UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment (CART) is the leading center for innovations in autism research and treatment. UCLA has been at the forefront of innovative research in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for over 50 years, with the research and treatment conducted at UCLA setting the standard for many of the models currently used today. Since our establishment, UCLA CART has been recognized as the leading center in the United States, earning numerous funding awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including substantial support from the NIH Autism Centers of Excellence (ACE) program. Learn more at: www.autism.ucla.edu.
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@JoyceElroy-z9w 10 дней назад
Hall Helen Jones Jeffrey Jackson Sarah
@platynowa 15 дней назад
I didn't know doctors work on making autists more greedy. Who wants a smiley face over money? *shrugs*
@Haze1434 Месяц назад
Science. 6 years ago: "We can tell someone is Autistic just by scanning their brain" Trying to get an Autistic diagnoses in 2024: "Yeh, that'll take 3 years and involve a multitude of guesswork via questionnaires"
@CentaCo 3 месяца назад
Awesome. Thanks.
@world_still_spins 5 месяцев назад
Anyone want to study my brain? You would pay for travel and expenses and the brain tests.
@Prudenthermit 6 месяцев назад
🤷‍♀️ we want therapies that help us reduce suicidality & internal suffering not to make small talk lol
@DodgerFran80 7 месяцев назад
@UCLA are there any ongoing trials in 2024 that patients can enroll in regarding Emotional Regulation ?
@swedishguyonyoutube4684 7 месяцев назад
5:53, this is very important. A lot of people mistake adherence to logic as signs of being autistic, when it's really just the ability to use abstract thinking and deduction.
@marciamarquene5753 8 месяцев назад
Xv de um dia que g o que eu estava na casa da sua irmã e o dia todo dia que g a mensagem que eu estava com a gente e o que eu e a gente não se é assim mesmo que eu estava com
@marciamarquene5753 8 месяцев назад
Foi bom dia que g a transferência do seu cartão de crédito para o dia todo dia que eu estava na minha conta não tem nada de mais não é o
@marciamarquene5753 8 месяцев назад
T do meu pai que g a gente não se não tem como não tem como não tem como fazer o dia todo e o que g a e a gente
@marciamarquene5753 8 месяцев назад
F a transferência de trabalho para a transferência de crédito para mim não tem nada de mais não tem nada de mais não tem como fazer a gente não se não fosse o dia que eu estava na casa do meu pai que eu não tinha
@marciamarquene5753 8 месяцев назад
C a gente se não tem nada de mais cedo pra mim não é fácil não tem como não ter mais não é assim que eu estava na minha conta
@marciamarquene5753 8 месяцев назад
Foi o ET e é assim mesmo que é assim que eu estava na minha conta e não tem como fazer o
@Segra13 9 месяцев назад
NTs can be awful to NDs. Even children can sense if someone is different and not allow the ND to be part of the group. Or bully them. Maybe a better approach would be to teach the NT how to be decent humans instead of trying to figure out how to force ND to spend more time where they aren't welcome.
@ExistenceUniversity 9 месяцев назад
Autism is hard, but I would never take a drug to make me a zombie (aka a normie)
@okitssteph 9 месяцев назад
The language used to describe your fellow humans and the urge to “treat” us so desperately is frankly disgusting. Stop researching how to fix us; we are not broken. Start educating society on how to be more accepting of differences.
@andrewgarcia6951 9 месяцев назад
@andrewgarcia6951 9 месяцев назад
ARE THESE NT'S JUST GASLIGHTING US.... please stop trying to help us lady we do not need your help 😮
@andrewgarcia6951 9 месяцев назад
Why do some NT'S just want to waste my time... 1/4 of an hour in and this lady is waiting my time... No science here... Just NT mumbles... mumbles... mumbles... Incoherently 😂😂😂
@andrewgarcia6951 9 месяцев назад
20 Min and she still hasn't said anything 😂😂😂 NT'S ... so much life to waste
@kel-in5gi 9 месяцев назад
Hear the woman saying "oh yeah" @ 17:01
@kel-in5gi 9 месяцев назад
Does Weird Al have Asperger's or autism?
