EDH Deckbuilding
EDH Deckbuilding
EDH Deckbuilding
A unique and creative perspective on Magic: The Gathering content for the Commander format.
My Favorite Underrated Commander Cards
16 часов назад
Why Weren't These Commanders More Popular?
20 часов назад
Duskmourn Review
День назад
I Make A Lot Of Commander Decks
Месяц назад
New Ways To Build Old Commanders
Месяц назад
This Is Why I Avoid Popular Commanders
Месяц назад
Mystery Booster 2 Has Stuff I Want
Месяц назад
5 Unique Builds For 5 Commanders
Месяц назад
Mystery Booster 2 Is Very Interesting
Месяц назад
What Cards Am I Buying Right Now? #mtg
Месяц назад
Playing The Fool In Commander #mtg
2 месяца назад
@Just-a-Canuck 8 часов назад
Building that valgovoth deck you’re gonna need that crypt and jewelled… wait…. 😂
@MrGrimord 8 часов назад
Those bans were necessary for years. More bans are expected (Rhystic Studie and Smothering Tithe I'm looking at you right now) and I truly wish The One Ring is the next one.
@FrancesWitt-j6e 12 часов назад
Auer Haven
@bigskygemsmontana9464 14 часов назад
Commander is a form magic for the people that don't have a life and they're usually weird and queer.
@RaginKavu 15 часов назад
Most of my decks are built like that. Maybe because way back in 2011 when the 1st commander precons were printed, that was how we played the game... Riku of the two Reflections is the one I still play from back then. Total monolith , but we have cards like Flameshadow Conjuring now, that serves as a backup. Hapatra, my favourite deck, is kinda monolithic. Sure, I love making 1/1 deathtouchers, but if she's not in play, I'm still putting -1 counters on my opponent's creatures.
@saleen12 19 часов назад
These are cards are interesting and definitely way off the beaten path. You sir must play some glacially slow magic. Like turn 15 wins
@ShanePehrson 20 часов назад
For the commander moving zones section; what if it's in the graveyard already, and gets moved to Exile from there? Does that still count as an opportunity to change it to the command zone?
@edhdeckbuilding 19 часов назад
yes it does
@95643 20 часов назад
I share your opinion. All the reasonable people who aren't overly impressed with their mega-mind brain power would rather mostly do away with the entire concept of the ban list.
@leeland245607 22 часа назад
The problem is not that they banned these cards. The problem is they banned these cards while other cards that do the same things were allowed to sit there and not be banned. If lotus and crypt are a problem then guess what mana vault, ancient tomb, and sol ring are problems too.
@edhdeckbuilding 19 часов назад
agreed. ban it all or ban nothing is my stance.
@ConsoleCleric 22 часа назад
I played against Nadu once. Card was a grievous mistake.
@nuclearfuzzbomber День назад
@edhdeckbuilding Have you built around or used cards with the Cipher mechanic?
@DrexSinister День назад
Saying sol ring is better than mana crypt in casual is a wild take. The standard pick up game with randoms on discord or in your local store has been shorter and shorter each year. I havnet had a game go 9+ turns in months. That experience is cooperated by the dozens of creators who have tracked their games and shared their findings. The bans are meant to push back on that effect and cedh had to effect on their decision. Sol Ring should have gone with them, but thats a different discussion.
@edhdeckbuilding День назад
this will change nothing. anyone celebrating this is going to realize that really fast.
@michaelle5635 День назад
Out of all of the videos I have watched on the subject you are the only one that I agree with. I am NOT a cEDH player.
@sunshindo3726 День назад
Thank you for a well explained video
@Turn140 День назад
This aged well.
@edhdeckbuilding День назад
definitely not worth buying now.
@Knights_Oath День назад
I have two of these decks, The Swarmlord, and River Song. For River Song, there are a lot of cards that put cards at the bottom of your deck to work with. It's also a great form of anti mill, as you want your good cards at the bottom. Hell, I run a 9th Doctor deck and on paper he has one of the weakest abilities..... until you have 4 upkeeps create 8 thopters and 4 knights then Court of Embreth goes off when you have the monarch.
