Shema's Community
Shema's Community
Shema's Community
Howdy! My name is Shema, and I am a crafter! I love creating little friends, and can't wait to share my creations with you!
Join my discord community! You are loved, and I'd love to be your friend!

My banner is created by the exceptionally talented and amazing Beckeroo! Check her out! x.com/BeckerooArt


love love love the mountain goats cover
16 часов назад
please enjoy and relax
День назад
this video is meant for you
14 дней назад
sheepas story circle episode two
14 дней назад
cupid jack stauber cover
21 день назад
walking the cow - daniel johnston cover
21 день назад
devil town cavetown cover
21 день назад
sad songs - a concept album
21 день назад
sheepa's story circle episode one
21 день назад
sheepa and otter explore the woods
28 дней назад
song about BDD
Месяц назад
unicorn and dragon original song
Месяц назад
saint cabrini original song
Месяц назад
i/me/myself cover will wood
Месяц назад
miracle musical - time machine cover
Месяц назад
enjoying nature with animal friends!!
Месяц назад
original song - second chance
Месяц назад
original song - safe in your arms
Месяц назад
original song - you understand
Месяц назад
writing letters
Месяц назад
rediscovering things i loved
Месяц назад
not quite back yet
2 месяца назад
vessel original song
2 месяца назад
@thwackvilles Час назад
idk how i got here but you arent ugly in the slightest
@alecramseymusic Час назад
i grew up with this band and they're a favorite. its really so fucking cool to hear your rendition of something ive heard for so many years and that means a lot to me. what a surreal experience, with the visuals of the lights and the creatures even... damn, what a cool video. amazing stuff, shema<3
@benlandro6776 5 часов назад
we all feel ugly inside at times. When we feel good inside it shows. F the rest
@Casal70 7 часов назад
Great talking! I can see what you are maybe insecure about. That doesn't matter - I would change country for you, thats for sure. Lovely accent.
@BrokenAndStable 8 часов назад
I feel most days that I am unworthy of love. I'll see someone I find attractive; imagine myself having a conversation, find out we have some things in common, then think about being in a relationship, think of stuff we could do together, think about long term relationship stuff. All within just a few seconds or minutes. Then I just shut myself down, remind myself that I am unworthy of love (in my mind for many reasons, being ugly is just one reason)but, I'm starting to catch myself in the negative thought loop and attempt to be kinder to myself. Also that sunrise behind the tree spoke to my soul.
@chipolmstead9220 10 часов назад
You are pretty, and sweet, and humble, and heroic, dearest Shema. You have a beautiful, regal look to me. Everything you're talking about is good raw material for some great song lyrics. For you sweetheart: Julien Baker - "Appointments" (Official Video)
@fadedtheCJ 10 часов назад
always appreciate how genuine you are in your videos shema. its really refreshing to hear someone discuss the catharsis black pill ideology is full of. its never over right!
@Theo-fj7os 10 часов назад
I could talk for hours about this! I get you Shema. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent staring in the mirror trying to figure out what made me ugly and how to fix it. Beauty certainly matters and affects how others see you. Symmetry and stuff can be pretty objective, but I know how much my own perception of who is beautiful has changed as my values have changed and that kind of thing. I really, really promise you I think you are beautiful. A lot of those incel metrics for beauty are racist and gender essentialist right? A lot of it's bullshit that we can unlearn. I mean, beauty standards have changed depending on what is considered "rich looking" or what's represented in media. I think people are beautiful when they remind me of people I love, when they're passionate about sweet things, when they make me feel safe. Yeah, my little brain does find conventionally attractive people more attractive still sometimes. But I know I find unconventional looking people attractive too, and I have faith that other people are the same way. All you can do is be kind to yourself and others right?
