KrishnaK Journey
KrishnaK Journey
KrishnaK Journey
Welcome !!
Traveling around the world, try to make some better videos to show around.
I am a train and aircraft lovers.
Thank you !
@martam.7785 21 день назад
Never the Slavery: dignity for everybody. The Ebre Battle won't be lost!!!! Pravda & Rights.⛵❤️‍🩹🌍⭐⛑️🥊🙏
@Okcey 28 дней назад
You guys received the well we have shape on with Putin which one would be giving me a listening every f****** hour how do you say disaster problem you know you are the one that is serving This Disaster the nothing is working on behalf of the people you see on that crowd but I need to see that even for them to even stand on that crowd that I see that things are working again stop hearing on that place❤❤❤
@Okcey 28 дней назад
Hello my lovely friends all over I see you you are the people that I'm saying not anything that anybody is saying the happiest of men for me to see you even to stand this is not your own power Deez Nuts that you see a president he said that is your that is his own power that you used to stand there no you are standing there because of me not because of anybody❤❤❤❤❤
@Okcey 28 дней назад
I told you what is 14 not working right now because of my own wife putting Hotmail is because of that my wife talked to him right now ❤❤❤❤
@adisusanto3127 29 дней назад
Selamat , saya yakin bahwa anda akan sukses, meskipun berbeda-beda yang anda akses .
@ruudgreat9810 Месяц назад
Great man, a real man of honour and Christian values. from the Netherlands.
@UgochukwuBoyzyCollins Месяц назад
Good Man❤
@user-fo9wh5ge5r Месяц назад
@arnabbiswas3973 Месяц назад
only on nhs hul rez ki jatt inbound cud travel für a specific el brugge reasoning 2 mAX AGAIN
@aprilmay2125 Месяц назад
热烈祝贺普京总统再次当选为俄罗斯总统!!! 事实大于雄辩!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO PRESIDENT PUTIN FOR BEING ELECTED TO BE THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT AGAIN!!! FACTS SPEAK MUCH LOUDER THAN EMPTY WORDS!!! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 👍👍👍👍👍👍 ==================== 1) 普京总统在冷战结束以后的俄罗斯历史和世界历史上都具有划时代的意义!!! 一般情况下都是时势造英雄, 而普京总统却是英雄造时势! 普京总统是美帝国主义霸权的掘墓人! 是开启一个更加平等的多元化世界的急先锋! 也正因为如此, 虚伪的西方主流媒体卫道士们才如此惧怕他, 变本加厉地污蔑他! 然而全世界人民的眼睛是雪亮的! 而那些白痴的西方政客们一定会在不久的将来被扫进历史的垃圾箱!!! President Putin is the VANGUARD of the MULTI-POLAR NEW WORLD ORDER! No matter how hard the HYPOCRITICAL western media try to smear him, Russian people as well as people around the world like him and trust him! President Putin has brought and WILL CONTINUE TO BRING THE EPOCH-MAKING CHANGES for Russia as well as for the world!!! 2) 中国与俄罗斯的联合, 既是唇齿相依的必然, 同时又具有开起一个新纪元的划时代的深远意义!!! 🇨🇳🤝🇷🇺🤝🇨🇳🤝🇷🇺🤝🇨🇳🤝🇷🇺 👍🌸👍🌸👍🌸👍🌸👍🌸👍 The strategic partnership between China and Russia is NOT ONLY the result of the GEOGRAPHICAL INTERDEPENDENCE of our two countries BUT ALSO the CORNERSTONE of an EPOCH-MAKING MULTI-POLAR world! 3) 乌克兰自古以来就是俄罗斯的领土!坚决支持俄罗斯收复乌克兰!!! 把邪恶的美帝国主义的无耻走狗们赶出乌克兰!!! 不要对别人抱有任何的不切实际的幻想! 尊严是要靠我们自己去挣的!!! Ukraine had been part of Russia for hundreds years until the collapse of the former Soviet Union! STRONGLY SUPPORT RUSSIA TO REGAIN THE CONTROL OF UKRAINE!!! STRONGLY SUPPORT RUSSIA TO ELIMINATE THOSE TRAITOROUS RUNNING DOGS AND SHAMELESS PUPPETS OF THE EVIL AMERICAN IMPERIALISTIC GOVERNMENT!!! 4)历史证明那些甘当美帝国主义走狗的人或国家绝不会有好下场!!! The past thirty years’ history has demonstrated that those DEPRAVED THUGS AND TRAITORS who SHAMELESSLY WANT to be the RUNNING DOGS of American hegemony HAVE BEEN AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE DOOMED INTO THE THE DUST BIN OF HISTORY!!! 5)历史终将会对冷战结束以后的这段历史进行审判! 那些挂羊头卖狗肉以美国现政府为首的厚颜无耻的西方政治骗子们终将会遗臭万年!!! THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT IS THE REAL INITIATOR OF THE UKRAINE WAR AND THE VERY DEVIL OF TODAY’S CHAOTIC WORLD!!! In fact, THOSE SINISTER DELUSIONAL AND HYPOCRITICAL TOP OFFICIALS OF THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE U.S GOVERNMENT AS WELL AS ITS DELUSIONAL ALLIES ARE THE VERY PERSONS WHO SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH COMMITTING THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!! a) IT IS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT which has been the FUNDAMENTAL CAUSES of many EVILNESSES in the contemporary world since the end of Cold War!