Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict ASU
Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict ASU
Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict ASU
Official RU-vid channel for the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict (CSRC) at Arizona State University. The Center advances multidisciplinary research and education on the religious dynamics of conflict and peace. By fostering exchange and collaboration, the Center creates networks-local, national, and global-that expand knowledge, deepen understanding, and promote wiser, more effective responses to some of the world's most pressing challenges.
Knowledge, Feeling, and Belief
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@kimwashburn2577 Месяц назад
This needs to be shared because it was so important and informative. I feel like I may be able to communicate with my mom about what is happening. Thank you so much for the great advice.
@tanyawilliams8254 Месяц назад
Way past time in my opinion 💙 Vote Blue America 🇺🇸
@UrbaNSpiel Месяц назад
This should have more views. Thanks Ruth. VOTE BLUE
@patrickcannady2066 Месяц назад
It’s 20 years past time to use that word in connection with the Republican Party’s Christian Nationalist, Technofeudalist, and Economic Royalist constituents.
@50-50_Grind Месяц назад
@Soubhik12345. Месяц назад
More science education is needed 💙💙💙 Democracy is so precious.
@johnstallings4049 Месяц назад
The Republicans are mostly FASCISTS these fays! #Harris2024 ❄️🌎❄️
@christinesmith1499 Месяц назад
Center Conservatives in America need to form a new party, no doubt about it.
@epictaters3738 Месяц назад
Got as far as 12:19 where a former President wants immunity from prosecution. What Ruth Ben-Ghiat wants is the same strongarm rubber-stamped presidency without a President to continue. A former President wanting the same rights as every single other President of the United States who ever existed is not unusual. What's unusual is Ruth Ben-Ghiat claiming the norm is breaking the mold. Needless to say, this was not the unbiased analysis expected. Want proof religion is an integral part of the current government takeover then look no further than the credentials bestowed upon this group by their own kind. So many appointments to positions and awards and institutions all focused on legitimizing the clown currently in the White House and whoever is running the show. Problem is that Ruth Ben-Ghiat could analyze the situation with an unbiased eye if it wasn't for the very institutions she is so beholden to. What's wrong with these think tanks is what's wrong with science, and that is the problem of who currently holds the purse strings.
@yvonne2965 Месяц назад
I can’t believe that I am the first comment after 2 months 😱..Thank You Professor Ben- Ghiat, you are completely demystifying the Cult of Personality which is Donald Trump .. Knowledge is indeed power .. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽.. Now let’s go Vote for the survival of our Democracy 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
@renee-mariekrugkrug3989 Месяц назад
A very productive discussion, thank you it has answered many questions and some confusion on what is happening to us and the world. These newly self styled forms of competition for the hearts and minds of the voter has been a help. ASU and NYU keep up the good work.
@davidwilkie9551 Месяц назад
Not my culture.
@otto8049 Месяц назад
In America today, studying fascism is required reading. During the time of Trump it is a growth industry.
@lunzie01 2 месяца назад
The MSM has already been colluding with the authoritarians; just look at the piling on about Biden's gaffes, but ignoring Trump's appearance again and again in Epstein's files. We've lost the fourth estate.
@bernardweinbaum8236 2 месяца назад
Ruth Ben-Ghiat is the only voice that Biden needs to listen to from this point on.
@jmontarsi 2 месяца назад
Excellent discussion, good questions and very informative. Highly recommend watching this! 👍👍
@RubaiatGoesToInternet 3 месяца назад
But! In this economy, this society and with how we've been conditioned to think (looking for charismatic leaders, being impressed by wealth) - is it already too late. Case in point - The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer :D (brilliant movie staring Peter Cooke)
@beefandbarley 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for posting. Professor Blight and his scholarship is so important right now.
@stevenmcgillivray9283 9 месяцев назад
More woke afrocentric drivel. No thanks the World has all it can use.
