Михаил Задорнов - Topic
Михаил Задорнов - Topic
Михаил Задорнов - Topic
Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov was a Soviet and Russian stand-up comedian and writer. Zadornov was born into an artistic family, his father Nikolay Zadornov being a notable writer from Riga. Zadornov's mother, Elena Matusevich, came from an old noble family, which can trace its roots to the Polish king Stephen Bathory.
As a child, Zadornov listened to his father reading him works of literature before he went to sleep, such as classic writings of adventure and suspense, and poems. Zadornov's parents wanted their son to become an engineer, so he went to an engineering institute. Mikhail Zadornov graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute. However, in the early 1980s he started a career as a humorist, and later mockingly remembered his engineering days.