Dawn Turner
Dawn Turner
Dawn Turner
Wrinkles & MRI's & other fun stuff!
12 часов назад
Life is laden with happiness and tears
19 часов назад
Woodpecker at Fish Creek Park
День назад
Incredible Rainbow!
День назад
Kicking Horse Pass
День назад
On my way to Calgary to visit fambly
14 дней назад
Joy, sheer joy, at its finest
14 дней назад
Stunning sunrise in Coquitlam
14 дней назад
Spend no money challenge!
21 день назад
Canada geese in Coquitlam
21 день назад
Newport Pier, Oregon
21 день назад
Orange-backed hummingbird
28 дней назад
Crow snacking on birdseed
Месяц назад
Craigelachi rest stop area
Месяц назад
Faeder Creek rest stop, BC, Canada
Месяц назад
Career decision - yes, at 65!
Месяц назад
A surprise message from my ancestors
Месяц назад
New apartment, new kittenz!
Месяц назад
Beautiful surf on the Oregon coast
Месяц назад
Squirrel v. Archie the Cat
Месяц назад
Sweet moment in time
Месяц назад
Mt. Shasta 2018 & curious cattle
Месяц назад
Crow family drama in Coquitlam, BC
Месяц назад
@chuckles1357 День назад
Looks so pretty out the window of your van! So lovely and green. Canada is a stunning country! Btw, i agree that stress can certainly affect how we feel mentally. I wouldn't worry about the results. Rainy here as well!
@chuckles1357 4 дня назад
Wrinkles? Where? I don't see what you're seeing... You look young and beautiful for your age, that's for sure! Have you lost some weight lately?
@dawnturner7010 4 дня назад
@@chuckles1357 I think maybe a little bit? But my jeans still fit just fine. And thanks for the kind words! ☺️
@chuckles1357 8 дней назад
So what will you do? Are you in the Badlands right now with your friends? I don't know what you should do in a position like this, but I know I would go back if it were my own dad. I missed his passing in 2013 and I still feel guilty over it. I hope you make the best decision for you, one you'll be ok with.
@dawnturner7010 8 дней назад
I did say goodbye when I was there. He was unconscious at the time. He knows I love him. ❤ I am not in the badlands. Gonna head straight home and hope I don't run out of gas money!
@DontbeAsshole 9 дней назад
.....this is usually casued by rain miles away in the mountsins upstream...even too far to see the storm .. ..there are clouds in the distsnce.., and the water is dirty, this is what distance rain floods look like... beautiful..... have fun
@chuckles1357 11 дней назад
You're right, that is a pileated woodpecker, they are even here in Oregon. Aren't they absolutely gorgeous?? Thank you for filming this amazing bird, i just love them!!!!
@dawnturner7010 11 дней назад
@@chuckles1357 He is so handsome!
@chuckles1357 12 дней назад
What an incredible double rainbow!! Wow, and being able to see from one end to the other!!! What an amazing experience, indeed. I'm so glad you filmed it!!!
@dawnturner7010 12 дней назад
@@chuckles1357 Thanks! I feel really humbled by the experience, if that makes sense!
@chuckles1357 12 дней назад
Gorgeous! How extremely fortunate you were to have enjoyed such a lovely place so often... I can definitely see how you would love it!!
@dawnturner7010 11 дней назад
@@chuckles1357 Nature sure knows how to do it right, eh? Here and on the Oregon beaches!
@chuckles1357 13 дней назад
How did Kicking Horse Pass get its name?
@dawnturner7010 13 дней назад
@@chuckles1357 I think it got its name from the frothy rapids looking like horses bounding through surf? Or maybe an old prospector lost his gear when his horse started bucking!
@chuckles1357 13 дней назад
what an absolutely gorgeous rest stop! And even complete with ravens! So glad they finally showed up so you could film them for a bit. So scenic!
@dawnturner7010 13 дней назад
@@chuckles1357 Isn't it gorgeous? Scenic and calm.
@chuckles1357 13 дней назад
I love ravens! They probably don't get too many people at this rest stop who take the time to feed them... I'm sure they appreciate it! They'd be braver if people fed them more often... Thank you for the video!