@adamwilliams1426 10 часов назад
Your scars have healed well. Also, consider that they tell a story, a beautiful story of pain, perhaps a brush with death even, and eventual survival. Not to disparage others but all you see these days is fake noses, fake teeth, fake lips, all look terrible because they lack truth. Your face tells the truth and is beautiful for it. A lot of this quanifying of someone's beauty is done by people a lot less intelligent and with a lot less experience than you, and I would pay it no more mind than a dog barking in the distance. I'm so proud that you've come through your dark patch, you look great :)
@danashton5265 12 часов назад
I TOTALLY get you here, Shema. I have struggled with the same feelings and believe me, the blackpill stuff will make everything WORSE. I used to obsess over that stuff too when I was younger. It made me anxious and unhappy. Move away from that stuff and move toward trying to foster a loving relationship with yourself. Grieve the pain you have over not being 'enough' and then reconnect and heal your inner self and your inner child. It has made a great amount of difference for me personally. Please consider doing this. And just as an aside, you are NOT ugly. You have beautiful eyes and a nice smile. That isn't the point of this comment but I just wanted to say as an aside. thanks for the real video though. You're a nice person. Salute
@herbitrdf 13 часов назад
You worry a lot about appearances. That probably has a lot to do with your young age and social media. But the older you get, the less important the topic becomes. Maybe then you'll think how you could have wasted so much time in your life, thinking about it so intensely and even harming yourself in the process. There are so many more things in life that are worth dealing with. And I think you know that too.
@ErinaMarie76 13 часов назад
Shema.....you cant be serious here?? You're absolutely gorgeous. You have beautiful eyes and your smile is amazing! Your have pretty hair, your eyebrows are perfect! You're beautiful on the inside and out.....THE WHOLE PACKAGE! You're funny, smart, and are soo KIND. ❤❤❤
@devans1244 13 часов назад
being attractive is not everything if you are not a good person
@tonycns 13 часов назад
You're not ugly. You're attractive.
@HansTyndale 14 часов назад
I shared my experiences in recovery with mentioning how I believe going to 12 Step groups can probably be helpful when you're desperate and don't have funds for better treatment. But I also wanted to warn you that you would be getting a lot of opinions and misinformation that is actually going to be counterproductive. I'll say that about seeking advice online or even pouring your heart out to random people you don't really know, but man, the pain feels unbearable and you get desperate. So you're not a child and must know there are wolves out there that will prey on vulnerable people. I have chased after a lot of bad advice and became self absorbed about recovery. Some will tell you that is good in the beginning. I don't know? I do know God is really the only answer and developing a relationship with God will help put everything else in it's proper perspective. ❤
@nonproductive1 14 часов назад
Something I think you kind of glossed over is that there can be a huge gap between how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. Feeling ugly (or attractive) is a state of mind. As an older guy I have found that some of the most objectively beautiful women also have the lowest self esteem. They have been fawned over and placed on a pedestal by other people their entire lives and never felt that they lived up to those standards of beauty set out before them. I have also known some very objectively unattractive women that absolutely dominated and lit up every room they stepped into. It's not confidence as much as it's apathy. They simply don't care what other people think because *they* feel beautiful. Looks DO matter, you are 100% correct. But the important distinction is that what actually matters is not what WE think we look like - it's how others perceive us. Everything you said about how attractive people are treated needs a qualifier: "People who are *perceived* to be attractive by others are treated better." You may not *feel* attractive despite many perceiving you as attractive. I'm not sure what I can say to change the way you feel, but just know that we all adore you. I could tell you how wonderful your smile is or how beautiful your eyes are. I mean, look at those eyes at 14:38 in this video! You have the most beautiful blue eyes! I could say your personality is infectious or your happy, quirky mannerisms are endearing. All are things that contribute to how people perceive you. but would it matter? Would it change how you felt? Change comes from the heart. It comes from positive thinking and finding and holding onto that inner happiness that the universe offers to all of us. 🫂💟
@CapSquad 10 часов назад
I couldn't agree more. The mindset of being positive and loving oneself is the difference between a happy life or a gloomy one
@kevinbrennan2510 14 часов назад
You're beautiful inside and out ❤
@littlecosmonaut 14 часов назад
But shema I want you to imagine this: Let's think that you didn't made this video (someone else did). And you are watching this video. What will you think about that person (about her looks). Do you think she is ugly?