👎👎👎👎 b) IT IS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT which on one hand always emphasizes its championing of the so called western values, and on the other hand is supporting Israel’s bombing of hospitals in Gaza right now!!! c) IT IS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT which on one hand claims that the U.S. is the beacon of the world, and on the other hand MAKE FORTUNE by promoting hatreds between countries or between different ethnic groups and then selling weapons to countries or ethnic groups in the conflicts!!! d) IT IS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT which on one hand claims its support of market economy and free trade, and on the other hand keeps WHIMSICALLY suppressing and containing Chinese high-tech companies!!! 6) Most of the informations coming from the EVIL TRAITOROUS Kyiv regime are DECEITFUL LIES, and SHOULD BE DISREGARDED AS GARBAGE because this TRAITOROUS Kyiv regime currently is under the leadership of A DELUSIONAL BUFOON who has been A CHRONOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL LIER since the Ukraine war started!!! Do NOT bother to pay any attention to VILIFICATIONS of western media! Those hypocrites of western media are CHEAP IDEOLOGICAL MORONS with NEGATIVE IQ!!! Most of the major western media are in fact the COMPLICIT of American hegemony! They are very good at 颠倒黑白、倒打一耙、贼喊捉贼! 7) 世界的和平与繁荣发展需要的是多建设桥梁与铁路, 而不是在不同的种族, 宗教或不同的意识形态之间散播仇恨! 更不是以捍卫民主自由为名, 行战争贩子之实,以各种形式不断地卖武器, 大发战争的不义之财!!! To achieve the LONG-TERM PEACE AND PROSPERITY, we need to BUILD MORE BRIDGES AND HIGH-SPEED RAILROADS around the world, NOT to spread the hatreds between different ethnicities, religions or between different ideologies! Unfortunately, in the name of promoting democracy the U.S. government and its western allies are CONSTANTLY SELLING WEAPONS in various forms and SHAMELESSLY MAKE FORTUNES by sacrificing millions of innocent lives without any hesitation! 8) The period of thirty years after the collapse of the former Soviet Union is NOT an equilibrium state, BUT A TRANSITIONAL STATE, during which the world experienced constant violences and wars! This uni-polar world dominated by American hegemony will be replaced by an EPOCH-MAKING multi-polar world, and NO ONE can block this IRREVERSIBLE historical trend! Those western hypocrites who are refusing to recognize the reality will be DOOMED INTO THE DUST BIN OF HISTORY!!! 9) The system of BRICS countries has become and will continue to be one of the most important polars in this BURGEONING MULTI-POLAR world! 🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦🤝🇪🇬🇪🇹🇮🇷🇸🇦🇦🇪 👏🌸👏🌸👏🌸👏🌸👏🌸👏 青山遮不住, 毕竟东流去! 历史发展的大趋势谁也无法阻挡!!! 10) By ARBITRARILY imposing economic sanctions against other countries, the U.S. government is DIGGING THE GRAVE for the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of international trade! 11) NATO was a product of the Cold War! And NATO has become an AGGRESSOR and the ROOT OF EVIL since the end of the Cold War!!! Therefore, NATO should be and WILL BE ABOLISHED AND DISBANDED INTO THE HISTORICAL DUST BIN !!!👎👎👎 12) People around the world should be UNITED TO FIGHT AGAINST American hegemony! 当今世界苦美国的霸权与霸道久矣!!! ======================= 支持双方立即停火!!! 支持巴勒斯坦人的合法权利!!! 支持"两国的"解决巴以冲突的方案! 🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳 The ratio of people who have been killed for Israeli vs Palestinian since October 7, 2023, is 1200 : 34000! Even children in the kindergarten know which number is bigger!!! The DOUBLE-STANDARD of the U.S and its allies fully demonstrates that MOST of WESTERN politicians are HYPOCRITICAL RACISTS!!! CEASEFIRE IMMEDIATELY!!! SUPPORT PALESTINIAN!!! SUPPORT THE TWO-STATE SOLUTION!!! 🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳🇵🇸🇨🇳