@chuckles1357 15 дней назад
Terrific! CE-5 soon... So much to look forward to! nice you'll be able to see Dedy and a friend or two,,, a full life for sure! Be sure to take tons of notes on CE-5... I want to hear it all!
@chuckles1357 17 дней назад
It is so true! Dogs and children know how to be happy and not worry about the future... They are wonderful examples of how to live in the moment and appreciate the Now! Thanks for sharing my friend!!
@chuckles1357 20 дней назад
Beautiful colors on your sunrise... I love warm shades so much! I hope you enjoy your Beyond Burger and real coffee, too!! Keurig cups don't cut it for me... I want a real espresso! ENJOY!!
@chuckles1357 22 дня назад
You're doing fine! It's good to have a challenge as you propose... I am good with challenges like that, since there isn't much i want or need anymore. However there are expenditures, like getting my son through college and grad school, that are there whether I like it or not!
@dawnturner7010 22 дня назад
So far so good. Spent the morning at the library, sorting through old files and photos. That's always so much fun! Now I'm chilling in the van having a snack and instant coffee. Life is so good!
@dawnturner7010 22 дня назад
How many times can I use the word "so" in a reply? LOL
@chuckles1357 22 дня назад
@@dawnturner7010 You have that right!!! Hooray!!!
@chuckles1357 22 дня назад
@@dawnturner7010 haha!!
@chuckles1357 24 дня назад
What a big flock!! They are very successful... there are so many all around, lots of them down here in Oregon as well!
@dawnturner7010 29 дней назад
I do miss this place! Hope i can experience something like this again someday.
@chuckles1357 29 дней назад
So gorgeous! Wow, so many incredible little hummingbirds... How lucky to have seen that and filmed it, too!
@astarinchimes Месяц назад
So beautiful Like a painting! Would love to watch more. Especially the giner cutie🧡😽
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
I like that, "Now i'm redeeming myself a little bit" from having gotten too close to their nest before and getting dive bombed! Whatever you're feeding the little fellow he seems to really like it! I lovelovelove birds big time...
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Hooray! Can't wait to see youuuuu!! Did you sleep on your braided hair? It seems thicker and wavier today. Very nice!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
@@chuckles1357 Thanks! But no, I haven't braided it yet. Just bought the elastics today!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Huh. That is interesting about the keys, isn't it. Sometimes when i look for something and i'm anxious about finding it (like my keys!) i can simply look over it, and then find it later when i've calmed down, but it's not that often. It may just be that you were anxious about finding them so missed it, though they were in plain sight. It's not an issue unless you move them to some really off the wall place, like in a flower pot or in a kitchen cabinet, then it could be noteworthy. My opinion!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
Except that I would sweep my hands over the shelves and in crevices, etc. Even if I couldn't immediately see them I would feel them or hear them jingle. I do that often, especially at night. These two or three times they just weren't anywhere! So strange.
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
@@dawnturner7010 There are a lot of things that happen that can't be explained!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
Absolutely. The mystery is part of the fun!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
I've been there!! Ok, quite a few years ago, but still! Canada is such a gorgeous country... You really are fortunate to be a Canadian citizen, but you know that already!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Gosh, that is absolutely gorgeous.... Interesting about that creek bed being dry when you woke up then filling up like that a couple times later. Sometimes that can happen when way upstream they let out some water from a dam if the level gets too low for the farmers downstream. Safe travels!!
@KingCorbinCosmos Месяц назад
Asmr with real cosmic truth more!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Hooray for new directions! This will be great for you and wonderful for the families you will help. How lucky that you've got enough for the entire Death Doula course?? Amazing, it was meant to be it seems! That is terrific news, so happy things are going your way!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
It really does seem like it was meant to be! My life is turning around and good things are happening. ❤️
@leegalen8383 Месяц назад
Can't use the captioning on this one❤
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
Yes, I am still in BC. About halfway to Calgary, parked at a rest area at Craigelachi. :) The different direction will be the topic of another video! 😊
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
So is this filmed in Hope? Still in BC? I'll be interested in hearing more about what you feel the direction you should be going is! Thanks for the upload!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
@@chuckles1357I'm in Calgary again. Had to close down a business account at a local bank and then I'm going to go visit my Dedy (dad). :)
@PatriciaDonovan-g9m Месяц назад
B.C. has Fish Crows. Feisty little buggers.
