Fragile X Association of Australia
Fragile X Association of Australia
Fragile X Association of Australia
Videos we've made or like! Understanding Fragile X, education & behaviours, living with Fragile X.
@wordswords2094 3 дня назад
Does the new medication work on the Premutation?
@Circuit7Active Месяц назад
Nova Mentis Life Sciences (NMLSF) started on some kind of clinical trials for curing Fragile X over a year ago, but I have heard nothing since their "BIG" announcement. Does anybody have an update on their results?
@EmilyD-u2i 2 месяца назад
Thank you. I found this to be the most informative and straightforward video on fragile X that I have watched.
@ELW00dz 5 месяцев назад
The waitlist here in Canada is years long :( for diagnosis
@LightofJehan 7 месяцев назад
im a carrier n my sisters. i have 2 children with fragile x & 1 with autism as well. This is AMAZING!!!!! i have all this. I need help too treat myself please i appreciate U
@FishHive 7 месяцев назад
My son has Fragile X and he is the sweetest boy ever! I love him so much
@cryptohican4509 9 месяцев назад
I have a lot of physical features of someone with fragile x. Throughout middle school and high school, I was placed in advanced classes. Can someone with this disability have the capacity to be intelligent?
@scottfree6869 9 месяцев назад
Thanks - great, factual, detailed presentation.
@jacquelinehenriquez4239 11 месяцев назад
Thanks to all the specialists and parents that work hard to present this great information for parents with adults with FXS. Never too late to learn I like that thought, for me and for the bes care for my dearest son. My son is 24 years old with no speech , severe learning disabities and severe autism,
@universaltruth2025 11 месяцев назад
I am becoming more & more convinced fx is the explanation for the range of conditions in my family. My middle son was dx with autism and was tested for fx but results came back as ‘normal’. He was dx with gdd at age 4. I’m now feeling suspicious that the ‘normal’ results were either incorrect or perhaps on the periphery of normal and perhaps he has a pre mutation. I’ve always sensed there was something different about me & my family. I’ve always been highly sensitive and had odd muscle tone. My father developed PDD in his late 60s, 70s - so that fits in. He and I have the same square jaw that I’ve always thought was odd. He had slightly protruding ears as did his younger brother. I have adhd type issues, as do several on my father’s family and my youngest son. He also has soft skin, poor muscle tone and flat feet. Both my sons have slightly protruding ears, nothing too obvious, luckily their father has very flat ears. My son with autism has a high narrow palate. My youngest son has very obvious adhd (not dx though) and my daughter is highly intelligent but also has autism symptoms. Learning difficulties and eccentricities run through the family on my father’s side so I suspect the carrier gene was passed from his mother, my grandmother. And was passed on to all 4 of her children and it is now showing up in the grandchildren. As far as I know no one has been dx with the full fx syndrome but there are so many matching symptoms I feel like we all need to be tested. The worst effected grandchildren are from the two boys (my father and his brother) and they both had protruding ears and flat feet. They did not have cognitive delays but my father was certainly eccentric and I wonder if some of his apparent high level of narcissism was really a form of autism. A complicating factor though is that my father’s father was also dx with PDD. So it was always assumed my father also had PDD and it was hereditary. I’m now wondering if both grandparents were carriers because my grandfather also had the large ears, long face and difficulty with his feet. He was intelligent but fairly withdrawn. Both my aunts had issues, one has autistic/narcissistic and adhd type traits similar to my father. My other aunt had crohns and died of cancer. But obviously any traits passed down to me and my children and my cousins children would likely have come from our father’s via our grandmother.
@katherinespencer2073 Год назад
Too bad that I can't hear this even w. my speaker & extra speaker set on highest level. A highschool freind of mine in later life had 2 boys who had this condition and she wrote a book after years of research & life experience raising them. Ended her career, her marriage, most of her friendships. Being so tied down, such demand for her time especially by teen boys there wasn't much of her own needs that were met. She sadly looked beyond her age years & was always in crises and worn down. Even sadder, died very young.
@familyiseverything1617 Год назад
Im going through this
@amareromano4713 Год назад
Please beware that since a lot of us can't detox well, we have a lot of negative reactions to medication. She is brilliant, but I have to disagree with pushing ssris. I had a pharmaceutical genetic panel ran and it said that with my genetics ssris as well as most psychiatric drugs are contraindicated. I have many other genetics that say I don't detox well, so I have to use natural approaches as much as possible. I have a feeling that's most of us, and sadly they think they have found something to help us with the ssris, but once again it can be made worse if you can't detox it and end up with serotonin syndrome.
