Karine Savard
Karine Savard
Karine Savard
I am a former french teacher, lived in Canada for over 20 years, worked also as a fitness trainer and health coach for those suffering from auto immune diseases, writing currently my autobiography plus a manual about how I faced challenges in life, healing myself without medication from Erythromelalgia. My channel is all about sharing my story and helping others.
My content is being deleted by yt so please , you can also find some of my videos on brighteon.com with my name Karine Savard.

Why yt takes away comments or likes, or even views for that matter is NOT my fault. Videos get deleted at will, reducing views from thousands to only a few dozen, this gaslighting of truthtellers is ofcourse not new, but know that I appreciate your views and comments. The main goal is to make you laugh and hopeful in depressing times. 🙏💖
Pleasure versus Purpose 🙏
Месяц назад
Threatening thunderstorm 9-07-2024 ⛈
2 месяца назад
Sacrifice 🙏❤🎶🎵
3 месяца назад
"Hot Wheels" car 🚘😉🎵🎶
3 месяца назад
Sunshine and Roses 🌹🌞
3 месяца назад
Nature nurtures the soul 🙏🌳🌞
5 месяцев назад
@wayneanderson9106 3 дня назад
Gosh...did you work out for a month after a illness.? .. you have done really well you look wonderful 🙂👍
@wayneanderson9106 3 дня назад
😀hope you had a nice day..God bless 😊.x
@wayneanderson9106 3 дня назад
@karinesavard2016 3 дня назад
@@wayneanderson9106 3 new comments on my videos. All from you 🙏❤ Appreciation!
@wayneanderson9106 День назад
YOU ARE WELCOME 🙂you brought a smile too my day.😊x.... May God bless you and your family, and I hope that you have a wonderful day : ) 🌻 kindest regards wayne x
@mariowienholds8483 4 дня назад
Muziek heeft een helende werking , ik zou zeggen ELVIS maar dan heb ik de meeste vergeten te noemen . Vasten kan daarbij een versterkende/onderbouwende/onmisbare werking bieden . Deze jonge vrouw is toch wel behoorlijk in haar element , fantastisch weer . Vasten betekend niet eten als ik het goed zeg maar weinig eten of , alleen eten wat je denkt nodig te hebben om toch nog fatsoenlijk te functioneren is nagenoeg het zelfde , ja toch of moeten we hier heel streng in zijn ?. Met een beetje goed geloof is er meestal extra hoop en liefde en dan kom je een heel eind , ja je kan zelfs in je element komen , ja toch , niet dan ? Ik hoop dat ik het een beetje goed zeg , gogo Karine !
@karinesavard2016 4 дня назад
@@mariowienholds8483 mooi gezegd Marion ! 🤗🙏❤ mee eens.
@larryhogan3-16 6 дней назад
Thanks and God bless 😊
@AwakenedAvocado 8 дней назад
She looks and sounds amazing ❤
@karinesavard2016 9 дней назад
Again the link: www.brighteon.com/8037c5de-8b6f-4f20-99b6-582c1422c6f9
@mlg_2000 20 дней назад
Great information
@larryhogan3-16 20 дней назад
Thank you Karine 😊 🙏
@lalabyelulu4021 20 дней назад
How is your healing going with the fasting? I'm also trying to heal (chronic pain/peripheral neuropathy) and am considering doing longer fasts. I'm only up to 24 hours, with the longest being 36.
@karinesavard2016 20 дней назад
@@lalabyelulu4021 Hi, I am on day 10 of my 21 days fast! Best is to go for a prolonged fast for deeper healing. Erythromelalgia is also a neuropathy disorder so I'm sure for you fasting will improve your overall wellbeing as well!! With the refeeding new stemcells replace the faulty ones. I fast for 21 days twice a year and will continue doing so untill my condition goes away. Every time a step closer to that point is very exciting. Only sick people will understand how important health is in life, for those who are not sick have many dreams in life while we have only one "to get well again" 🙏. I pray to God to guide me and get my life back! And also for you and all of whom can heal to have a better life. First time I did a parasite cleanse as well. I will make a video about it once I gathered all the info.
@lalabyelulu4021 20 дней назад
@@karinesavard2016 I would like to get up to 48 hours at least and go from there. I've heard that the nerves take a long time to heal and I was damaging them for awhile. I have been meat based for 2 and a half years and have healed in many ways, just not the neuropathy. I'm looking into the vagus nerve and gut connection with Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, improving vagus tone etc. to help with inflammation, you have probably heard of him. Thanks for sharing your healing journey and looking forward to seeing your results!
@pablomago.finances9837 26 дней назад
Hi! Thats funny...really so! Read ur doing amazing fasting.wishing you the best health always.
