The Daily Wire
The Daily Wire
The Daily Wire
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@mrs.padmeskywalker9329 8 минут назад
I currently live on the West Coast and I was so excited when I found out these red heifers were Texas transplants just like me! Whether it's one of these red heifers or one born 50 years from now, it would be such an honor if *the* red heifer comes from the Lone Star State. May God bless America and the State of Israel. 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱 Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@happy777abc 4 часа назад
They groomed Oprah. She didn't work her way up. She e ws planted.
@keshavraman7739 4 часа назад
As an Indian I have never met a racist white men and am proud to say that I have had a positive experience with all my white brothers and sisters.
@seanhoward8025 14 часов назад
I know what it’s like to be a minority. I live in California. The county I live in is 13% White, 68% Latinx. Is that PC enough? I have been accused of being racist because I refuse to speak Spanglish. Not Spanish, Spanish is not spoken here, just as the Z Gen’ers don’t speak English.
@RedWaveGraphics 16 часов назад
1:47 That is the look of a man suddenly realizing he's made a terrible choice.
@JamesGowan 18 часов назад
Vocal Minority is ruining this country
@Couldhavebeensomeone 19 часов назад
Most of you dont live in places where you see it regularly or are lying. The world is a vampire
@grubhubguy9629 19 часов назад
Army vet here. I was stationed in Italy for 3 years during my career. And you know? I witnessed racism almost every day towards Africans. People openly mock and make racist chants towards blacks in the streets. Hell, during soccer games, fans will throw bananas at black players (I’ve heard this happens in Spain too) and yet NO ONE calls Italy or any other European country racist.
@donnagelina8548 11 часов назад
Are you saying that Italians just call them names to their face right out in the open? On a regular basis? That's crazy.
@digitalwolf7628 19 часов назад
The problem is that it has become so common to be stupid... that the country is close to being inherently stupid.
@hsvkid 20 часов назад
Racist: A person who believes a particular race is superior to others…everybody’s racist.
@MKHyland 21 час назад
I think there is are prejudices and people confuse that with racism.
@Bozlee22 21 час назад
Israel is the ONLY country in the world that is inherently racist
@OnizukaSenseSay 22 часа назад
The guy with the white hat is questioning his relationship choices...
@polemeros 23 часа назад
A multiracial society is a dead end, an endless petrie dish of resentments and violence. It is objectively evil. No one in their right mind would try to make one nation out of Poles and Germans, Chinese and Japanese, Indians and Pakistanis. Why on earth does anyone think you can make a nation out of Whites, Blacks, Browns, Yellows of all stripes and ethnicities? It's insane and it's evil. It must be undone.
@Beerealtho78 День назад
😂 the guy talking about trump and his white privilege, and the lady who automatically went to her speech. 🙈😅
@RandysRides День назад
The one lady said it best. "No...but if you keep shoving it in our faces, it creates a divide." Even Morgan Freeman said it perfectly. "Want to stop racism ?? QUIT TALKING ABOUT IT."
@holly_kay5570 День назад
Give up the racist bs. No one is buying it anymore. The biggest lie is that Trump and his supporters are racist.
@angelsrosena День назад
“If you look at history…” that’s the problem, people keep living in the past…
@ryanvernatter3537 День назад
Tampon Tim has pulled alot of strings. Anyone whom says yes is a dumba$$.
@rg5445 День назад
What do you mean by racist?
@introvertincognito4518 День назад
Left Wing America IS racist
@MarkyMark662 День назад
Make sure you stay till the end credits are over, that one of the funniest parts
@gdprsn День назад
As for an Asian desentThe answer is no because a racist is a racist regardless of the race.
@rekaroob2589 День назад
From a foreigner: The U.S. is the least racist country in the world. These people should do their research about how other countries work in the world
@BA-wo1yx День назад
Racist no, soft yes
@Couldhavebeensomeone 19 часов назад
Where do you live?
@BA-wo1yx 17 часов назад
@@Couldhavebeensomeone doesn’t matter race baiter
@anthonycollins5305 День назад
Why is it only whites, can be called racist? Racism is an industry, people are paid to keep the myth going?
@toreoft День назад
How racist is it to say that someone is racist because of their skin color?
@susanpumphrey354 День назад
Bruh, the one White Dude For Kamala was literally wearing his shirt inside out. You can't make this sh!t up. 😂😂😂
@DrSweat День назад
What do you do when you encounter a group with greater numbers than you? You attack them and keep attacking them. That is the very foundation of all the woke stupidity.
@jamesgardner6707 День назад
2:00 is it their race or is it that they are poor. Poor people of every race struggle with housing, neighborhoods and school.
@leonalchemist День назад
It's quite funny that the one guy that said white people are racist was a democrat. Is there lgbt privilege? you literally go to jail if you give any form of criticism so yea, they have privilege, companies get tax cuts under ESG if you are woke and you tell people to be less white and hire only women and ideally not white people, yea, they have MASSIVE privilege, to take an entire race and shove them under one mentality is the very application of racism. I swear if people vote Kamala, America is done for, and this will 100% have severe effect to the rest of the world.
