I've played video games not particularly well for 30+ years but only recently decided to broadcast that to the world. For the time being, it's mostly Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865) that gets shared. Maybe some HLL or COH3 if my reaction times increase. War of Rights is pretty much the only FPS my slow-as-molasses reaction time can handle. All time favorite series is TWW and had a Wood Elf army (still do, in fact) back in pre-AOS WHFB.

#grandtactician #warofrights

War of Rights Map Briefing: Smokestacks
4 часа назад
War of Rights Map Briefing: Cox's Push
21 день назад
@dichebach 14 часов назад
Great stuff! I'm curious how you changed the victory points part? I've noticed that: (a) there is not enough of them and (b) there is not enough variation between battles.
@greatscots 13 часов назад
Thanks! I raised these three (I think it was only these three) figures in the battleprefs file: Minimum objectives to appear on map (distance and angles to search for are permanently increased until this amount is reached) 5 ... Objectives to be activated for campaign battles if within at max of range of the defender 700 ... The maximum range another objective is shown next to the main objective (to keep objectives together) 700
@yeahthisiscuddy День назад
gmoat? greatest melee of all time?
@greatscots День назад
I don’t have many like this, so it would be mine.
@afonsoornelas4826 3 дня назад
Nooo way that was awsome, i put my self 20 yards from an enemy lines (not charging) sometimes but i never done someting like that. Great video
@KA-jm2cz 3 дня назад
Game developer makes unusable and punishing ecenomy system in game insteasd even somehow working UI or units in field or ordering system etc. Game is beyond saveable unfortunately.
@yeahthisiscuddy 3 дня назад
I think this map would be a lot more interesting if they'd open up the Union right side OB and let you fight on that road.
@greatscots 3 дня назад
It could be, but the Union would still have to deal with that darn defilade.
@yeahthisiscuddy 2 дня назад
@@greatscots True, but at least then you could work around them when they hid in there.
@oberleutnantvonnogay9924 3 дня назад
What do you mean with the title descrption? "other games can't still do this" ??
@Bradley_UA День назад
This is what total was was meant to evolve into, and it didnt. Total war barely had any creative improvements for two decades. Its pathetic. I think there is one ww2 themed game like this, but most big games are stuck in RTS bucket. Or grad strategy bucket.
@laynebelanger9890 4 дня назад
What’s the book you were reading I’ve heard of you talk about it before
@greatscots 4 дня назад
Was I talking about Chickamauga? If so, I think it’s The Maps of Chickamauga by Nichols.
@iainmore3961 5 дней назад
War will always leave you indebted. That is what real life is like. Inflation was one of the things that killed the CSA in 1861-65 well that and corruption.
@greatscots 4 дня назад
It's not cheap.
@RobGM2 6 дней назад
Those total casualty counts are mind-boggling but also realistic to the actual losses during the war.
@greatscots 6 дней назад
Yeah, it’s kind of crazy. The end of campaign casualties are higher than historical, but comparable.
@RobGM2 6 дней назад
THe meat grinder!!!
@TylerTR95 6 дней назад
is it my youtube or is the color gone, im so confused
@clarkunglued580 6 дней назад
I don't think the color is gone, but it's terribly muted.
@greatscots 6 дней назад
Yeah, it appears to have only happened in this video. It’s not you.
@Cornwalis-bl1qo 6 дней назад
The reason we didn't win the first point is because two of the COs played with the rush the first point mentality and did not communicate with, or allow time for other COs (such as me, Cornwalis) to get in optimal positions for the first point. It was not communicated when some units pushed full frontal in that final engagement on the first point, nor did the unit up the road time their engagements well at all. That 2nd point is not winnable lol.
@greatscots 6 дней назад
I remember that first push looked uncoordinated. I don’t recall the 2nd point, I think it was the one near CD’s cap point. It thought Union might have capped it, but IDK how you hold that without the tree line.
@afonsoornelas4826 7 дней назад
No comentary : ( A close but smart victory, i still think that the union always have the problem of not doing a speard out formation when firing and when charging. Good video!!!!
@greatscots 7 дней назад
Yeah, I just happen to have several without commentary, but I’ll try to alternate them with the ones that have commentary.