@lenz63 Месяц назад
GORGEOUS woman!!!
@willemvandeursen3105 Месяц назад
I read it, I love dystopias. But while I find Levin subject treatment and story-telling genius, his 'This Perfect Day' disappointed me. To begin with; I care rarely for Levin's characters- except Rosemary Woodhouse, but that's mainly a credit owed to Roman Polanski and actress MIa Farrow - and I really need that to enjoy a novel or a movie. The Stepford wives at least had an amazing story idea. As a hi-tech dystopia 'Perfect Day' lacks the chilling realism of Orwell's Big Brother Apparatski, and there are also too many elements of A Brave New World in it, which I found so boring that I never finished it. Levin's 'Boys from Brazil', which I read before I saw the movie, I consider a fine novel, 'Sliver', his weakest. No help from Sharon Stone, here. Of 'A Kiss Before Dying' I remember very little, what lingers is that I read a devilish crime novel, possibly the best that's ever written. I also remember that it was un-filmable. Good! I'll see if I still have the paperback in my cobwebs and demons infested attic.
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
@@willemvandeursen3105 hey, thanks for sharing! I only read books and never watch movies (no tv by choice) as reading sollicites the imagination more. Ira Levin seemed to have had knowledge of the occult practices, what do you think?
@willemvandeursen3105 Месяц назад
@@karinesavard2016 He may have been interested, yes. I found an Ira Levin website, in an interview he explained how he got to the idea for The Stepford Wives. I love that kind of info! Have to check out the rest yet.
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
@@willemvandeursen3105 oh, please do share! And I will look into it as well. 🙋🏼‍♀️👍
@willemvandeursen3105 Месяц назад
@@karinesavard2016 Isn't sharing your job? 🙂
@Daisychain523 Месяц назад
🙏🏻 praying to remain focused on Jesus and the Kingdom to come. I feel it. Time is very short. ❤
@josmeulendijk Месяц назад
Wat kost een week of twee mooi zonnig weer tegenwoordig
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
@@josmeulendijk geen idee, vliegticket naar een grieks eiland is goedkoper denk ik 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 🌞👍
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
RU-vid is confused, searching for an audience to send this to 🤭😂😂🤣🤣 "oh no she is exposing geo engineering!!" 🤯 people are supposed to believe the extreme weather is from climate change!!!! 😅
@xXxC0nSUm3rXxX1337 Месяц назад
So very true
@trobertw Месяц назад
Thank you for this important message!
@trobertw Месяц назад
I finished the first 5 books of the Bible. Genesis-Deuteronomy. Trying to figure out the meaning. Do you think the english translation is accurate?
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
@@trobertw KJV, yes I believe so. 🙏
@trobertw Месяц назад
@@karinesavard2016 how do you choose a denomination? I used to be an atheist but now do I have to decide Catholic or protestant?
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
@@trobertw no, you are a reborn Christian, your relationship with God is what counts. 🙏
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
@@trobertw what made you believe after having been an atheist? These endtimes the bible accurately predicted?
@trobertw Месяц назад
@@karinesavard2016 Maybe. I'm not sure exactly. Just sort of feel it's correct. I've acknowledged that there's definitely Good and evil in the world... we all have "bad" traits as humans like greed, and jealous selfishness etc... but I don't think that accounts for what we're seeing today. Theres a coordinated worldwide force working against the entire human race. And this force hates Christianity and wants it destroyed... to me that proves that Christianity must be the correct path
@Bro_Matthew Месяц назад
Preach it young lady! Awesome message. 😇 Hebrews 13:20-21 20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
@drt28 Месяц назад
@josmeulendijk Месяц назад
Ik moest denken aan een oog van Bart Simpson
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
@@josmeulendijk ja, ook een goeie. 🙈
@adammayo5611 Месяц назад
I needed to here this.God Bless you
@DaffyMorethe2nd Месяц назад
hi, was gescensureerd en daarna ook nog eraf gegooid. Maar ben weer terug, een stadsaap is als onkruid, dat vergaat niet 🙂
@karinesavard2016 Месяц назад
@@DaffyMorethe2nd Daffy More the 2nd 😃👍 better and stronger!!
@drt28 Месяц назад
Love you Karine, what a wonderful message of Hope! God Bless you
@Kaysezsauze 2 месяца назад
Toujours aussi magnifique sexy
@larryhogan3-16 2 месяца назад
Beautiful flowers 💐 created by a just and loving God ❤️
@MikeRotch2020 2 месяца назад
Happy birthday, stranger!
@stevensangha5958 2 месяца назад
Happy Bithday Karine