Elaine Ingham and her investagation of one of Monsanto,s GMO,s at lifeinthesoil.com
@gregorymyers6202 8 лет назад
Love what your doing with sustainable farming!
@leonalirangues3340 8 лет назад
I admire Wendell's efforts to work with mainstream government. However, the mayor and the congresswoman clearly had their own interests and propaganda in mind. The mayor was more interested in the bourbon, agri-tourism where wealthy farmers can carry on over-charging for their farm to table to bourbon experiences. The congresswoman was difficult to listen to at all. However, I have to say that Wendell that Wendell should be commended for trying to work with mainstream interests. I think that the interests of "fast money" (which includes "small" farm wealthy farmers) will trump the philosophy of "slow money" every time. The fast-money, mainstream, conventional interests will look for profit. Wendell wants a "sharing" philosophy where all are interests are tied together, resources are shared, where one succeeds all succeed. That flies in the face of capitalism. Also, was a bit annoyed at some of Wendell's cheap shots at the Post Office and so forth. I also think that Wendell was a little naive about where the mayor and congresswoman stand. Lastly, not sure that "local" is the panacea for all of society's ills that Wendell describes. Still, conversation is better than no conversation. That's a good thing.
@socialgofarm6103 8 лет назад
We love your model and your message.
@entrepreneur4life28 8 лет назад
Thank you for the post...I sent you an email and look forward to working with you. Happy New Year. All these years I learned how to sow into other countries now I want to settle down and sow into ours and there is now better way then to supply healthy food to our nation. I am greatful :)
@bettystarling6822 9 лет назад
The Tortilla chips was started by another company in 2006-8, with a family history of 10 generations, organic corn is grown in Morgan County and the Old Mill was in production ...for this company as well many sources of funds including several USDA sustainable agriculture grants, not loans were obtain and Leslie at acenet assisted this group choosing not to assist others...she does have a photo she took at the fall Harvest fest of our chips and Salsa, Theft of Intellectual property is a serious offense..older folks so not have paid caregivers, although disabled from 90 years of farming, let alone anything else , but fortunately some are able to get paid in many ways... see list of servicesAjamian, Michelle 09/25/2014 Community Inclusion - Personal Assistance Loc Name: Ajamian, Michelle Address: 14100 MILLCREEK RD, Millfield, OH, 45761 Phone: (740) 590-1501 Email: michelle.ajamian@gmail.com Description: Community Inclusion - Personal Assistance see list of servicesAjamian, Michelle 09/25/2014 Community Inclusion - Transportation Loc Name: Ajamian, Michelle Address: 14100 MILLCREEK RD, Millfield, OH, 45761 Phone: (740) 590-1501 Email: michelle.ajamian@gmail.com Description: Community Inclusion - Transportation see list of servicesAjamian, Michelle 09/25/2014 Homemaker Personal Care Loc Name: Ajamian, Michelle Address: 14100 MILLCREEK RD, Millfield, OH, 45761 Phone: (740) 590-1501 Email: michelle.ajamian@gmail.com Description: Homemaker Personal Care see list of servicesAjamian, Michelle 09/25/2014 HPC Transportation Loc Name: Ajamian, Michelle Address: 14100 MILLCREEK RD, Millfield, OH, 45761 Phone: (740) 590-1501 Email: michelle.ajamian@gmail.com Description: HPC Transportation see list of servicesAjamian, Michelle 09/25/2014 Informal Respite (Family Only) Loc Name: Ajamian, Michelle Address: 14100 MILLCREEK RD, Millfield, OH, 45761 Phone: (740) 590-1501 Email: michelle.ajamian@gmail.com Description: Informal Respite (Family Only) see list of servicesAjamian, Michelle 09/25/2014 Informal Respite (Non-Family) Loc Name: Ajamian, Michelle Address: 14100 MILLCREEK RD, Millfield, OH, 45761 Phone: (740) 590-1501 Email: michelle.ajamian@gm
@ellekewilms6891 9 лет назад
very inspiring. Thanks for uploading.
@BlueShopGoods 9 лет назад
28:30 - Pretty shocking. Applying permaculture principles to the large scale. What a hopeful outlook if we could start getting this done...
@travisb4514 6 лет назад
Daniel Johnson *when not if haha
@Jefferdaughter 5 лет назад
Others who have been farming with nature on a farm/large scale, some for many decades: Gabe Brown - 'Treating the Farm as an Ecosystem' ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uUmIdq0D6-A.html Sepp Holtzer - who adopted the term 'permaculture' for his style of farming with nature when asked to do so: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-6P81ZLODRQo.html Darren Doherty in Australia, but consulting around the world. Colin Seis in Australia Will Harris, White Oak Pastures in Georgia - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XNQvUSEKL6Q.html Allan Savory of Zimbabwe and Arizona
@j.danaclark89 9 лет назад
Always good to hear him.
@dianagulas6773 9 лет назад
This gives me hope again.It was fading for awhile.
@themwales6575 9 лет назад
the body language of Greg Fishcher- he starts with his whole body pointed away from the discussion and eventually turns his legs in
@danaandstanfisher1545 9 лет назад
awesome lecture - long, but worth listening to!
@growingweedisfordummies4190 2 года назад
this man uses more unique words in one lecture than most people use their whole lives
@ChrisWakeford 9 лет назад
GMO is like religion....for our children. Nope.Its time to say its time to adopt ECO over EGO.Time. It's time.
@ChrisWakeford 9 лет назад
Monsanto are customer terrorists.......
@freemanontheland123 9 лет назад
Follow the money to find the funny(business)
@bc714 9 лет назад
One of the most important movements of our generation.
@timbrod5281 9 лет назад
Well done, I feel inspired again. Thank you, Tim Brod Highland Bees