@HoltAlva-i4i День назад
Allan Course
@thomasantonellos6014 День назад
That’s awesome I wanna try this
@DonnaWalters-j3q День назад
Lucius Plains
@littlemrdoom5997 День назад
The one im personally most shocked about is Kels, fight fixer. She's a dimir commander with a unique theme that is very hard to remove
@bobthor9647 День назад
Great video ty
@bobthor9647 День назад
Is High Power no longer played ? They act like theres two types of EDH , Slow and Wrong
@bobthor9647 День назад
Ban casual
@ernestkirlig8590 День назад
I love to play symbiotic deployment in my Emmara, soul of the accord deck. It taps my commander, it draws me cards... Especially since I use many cards that untap my creatures on other players untap steps... It makes enough value to counteract the drawback. ^^
@MsJoshthomas День назад
I miss the retrospectives! I also LOVE my plargg and nissari deck!
@valgeir80 День назад
Believe me, cedh did not want this ban.
@valgeir80 День назад
I agree with your take on the power of crypt vs. sol ring. Also, Sol ring is more boken than Jeweled Lotus... Hear me out. Lotus justified playing commanders of cmc of 6+. On the other hand, if you're playing a 3-4 cmc commander, which would you rather have in your opening hand? A sol ring or a lotus. Sol ring is on board until removed. Lotus is sacrificed and can only be spent on your commander. Do the math and you might find yourself agreeing with me. Lotus was banned because those couldn't afford it but wanted the real thing rather than a proxy ,whinned until the RC caved.
@THEDARKHORSES2001 День назад
Personally I try and play commanders which are 2/c/c. 5 cmc commanders are usually overpriced in my opinion for their effects. If I’m paying five, it better be 2/c/c/c
@liberty2087 День назад
These are some pretty disappointing takes from you who otherwise tends to have great casual logic. No idea what happened, but hoping you come to your senses.
@edhdeckbuilding День назад
watch any of my banned videos. i haven't changed my position and i never will. banning cards isn't the answer.
@Syncopiia День назад
A good place for Poxwalkers is Extus with adventure cards. When you cast the regular side of the card from exile you get it back for another sacrifice effect.
@DarkYoshiya День назад
Only just started watching your channel but I'm noticing a running through line that suggests you genuinely don't understand the point of versatility. Every time you bring up that it's "worse" than the other options but no one disagrees with that. If versatile cards were as good or better than non-versatile cards then it would be power creep. The advantage is in a format where games go longer and you often end up with an excess of resources, coupled with not being able to add multiple couples of the best versions of cards, you increase your chances of a draw not being completely dead because the card can at least do SOMETHING with the current board state. I agree that it's important to properly analyze whether the modes of a card are actually any good. I think people tend to overvalue some truly awful MDFCs just because "it can be a land too" but saying "it's a worse land" or "it's a worse counterspell" isn't really the gotcha you seem to think it is. All that said I wanna say I have been really enjoying your content. It's nice to see some truly out there cards rather than the staples (budget or otherwise) a lot of other channels talk about on repeat.
@leop3082 День назад
Hibernation end would fit in a counters deck
@BackBoyce-g3w День назад
Rhiannon Viaduct
@wraithalcon День назад
Speaking of magic Christmas hands, in all my Commander games I have had only 1 instance of this. It was a 1v1 with my brother and we were using our most powerful decks (CEDHish). I had Mana Crypt, Jeweled Lotus, and Cultivate in my opening hand. So yes, it was Turn 1: Land + Mana Crypt -> Cultivate, then Jeweled Lotus into Najeela. By turn 3 I had all 5 colors and my brother had no removal in hand, so he conceded the game. I have played close to a Hundred games with that Najeela deck and never had that happen again, and yeah usually getting her out early leads to instant removal and me with an empty hand and nothing to do.
@Serberus08 День назад
C19 for dockside
@maccaldwell3723 День назад
So what we learned is that the issue isn’t the cards but people. Well played lmao.
@edhdeckbuilding День назад
absolutely. people are the problem.
@GraysonFink-i3v День назад
Body Double is absolutely CRACKED with the Master Formed Anew. Hyper self-mill and the one mana black "when dies, return tapped" cards are AMAZING because you can make the Master into something else after he is targeted or sacrificed.