@jurisprudence6549 2 дня назад
I've definitely never heard anyone bring up Arizona when discussing places with a lot of racism. What a weird thing to say. Honestly I think the most racist places in America these days are all the big cities.
@praisegod4538 2 дня назад
What a stupid question. No country is 'inherently' racist. But there IS a sense of entitlement by black Americans, due to the special treatment they've received for the last 55 years.
@kelleygreengrass 13 часов назад
It's not a sense of entitlement. It's forced conditioning to think they're always in danger.
@rogermouton2273 2 дня назад
It's not complicated. The amount of melanin in your skin has no bearing on the kind of person you are. Anyone who thinks otherwise is racist by definition.
@julius43461 2 дня назад
1:20, Oh you poor man, you couldn't be more wrong. Plenty of them buy into it.
@wildmouse5888 2 дня назад
There are racist people among every race. Even so, I can't imagine going through the world like a giant exposed nerve just waiting to be offended by something. Some people cause their own suffering, and that is their problem; not everyone's problem.
@iamplay797 2 дня назад
News flash! Every race is racist towards other races people will always associate themselves with their own their family their race their religion their country their culture etc.... That's reality be real stop lying to yourself and others and trying to hide your true emotions and feelings and everyone will be better off. That's not to say that we can't all get along and tolerate each other without hate and violence and discrimination but there is no need to feel guilty for yourself your ancestors and pat yourself on the back by lying to yourself and others about human nature something you can't change. We are a civilized world now we are not living in caves anymore like thousands of years ago but we still follow nature like the animals in the wild and like them we stick to our own its natural but unlike them we are civilized and don't eat each other 👍
@charliedillon1400 День назад
You are 100% correct. Everyone in the world is a racist to some degree. Most do not act on it. People are just another species of animal. Animals are also "racist". it's natural. Not cool to act on it. Same as sexual aggression. Everyone has thoughts. No need to lie about it.
@jenniferperez1944 2 дня назад
I think some people naturally have preferences
@madisonbadger9454 2 дня назад
@NDB469 2 дня назад
Anyone who judges by the group is a pea wit, take people one at a time. Color doesn’t matter a damn! The agenda of the far left is to divide and conquer by the group. Stop buying what they’re selling, stop adhering to the ideology, it’s ok to disagree with people, just agree to disagree, and move on. To answer the question, no America as a whole is not racist. I believe there are cases of individual racism, but it’s not one sided at all, and you’ll find that anywhere there are differences in the population. In my opinion we need to just mind our own business and stop with all the daily distractions, unfortunately social media and mainstream media have caused all of this ridiculous stuff and even more unfortunate is that soo many people just go along with it all. Thinking for yourself goes a long way.
@OMNI_INFINITY 2 дня назад
*LOOK at jews in israel (assrael)!!! THOSE are ACTUAL racists there!!!*
@Tubinado 2 дня назад
I think a lot of people don’t understand what “white privilege” means. I inherited land from my parents that was given to my dad from his parents. His dad, who was born in 1911, bought that land with money he earned as a manager at the steel mill. I’m not positive, but I think it would’ve been harder for a black man in the 1930s-1950s to be hired as a manager. That’s one manifestation of “white privilege.” It doesn’t mean no black people are privileged or that all whites are. It was just easier for whites to rise above their circumstances and harder for blacks in the past in many ways. But, today, with DEI, I think that’s a destructive overcorrection and often done in an ignorant way.
@DM-vl1tv 2 дня назад
You should look into land ownership. In 1930s black people owned a lot of land. And Asain's owned the least amount of land at 0.83 acres per person. Yet, Asain's are the richest "race" in America. They average 40,000 MORE PER YEAR in money compared to whites. Native American's had the most land documented in 1930s at 157 acres PER PERSON and they have the lowest income among races in America. Race and privilege based on race has nothing to do with it. Even if your family had land that is passed down, it isn't due to race. It is because they kept it in the family and didn't sell.
@N1withaskillet 2 дня назад
The only privilege that matters is monetary privilege. Anything else is a red herring.
@jasonshumake777 2 дня назад
Liberals think all white people are racist because they are racist and assume all people are like them.
@Tubinado 2 дня назад
It depends on your definition of “racist.” In group preference is not racist to me.
@stevendigges4151 2 дня назад
If America is so racist, how come MILLIONS of people are coming here?
@somenygaard 2 дня назад
Race is a total fabrication by man. Categorizing humans by physical characteristics is a tool used with evolutionary theory to justify discrimination against groups of people. If all life descended from a common ancestor then the claim that some humans are more evolved and better than others. Galatians 3:28 KJVS [28] There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
@Zzyzzyx 2 дня назад
Notice how the guy at 1:00 defines "racism" as "supporting Trump."
@NomenClature-o8s 2 дня назад
Definition of a racist: a republican who just won an argument with a democrat.
@HarveyAndOnslowOnThePiss 2 дня назад
Black people are their own problem