@Arkskii-gf03 2 дня назад
This guy talks waaay to much just get straight to the point
@downthegardenpath 2 дня назад
Watch the first ten seconds again 😂
@sean-michaelhernandez1736 6 дней назад
If I have 5mg perks n want to use 40 em how many ml water per mg oxy
@sean-michaelhernandez1736 6 дней назад
Does this work with 5mg Percocet 325mg tylen
@robvickers3551 7 дней назад
What can you do with coated tablets?
@EmmieDrew-q2o 10 дней назад
Raynor Pine
@starz1234-q2m 10 дней назад
what do i do if it froze while in the freezer?
@danamullins2723 16 дней назад
Thats the exact same extration method I've seen in the past here on RU-vid....nothing new.
@neb5679 3 дня назад
ur gay
@jonodean8645 16 дней назад
When it comes through the filter clear is it pretty much 100% paracetamol free? Or can paracetamol still remain even if its clear?
@mishazubovnik3070 16 дней назад
Good protocol
@deandoyle1585 18 дней назад
Anyone tried this with solubles? I'm in Ireland I get over the counter solubles 30mg caffeine 500mg paracetamol and 8mg codeine would love if there was a way to extract with them, the ones I get are called maxileaf they are a generic brand of solpadine.
@narcsurvivors2445 21 день назад
I had 115ml left from 175ml after filtering
@LeeOtero-d2v 24 дня назад
Hassie Tunnel
@crimenewss 27 дней назад
should the water still taste like paracetamol?
@smugsheep3307 Месяц назад
Not all heroes wear capes. Oh and you can get a cheap digital thermometer from a hardware store for like £15 very useful for the freezing part. I take mine down to about 1.5c. Also I put my filtering glass in the fridge to help keep it at low temp while it filters.
@paddydiddles4415 Месяц назад
Alternatively, and somewhat simpler I would think is not to worry especially about the initial volume of water - whatever the final liquid volume just add more water up to a convenient round number, then divide that volume into accurate doses? I would also measure weight of water for precise measurement of volume, which is far more accurate
@deller79 Месяц назад
what would happen if you put 600mgs of solution from 20 tablets of 30mg codiene solpodol tablets in freezer for longer than 30 mins like a an hour and a half? is that too long?
@Willsanky Месяц назад
Using a bichnel filter with the filter papers and a flask with a vacuum pump would do all the draining in one go it would do the job in seconds. Good job I have that equipment! Great video though. I never thought it possible so your method and my filtration method will work amazingly. Thanks for the video
@Thuja814 Месяц назад
Glad you mentioned the Büchner funnel, and just two days ago! What type do you have, ceramic with holes? What weight of filter paper are you using?
@mysticskunk6540 8 дней назад
Hey man quick question now that ur one of most recent comments if u have an answer, I appreciate it. Do you know if this also works with diclofenac/codeine 50/50?
@MrEdwardkwakuGyimah Месяц назад
@risto3006 Месяц назад
Great vid, explanations on point. And the safety part talkin about the dosage for beginners it will help lots of people ! S/o from France 👌
@coleheilgeist Месяц назад
Is the halving the mg to mL still if the pills are 5/325 oxy’s
@shane_l8085 Месяц назад
If anyone wants to correct me and tell me I'm wrong I'd love to hear from you but this DOES NOT WORK, at least in my experience. I followed it to a t, every step, completely clear solution and ended up with liver pain (including right shoulder pain which is known to be referred liver pain due to the phrenic nerve), I still have this pain to this day and it's getting worse. I'd love to hear from anyone, especially the video creator, to tell me they have been doing this regularly and are alive and healthy to this day, in which case I'll accept I'm an unlucky anomaly. I truly despise the powers that be and phamacutical companies that put this shit in there, "let's make it so that they die if they dare try get high of this". Yes opiate addiction is bad but you can come back from it, I've actually got a friend who was once a heroin addict, he turned his life around and is now a happy family man, unfortunately there is no coming back from irreversible liver damage, fuck these regulations.