@turtleanton6539 11 месяцев назад
@MsLeticiaPadilha 11 месяцев назад
Este vídeo é uma atualização sobre a investigação cerebral no autismo, apresentado por Susan Brookheimer, uma líder na área da neurociência cognitiva e neuroimagem. Ela destacou várias áreas de investigação usando ressonância magnética, incluindo espetroscopia de RMN para analisar a química cerebral, que revelou desequilíbrios na excitação e inibição em indivíduos com autismo. Além disso, um estudo mostrou como uma intervenção farmacológica pode afetar esses desequilíbrios de forma positiva. Outro estudo explorou a conectividade funcional em repouso em bebês de seis meses para prever o diagnóstico de autismo aos 24 meses. Usando análises complexas, eles conseguiram prever corretamente a maioria dos casos de autismo, embora o estudo tenha algumas limitações devido ao tamanho da amostra. Estas descobertas promissoras na investigação cerebral no autismo podem ter implicações significativas no diagnóstico precoce e no desenvolvimento de tratamentos mais eficazes.
@Lizarus.un-sane Год назад
This is how it works.. Body sensation or interoception + emotion = intuition And are reverse causation or pre-entropy Thought + action =reflection and are causality, negentropy or a response based in the past The now is the zero point or the centropy where both collide The issue isn’t relieving thought or emotion but identifying differentiating and separating them .. When perceived together neither really has an actual intelligible value With the tendency to produce a myriad of negative effects … Synchronicity is reverse causality and observed when intuition manifests through action
@claudiareginateixeira2662 Год назад
Vídeo breaks a lot.Does not finish any statement. Is that o pourpouse? 😪
@MsLeticiaPadilha Год назад
Neste vídeo, a oradora fala sobre os avanços na investigação cerebral relacionada com o autismo. Ela destaca a importância da ressonância magnética (MRI) na compreensão das causas do autismo, mencionando estudos que exploram o desequilíbrio entre excitação e inibição no cérebro de indivíduos com autismo. Um estudo utiliza a espectroscopia por ressonância magnética nuclear (NMR) para medir os níveis de glutamato e GABA no cérebro de crianças com autismo, identificando um desequilíbrio com maior excitação e menor inibição. Outro estudo investiga os efeitos de uma intervenção farmacológica com o medicamento rilaZol, que visa normalizar o equilíbrio entre excitação e inibição no cérebro de adultos com autismo. Os resultados mostram que o medicamento pode restaurar a conectividade cerebral, sugerindo um potencial tratamento para o autismo. Além disso, a oradora menciona um estudo que utiliza a conectividade cerebral em repouso para prever o diagnóstico de autismo em crianças de seis meses de idade. Os resultados indicam que certas conexões cerebrais estão relacionadas com o diagnóstico futuro de autismo, embora o estudo seja limitado pelo tamanho da amostra. Em resumo, a investigação destaca a importância da ressonância magnética na compreensão das causas do autismo e na avaliação de tratamentos potenciais, bem como na previsão do diagnóstico em idades precoces.
@ks.dawidkwiatkowski. Год назад
I got this herbal remedy from Doctor Apala and the herbs herbs have helped my child improve in terms of speech, he called papa/mama, he has eye contact now up to 80%, he now respond to name when called. There is a massive improvement in him and I’m happy....................................
@strictnonconformist7369 Год назад
If ABA was in use with aversives during and before the time of the fecal smearing, well, WTF would you expect? That’s demeaning abusive torture! I’m an autistic adult and while I was in speech therapy for easily half or so of elementary, words wouldn’t have been where I stopped if I were abused like that, especially if that was done to keep me from the required stimming, or I was forced into unpleasant sensory areas. You’d be lucky to only get fecal smearing, and I will make no apologies for that. If someone did that to me as an adult, they’d best be able to run fast and never be in reach ever again.
@chris4charity191 Год назад
Yeah...let's change the special people who look and see things differently.... SSRIs helped me for 8 years and when I finally wanted to come off them...my body struggled and still does with chemical imbalances even more so than it did before. These "medications" don't change anything, they mask it
@VictoryandHope Год назад
Online friends have saved me life more than people right in front of me. BULL
@jesusvoxmor Год назад
Where can the EDI be accessed?
@anniplix Год назад
I have ASD and this video was quite interesting for me to watch. I feel like not enough people know what autism really is or how it affects us on a day to day. I myself mask a lot and I have noticed that I do it automatically now as a 28 year old. I started masking to fit in more and make others comfortable.
@themamabearX3 Год назад
Around the 18-minute mark hit me hard as a mom with 2 kids with autism. This is exactly how it's happened for us. I'm so glad it's not us, but it's also devastating to think how many families are also impacted like this. Thank you for all your work. Can't wait to see what all you and your colleagues come up with in the future. ❤️
@Roswell01Area51 Год назад
A borg (short for blackout rage gallon) is a social lubricant, despite the binge drinking risks involved. There are those that believe that the risk of hospitalization for alcohol poisoning is better than being stigmatized for autism.
