YOLO **** "You Only Live Once"
Όσο ζεις ανακατέψου με τους καλύτερους και όταν πεθάνεις, πέθανε όπως οι υπόλοιποι.
As long as you live with the best and when you die, he died like the rest.


All rights reserved to the artist.

I don't profit money from viewing the videos, the advertising revenue from the videos, goes to the copyright owners .
Enjoy and Subscribe!
Copyright Issue? Send me a message & It will be resolved immediately!
Please contact xkard20@gmail.com or send a message if any questions or video needs to be removed.
All rights to the song or the music , belong to the artist and their record company.
If you are an artist, creator, band, record label or copyright owner and you want to remove the video with your music, please let me know by sending a simple message and I will do it immediately.

Thanks for the understanding.....yours Sincerely
If you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to contact me at xkard20@gmail.com
