Mama Doctor Jones
Mama Doctor Jones
Mama Doctor Jones
I'm MDJ and I am on a mission to change the world through empowering, entertaining education about women & AFAB health! I absolutely love teaching and am passionate about my field of practice. Thanks for being here, I promise you'll leave with something to tell your friends!

Danielle Jones, MD
Board Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Educational Content Creator
Expert in Periods, Pregnancy, & Science Communication
Wife + Mama x 4 (Twin Girls + 2 Sweet Boys)

Genetic hyperovulation is absolutely WILD...
5 месяцев назад
Red States are Protecting Reproductive Rights!
6 месяцев назад
We need to talk about midwives...
6 месяцев назад
Pro-Lies: Abortion Propaganda Professionals
6 месяцев назад
The Sinister Side of Drug Testing in Pregnancy
7 месяцев назад
The Worst of TikTok Doctors
7 месяцев назад
How Texas' Abortion Ban Increased Infant Deaths
8 месяцев назад
Sex Ed That Gives Me NIGHTMARES...
8 месяцев назад
Doctor Reacts: Hilarious Reality TV Moments
9 месяцев назад
90s Sex Ed is Giving CHAOS....
10 месяцев назад
CURSED Placenta TikToks
10 месяцев назад
Top 5 Doctor-Approved PMS Cures
11 месяцев назад
@charliebyerly3931 34 минуты назад
If you watch Dr Pol for a day, you see so many reasons why reproductive health ways is necessary - they need different names for the ways "abortion" is used. I truly believe that anti choice people think its only used for a poor choice of birth control and completely miss that if something goes wrong, if the fetus terminates on its own, all that stuff has to come out, so whatever you call the medical procedure to remove it, it has to be available immediately every where, not just in states that understand this.
@nerd0_041 38 минут назад
I really appreciate your gender-neutral approach, because in fact you are the only gynecologist that I, as a transman, feel comfortable seeing, so I learn important information
@charliebyerly3931 39 минут назад
Did they not have vasectomies back then? Seems that would have been a best choice of couples who have had as many children they want and want no more.
@Kathrine465 Час назад
My father in law who is 60 years old, had a twin in his mothers womb, but only he survived.
@angelaneal7154 2 часа назад
Living with High Risk HPV was the end of life for me, all thanks to DR ALAHO OLU on RU-vid Channel that cured me………..
@angelaneal7154 2 часа назад
Living with High Risk HPV was the end of life for me, all thanks to DR ALAHO OLU on RU-vid Channel that cured me………..
@ValkyriesSirena 2 часа назад
My favorite part is she named one of her kids Carl😅
@jufrota8017 3 часа назад
Minha tia-avó teve filhos com esta idade, nasceu saudável, de cesariana porque o médico ficou com medo devido a idade, ela já tinha 3 mais velho que basicamente tinham idade para serem pais do mais novo. Era um menino, infelizmente o Bullying por ter pais mais velho acabou com a psiquê dele.
@natr3980 3 часа назад
Don’t understand the controversy about GBS prophylaxis. Its just penicillin and significantly less antibiotics given than what gbs meningitis requires
@SamSamCos333 3 часа назад
This is how they should teach sex ed from now on
@Claireannette77 3 часа назад
9:56 My mom does the same thing when watching shows and movies😂 I kinda love it😂
@Anonymouse428 3 часа назад
I’ve used the “pull out method” with 100% effectiveness for 13+ years
@antbotsquad6769 4 часа назад
Thanks to the blessing of the internet and wikipedia and RU-vid, I learned how babies are made at 9 years old.
@DedraAmbroseandSnow 4 часа назад
I'm 54 I've got an enlarged uterus that has a fibroid that's herniated a part of my uterus. Plus I've got an irritated cyst & PCOS. I've got also a tumor through my uterus as well as it's tilted. The OBGYNs I've been to. Don't want to do a complete hysterectomy. Because 1 I'm to young, 2 I've not got any living children. I'd be almost 70 by the time my baby would graduate high school. I don't want a baby at my age. I'm in extreme pain That has put me in a fib 12 times & dropped my to 20. My PCP told me that the pain isn't from this crap.