@LetsStaySafe Месяц назад
If you have followed the guide correctly and have a clear solution, it is impossible for more than 1000mg of APAP (Paracetamol /Tylenol) to be in 100ml of water. This is because the solubility of APAP is under 1000mg per 100ml at 5c. In other words, no more than a normal dose can dissolve in the amount of water you're using. This is the reason for the fixed amount of water. If you don't normally have an intolerance to APAP, the pain you're feeling is likely unrelated. I do advise speaking to a doctor as you may be putting the pain down to APAP, when in fact you have another condition which needs treating. Good luck and stay safe.
@-Eternal-Damnation- Месяц назад
Are you still experiencing the pain. I had a similar pain when I did this years ago but it went away eventually. I think it was the solution causing damage to my intestinal tract somehow. It did go away though after about 2 weeks
@shane_l8085 Месяц назад
@@-Eternal-Damnation- I think you may be right and I maybe shouldn't have made the claim I did in my comment above. It comes and goes, it flares up if I ever vape, I haven't cwe'd in 2 years since I been back in the uk I'm not a vaper much but I live in Australia now where it's very popular and once in a while I succumb to the temptation on a night out, zyns also flare it up and red wine (but not beer). Back when I started getting the pain I had multiple ultrasounds and even a ct scan which showed nothing. I then had a tube stuck down my throat where they discovered I had gastritis and duodenitis. It then went away but returned when I came out here, it goes away but flares up once in a while. The strange thing is the docs could never explain why that would give me ruq pain and right shoulder pain as these are usually related to liver or gallbladder problems. In hindsight before cwe'ing I was taking a lot of neurofen+ (codeine and ibuprofen) then cwe solutions could have made it worse. What in the cwe solution could cause intestinal problems if it's just codeine? Codeine phosphate tablets never caused it, could there be something else apart from paracetamol that doesn't get filtered out that is corrosive to the tract?
@shane_l8085 Месяц назад
@@-Eternal-Damnation- Anyway, thanks for your comment, it gives me some peace of mind.
@Dushmann_ Месяц назад
I once took 7 grams of paracetamol in one in go in a stupid attempt to get high without CWE. I had very bad stomach/abdominal pain during the night, but it was mostly gone by morning. Some years later I had my liver tested for damage and there was literally zero damage. So, if I'm fine after that, then you're fine. If the solution you drank was clear then you can't have taken more than maybe 100mgs of paracetamol at the absolute most. Have you ever tried to dissolve just 500mg of paracetamol into water? You can't do it. So if 500mg can't be dissolved into the water, then an unsafe amount certainly can't be dissolved. I have heard of people getting an upset stomach after taking large doses (300mg+) of codeine in one go, especially when they have low tolerance and an empty stomach. I've experienced it too. Maybe that was the pain you experienced? Also I've done this at least 1000 times over the last 6 years. I'm fine. Apart from addiction lol, but codeine addiction is no big deal really. Oh and my liver damage test was done quite recently (2 years ago), so again, if my liver is completely fine after 1000+ CWEs and a dumb 7 gram dose, then you're totally fine.
@dalelane1948 Месяц назад
I use a dremel and mark all my pyrex jugs with true levels (determined via volumetric flasks or whatever i have of a known volume) at 500mL and 1000mL.
@Jayjaycurry 2 месяца назад
i took 450mg in the space of 14 hours and i thought it was game over for me
@Dushmann_ Месяц назад
The body can only metabolise about 400mg of codeine unfortunately, which is only equivalent to about 40mg of morphine or 20mg of heroin. you were fine, don't worry. It's basically impossible to OD on codeine. pretty good high though, right? a dose that high is painfully itchy when you have low tolerance though.
@MarkConnolly-t9f 2 месяца назад
Bro ,im a chemist,, Where ur going wrong- let it sit overnight, in the freezer like you did YES, What ur doing wrong is taking it out the freezer to quickly? When you take it out the next day , You'll get 2 layers, The Paracetamol will sink to bottom, What's above is codeine, Just siffon the top layer and if you think there's anything left freeze again Have a good day bro. Good video to much talking lmfao
@harleen9971 2 месяца назад
The warning at the end was the best thing you could have done, BE SAFE BROTHERS!~
@fattgerkin7968 2 месяца назад
this is an amazing video but when you have turned it into liquid form how do you no what a safe dose is?