@ahmedjowhar9005 Год назад
Have a good time. I have an 8-year-old child who has Fragl X. I follow you cordially. Perhaps you will discover a cure for this disease and that my child will become normal. In previous years, you were told that you have found that a protein is responsible for this imbalance. Unfortunately, the effect of this injection is for one day only, and you will develop this protein. Any news ? Unfortunately, all episodes are about donations!!! And the most important question is, do routine vaccinations for children, especially MMR, cause these diseases, including autism????
@bethmurdock9335 Год назад
How can I get permission to use your webinars to train staff at my son's day program?
@fragile_x_australia Год назад
Hello Beth. Please email us at support@fragilex.org.au But you are very welcome to use them.
@janelovesmskimhyunjoo Год назад
It was clear from the beginning that there was something very different about Stuart... he loved music, though. It was always his escape. His mother was a musician and she used to play the piano for him and he'd drift away. Stuart has had a lifetime of drugs, abuse and misunderstanding, he still loves music, though. He still gets taken away. 😭🥺❤
@jukiju8888 Год назад
Thank you so much for this video!
@rafalzakrzewski6491 Год назад
What to do if a kid is constantly making strange noise like "uuu" pause "uuuu"?
@nats1912 Год назад
Thank you Very much!
@judypine2009 Год назад
Can I please have contact details for Astra. I have a 30 year old daughter who was sexually abused by a Carer. Judy Pine
@fragile_x_australia Год назад
Hello Judy. Please get in touch with us direct by email to support@fragilex.org.au OR if you are in Australia call our HelpLine on 1300 394 636. Looking foward to hearing from you.
@caroldobbie Год назад
very interesting .thank you
@Martin_Wood_ Год назад
Is there anyone that would be willing to help our family? My nephew has fragile X syndrome and he just turned 18 and now he is having many different behavior problems such as delusions psychotic behavior and rage fits. The hospitals and medical professionals in our area do not know anything about it. They can not help us and we are so afraid he is going to hurt someone or himself. Please if anyone can help please comment here and i will give you a way to reach me! Thank you for what you do! This syndrome is cery hard on the patient and the family
@fragile_x_australia Год назад
Hello. To find someone who may be able to help - If you are in Australia, please contact our HelpLine on 1300 394 636 or email to support@fragilex.org.au If you are in the United States, please contact the National Fragile X Foundation fragilex.org/contact/ If you are in another country, please locate the local Fragile X support group.
@jessicahanas692 Год назад
I found out I'm a Fragile X grey zone carrier when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I was told I shouldn't have symptoms, and it's only about a 1% chance my daughter will have Fragile X, if I pass down my affected X. What I find interesting, is I feel like I do have symptoms of Fragile X, including social anxiety and vision problems. I'm starting to worry that my now 3 year old daughter is showing signs. She seems to have signs of ADHD, she communicates, but isn't using as many words as I feel like she should be. She's also struggled with acid reflex, and can be hyperactive. She is 3 though, so I don't know if it's just her being a toddler. Has anyone seen this in "grey zone " carriers? Can anyone give me guidance/advice? I'd really appreciate it!
@fragile_x_australia Год назад
Hello Jessica. If you are in Australia, please contact us on our helpline 1300 394 636 or support@fragilex.org.au and we can put you in touch with a genetic counsellor or other medical professional who may be able to help with your questions. (If you are in the US, please contact the National Fragile X Foundation. If you're in the UK please contact the Fragile X Society. Or other country organisation.)
@MrGrant12345 Год назад
This is great information thank you
@MrGrant12345 Год назад
Thank you for your vidio x
@redredkroovy Год назад
On the dyslexia thing there are 32 forms of it, Mine is the numbers , I invert them , will write down number copying a number. As a FXS carrier, It's TOUGH , I can tell you that. But my son, is THE BEST FELLOW EVER, he is such a blessing.