@janahudecova2432 Месяц назад
@aidasmatulaitis5175 Месяц назад
Great Russia ❤️ from Lithuania 🇱🇹
@silvanaanggraini-up4cg Месяц назад
Always in good activity was good president with many activity including wwf
@olgastubbs6594 Месяц назад
@user-zk4hy5qy7l Месяц назад
Владимир Владимирович Путин красавчик 👍🎉❤
@user-pk9vn9oc3l Месяц назад
позитрон я за россию за матушку всех народов
@sandhyagudigudi3998 Месяц назад
Match Fixing 😊❤
@HeleneHunstedt-go6pn Месяц назад
@adisusanto3127 Месяц назад
Selamat sore Yth Bapak , dan semuanya termasuk You tube juga hhhh👍💛
@vuhoaitamR Месяц назад
🧐📡😆. Freedom 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🛬🚀🛫🧐🇷🇺
@fiorenzobrambilla8482 Месяц назад
x i sottotitoli in italiano dai
@batshevamormarcovich3878 Месяц назад
@monicaaron8265 2 месяца назад
SRI TULCEA sunt cu oase de morți și masoni cu surparea parlamentului, eu am citit mesajele criptate 👋😡 jigodiilor SRI cu Țiganu Marin din Constanța 👁👋😡 locațiile secrete sub cheie 👋😡
@monicaaron8265 2 месяца назад
L-au racolat pe Vlăduț în crima organizată cei din SRI Tulcea 👋😡 Da, adevărul.... nenorociți ucigași de copilași uciși SRI Tulcea 👁👋😡
@monicaaron8265 2 месяца назад
Are la etajul l complicele din SRI filmează 👁👋😡 da, adevărul
@monicaaron8265 2 месяца назад
Păi cum deschid ușa casei, șarpele crimelor SRI este cu ochii pe ușă , au trimis cu cheie să descuie tâlharii criminali de copilași uciși SRI Tulcea în timp ce EU eram în casă 👋😡 Nenorocitul criminal cu cadavre și crime cu premeditare 👁👋😡
@monicaaron8265 2 месяца назад
O sticlă cu benzină și fix în capul șarpelui criminal de copilași SRI TULCEA .....da, adevărul
@monicaaron8265 2 месяца назад
O să le DEVOALEZ crimele și conturile cu bani ....jigodiilor ....SRI Tulcea în sex cu fetițe minore ....animalelor iraționale cu ADN de MUTANȚI
@monicaaron8265 2 месяца назад
Vagabonzi din SRI Tulcea mi-au umblat și șters din telefonul cu mesaje despre crimele lor 👁👋😏😏 Mâine îl reglez .....Vagabonzi criminali
@sergeistokmann4444 2 месяца назад
переводчика в мусор
@user-kw8en6jc6gffuhgikawwmwns 2 месяца назад
@user-js8jj5od3n 2 месяца назад
👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹 ❤️ 🌹🌹🌹😄😄😄
@stevegatzsch667 2 месяца назад
Congratulation Vladimir Vladislav Putin from the old to the new President 😁Implementation of the Potzdam agreement on August 2, 1945 can only be brought by the Russian Federation and the conflict with the NAZIs NATO EU USA PENTAGON CITY OF LONDON ENDS. The Hidden Nazi Background Of Walter Hallstein, Founding President Of The EU Commission , ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3Kub69c6Sr4.html
@antonswaminathan3267 2 месяца назад
Hi Krishna, could I talk to you about getting scholarship to study in Russia - math/physmath/engineering
@krishnakjourney 2 месяца назад
It's possible, i suggest you to look this website it contains all info. It's simple process www.educationinrussia.com
@user-oj4pr2rh3o 2 месяца назад
I am no idea my life on Bigg boss this problem here real tell me
@IbrahmUmoruMamudu 2 месяца назад
@user-xu9fp8kz9v 2 месяца назад
@user-xu9fp8kz9v 2 месяца назад
@user-xu9fp8kz9v 2 месяца назад
@user-xu9fp8kz9v 2 месяца назад
@user-xu9fp8kz9v 2 месяца назад
@user-xu9fp8kz9v 2 месяца назад
@user-xu9fp8kz9v 2 месяца назад
@SPENKER52 2 месяца назад
Every new year, such steam locomotives roll children in Russia, arrange a children's performance inside and give gifts. There were a lot more wagons and decorations this year. A little fairy tale adventure for children.
@vpappa7508 2 месяца назад
@anandhuradhakrishnan4454 2 месяца назад
@Michele-ff1wh 2 месяца назад
😮God bless real MEN who stand for women children ,their country God, Christ and ISRAEL. God Bless Russia and right honorable president Putin. ❤❤
@florinp1557 2 месяца назад
Il Presidente più AMATO del mondo! ❤❤❤Lunga vita al signor Presidente Vladimir Putin!
@user-lv6xy8ic7i 2 месяца назад
Viva Russian viva Putin viva African ❤❤❤
@naidoo307 3 месяца назад
We could do with a good leader in Australia 🇦🇺