@corymacdonald2087 2 месяца назад
In Canada we have tylenol with codeine 8mg a pill also 15mg of caffeine per pill , will the cold water extraxtion take the caffeine out as well because I do not want caffeine in the final pure product
@rickybobby5153 2 месяца назад
It depends on your needs. If you don’t need a lot of codiene the caffeine will only amount to about a single cup of coffee
@corymacdonald2087 2 месяца назад
@rickybobby5153 thank you i appreciate the feed back !
@rickybobby5153 2 месяца назад
@@corymacdonald2087 No problem. Bear in mind though if you do need a lot of codiene (over 100mg) it can start to get a bit problematic. Depends on your tolerance to caffeine too. A single tall blonde from Starbucks has 270mg of caffeine which would be the equivalent caffeine from 144mg of codiene from your pills.
@virtual-adam Месяц назад
Unfortunately it wont. But I have read you can run the final solution through Activated Charcoal and it will catch all the caffeine. Available online or at pet shops for fish tanks.
@Indie9999 2 месяца назад
Acetaminophen is slightly soluble in water. Try this process on just acetaminophen without codeine and the water at the end will taste bitter.
@kknn853 2 месяца назад
Damn I took sometimes 600mg
@rickybobby5153 2 месяца назад
Codiene or acetaminophen?
@kknn853 2 месяца назад
@@rickybobby5153 bruh obviously codeine
@tezy0193 2 месяца назад
next video: how to convert codeine into desomorphine !
@junkequation 2 месяца назад
No pill junkie I've ever known will sacrifice 20% of their drugs for the sake of their livers. Especially since the opioid epidemic, the pills are just too costly in the US. I knew a guy from highschool that was taking 50+ pain pills per day with all the accompanying nsaids until he said his shit turned gray, he went to the doctor, and they told him his liver enzymes were all elevated.
@Rocko1990 2 месяца назад
You honestly think theres no codeine in that sludge at the bottom? There most definitely is. Maybe you can say this is very accurate, but its most certainly not 100% accurate as stated. Its impossible. If there's moisture in that sludge then there's codeine in it as well
@TescoFR 2 месяца назад
he said it accounts for 20% loss and also stated there is some codeine in the sludge where are you getting this from?
@Dushmann_ Месяц назад
I pour all the sludge into one filter and let it drip filter for a while, then I take the filter and close/fold it up and squeeze all the water out of the sludge and into another filter. If you squeeze it hard enough what you're left with is basically a dryed out rock of paracetamol. There's basically no codeine left in that dryed out paracetamol rock. So if you want to get as much of possible out of it, just do that. Just be careful to apply pressure kind of lightly and evenly around the filter at first or else it'll pop and squirt sludge everywhere.
@antoniorenzulli4480 2 месяца назад
Has anybody tried it with oxycodone+paracetamol? Did it work?