@stevenww3560 14 часов назад
Fact is your very attractive! If the popular people in your hometown treat someone as ugly and dumb the rest of the town will follow loke puppies! I left my hometown for 20 years and was treated completely different because i went into my new area with confidence which in turn gained me respect ! You can trust me when i sqy if i fond you attractive half the worlds population finds you attractive so if someone is making you feel less then intelligent and beautiful you can ignore them ! You will find people who give you the respect you deserve if you have patience! If you observe those who put you down you will find that they arent even a true friend to the ones closest to them so just always try to feel like the amazing person you are Shema!!🎉🎉🎉
@Sweetp0t4t0 14 часов назад
Yeah agree, its hard on being ugly, like playing game on veteran mode.. i have people that didn't look me based on my look (like my mom and my sister, and ofc my cat) LOL. That's hard.. 😂😂 but don't worry man, i believe people like u exists.. have a good day there!
@miahdpapa9304 15 часов назад
Unwarranted sexual attention daily is scary. Heterosexual male over saying honestly tou are FAR, far from ugly. Honest, honest, honest. Six at worst!!! Posture and jokes. Think of your spine as string with head and shoulders being the kite. Then 8 minimum.
@maxztt 15 часов назад
I understand what you say and being ugly certainly is hard (probably especially so as a woman), but you are not ugly. I'm not just saying this to build you up, to encourage you or to empower you. And I'm not trying to discard that you perceive yourself as ugly. In all honesty and putting any personality or whatever aside, just focusing on your looks: you are objectively not ugly, even with the scars. You just seem to be in a bad state of mind regarding your appearance. Also I don't think of myself as ugly, but I once had a woman make a disgusted face at me in public when she looked at me. I did not interact with her in any ways or do anything that would prompt for such a thing.
@maxztt 14 часов назад
And I don't mean the "bad state of mind" as in: be more confident, it's just a matter of perspective, etc. but rather that you seem to have a pathologically distorted image of yourself which is not normal at all and not how other people like me perceive you in the slightest.
@nonproductive1 День назад
@ChumbiShema 18 часов назад
@itsaimagician День назад
this is magical
@ChumbiShema 18 часов назад
Thank you!!
@croacus День назад
i mean this in the nicest and most positive way possible but oh my god this cover tears me to SHREDS. wonderful job. the visuals add an almost bittersweetness to it. aughh <3
@ChumbiShema 18 часов назад
Oh my gosh thank you so so much!!! I’m so glad you liked it! TBH I just love the song and I had all the videos and I thought I’d just throw them together because I wanted to share both so I’m glad it worked out!!
@herbitrdf День назад
@ChumbiShema 18 часов назад
Thank you Hebert!!! 🤍🤎🤎
@HansTyndale День назад
Hi Shema. ❤
@ChumbiShema 18 часов назад
Hello Hans!!!
@814912 День назад
I love this! You have such a good voice, and it's a great cover :)
@ChumbiShema 18 часов назад
Aw thank you so so much!!! 🤍🤍🤍
@itsfrowns 3 дня назад
wait a second.... thats not a mountain! 💘💘
@mishythemushroom 5 дней назад
amazing cover!!!! all your original songs and your covers are amazing, you have such a wonderful voice!!! and your little friend is adorable, we are happy and honored to have your love and kindness, your little friend is amazing, just like you, we love you <3
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
Oh my goodness thank you so much, you are way too sweet 🤍🤍
@xostar8607 6 дней назад
I starve myself everytime I think I’m not doing something well enough or work as hard as I should have to punish myself. It’s a mental barier that I unfortunately have. My partner tries to remind me and I’ll remember but eventually forget. In a way it is kinda self hatred, Especially because I’m also a trans person in her early 20s and I’ve been dealing with this since I was 17 and I don’t get treated very nicely because of who I am. I’ll go hours without eating and then eat when I can’t handle the pain anymore. I just wish it can go away, it hurts so much.
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
Oh my goodness I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Please please please remember that you deserve to eat, all living things deserve to eat, and you absolutely do not have to punish yourself in any sort of way. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with transphobia, a lot of people don’t understand how bad transphobia is, but I can get sort of glimpses at it. My sister is trans and almost everywhere She goes People are so horrible and it’s just awful. We need to work as a society to end transphobia, and trans phobic Actions and insults against you are not your fault at all. It’s the fault of people who are full of hatred and I’m so sorry that you have to deal with that.
@Swiftest_sketches 6 дней назад
Absolutely adorable! Not sure where ya got the plushie but she is perfection! Great song too!
