Master the Dungeon
Master the Dungeon
Master the Dungeon
Advice for DMs from DMs. We create advice videos for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition geared towards helping you run a better game. Our D&D topics range from simple rules to advanced world building and everything in between. While most of our advice is geared towards Dungeon Masters, we also have content for players in the TTRPG space.

We're a small three person team. Jae is our primary writer and does most of the channel's research. Kim does voice over, some of the writing & research, editing, and video editing for the channel. AMP is our artist and creates all of our graphics.

Currently we post videos roughly every two weeks. If you like the content we create and want to see more of it, the best thing you can do to help us is share our videos with others. The support means the world to us and we're thrilled people find our content helpful!
Having Your Players Create Maps
Год назад
Magical Items as Set Pieces
Год назад
Emergency Spell Casting for D&D
Год назад
How to Make Dungeons in 30 Minutes
2 года назад
D&D Without Combat
2 года назад
Super Mario Dungeon Design for D&D
2 года назад
Simple Guilds for D&D 5e
2 года назад
The 1:10 Rule for D&D Combat
2 года назад
Making D&D Towns Feel Alive
2 года назад
Chase Mechanics for D&D 5e
2 года назад
Saying Yes and No to Your D&D Players
2 года назад
Obvious vs Unexpected Traps
2 года назад
Building a Campaign Hub for D&D
2 года назад
How to Use D&D Town Generators
2 года назад
Swapping Positions Trap for D&D
2 года назад
October Channel Update
2 года назад
How to Craft Healing Potions for D&D 5e
3 года назад
Metroid Dungeon Design for D&D
3 года назад
Crush Traps for D&D
3 года назад
How to Make Younger Dungeons
3 года назад
Running Traps in Parallel
3 года назад
@Avabees 16 часов назад
I looked at the cost and time required to make holy water or potions and immediately ruled them out as an option in our group. I dont think any of the party has ever had more than 20 gold at one time
@francoisfortin4693 День назад
Kill your Players ... (wish about some toxic player) ... you talking about the character of the player, may be the transaltor give me =Comment tuer vos joueurs ... 😛
@jmarsh1827 2 дня назад
I just found this channel and it is pure GOLD. Great content, straightforward, and I love the narrator's calm voice.
@alexennoa 2 дня назад
awesome video. gave me some ideas to think about. there are many videos on the subject, but they are very vague, here you get really good examples to work with! Thanks :D
@neepers 3 дня назад
I only use gold in my campaign and I tightly control the economy. I base costs on need rather than follow the DMG. It's really simple. I think some things are incredibly over priced, and other things are incredibly underpriced. By overpricing common goods, gold economy can be tightly regulated. This has worked exceptionally well.
@hunterlilleyun 4 дня назад
Something I've noticed about illusions in games is that it heavily depends on the DM and their interpretation. For both the Player and the DM. If a DM feels like it, the players illusionary wall can be seen through immediately even if the target didn't see them conjure it, even though they would have no reason to doubt the illusion except for the matter the DM decided they did. From the DM perspective: I've discovered that if you present it as real the players have no reason to doubt it, they believe it because you as the DM said it, unless you have one of the skeptical individuals sitting at your table. If its not outright stated, or like the video said, out of place no ones really going to question it, at least until they wizen up and start asking themselves, "Is any of this real?" Even a number of the illusions in the game say the target rationalizes the results themselves, meaning they convince themselves that its real. Illusions are one of my favored schools of magic in games, except for DnD where they can almost be handwaved by DMs.
@a.m.pietroschek1972 4 дня назад
Oh, victory by not fighting! Roll handle animal, cast animal friendship, or perhaps sheer CHA, and befriend the duck. 🤗🦆 `Hug a duck!´
@a.m.pietroschek1972 4 дня назад
Easy Case: INT check DC 15 or WIS check DC 20: The narrator murdered the DM, for he was too violent for her comfy-zone in D&D. Probably one of those first generation roleplayers from the Seventies of last century. No need to thank me, you can do the True Crime Neverwinter video, though! 🤣
@VibesOfVinegar 8 дней назад
Hope you're still around! These made me finally dip my toes into the game.
@jase8975 9 дней назад
While it's not the most realistic option, I've molded my party's shopping experience after the Merchant from Resident Evil 4. My party is often away from friendly towns, so having a trader that shows up in the strangest places is very convenient.
@acekitzo6762 9 дней назад
This is a wonderful resource can you please do this for Pathfinder 2e?