@leonmics416 5 часов назад
God bless DR ALAHO OLU ❤️ on RU-vid Channel for curing my girlfriend from HSV 1&2. I’m very grateful to you sir🙏. He cures HPV, CANCER, MS, HIV, TINNITUS and ALS………
@leonmics416 5 часов назад
God bless DR ALAHO OLU ❤️ on RU-vid Channel for curing my girlfriend from HSV 1&2. I’m very grateful to you sir🙏. He cures HPV, CANCER, MS, HIV, TINNITUS and ALS………
@M.A.King117 5 часов назад
Girl he heard you he just didn’t want to come. Break up
@minttuh6896 8 часов назад
I took "midwifes brew" cause they wanted to induce me anyway. One of the ingredients is castor oil but because of the other ingredients it isnt meant to cause diarrhea and it did break my waters 1.5h later and baby was born 33h later. :) Search for it and youll find women sharing recipes and experiences of it in youtube.
@rafaeltavares584 10 часов назад
You look like Tina Fey... (I'm addicted to this series of videos btw 😅)
@tranredmann2958 11 часов назад
I was once an HPV patient, but now I have finally gotten rid of it with the help of DR ALAHO OLU on RU-vid herbal medicine you can also get yourself cured with the help of this same man, his herbal medicine works perfectly, well thanks so much………
@tranredmann2958 11 часов назад
I was once an HPV patient, but now I have finally gotten rid of it with the help of DR ALAHO OLU on RU-vid herbal medicine you can also get yourself cured with the help of this same man, his herbal medicine works perfectly, well thanks so much………
@pinklady4772 11 часов назад
If they knew about this back in the day, Lady Sybil Crawley would still be alive😂
@zed9227 12 часов назад
Thank you for the info. This totally explains why my teeth stay white. 🤙😁
@AlexCobb07 12 часов назад
And I have terrible cramps when I'm on my period
@pinklady4772 13 часов назад
When I was pregnant with my first child I just wasn't thinking right. Having a kid affects your whole being sometimes.😅
@mariegarside8830 14 часов назад
When I was in sixth grade, they gathered all the girls to watch the movie about periods. The only problem was that half the girls already experienced peroids. Waiting until children are 13 for sex education doesn't educate them before the fact.
@LaRissa-wm5lc 15 часов назад
My pregnancy brain was stand at checkout, i scanned all my items and inserted my debit card for payment... I forgot my pin number!! Took me so many tries i nearly started crying standing there at the check lol. An employee came to assist me and I told him I can't remember my pin number 🥺 Luckily I didn't forget I could process as CC.
@AyyRalphy 16 часов назад
Funny how you never go over the MEDICAL reports on side effects of this mess on an international scale ie Colombia etc 👀 . But okay miss ‘doctor’ lol
@heatherfeather1293 17 часов назад
I had bad endometriosis and had a partial hysterectomy (uterus and cervix removed) in 2008. For me personally, this got rid of the hellish pain I had each month. My doctor did warn me that it could come back though
@TheBroomBookandCandle 17 часов назад
Instead of pushing abortion we need to push safe sex if safe sex a thing anymore
@MystiaSkye 18 часов назад
Unrelated but the Actors didnt even TRY to replicate the Quebecois accent 😂
@kristinwiebold2433 19 часов назад
You can see that the new mom is going into shock which isnt good either. Neither is a cold bady
@kristinwiebold2433 19 часов назад
I dont really get why he didnt turn off the road to head to the hospital. 😅
@jufrota8017 19 часов назад
Geralmente as mulheres que ficam grávidas sem saber são raras, mais raro ainda é uma mulher que fica grávida sem saber até o parto, geralmente quando é uma gravidez tão silenciosa neste ponto a mulher tem menstruações irregulares, fluxo baixo e/ou sangramentos sazonais durante toda a gravidez, e claro não engorda muito. Eu só conheci uma mulher que teve gravidez silenciosa, ela descobriu aos 5 meses de gestação durante uma bateria de exames, mas a ginecologistas dela era uma incompetente, cortou o útero dela durante a gestação e ela teve câncer, ela tava grávida de gêmeos e a incompetente não viu ela teve um parto com 45 semanas e um bebê já nasceu em decomposição e a menina nasceu morta porém voltou a respirar, mas de novo, a gravidez só foi silenciosa e pós termo neste nível porque a médica era uma inútil, depois no tratamento de câncer de útero a mãe descobriu que a médica não fez o pré-natal adequado, cortou pedaços do útero, e não interrompeu a gravidez quando chegou a termo. Cuidado com que médico você confia.