@Roswell01Area51 Год назад
This became worse during the pandemic because lockdowns prevented social gatherings.
@HappyHoney41 Год назад
I would be worried about addiction.
@NuitHadit Год назад
Sex based phenotypical behavioral profiles are different for females and males in ASD, therefore we will ignore sex differences altogether in MRI scans.
@JamieHumeCreative Год назад
well it was seven years ago and frankly, I don;t think Autism has anything to do with Epigenetics. It may affect possible co-morbidities associated with Autism. but I am not convinced. A healthy environment should be a human right and Autistic people ARE HUMAN. Bringing attention to unhealthy environments should not have to take scapegoating a natural brain design. This is how I feel' though science may not support it. I am still searching for the truth and I still listen. I do not believe we should use an approach of elimination in Autism. It smacks of Eugenics no matter how you try to frame it as a disease, it is not.
@tuhituhitu Год назад
This is such a negative interpretation on everything. The talk is clearly not here to help an autistic person. It’s basically telling a triangle to fit into a square. Be your own person and you will find your group. This person sounds like she’s reading from a text book 🥱. They laughed at the fact that two ppl sat on the train together without a conversation, really empathetic! !!
@AndreaFernandezOlivares Год назад
@iseultmackinnon8197 Год назад
Really appreciate this great research and the way it's presented. So much rubbish research out there.
@gratefulkm Год назад
THE CORTEX DOES NOT MATTER in regards to Autism Your all barking up the wrong tree
@fertilizerhappens8359 Год назад
ABA: the equivalent of making left-handed people use their right hand.
@edwinhill413 Год назад
There is a herbal recommendations I got about dr Oyalo and his herbal remedy which work perfectly on my sons improvements and social skill till now
@Jerry-yu7sr Год назад
7:30 "To him who has much, more will be given . . . "
@picachufairy Год назад
the "low" functioning verbiage was a little off putting. As an autistic adult, my "functioning" abilities depends on my sensory load that day. And I know the actually autistic community tends to also not like functioning labels. Otherwise great study.
@BCSchmerker 2 года назад
+UCLACART *Thanks for an overview of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills.* As, for practical purposes, a senior citizen on the Spectrum, I'm a _practical_ statistic with a bunch of co-workers (e.g. at OMS (viz., Oriental Missionary Society) Japanese Christian Church, Walnut Creek, CA, USA) and client contacts (e.g. for a family business), a buddyhood on facebook®, and a cohort at Faithlife®; but, without immediate family, no friends per se. Since my 2000 move to East Contra Costa, CA, USA, I haven't been able to connect with a singles' group in any of Oakley, Brentwood, Discovery Bay, or Byron; ∴ lack opportunity to field-test what relational skills I's lucky to acquire as of 14 September 2022. 14:06 In terms of integrated attachment theory, I found a default for the Spectrum on the Fearful Avoidant - Dismissive Avoidant continuum. My results from The Personal Development School® attachment-style quiz, accessible at Attachment.PersonalDevelopmentSchool.com, had me _leaning_ secure, but with no _Majority_ Attachment Style (FA:22%; AP:22%; DA:22%; SA:33%). 16:55 I'm Witness to the dearth of social and relational training for adults, being been out of the eligible age range for subjects of the most recent relational-skills studies, including those at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior that proofed the five syllabi that constitute the Program cited. Still awaiting a study on senior citizens with social and relational challenges as of 14 September 2022. 29:36 As a new Subscriber to the PDS channel here at RU-vid℠, I've brainstormed a concept for a neurodivergent romance set around a future General Assembly of the OMS Holiness Church of North America hosted by Los Ángeles (CA, USA) Holiness Church. As tail ends of the multigenerational trauma sustained by the 大日本人 _Ōyamato_ diaspóra, ∴ defaulting to the Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Style discussed in greater detail on the PDS channel, I _don't_ envision the lead pair being partial to flirting, which wasn't historically part of the matching process for the _Ōyamato_ diaspóra - that is, until first mating, the neuropsychological fallout whereof will make the pair "no longer emotionally unavailable."
@kellybaldwin9205 2 года назад
I got this herbal supplement from DR JADU OINDIN ON youtube channel and used it on my son for 4week and within the period of using it there was positive changes which really urge me to continue and I can say my son is free from autism now.,,,,