@redredkroovy Год назад
My oldest son, Jesse, is 36 now. He can read on about a first or 2nd grade level, mostly thru memorization. He graduated from high school, schools in America, HAVE to give special needs students IEP.. modified school work and goals, where they WILL end up with a diploma, graduating with their class. It took his special Ed. Teacher, a saint of a lady named Liz Ripper, two years and 6 weeks for him to KNOW money, what bills, coins, and paper checks WERE, the difference between a $5 and a $50,etc... and it was a STRUGGLE. She was the BEST thing about his years in school. Sadly, there was another boy, his best friend, Sammy, who didn't get enough Oxygen at birth, and was left, much worse disabled than my son was, and the kids at school choose to pick on Sammy, far more than Jesse. Jesse was liked, for the most part, although his younger brother got into several fights defending his big brother, having some one more disabled, turned out to be a blessing for my son to be able to mingle in with the kids a little easier, and gave him a best buddy for years. Jesse ended up taking care of his Dad, who went down hill for about 8yrs,after diagnosed with diabetes, and 2 heart diseases, ending up in a wheelchair with one leg he couldn't feel, for many years.. and our son was the only one left at home, so He did everything, mowed yard with push mower, laundry, light cooking, walked a mile up the road to get mail, rain or shine. And then he died, and left no plan for our son, then 30,who had never had a "guardian" or any outside involvement from the state, etc..... Currently He lives with his deceased younger sister's husband,who's his age,and 4 of her 5 children.He sweeps the floor and loads dishwasher every evening after dinner,helps mow and helps walk family dog.He goes to day program,he enjoys, especially bowling,and his men's group,and he's had a girlfriend,for 2yrs,who is also disabled,few yrs older,and He's happiest he's ever been in his whole life. Mom's,be brave,they can and will far exceed your expectations,I promise you.They said he'd never ride a bike,drive,or function somewhat "normally"...They we're wrong.While we don't let him drive,He has far to much anxiety and response time wouldn't be there...BUT...He has ridden bike since age 8 or 9,took awhile but...He plays guitar,sings,has great sense of humor,is loyal,trustworthy,and a sweetheart 98% of the time.He does have sensory overload, esp sounds like fireworks or gunfire, and he is obese, he sneaks food, and always will. ( Watch their thyroid's!!)... He's gained at least 160lbs since his Dad died, but is starting to loose some, and is walking with the family, for exercise. At some point he will probably have to go into assited living, but that's alright, He gets along fairly well in social settings once he's comfortable. Have hope y'all.
@MainakBanerjee-hi1ik Год назад
@redredkroovy So grateful to know about Jesse. Would like to understand about his speech issues & what age he started talking, finally becoming conversational?
@thecrookedtrail679 2 года назад
How is it still so hard to get these tests done in Australia?
@fragile_x_australia 2 года назад
Hello. Please get in touch with us via our HelpLine. We may be able to provide information/referrals on testing for Fragile X. 1300 394 636 or email support@fragilex.org.au
@flxmkr 2 года назад
I can't get screened, even though I have all the symptoms, including the big ears. I conducted my own rapid screening, and according to the tests using three different stains, I have fragile-X, even though females’ rapid tests are inconclusive. So at this point, I’m going to add “Fragile-X Syndrome” on my medical sheets. If doctors want to challenge it, they can test me. But I’m certain I have it, and many of my family members who are autistic or have Alzheimer’s have it. My son has it, and so does my grandson from my daughter. I’m tired of waiting around for a doctor who has an ounce of knowledge in this area to decide to test me. Do I sound angry? Dang right, I am. There isn’t even an adult geneticist in my state to test me.
@iseultmackinnon8197 2 года назад
Surely the curve in repeats and involvement is affected by what seems to be much less people with repeats over 100. It seems most carriers fall in the 70-100 range.
@KMx108 2 года назад
Just wanted to say thank you for this presentation. It has given me a new lead to pursue when I was hitting very frustrating walls with my medical team. No one has offered this as a possibility and the fit is so good I can trace the likely genetic impact through my family tree. The only challenge now is convincing a doctor to order a test.
@fragile_x_australia 2 года назад
Thank you KM. If you are based in Australia, please contact us on our HelpLine: 1300 394 636 or email to support@fragilex.org.au
@ozzycabana8870 2 года назад
Very informative and helpful. Best material I’ve been able to find so far.
@triciasmith2305 2 года назад
I just got my results back and I fall into the grey zone for fragile x carrier. I have a lot of mental and physical health issues but according to the “research” I am not at risk for health problems. My son is autistic and is either a premutation carrier himself or a grey zone carrier. We are waiting for his results. I don’t understand the research for grey zone carriers. Someone explain. I have “fibromyalgia” and have had low thyroid but no hashimotos
@fragile_x_australia 2 года назад
Hi Trish. We can put you in touch with a genetic counsellor who can explain that grey zone, also known as intermediate zone, for CGG repeats, is not considered to be premutation carrier status for Fragile X. support@fragilex.org.au
@triciasmith2305 2 года назад
@Welcome To my Home my son is only 4. Nonverbal for the most part… He says “mom and dad” but that’s it… lots of echolalia. He is learning to use a speech device in therapy and uses a PECS book. We love him to death and are worried he may never speak in full sentences 😔 it’s hard but we love him either way and respect his needs.