@chrisparisi7291 8 дней назад
Thoughts on the game as a whole? Awhile back I remember you posted a vid discussing your disappointment at the game overall.
@greatscots 8 дней назад
Yeah, those disappointments remain, and the devs appear done with the game. At the same time, I’ve finished the best campaign I’ve ever played-4 years. I feel like the mods I’ve made have got the game as far as I can. I still have to switch sides every now and then to correct the AI, but otherwise, it was a challenging campaign. The AOM mod crew has reinvigorated their mod, which is very well received by the community. They are also doing as much as they can within the confines of the game. I assume they will push the mod as far as they can, but there are limits. I have a Steam review of this game from the relatively early days. I haven’t changed most of my assessments since then- there is no other ACW game that gives us the ability to do a lot of grand strategy stuff and a ton of tactical battles. I really wanted this game to be good, and it’s been a blast. I’ve played a lot of ACW games over 30 years, so it’s a genre of mine. If you like the ACW time period, strategy games, and tactical battles, most players can get past some of the jankiness and bugs. I don’t even notice any of that. To the degree that those things don’t interest you, it’s a less appealing pickup.
@xHugoxN7 8 дней назад
Exactly the content I was looking for, ive only played for 4 days and i already have ptsd.
@greatscots 8 дней назад
Sounds about right. Welcome to WoR. Hope you enjoy!
@petercrowley453 8 дней назад
Leading with the artillery, never a good move… says the man crossing his own front! 😅😂
@santoast24 9 дней назад
Im gonna ruin this game for you The water wheel at Gaines Mill spins the wrong way
@greatscots 9 дней назад
@yeahthisiscuddy 9 дней назад
This map is so chaotic. So many angles you have to cover. Anybody know the meta? I feel completely lost on all the Harper's Ferry maps.
@greatscots 9 дней назад
I did a map briefing about Washington Street. Came out about a week ago. Might help.
@yeahthisiscuddy 8 дней назад
@@greatscots on your playlist it says "17 unavailable videos are hidden." Do you know what that's about?
@greatscots 6 дней назад
@@yeahthisiscuddy I'm pretty sure those related to videos I've added to the playlist but have not yet gone public.
@dichebach 9 дней назад
What mod(s) are you running?
@greatscots 9 дней назад
They’re mostly my own, although I took an old version of the additional officers from the AOM mod and their weapon text descriptions, but it’s otherwise my own. They’re in the GTCW Steam discussion under mods- The Barely Adequate Mod (BAM). The version that is there is a few months behind this, but it’s 90%+ the same. Will put up this version soonish.
@jamesmills109 9 дней назад
One thing that bugs me is when I spawn back into the battle that big ass map is showing on my screen, which can be very detrimental if you spawn right into a mele moment because your vision is immediately obscured by the map on the screen making it very difficult to see what is happening on the battle field.
@greatscots 9 дней назад
I know of none. Maybe someone else does. That is annoying.
@yeahthisiscuddy 9 дней назад
It looked like CSA arty was locked in.
@greatscots 9 дней назад
They were.
@calpurnius1966 10 дней назад
@afonsoornelas4826 11 дней назад
Almost feels like kotow videos, no commentary is chill but i prefer the commentary ones, you can also try do a video were you are playing among the ranks just to variate, some hours before this match there was a match on this map where we won by just 20 sec on the timer (the best disorganized victory i ever saw) Great video!!!!
@greatscots 11 дней назад
Thanks! Yeah, it’s a format I might use once and awhile, but I don’t intend for it to become the main way I do third person WoR.
@Jbird1988 11 дней назад
When the AI actually spreads out and hits you its such a fun game. I've gotten lost in multi day battles that remind me so much of Spotsylvania only to finish after hours and think wow that was one battle
@greatscots 11 дней назад
It really is. I’ll say that I’ve gotten more of this in this campaign than I can remember in a long way. While not perfect, the AI in this campaign has been a good test on the battlefield.
@Jbird1988 11 дней назад
@@greatscots That is great to hear. My PC is curently in storage from a move so the itch to load this game is real. Thanks for all the content man.