@heatherfeather1293 21 час назад
Probably a good idea for all women who can bear children to keep a pregnancy test around if you are hetero and sexually active
@heatherfeather1293 21 час назад
I can't imagine just looking between my legs and seeing a head. I would probably start screaming, (even if I hadn't had a hysterectomy)
@heatherfeather1293 21 час назад
What people don't realize is that women have been having babies for literally millions of years without prenatal care. Most of the time, baby will be just fine!
@leadimentoobrien1221 22 часа назад
Why do u want to victimize the victim again???? u r saying the rapist gene pool over rides HER gene pool????? Why do u want to kill HER innocent baby killed in the most GRUESOME OF WAYS ?!
@Chicagostayscoldd 22 часа назад
I’m scared how normalize offing your baby in the womb is becoming. Just read the comment section
@heatherfeather1293 22 часа назад
I can understand her not calling an ambulance. Those will bankrupt you. Maybe an Uber? LOL
@JoannaDaniel-ov5hr 23 часа назад
I almost lost it when i thought there's no hope for curing my herpes virus till i get connected to Dr Kuriama to get his wonderful herbs which truly worked like i ever imagined. All thanks 🎉 Dr Kuriama you're the best 🎉
@PeterAlyesbury 23 часа назад
You're a psychopath
@jufrota8017 23 часа назад
Na verdade, a maioria das mulheres com problemas de coração podem gestar um bebê saudável, seria preciso planejar a gravidez com anos de antecedência, acompanhante médico cuidadoso, talvez um pré-natal com especialista, talvez precise de uma cirurgia de para por um marcar passo, ou medicamento anticoagulantes injetáveis, mas é claro não é decisão do médico, é da família, especialmente da mulher, mas parece que o médico simples decidiu que a mulher não podia. E a Pirula anticoncepcional não é boa para quem tem problemas de coração ou coágulo sanguíneo, e nem funciona, se pirulas anticoncepcionais funcionassem minha família já teria entrado em extinção na década de 1970 e eu tenho mais de 200 primos, eu anticoncepcional para a minha gata e ela teve 8 filhotes, dei para a cadela e ela teve 6 filhotes. Minha colega e minha prima tomavam as injetáveis, minha colega tem 2 filhas e minha prima 5 filhos. Não funciona, se funcionassem não haveriam tantos bebês não planejados ao redor do mundo.
@heatherfeather1293 День назад
There is no way in hell I could have gone through bootcamp in my 1st trimester. I was fatigued all of the time and nauseous
@morganskye3299 День назад
You are hysterical! I love when you point out the non medical garbage they try to pass as fact ❤️
@Ssanihal День назад
I could not even think about eating when I had my natural labor lol
@zaqzilla1 День назад
The fact that she's a doctor and used the term "identify as" scares me.
@JM-qs8up День назад
Persons who ovulate = women
@thatdeliagirl1491 День назад
Does anyone else think she looks like she could be Mr. Ballens sister?
@Snowfalls_Art День назад
I just found out that Danone in the USA it's called Dannon, that's really interesting