@amykmcnamara2646 9 месяцев назад
Thank you🎉we have to understand
@gilcostello3316 10 месяцев назад
The most important fact is that President Roosevelt truly believed the Nuclear Family is the bedrock to any civilization, and when men were leaving their families to find work in other states, sometimes never returning, along with other devastations, Roosevelt instituted welfare to KEEP THE MEN AT HOME, to save America’s Nuclear Family. But during the 50s, when the progressive Left began its ascent to rule the inner-workings of the Democrat Party, having already fell under the total influence of John Paul Sartre, the most admired intellectual on the Left, who became Stalin’s primary intellectual puppet in the West, actually getting most every Leftist professors in Europe and America to bend an intellectual knee to Stalin (Albert Camus a famous exception who cursed Stalin and those academics who were following his orders through Sartre). Sartre would convince the leading Left academics that Stalin was the secular savior of the world, the ONLY man with a plan that would liberate humanity from oppressive forces into eternity, the reason they all bent a knee to Papa Stalin’s Plan. So here’s what happened: the future leaders educated at the finest universities in America and Europe, including Bill Clinton at Oxford (he did the Stalin Magical Mystery Tour while at Oxford), were encouraged by their Sartrean (Marxist) professors to sign up for the grand tour of Papa Stalin’s newly envisioned education system that would radically transform the entire world into a Marxist Utopia, which operated under ONE PRINCIPLE: get the children away from their ignorant, religiously superstitious parents and into an education program at the earliest age possible so that highly educated-indoctrinated teachers would raise the children while their stupid parents could work in some mundane factory, the only act they are capable of in contributing to the development of Stalin’s educational Utopia. This is the system the academic Left fell in love with and began to implement in America on a grand scale. But their experiment began in Black Neighborhoods, mostly in poverty-stricken inner-cities. This is when the progressives of the Dem Party changed the fundamental principle of welfare, which was in Roosevelt’s mind purposed to save the nuclear family by ensuring the man stayed in the home, not left to wander. And the Left turned this principle on its head, telling Black welfare mothers the only way for them to get full benefits was if a man WASN’T in the home, turning the Roosevelt welfare State into an incipient Stalin Welfare State, getting rid of the toxic, Black patriarchal male so academic elites could take their place in perfecting the Stalinization of children’s minds in preparation for the arrival of the great Utopia unfolding before their very eyes after they got President Johnson in 1964 to sign an open check for them to access multi-trillions of dollars to fully transform America’s education system into a comprehensive anti-nuclear-family Stalinist System. And they have had great success in this revolution in education, my friend. And these Left academic elites truly believed if they could take control of the lives of Black mothers and their children, excluding the patriarchically toxic men, they could create a perfect Stalin miracle. And again notice: they did not alter a microbe of ther own Nuclear Families. They wanted to check out the results first of what happens to Blacks. And now we know. But they refuse to relinquish power. And they just got another basket of cash, trillions worth, to continue their Stalinist adventure while they remain safe in ther mansions.
@Twiceborn3000 Год назад
Epigenetic is scientifically proven! This is paramount to all discussion on Religion, Race and Behaviors regarding the genocidal indoctrination of systematic colonialism, through slavery up until the present 2023
@user-gm5mc8jh5d Год назад
I'm sure Lepore is right that in-person conversations are more meaningful for her, but making this conversation public gives it far more societal impact than private in-person conversations ever could.
@ryantannahill5785 Год назад
Is it always bad to stand up for white people?
@Texocracy Год назад
The interesting thing is she is correct... Orthodoxy is all these things. It is pro-Russia, in that Russia is the defender of our faith. If you hate Russia you are not Orthodox. It is monarchist. It is incompatible with the liberal west. Orthodoxy will destroy and correct the errors of the disgusting aspects of western culture. God is opposed to religious freedom, and sexual freedom. Those are satanic ideologies. The only thing Dr. Swartz is wrong about is her moral assessment of what she is fighting against.
@juditrotter5176 Год назад
I’ve been really curious about how some of the reconciliation between Canada and their first Peoples.