@RumpelFourSkin Месяц назад
Pretty much the extent of the excitement there
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Awww, they marched right up to you, picking you out as their own! How sweet you took the two of them, they are true best friends! At least they had a wonderful life, albeit short. You guys were meant to be together, even if not for long.
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
@@chuckles1357 It really felt that way.
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
love it!! thanks!!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Cute! Really scenic spot...
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
It's a beautiful place. Would love to be able to visit more often!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
What a lovely, serene moment in time... Absolutely precious! There is so much beauty on our planet... A wonderful world! Thank you for sharing!
@shinerstheseagull Месяц назад
I love the seagull just not wanting anything to do with the drama
@bvldr Месяц назад
Seagull was like “lol yall figure it out. I’ll go sit over here and watch, might be back later”
@dawnturner7010 20 дней назад
I like how he just quietly walks off. "Nothing to see here, folks."
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Hooray! Lots of life and living ahead! Thank you, too, for your kind "shout-out" and continued offerings of friendship and support to me! I am so happy you came up on my feed those months ago... So glad i found you!!! Just because we are technically seniors now doesn't mean our lives are over... there is much to do and so much life to live!! While i am stuck with more obligations than you are at the moment, it doesn't mean there isn't a world of excitement and living ahead!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
Exactly! Here's to fun times and amazing travels for both of us!
@ShilgenVens Месяц назад
I adore corvids!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Beautiful! Wow! Mt Shasta is just so, so gorgeous! And the curious cattle... Years ago we had a beef cattle ranch and it was a real experience... Cows are so sweet, I think!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
They are sweet! And so curious. :)
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Wow!! I love tales like this!! Anyone on the other side who could be teasing you a bit? Maybe your silly Mom in a playful mood??
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
I do think it's my mom who leaves me dimes and marbles! Not sure about the disappearing keys. So strange, though!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
Nice update! You look rested now... this time in Coquitlam has been good for you! Hooray! And what a lovely green park... listen to the kids playing and shrieking... ha! That's been some years for me!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
@@chuckles1357 It is fun! All this young energy. Nobody cranky here! :)
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
@@dawnturner7010 We can learn so much from the happiness of children... what a joy to be around!
@dawnturner7010 Месяц назад
@@chuckles1357 I totally agree. Children remind us of time past and give us hope for the future!
@chuckles1357 Месяц назад
@@dawnturner7010 i couldn't agree more!
@chuckles1357 2 месяца назад
OMG-- that's a REST STOP??! I want to come and visit just to see them!! Can't believe that's not a provincial park at least---absolutely stunning!! Hooray for nature, Hooray for birds!! Thanks for posting!!
@chuckles1357 2 месяца назад
So fun!! I loved that one light colored pigeon towards the end that really did look like his wings were new to him... and having fun with it! Pigeons do seem like they breed like flies... They can exist virtually anywhere!
@dawnturner7010 2 месяца назад
That's what I thought, too. That the awkward one was a young one. :)
@jaywalker2441 2 месяца назад
Lovely work! 👏
@dawnturner7010 2 месяца назад
Thank you! Turns out the school was on the other side of the cemetery. LOL Thanks so much for your support, Chuckles! ❤
@chuckles1357 2 месяца назад
How fun that you've met up with some good friends who didn't know were in town!! Hooray! Are these old classmates or...? Anyway, what a scenic town and delightful story running all the way up that hill when you were on recess in school back in the day... what a blast!! Being in the 'burbs we didn't have anything cool like that... Keep posting, i look forward to it!!
@chuckles1357 2 месяца назад
So is Dawson Creek BC on the border of the Yukon province? And... is the Alaska Highway fully paved these days? Ha, i can probably look up these answers too!
@AnnikaAwsome 2 месяца назад
Aww, that's so sweet! He did a great job ❤
@linwong1494 2 месяца назад
I won’t lie I thought it was a minecraft style painting at first, which is honestly really cool how he managed to do the style naturally. Very lovely gift from your son
@crowbard 2 месяца назад
Thats wonderful!
@seanfaherty 2 месяца назад
Very nice