@ThecrackpotdadPlus 2 месяца назад
The only accurate way of working out the water is to do it by weight. 100ml of water = 100g
@christopherleubner6633 2 месяца назад
Great tutorial. You can get less loss if you vacuum filter the stuff after the big chill. Also putting in a plastic container then freezing solid then thawing slowly in the fridge will make it a much better clarity and consistency for the filtering step. ❤ if you are willing to do basic chemistry you can do an acid base extraction followed by crystalizing it. To do so take your filtered solution and make it acidic with citric acid. Add an oil or other nonpolar solvent to it and shake gently. This removes the garbage thats in it. Next save the water fraction now make it basic to a PH of about 13. Add a volitile nonpolar to it for extraction of the codiene. Do it in 3 portion with shaking for 2 minutes each time and save the nonpolar solvent. Do this 3 times from the basic solution. Next dry the nonpolar sollvent with a bit of dry MgSo4 aka epsom salt baked in an oven till its crispy. Now prepare a solution of dry isopropyl alchohol and saturate it with fumaric acid. Then mix this with your nonpolar solvent containing the codiene. The codiene will crystalize as the fumarate salt. Give it a bit of time to finish then filter out the codiene crystals and allow to dry completely. The purity will be 99% plus codiene fumarate. This technique works for any alkloids you like from sources ranging from pills to plants btw. ❤
@bamcr1218 2 месяца назад
11:06 8 year old video but; Why on earth would you put your freezer right up against your clothes dryer buddy?😂😂😂😂 That dryer heats up and makes your freezer have to work a whole lot more to keep things cool
@leehalifax 2 месяца назад
As someone who is prescibed 60mg methadone and 800mg kadian morphine per day this shit is like so not worth it. Codeine sucks
@tezy0193 2 месяца назад
can't even slam it, boo
@leehalifax 2 месяца назад
@@tezy0193 lol
@rickybobby5153 2 месяца назад
It’s great for someone who isn’t prescribed opioids because doctors won’t prescribe them to anyone anymore
@Sambo_Doo_D12 2 месяца назад
Can you do it with powder solpadeine capsules please help I'm working in pain and the Doctors keep giving me different tablets with codeine in POWDER HELP ANYONE
@LetsStaySafe 2 месяца назад
Solpadeine don't make powder capsules. I'm guessing they are another brand. Capsules aren't usually codiene and paracetamol. They usually either have something else in them, like caffeine, or they're ibuprofen. Neither of which can be extracted. If you are 100% sure that they are ONLY codiene and paracetamol, they can be use to extract. If they contain caffeine or ibuprofen DO NOT extract them as you will OD on both.
@Sambo_Doo_D12 2 месяца назад
@@LetsStaySafe I'm from Ireland 🇮🇪 and I'm not messing with you cause I have 80thy capsules in front of me and you can also get them were you can get a big tablet and break into hot water and stir and drink but the toxins with the codeine makes me sick I'm on a phone is there anyway I could prove myself cause I can't find a way of getting a picture on comment's
@rickybobby5153 2 месяца назад
@@LetsStaySafeI mean this largely depends on your individual needs too. Pills in Canada are 8/15mg. 80mg of codiene would net you 150mg of caffeine - a little more than 1 cup of coffee. You can also potentiate the codiene with grapefruit juice or other substances. I take about 50-60mg of codiene with my prescribed methylphenidate (ADHD) and it’s quite potent. I’m mostly taking this recreationally though and to supplement my ibuprofen for chronic pain. Strangely I’ve found with the methylphenidate that I build zero tolerance to opioids. I’ve been using the same dose almost daily for months with no decrease in effectiveness.
@Pebbles-mb7zu 2 месяца назад
How much water is in the small cup? You said 1 militer of water?
@sb_2378 2 месяца назад
This literally doesn’t work. It turned red after like 2-3 days and there were no effects
@puffwagon3410 2 месяца назад
I get 30/500 off doc 100 tabs a month why make your own
@ScottMcGoldrick 3 месяца назад
If I'm using just 12 8mg pills just now then how much water would I need sorry I'm really bad at maths 😕
@jessicahay9305 3 месяца назад
I wish id known about this years ago before i got clean when my dr was prescribing me 60 10/500s per month and i was eating them all in one day. I did so much damage.
@jessicahay9305 3 месяца назад
Wait, they sell codeine over the counter in the UK? You can barely get it prescribed after surgery here in the US!
@Faceshotbandtenna 2 месяца назад
I got shot 7 times they gave me ibuprofen 😂
@NoToPCBS 3 месяца назад
does anyone know how to make a local anaesthetic that could be used for mirror procedures ie tooth extraction
Extract lidocaine from anal lube. That's the video you need. It's here on YT
@joedirt5720 3 месяца назад
Yall can buy codeine over the counter in the UK??
@giovannimarino7449 3 месяца назад
Great video thanks
@WsgrMusic 3 месяца назад
Can you use layers of toilet or kithen roll
@LoveLestat 3 месяца назад
i would love a exreme dose of codein please any u dont use or want to throw away just send it to me bro :D
@TheRealElsaJean 3 месяца назад