@amareromano4713 Год назад
I have intermediate great zone and am GREATLY affected. My children also same genetics. Greatly affected. I feel sorry for all of the great zone people who are simply gas-lit because the in depth research hasn't been done for us. We are just as affected. ADHD, ASD, sensory issues, neuropsych outbursts, pain, joint hypermobility, on & on. So they clearly cannot honestly say we're not affected.
@amareromano4713 Год назад
Also add orthopedic problems.
@amareromano4713 Год назад
I'm so bad, orthopedic wont treat me until neuromuscular does testing. I already show intermediate grey zone. I am being aggressed on by my children. Life is hard and we only get gaslit.
@Shmd-cx8xe 2 года назад
ممكن ترجمه عربي
@flxmkr 2 года назад
Can someone explain how to jump the hurdle of doctor authorization in getting a test for the diagnosis? At my age (59), the children's hospital of Kings daughter is willing to test me, but only if I have a doctor's note. My insurance is willing to pay. But my specialist says it's outside their realm; they won't do it. My PCP won't touch rare conditions with a ten foot pole. They've even denied simple tests such as bone density. I'm not wasting a copay on something I know they'll deny. I have all the symptoms -including big ears-even though I'm a female. Even my Ancestry DNA traits says I'm an introvert and don't remember dreams. But they also said I was not a sun sneezer, so they've been wrong before. My son could be a poster boy for FXS (though he's a man). I thought he had marfans but that was ruled out. We have autism in our family, Alzheimer's (or some senile memory issue). My nephew has the high arch, flat feet, and autism. My grandson has autism. There are only two things I'm not sure about: whether the carrier is Mom or Dad (they both fit), and there's one symptom for males that...nope!...not going there. I have a microscope. Just tell me how to do the test. I've already pulled out ten hairs from my head...but I don't know what I was supposed to be looking at. I doubt any family members will allow me to pull their hair out. But I do have a finger pricker and I tried using food coloring as a stain. All that did was dyed one particular type of speckled cell and bleached all other cells. My daughter did have the Fragile-X test done on her son, and that should come back in a month; but even if it's positive, it doesn't prove I'm the carrier. It just proves either myself or my husband could be. Is there a way to fast-track this?
@fragile_x_australia 2 года назад
Hello. Testing availability will vary from country to country. We have testing guidelines and details for Australia only. Please get in touch with us by email : support@fragilex.org.au
@flxmkr 2 года назад
Fragile X Association of Australia I'm sorry. I missed the "Australia" part. I'm in America.
@redredkroovy Год назад
WOW, I don't understand why any general practitioner, or OBgyn, would have any issue with the simple cheek swab and blood drawn to test. I highly recommend getting tested, to ANYONE who has Autism in their family. FXS is the #1 single gene that causes Autism and it definitely sounds like, your family has characteristics. I had no clue, was 26,and had 3 kids already when we learned what was wrong with our oldest son. I am a Carrier if full mutation, and have the same # of "repeats" as my adult son, who is full mutation and considered " moderately mentally retarded", He's a great guy. I get so mad that they used to say Carrier females we're not effected, period. Horse poop on that! I've e struggled with Avoidant Personality Disorder, Attention deficient, mood , emotional regulation problems, and trouble mentally in general. BUT there is no way of knowing Which came first, or which co occuring disorders caused what, or do I even half some of my former diagnosed Mental issues... Am I REALLY just a FXS carrier, who was molested as a toddler until age 6-7, and That is what caused my PTSD, which is now CPTSD, and I'm definitely BPD, I've been diagnosed as Bipolar axis 1&2,Major Depressive Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Autism, clearly on the spectrum, General Anxiety Disorder... Etc... Etc.. I've sought mental health help since age 12.Meds never worked. Marrying an abusive Narcissistic older man did not help.