@AlphaJulietGolf Год назад
anti Christian/ anti Russian /White Propaganda
@buckeyewill2166 2 года назад
Problem is that too many people confuse CRT with real American History
@John-tw5cx 2 года назад
I am a huge fan of Blight and could listen to him spinning historical stories forever but it disappoints me that he either does not fully understand the red side or purposely obtuse in telling it as an advocate for the blue side?
@Chelle_Vibes 2 года назад
I think he, rather sensibly, doesn't see it as a matter of red vs blue. Instead he analyzes based on historical trends in society. It took me a good deal of time to picture the world outside of this binary. When I finally was able to, it became clear to me how powerful forces were creating this false dichotomy to further their own political interests.
@John-tw5cx 2 года назад
@@Chelle_Vibes what is an example of a historical trend?
@tamngo5117 2 года назад
“God Has Come To You!” The promise of eternal life is the result of God coming to us instead of humans trying to find and meet Him somewhere far away. From the beginning, God has loved each of us with an unconditional and undying love. His original intention was to have a solid and living relationship with each of us. However, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, their sins created a barrier between us and God. We are separated from Him forever. Instead of allowing us to continue to distance ourselves from Him, God created a perfect plan for recovery-one motivated by His infinite love and mercy for us. The goal of His plan is to completely restore even the most intimate aspects of His relationship with mankind as it existed before Adam and Eve sinned. More than 2,000 years ago, God sent His Son to earth to remove the barrier caused by sin and make salvation available to all. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent his Son into the world, not to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” John 3:16-17 Through his death and resurrection, Jesus paid the full penalty of sin on our behalf and removed the barrier between us and God. This forgiveness is available to all who fully accept Him as their Savior. But this is just the beginning. Before completing His time on earth to join His Father in Heaven, Jesus described to His disciples another important element of God's larger plan. to completely restore humanity to Himself: “In my Father's house (Heaven) there are many dwelling places; otherwise, I would have told you. I'll go and prepare a place for you. When I have gone, and have prepared a place for you, I will return and take you with me, that where I am, there you may also be." John 14:2-3 God not only sent Jesus to remove the barrier of sin, but one day in the future, Jesus will return to bring all believers “home” to be with Him forever. . The Bible says: The time of the fulfillment of the kingdom of God is near, so Repent and Receive the Good News. " ....
@the_Kurgan 2 года назад
Wow unbelievably biased
@ihorperec4990 Год назад
It's Good vs. Evil. How is it possible to be unbiased? LOL
@the_Kurgan Год назад
@@ihorperec4990 ya well it's clear which side you're on
@ihorperec4990 Год назад
@@the_Kurgan On the side of goodness, justice, fairness, compassion.
@the_Kurgan Год назад
@@ihorperec4990 clearly not. You're obviously a pawn of evil. Could it be perhaps SATAN?
@the_Kurgan 2 года назад
How can you promote both equality and equity, they seem mutually exclusive?
@coreycox2345 2 года назад
Even the configuration of chair placenment or panel hugely influences who is comfortable at that meeting. It's gamesmanship..
@coreycox2345 2 года назад
Excellent talk. That going to Russia took a lot of guts, I imagine. :)
@coreycox2345 2 года назад
There is a purpose of saying no the first time. That's the wiggle room for negotiation. It happens in some cases more than others.
@coreycox2345 2 года назад
"An Acre an Hour" was brilliant. It came from a journalist.
@coreycox2345 2 года назад
Terry Goddard, who had been Mayor for a few years really believed in the "Phoenix Futures Forum." Then he was gone. We got Ron Short awhen his term ended. From the worksop directives, I really believed we were doing it. So did many people involved. That's hard to measure. Whatever happened to our policies as a reault of that. It helped shape my thinking? I forget how we all knew that he was "Terry Goddard, Gay Mayor?" I wonder if the public all knew. He doesn't seem like he would have hidden it? You had demonstrated that you have family values Which you already had, but they couldn't ss if they were homophobic. Who dodn't know many quality gay people, but actually know more of them than they realize. I thought of Arlan as a close friend, but he hid it even from me, untilo he decided not to. In context, it's sort of amusing that he appeared to be "Arizona's Favourite Planner." That actually did open doors for him.