@boraonline7036 12 дней назад
People as well as gaming magazins say that we don't have much RTS games anymore. But if you look at Steam, GOG and all others, the list of RTS is quite big (old and new ones) I would rather say there are not much RTS games that have a lot of depth and are complex and for sure not dynamic. There is another American Civil War game. But you pretty much just replay the war or you can replay historical battles. I wish there would be more RTS games like this or like we know it from TW. Means the campaign is always dynamic. However reading some reviews on Steam and some complaihn that the economy does not work properly and that it happenes that AI does not follow your orders, in the meaning that your troops stop when they are supposed to move or go forward when no one told them to do so. What do you say about bugs and problems of this game?
@greatscots 12 дней назад
GTCW has what I call a “bug lottery”- some people have a ton of bugs, while I have nothing game breaking. As for the un-modded game’s problems, I’m not sure because I have modded the game over the past two and a half years, so I don’t play the vanilla version. From the economy tutorials I’ve done, I would say certain things don’t make sense-the game doesn’t model shortages well- but it’s a workable economy system. It’s good enough. My soldiers usually go where I order them and when they don’t, well, that happened a lot in the civil war, so there’s some role playing.
@yeahthisiscuddy 13 дней назад
Union held good. Secess looked a little chaotic. What was their play to counter?
@greatscots 13 дней назад
They did. CSA looked like they either were not coordinated or were unsure of how to respond. Rather than shooting it out at range, which only allows the Union to embed themselves, the CSA needed to push the East Woods or threaten to cut off their retreat thru the corn. Concentration against dispersion. I think that one Union group near cap rocks might have been too far from its friendlies if the CSA acted decisively. Incidentally, I just watched the Union do this again not long ago.
@yeahthisiscuddy 9 дней назад
@@greatscots CSA's gotta try and isolate one of the wings, wipe a company, and camp on a flag. Make the Union run all the way back. Probably could say that for every map though lol.
@yeahthisiscuddy 13 дней назад
Why'd the Union at 17:00 wait for the CSA to establish a line before they tried to take the ground around the downed flag? They had all day to set up on that hill, shooting down at them coming up after respawn.
@greatscots 13 дней назад
I don’t remember if I said the same thing in that video, but I definitely was thinking it.
@yeahthisiscuddy 13 дней назад
Oh good I thought I was the only player who couldn't melee for shit. Seems to be all of us.
@greatscots 13 дней назад
I’m trash. If I get two kills in a melee, I’m happy.
@yeahthisiscuddy 13 дней назад
I was taught as flag bearer to go where the line is most thin, so respawning privates don't have far to go to reinforce the weakest point.
@greatscots 13 дней назад
Yeah, whatever works. Just don’t get shot thru those gaps in the line.
@yeahthisiscuddy 13 дней назад
The most agitating thing in this game is a flag bearer that lets you spawn in the middle of a melee. Back out of there. Give me a chance to hit V at least before I get killed.
@dichebach 13 дней назад
The issue I still have not figured out is: how to go from Ltg General in charge of a Corps to command of an Army Group and thence to General in Chief. It is 22 August 1862; my CSA character is Lieutenant General Jackson Wick and has achieved qualifications to rank up to full General but the UI explains that "You cannot have a higher rank than your command officer. You must secure a higher command before getting promoted." I presume the next step is taking over the entire CSA military which I'm keen to do, but I don't know exactly how that works. Do I need to use my prestige to guide the CSA bot to pick certain policies or projects in order to create the possibility for the LTG Beauregard to be replaced?
@greatscots 13 дней назад
If the AI hasn’t researched the policy that allows the higher level group and command, then, yes, you’d have to expend prestige to expedite that.
@afonsoornelas4826 13 дней назад
Yep this was new it took me time to see that you added the subtitles during the video, contest is probably the worst maps for the union because normaly (if not almost all times) we losse very fast this one took time but the fate was the same our oficers have problems that even i cant tell it takes too much time to organize them selfs and doing it during battle is hard, the union arty could have done way better if they used the rest of the ammo left nevertheless Good video :)
@greatscots 13 дней назад
Thanks! I’m always surprised to see the Union not win this, but granted I’ve only seen it like 4 times.