@flxmkr Год назад
@@redredkroovy My problem is finding a lab that can do it at this point. But I did order methylene blue and Giemsa red dyes so I could perform the rapid test. I have no cytoplasm in my small lymphocytes. When I compare them with a sample online that compares control with Fragile-X male and Fragile-X female, they compare with male Fragile-X patients. So at this point, I’m self-diagnosed Fragile-X. If a doctor wants to challenge me, be my guest. But the only problem is that I’m concerned about my family. They need to get tested, but they don’t take me seriously. I am a bit of a hypochondriac (I’m so afraid of being sick that I obsess over it). Also, I would like to know if I’m full mutation (which I’m convinced I am). Based on my siblings, I’m convinced both parents had it, my sisters got the premutation from my dad (who was premutation), my brothers got it from mom (who is full mutation), and I believe I have it in both X alleles. It would explain all my school struggles, big dumbo ears, flat feet, delayed talking, walking, and bike-riding, etc. I used to tape my ears against my head. My two front teeth were huge. I was a wet mess growing up. I’m female, by the way. 🤣 Not sure if I’ve mentioned that. When I read your post, I had to look up a few times to make sure I wasn’t reading my own post. 🙂 if you have more than 200 CCG repeats, you are full mutation. But you can still pass it on to your kids. I have a theory: even though males cannot pass this on to their sons, I can’t help but feel they can still pass on autism, if they are full mutation. If this effects every one of their cells, then it can also effect the sperm, couldn’t it? And even if they can’t pass the X chromosome to their sons, couldn’t their Y chromosome have damage if their cells are effected by the CGG repeats and methylation? So my theory is they can still pass something to their sons, even if it isn’t Fragile-X Syndrome.
@flxmkr Год назад
Also, I read somewhere that autistic kids and females are a magnet to abusers. I’m sorry you experienced all that.
@magdadube8489 2 года назад
I was saddened to here him mentioned to terminate a baby with Fragile X 😞 they are sweet individuals and they just want to be loved and give love ❤️
@redredkroovy Год назад
I would NEVER even consider not having my FXS son, He is literally the purest soul you'll ever meet. Pure Joy to have him in our lives.
@ahmedjowhar9005 2 года назад
We thank you for your efforts. My son has Fragil X and has hyperactivity. He was not accepted at school. He is 7 years old. Is there an effective medicine?
@ariellalebovitz4261 2 года назад
Hey!, keep at the work. From what you said, I think you will be interested this channel 👉 #drjohnaking. I find him informative, yet down to earth.
@nwtauthor 2 года назад
Hey!, love the work. From what you said, I think you might be interested in this channel 👉 #drjohnaking. I find him encouraging and insightful.
@matuto2007 2 года назад
Thanks for this informative video. One question please: If the mother that is the carrier gives birth to 3 male children. 1 of them has been diagnosed with the full X-Fragile mutation. The other 2 children haven’t developed any symptom. Those 2 now adults have children: girls and boys. Is there any chance that their kids (that have no symptoms) when they decide to have children, that their children could be affected by this syndrome? Sorry for my English. Thank You. Greetings from Brazil.
@izabelpereira7080 Год назад
Tenha mas filhos.
@vpnelyvz719 Год назад
Hola, se que ha pasado mucho tiempo desde su comentario, pero el síndrome x frágil aumenta la expansión del cromosoma con cada generación, de modo que puede ser que ellos no tengan síntomas y si tienen premiación sus hijos si tengan el síndrome completo, por lo que lo mejor es realizar la prueba a toda la familia sobre todo si están en edad reproductiva. Así fue la situación en mi familia y ya teníamos 4 afectados. Saludos desde México
@matuto2007 Год назад
@@vpnelyvz719 Hola. Muchas Gracias por toda la información y siento de verdad que tu familia también haya sido afectada por el X-Frágil. Realmente mi mayor deseo en este mundo es que un día encuentren la cura o por lo menos una medicación que pueda minimizar los efectos del X-Frágil. Mucho ánimo y te lo agradezco de corazón. Te envío un abrazo desde Brasil. Saludos cordiales.
@johnl1475 2 года назад
Dr. Hagerman diagnosed me when I was in elementary school in Aurora, Colorado. She's amazing and helped me
@kategwynne4658 2 года назад
This is so interesting to me as I have had some life coping problems and this finally gives me some clarity. So much more to research and learn. Thank you.
@trmp9923 2 года назад
I really hope you are not forcing people with fragilex to get the c jabs if they don't want them.
@stacyconklen4289 2 года назад
Very informational! Thank you for sharing.
@candycarpenter6298 2 года назад
The Child doesn't need drugs
@bathurstartretreat8712 3 года назад
Excellent information.Thank you.
@hollygill1744 3 года назад
the content: 💀😳🔫🤕🔪🤒🚬 cate’s voice: 💋🌸🎼🥰🌷✨♥️
@bahjafarah7020 3 года назад
Dr cohen please tell me if an autistic kid tested negative for fragile x is there a risk of having an otherr kid with autism?
@bahjafarah7020 3 года назад
Can I contact this Dr please?
@bahjafarah7020 3 года назад
If an autistic child tested negative for fragile x is there a risk of having another autistic child ?