@ModdedGarage 9 дней назад
I think that saying any establishment would go out of business might be premature. While it's easy to base opinions on current capitalism and its tennets. Businesses may be grandfathered in as just a property and the taxes/tithing either to a lord or landowner from what they make. It isn't common for their to be commercial competition for buildings back in the equivalent times. Sometimes if they weren't making money, were just poor and coincidentally owning a buisness that made money when it did. Just to keep in mind that businesses in ye Olde times often filled functions of the feifdom and then were allowed to sell off the excess once that need was fulfilled. So let's pace back the capitalism in your games a bit...lol
@RaulBradsher-t5g 11 дней назад
Abshire Mills
@benrichardson5662 11 дней назад
It's something that's fairly broadly applicable to DMing as a whole, but it bears mentioning here: Make the mystery difficult, but let them use their skills! If someone has a creative idea or clever use of an ability that you didn't anticipate but you suddenly realize will short track them right to the solution, let them do it! I love it when my players come up with clever ways to destroy my encounters.
@dane3038 13 дней назад
If you're reading this 2+ years after it came out, I've got something for you: Smells ( linked to memory and emotion ) are sometimes sensed before the location is even reached. Candle Makers will smell of tallow ( honey sometimes ) the Tanner ( usually outside the city ) smells of boiled urine etc. Go through your list of places ( you made one right ? ) and think about what kind of smells the places put out and write it down. You may also want to search "things in a blacksmith shop", "things in a baker's shop" etc. And don't forget street vendors. It's a good way to showcase the cultural foods of an area and keep the city feeling busy. Also, the "Cart Vendor" moves about the city talking with all kinds of people and knows more than people would guess. If you're in a Port Town make it stand out as such. The warf should smell fishy, gulls and maybe their poop is everywhere and the street vendor sells bowls of hot gumbo.
@entityunknown2 14 дней назад
I think if you have some rp way to purify troll/ vamipre blood you can make a potion in an hour
@sameebah 15 дней назад
You forgot another thing - a busy store is a great place to overhear gossip and hear about possible opportunities. Or to spread your own gossip with a few carefully placed comments that can be overheard . . .
@randus7053 16 дней назад
Based just on spells and weapon damage here are a few homebrew ideas. Dagger like sources, say an icicle or a needle deals a d4, a large area of affect often uses the d6, element type damage plus a condition uses the d8, focused single square damage uses the d10 with the exception of maybe hourly environmental damage say cold or heat extremes, and the d12 comes up with big axes or continuous electricity like a tesla coil.
@MahkyVmedia1 16 дней назад
Do you make corporate training videos?
@hinaruto43ver 20 дней назад
I have an odd sort of tavern I have created for my games. The church of Bill builds massive housing structures that have various services throughout including a grocer and/or soup kitchen. These are most of the taverns in my setting.
@Fatal_Error_san5 20 дней назад
Can I have sponge bob square pants as a patron?
@fablesgrave1472 21 день назад
Could I ask what the song at the beginning is called? •v•
@susic1819 21 день назад
Xanathar's guide has a variant of this rule which is much better. It takes 1 day to craft a normal healing potion and it costs 25 gold pieces. The prerequisite is literally just having the money, time and a proficiency with a herbalism kit. I don't think you even need Arcana proficiency for the normal Potion of Healing.
@gmassistantai 23 дня назад
@BlueThing64 24 дня назад
The more you know about reality, the better you'll be at D&D. This is true of players and DMs. Just another example that proves the old saying true. Knowledge is power.
@Bosgek0 24 дня назад
As a simple shop keep, I would poison some health potions. Or sabotage something else adventurers would steal. This is way cheaper than a guard hero, instant punishment and a deterant for next time. But the suggestions of a guard dog, door bell and wanted posters are really good as well.
@UltraManager 25 дней назад
One think is being region wise. Like if the fields have pumpkins, apples or wheat. Expect to have food and drinks related to that. It gives immersion.
@notreallydavid 26 дней назад
I'd say 'principle', not 'ideology'. Ignore me - I smell.
@notreallydavid 26 дней назад
Terrific video. Those sketches! mischievous, not mischievious; 'comprises', not 'is comprised of' Please kill me. All best.
@isleofredemption 26 дней назад
It must have happened at least thrice where a GM says "And the Goblin runs past you and runs off the map- too bad, he got away." It annoys me every time.