@dragoncurveenthusiast 2 года назад
What an inspiring, knowledgeable and amazing person!
@coreycox2345 2 года назад
I have her book, "Never Remember." It is more poetry than details, but: beautiful.
@dragoncurveenthusiast 2 года назад
8:45 Introduction of the 2 hosts & Masha Gessen 12:45 What you clicked on this video for
@TheMsRavenBlack 2 года назад
Wonderful to hear from Masha Gessen, however ASU Dean I could live without hearing from until he actually takes some action on the racism that is rampant on campus, and the amount of sexual assaults and harassment. ASU doesnt take the health and wellness of staff or students seriously. ASU doesnt take your safety into consideration and only cares about their excessive money, and reputations of their wealthy members.
@coreycox2345 2 года назад
Shut up. You are making me miss the lecture, TheMsRavenBlack.
@orthochristos 2 года назад
Wow, this young girl wrote a dissertation on a topic and she actually believes she has figured the whole Orthodox thing out and how it is 'nationalist', 'Putinist', "monarchism", 'far-right', and 'Trumpism'. She is way less smart than what she has convinced herself she is...
@outiawtrumppatriot2322 2 года назад
More race baiters. I see your still wearing Government chains. You just dont see them. You people need to look forward instead of behind all the time. I disagree with every one of you. Im 61 worked in many cotton feilds veggie feilds and never seen any Blacks working them. You are just attacking Christian faith of whites to push a false load of bs. Try looking forward to the future and move on from the past.
@charlesmaximus9161 2 года назад
She is a liar and an evil woman who hates working-class/working poor white conservatives. It amazes me how the irony is so lost on these NGO-funded leftists and secularists who are employed by political NGOs to attack and change the Church to fit their secular-liberal worldview. She literally lied her way into a community that was kind and humble enough to take her in and she actively sought to destroy them. She may have the credentials of an anthropologist, but so what? Is she professional? She writes at a college sophomore level and behaves like a sleazy tabloid journalist. If the shoe fits…
@tashaburgess3753 2 года назад
These people proclaiming to be Christians really aren’t!! Many of them never were!! Interesting how you don’t see hardly any comments but you see so much visceral hate directed towards black people who speak out about the racism we are still experiencing.
@0532phillipjoy 2 года назад
As a Brit, David Blight is the best explainer of the U.S. I have read or heard speak.
@extraterrestrialfascisti7625 2 года назад
Kara lives in a country where facts don’t matter
@timothymoen282 2 года назад
David Blight has never been better than he is here. But wow, well maybe he’s this good all the time. And the hosts were excellent. He is the kind of American historian I hope fervently we never lose. It is very interesting that a historian of the Civil War would now have such a relevant voice. That is because of course... aside from the obvious...that he puts his particular field in context with ALL of history. Truth and nuance are his currency...plainly spoken...two things (or three) that seem to be particularly lacking right now. But he would probably say that should be no shock to history. It is depressing though... that these kinds of academic voices of which there are many, seem always to be swirling in a separate small tributary ...cut-off from the main river of media discourse. Why am I the only person to have commented here on this wonderful interview session?
@GrantCastillou 2 года назад
It's becoming clear that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding. By this I mean, can any particular theory be used to create a human adult level conscious machine. My bet is on the late Gerald Edelman's Extended Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. The lead group in robotics based on this theory is the Neurorobotics Lab at UC at Irvine. Dr. Edelman distinguished between primary consciousness, which came first in evolution, and that humans share with other conscious animals, and higher order consciousness, which came to only humans with the acquisition of language. A machine with primary consciousness will probably have to come first.
@aldomendoza1341 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing your story Julio.
@kevinm38 3 года назад
How long are people really going to lie about Trump not condemning white supremacy?