@haynryan87 День назад
I don't think this guy knows what he is talking about. I think this is the last video I'm watching from him. I am not even sure he plays commander. If he does then i am curious if his play group just plays the same decks everytime. No cedh player complained about jlo or crypt. Dockside being banned sucks but I can see why it would. Nadu needed to be banned. I have also played in many casual games where there was a nadu player, someone playing a crypt t1 or t2, or someone using a jlo to drop their big commander 3 turns early. Crypt and jlo were staples in a meta that has been affect by the casual crowd not using rule 0. Good luck with your channel bud. I hope you the best. Just wish you'd do a little research into this before making a 30+ minute video.
@marimi46 День назад
Mana crypt into a ramp spell like cultivate, nature's lore, three visits on turn 1 is extremely powerful though. The best you could do with sol ring is land, sol ring, signet, mana dork, but mana crypt allows for that as well as the far simpler and more consistent land, crypt, ramp spell. Yes there is the downside of the 1.5 loss of life per turn average, but getting ahead with so much mana on turn 1 and then slamming down a Voja or some other commander with ward on turn 2 sounds awful to play against, imo
@edhdeckbuilding День назад
did that first turn play you just gave with sol ring sound good? sounds pretty insane to me.
@marimi46 День назад
@@edhdeckbuilding well sure, but each additional card needed means less consistency, just by the rules of probability. Also, just listing some of the strongest combinations for crypt starts in a casual game: Land Crypt->cultivate/kodama's reach Land Crypt->Nature's Lore->Mana Dork Land Crypt->Signet->Mana Dork Land Crypt Nature's Lore->Shockland->Winds of Change (A card I know you especially hate, although this is combination is doable with a sol ring as well if you replace Nature's Lore with a signet) Land Crypt->Signet->winds of change Land Crypt->rhystic study Land Crypt Signet mystic remora Land crypt nature's lore->shockland->mystic remora There are probably several more that I missed, but just those alone is 8 powerful starting combinations. By comparison, sol ring has: Land sol ring signet mana dork Land sol ring signet winds of fate land sol ring signet mystic remora I can't think of much else off the top of my head, but the point is that there are far more combinations of things you can do on an opening turn with mana crypt than you can with a sol ring. Will you get to do them every game? No, but the odds are just much more in your favor with mana crypt. Can you get shut down with a mana crypt start? Of course, but in recent years with ward on so many commanders it's far more difficult. Not to mention the tempo hit the player who is trying to police you will have to take
@purpl3nurgle День назад
I have analyzed arguments from both sides of this community. Overall, I agree with the rules committee in banning these staples. I really feel for the players who lost their shirts on their mana crypt and jeweled lotos stockpiles. I especially think that it sucks the jewled lotus is not playable anywhere. That said, the bans that the rules committee issued, which will lower the amount of explosive turn 1 plays will lead to overall better gameplay. Sure, banning sol ring would have been nice too, but seeing that it makes nearly every precon illegal, I understand why they didn't.
@WoolfBerg-e5c День назад
Goyette Skyway
@TheUltimateRey День назад
Mono green mill is pretty fun with Hogaak lol
@MaryMelgoza-l9p День назад
Langosh Greens
@micheal5973 День назад
Have a river song land destruction deck that everyone looks at me side eyed when I first mention it. But it’s a “fair” land destruction deck. It’s all the cards that destroy a land but either force your opponent to search a land or lets them choose to do it. Plus the half dozen cards that return cards to bottom of the deck to do it over, and over, and over again. And just jank like giving an opponent control of cards like eyes everywhere to force them to scry every turn.
@davide887 День назад
Wierd brew for parallel thoughts but in a deck themed around -slime against humanity- deck your either adding 7 to the slimes and or shoving 7 copies up your rump in case of emergency
@davide887 День назад
Nvm I'm shtoopid there face down
@Asidchild День назад
This is giving driver seat phone rant
@Niger8876 День назад
Just ignore the ban list. Don't give people who clearly don't have your best interest power over you.
@ekolimitsLIVE 2 дня назад
“You also get this mana crypts” RIP. Watching this two days after the ban.
@edhdeckbuilding День назад
i even have a video i was going to post right away that is mostly irrelevant because of the ban.
@ryangallagher5041 2 дня назад
I've spent all summer fine tuning my nadu deck. Didn't spend alot but as soon as I start playing it. I am receiving a 3 on 1 and I usually lose the games are fun. My turns dont take forever because putting a land into land doesn't take time or tapping mana. I'm disappointed but not as much as someone who added a expensive rock to there deck this summer for sure
@TheM8 2 дня назад
Hind sight...