@afonsoornelas4826 13 дней назад
@@greatscots constest is the most hated thing for union players because in just some time you press t and see that you are already at taking losses and you starts thinking "well gona have to prepare for last stand" its rare for me to play contest but on the 21 times i played contest we just got steam rolled every single time, 2 things: to big, to hard (easy to lost your unit in pubs and arty sometimes cant or do nothing)
@toneymiller5911 15 дней назад
Right the canon "
@Jbird1988 15 дней назад
Imagine coordinating armies this size with nothing but a quick meeting, some flags and MAYBE some telegraph tech
@greatscots 15 дней назад
Yeah, or at least trying to coordinate. Better hope your subordinates are up to the task.
@orangejuicehero 15 дней назад
Perfect volume in this last battle imo. Don't think I've fought a Mechanicsville battle yet, but based on the map I'm looking forward to it.
@greatscots 15 дней назад
Great! If memory serves me correctly, it’s the west side of the Cold Harbor map, which I really enjoy.
@MatthewNelson-kz4tv 16 дней назад
@MatthewNelson-kz4tv 16 дней назад
@CBell123 16 дней назад
Im that C. Bell guy with 41 dudes at the end in my Company. Union got slaughtered 10/10 gg
@greatscots 15 дней назад
I’ve enjoyed watching your work. Keep it up!
@yeahthisiscuddy 16 дней назад
Rebs held the center of the field the whole time and the Union never really tried to knock them off. Poor effort.
@greatscots 15 дней назад
Yup, that was a rough one.
@yeahthisiscuddy 16 дней назад
I have way more fun in big companies than in smaller ones. Are the cav guns that much more fun? I had an awful time in artillery haha.
@greatscots 16 дней назад
I don’t think Sharps are that much more fun, although I think they are more fun shooting than most others. I suspect people like cav because more players get pistols as their secondary. If they never play officer, that’s their only time to use pistols. I think pistols are fun.
@afonsoornelas4826 16 дней назад
@@yeahthisiscuddy small companies can be more fun than big ones only if your oficer is good and if the people of tha regiment are with the oficer otherwhise no, cav is fun beacuse well you can shoot very fast and you can have pistol but ya cav can get wiped very quick if not used well because there is a limited amount of people that can join.
@yeahthisiscuddy 16 дней назад
The Union forever!
@greatscots 15 дней назад
So far, so good.
@yeahthisiscuddy 16 дней назад
I've learned more about this game here than from any other channel.
@greatscots 16 дней назад
Glad it’s helped!
@dichebach 17 дней назад
Good overview! One small point: According to the W&L manual, the maximum bonus from engage in politics is +3. There is a nice table that provides details on all the camp stations on pp 21 through 24.
@afonsoornelas4826 17 дней назад
This was painful to watch, union arty did not perform as it needed, when you want to do a push you got to have or the cav regiment on the right or 2 or 3 napoleon guns aiming to their inf, counter battery you just need to use the 3 inch gun and put a long fuse or use the 3 inch to do a barrage into their inf put long fuse force them to move out their position, that napoleon trip across the road was unecessary, union inf did is best but with they alone couldnt do much, arty have the problem of the rambos but since the cav was protecting them they could just ignore csa arty and focused on csa inf. Good video!!!
@greatscots 16 дней назад
Thanks! Yeah, I thought one side left more room for improvement that the other, but thought it was worth sharing.
@afonsoornelas4826 16 дней назад
@@greatscots dont think so, 1 round of canon ball could wiped csa cav and union cav + arty support and an well condinated push of the inf union could wiped csa
@notsure188 18 дней назад
@kibin9552 18 дней назад
I just joined the 11th ms
@pearlsbeforeswine1731 21 день назад
@legarouthegoat 22 дня назад
how do you not get any lag in this game
@greatscots 19 дней назад
I do get lag. Everyone does. It's not well optimized, and it likely never will be.
@petergriffin1232 22 дня назад
@greatscots 19 дней назад
@petergriffin1232 19 дней назад
@@greatscots I love ireland i love the 69th ny
@greatscots 18 дней назад
@@petergriffin1232 ohhhhh, gotcha. I don’t know why that didn’t register with me the first time.
@RobGM2 24 дня назад
Like the subs too maybe shrink the font size a bit. Been enjoying this campaign since the beginning.
@greatscots 23 дня назад
Good to hear. Might keep them if I can work out a new quirk in the process.