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
Thank you so much! You’re so sweet! I actually made the plushy myself ha ha :-)
@Swiftest_sketches 3 дня назад
@@ChumbiShema Nice!! I saw your Etsy! As a fellow plushie maker, I have an appreciation for the craft! 👏
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
@Swiftest_sketches thank you!!
@GloriousBirds 6 дней назад
This is one of my favorite songs. You made such a tender cover of it; it’s so lovely! Thank you for sharing this with the world 💖
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
Thank you so much! You are so kind!🤍🤍
@herbitrdf 7 дней назад
beautiful nature and peaceful area. 🌳
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
Thank you, Herbert! 🌳
@HansTyndale 7 дней назад
Nice song and scenery. Consider yourself blessed to be able to enjoy the environment you're in, it just looks so pretty and calming. Hope you're doing well, and have a great day Shema. <3
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
Thank you so much, Hans, you’re so kind! I really am so lucky to be able to enjoy such beautiful areas! This is in Fort Collins, Colorado :-)
@HansTyndale 3 дня назад
@@ChumbiShema Great to hear from you my internet friend. <3
@chopthesquidmusic6176 7 дней назад
Brilliant cover Shema! And what a wonderful little friend you have there!
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
Thank you so much! You are so sweet ❤️
@michaeloconner9677 7 дней назад
Hi Shema! You always have very good vocals when you do your covers, but on this song, your voice sounded a little bit deeper than usual which sounded great! I really liked it.! (Very good guitar work also)!
@ChumbiShema 3 дня назад
Thank you so much, Michael! I think my voice sounded a bit deeper because I was getting over a bit of a cold/sore throat situation ha ha ha :-)
@VideoGrahams 8 дней назад
I really like pasta. And Chinese food. I like spicy foods, too.
@ChumbiShema 7 дней назад
@mishythemushroom 9 дней назад
i forgot to compliment how beautiful you look, i've missed watching your videos <3
@ChumbiShema 7 дней назад
Oh my goodness thank you so much🤍🤍
@mishythemushroom 9 дней назад
HI SHEMA FAMILY!!!! sorry i've been gone so long, i've been busy. How has the shema family been??
@ChumbiShema 7 дней назад
We’ve been good!! How are you, my friend?
@mishythemushroom 7 дней назад
@@ChumbiShema Thats so good to hear!! i've been doing good :)
@cybersnap6072 10 дней назад
Thank you for this.
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
My pleasure!! Thank you for watching!
@Eric-yp9wx 10 дней назад
hello shema!! missed your videos, it's bee a while since I dind't came here. Always nice to see you!! have a wonderful day : )
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
Thank you so much Eric, It is so good to see you!!
@alecramseymusic 10 дней назад
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
@BuddhaMaitreya-la 10 дней назад
I usually just eat yogurt, granola bar, or a piece of fruit no meals cooked at this place 😢
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
I'm so sorry!! I am glad you get some food, but that is definitely not enough!!
@AllergicFungus 11 дней назад
This is so wholesome i love it. This is what youtube was made for.
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
Aw thank you so so much!!
@AllergicFungus 11 дней назад
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
!!! Hello my friend!!! :-D
@chipolmstead9220 11 дней назад
You look healthy and beautiful, Shema. To own and ride a horse on my very own farm would be a fantastic dream come true. Thank you for sharing!
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
Aw thank you so much Chip!! That is an amazing dream, I sincerely hope that it can come true!! Thank you!!
@nonproductive1 11 дней назад
Looks like it was a beautiful day! Animals are awesome. They have their own quirks and personalities, just like us, but they are always genuine :)
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
Absolutely!! I adore all animals, they are wonderful!!
@HansTyndale 11 дней назад
Thank you for taking us to the farm with you today Shema, it was very relaxing and you are loved too.
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
Thank you so so much Hans <3
@HansTyndale 9 дней назад
@@ChumbiShema Why certainly! You're doing great Shema just keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't let go of God's hand.
@cutiepiecatloveallanimals6602 11 дней назад
Thank you, I am going to stop and eat now, sometimes it’s hard to start the process
@ChumbiShema 9 дней назад
I am so glad you went to get something to eat!! You deserve it!! <3