@LynetteTheRogue 27 дней назад
So does that mean Belle from Beauty and the Beast has the best example of describing a town with her intro song? Lol
@destonlee2838 27 дней назад
Iblike to play a soundtrack for my pcs. John barleycorn is dead is a great tune for the patrons of a tavern to sing, as is little brown bowl.
@cyberwarlord7363 29 дней назад
My advice, let them be cheap and plenty. But heavy. Healing potions reduce max life by healing factor till after a long rest.
@willtor Месяц назад
In one town, I had a tavern called The Barfing Human. It was in the non-human quarter and had been named in response to the human tavern, The Stumbling Dwarf. The player (solo campaign) had been told The Barfing Human was run by an elderly dwarf named Piotr, and that they should talk to him. They spotted a greying dwarf behind the bar and asked him if he was Piotr. It was. They asked him for assistance with their quest. He suggested they ask his father, Piotr. The elderly Piotr was asked if he could help. He didn't want to speak for the owner, his father, Piotr. Granddad Piotr was asleep in a chair by the fire. This was a memorable encounter, and the player still remembers the name of an NPC (or three, really) in Innsmouth.
@0huckleberry Месяц назад
Idk if you still check on comment for this video but I wanted to say thank you. This video was a big help
@fatherhorseeyes Месяц назад
This was really useful also 600th comment
@lucas.ruault Месяц назад
I’ve got my players essentially building a guild from the ground up! It gives them a great feeling of control for direction, gives them a LOT of things to spend good on and save up for, and that sense of a home that you mentioned. They’ve also got a pseudo base in the form of an airship, which is the remnant of their previous base that was lost. They have an NPC crew manning the basics for it, and it’s tied to their faction/guild, so they don’t really get to use it for too many things that would break the balance of the game. They do get to upgrade their ship with limited “ordnance” more or less though, which they can use during major battles and sieges etc. So far they’re very much enthralled with all of the strategic and customizable options, and I love seeing their eyes light up each session when I’ve built a piece of their base of their ship or base in mini-form to add to a diorama of the home they’ve built ❤️
@kamphuis89 Месяц назад
I think Phandelver and Strahd are one of the best published campaigns. However a good horror game like Strahd is hard to pull off. I would stay away from all the published adventures and just take inspiration from them. Most modules are very poorly written in my opinion and need a lot of prep and alterations to run it. Which isn't a bad thing, only I don't have the time to read the entire book and make adjustments. It is in my opinion eassier to just to make something yourself, so you don't need to read everything and run it. To me it feels way more natural to let the story progress, also most information required is in your head without reading a module. Second why I would dissuade picking up a published campaign due to most of them take over a year to complete. With the honest intentions, people their life changed. It is extremely hard to have people be available for 1+ year. That said, just starting. Exploring the game and how to be a DM just takes time and repetition. Rome wasn't build in one day either. You can take so much information from RU-vid, Reddit, random tables etc. In time you will find your way, your style and resources. But most importantly having fun. It can be daunting to start DMing. To strain your mental (or anxiety) with self induced expectations. Just go with the flow, just start, explore while having fun and make awesome memories.
@cloud5buster Месяц назад
Ever feel as if many of the people who design TTRPG rule systems are secret sadists who enjoy making the systems as painful and joyless to use as possible?
@cloud5buster Месяц назад
The brain-dead assumption that powerful potions take longer is the real killer for these systems. I'd make all potions take two hours and just upgrade the component costs. There's literally no real-world pharmaceutical that takes 28 man-days per dose to create (if it takes near that long, it's typically created in large batches, which the system doesn't allow). As the video mentions, the downtime requirements are just killer for any actual adventurer. Even as written, you are far, far better just creating boatloads of base healing potions than to ever attempt the higher level ones. In most combats, it's far more important to just get someone up from zero than to have 35-45 points of healing (on average, and depending on which system).
@Axel_was Месяц назад
@skarmex3439 Месяц назад
0:13 Is that you, Sokka? What are you doing here?! 😂
@zacadoole1 Месяц назад
I love the idea but if she was mauled by a werewolf in a remote part of town, wouldn’t they think it was an animal and not murder?
@toppy82 Месяц назад
I love your videos! Hope you’re well!
@bilos125 Месяц назад
Background music?
@bilos125 Месяц назад
Background music??
@AncientRylanor69 Месяц назад
@AncientRylanor69 Месяц назад
@VinceValentine Месяц назад
Mimics? In MY town?!