Make cool (term used loosely) video. Feel good (emotion varies). Professional amateur internet comedian.

I go by Shul, but Kwesta is fine too!

I do a lot of my own art for thumbnails and such.
@HardTale_Sans. 4 часа назад
He is not saying block once more?!?!! <'(0o0)'>
@Korosev 4 часа назад
"I'm gona be fightin 'till i take my last breath" ah fight
@nicolai3023 12 часов назад
Disturbing Horror Game when murder, cannibalism, satanic rituals: 😃 Disturbing Horror Game when disturbing topic: 😠
@CS-110 День назад
This is peak editing
@TheNightmareWatcher День назад
what are they named that after a SCP? talking about the crooked man.
@moltenthemimic5611 2 дня назад
Look… I’m a lot of things, I’m a weird guy, and I don’t support inbreeding or nothing.. but if this game is supposed to be a psychological horror, then doesn’t it make sense for this game to be fucked up
@ghostcatdoesart 2 дня назад
Our times running out.
@psychocat-oz8js 2 дня назад
Chara is based
@Green_Bean_Machine 3 дня назад
“Comforting, charming, and cute” are things that should NEVER be applied to incest, people in the comments are acting like it’s not as bad as other shit in here, but it’s one of the MAIN themes, regardless of whether it’s focused on or not. Just because they don’t fuck right off the bat doesn’t mean it isn’t very obvious what’s going on, acting like it’s less weird to see incest than murder is ignoring a LOT of what’s out there, and I think treating peoples reaction as unreasonable isn’t acknowledging that what’s reasonable IS BASED ON PEOPLES REACTION. If you kill someone irl and literally everyone decides they deserved it and it’s ok, then you fuck the body and every gets upset, they aren’t wrong for reacting that way just because TECHNICALLY it’s more harmful to kill someone. Let’s quit being pretentious everyone, it’s ok to think incest is gross, you guys are the weird ones.
@happilychaotic2719 4 дня назад
Some smart person once said that art is meant to either comfort the disturbed or disturb the comfortable and this game is like if you take the disturb the comfortable and crank it up to ten
@Ice-Aoi-mutantheart-fan 4 дня назад
0:34 me when I’m referring to my school’s phone policy:
@zmangkrd5312 5 дней назад
Well the games still being developed. It also brings up the dark tones between siblings that actually exists nowadays (yes all that before the incest bs the woke community and others complain about).
@Adam-tp3um 5 дней назад
Ironically this only made me want to play it more because this sounds obscenely messed up and I wanna dive right in to something built to make me feel uncomfortable.
@jo-nathanjoestar991 5 дней назад
I'm sorry but killing the warden was justified homicide and it's fine to not freak out about it. Yes Andrew is also pretty messed up but that is more shown through his action shortly after than the warden kill.
@riaken1947 5 дней назад
First video of yours I've seen and love your analysis (plus the wendigoon pop up was a w)
@DittoAPokemon 5 дней назад
Maybe it’s bc I’m an unapologetic VC Andrew’s stan but I don’t see how people think bad thing in media = media likes bad thing. Like it’s pretty obvious this game is examining the circumstances that can lead to incest, not reveling in brother and sister getting it on. It’s far more about trauma and mental illness than it is about the incest.
@ahzayamackie8881 6 дней назад
i too am also the older brother, i have the same sort of traits as andrew minus the glearingly obvious flaws.
@Hanyong-ch9sg 6 дней назад
Frisk : What are you?! Them : *laughs in bad time
@billybobbibeau5121 6 дней назад
The mom is hot
@Emperor-Quill 7 дней назад
I GENUINELY believe that a huge part of why this game was flamed so hard for the "Sweet Home Alabama" moment, is because of the anime looking art style. There are some extremely well enjoyed and even beloved pieces of media that feature inarguably worse and more graphic content than what Coffin had. What makes those examples, like Game of Thrones and Fear and Hunger, different is that their style lends better to the stories being told. Coffin’s art presentation is significantly cuter and softer, and it’s also very reminiscent of the Anime style. I’m sure there’s plenty of people who can explain it better than me, but basically, Twitter LOVES to infantilize anime or cute looking anything. Not in the "this centuries old dragon looks and acts like a toddler but everyone is weird about her" way, but in the "you can’t draw 18+ art of this anime boy! he’s my uwu blorbo comfort babygirl precious smolbean!!" (Their blorbo: Canonically a 34 year old man with a job, a drinking problem, and an ex-wife) It’s not even with just characters, Twitter also holds such ideas of openly subjecting REAL LIFE PEOPLE to "babygirl-ificaton". Anyway, if the game a different art style, hell, even if just during THAT scene, the art shifted into a sharper, more shaded version, I genuinely don’t think the backlash would have happened on such a large scale to a point where the game’s creator had to disappear to protect themselves.
@xCarsonxTwilightx 7 дней назад
One version I watch was Chara is female And this one? Male
@bbobad 6 дней назад
Because the main characters are gender neutral
@OneManCast 7 дней назад
*You are my favorite Brit who talks like an American. You are also the only Brit I know that talks like an American.*
@cuenta007 8 дней назад
11 toed freak
@DiegoDiaz-kk3xh 8 дней назад
Ok, so this is a personal take, but seeing as neither of these two siblings are “sane” it would probably be better to say that Andrew is a psychopath and Ashley is a sociopath. The difference is that sociopaths are very emotional, but have no regard for morality. They understand it, but don’t care. This perfectly fits Ashley who we see is very very emotional and hates it when her brother doesn’t react or reacts poorly to her antics. Andrew meanwhile is often very stoic, and while not a complete psychopath, he does exhibit many psychopathic tendencies, usually disassociating himself, allowing himself to fully embrace his urges and desires. He seems to be just as fucked up as Ashley if not more so, but his ability to hide it better comes from the fact he’s less emotional, or perhaps simply emotionally stunted. Either way, both of them need to be put in a fuckin insane asylum. Their codependency sprouts from the fact that Andrew is emotionally stunted and his main source of joy is now his sister, and trapped in a world that sees her as batshit crazy, he automatically moves to protect her, alienating himself in the process and forcing his emotional wellbeing into Ashley’s hands.
@Thatlazeygamer 8 дней назад
Mergs greatest rival
@perrycarters3113 8 дней назад
"This would be so very sweet if they weren't blood related and in their 20's" - A statement that fits like 50% of this game's interactions between the two Regarding the whole incest plot point, I have a theory that Andrew and Ashley saw two distinctly different "versions" of that scene, each tailored to suit their own personal fears/anxieties regarding their relationship dynamic, as the trinket doesn't discriminate what type of "danger" it shows you, and the trinket did have 2 souls charged into it, so was able to display 2 visions, while 2 people held it. Ashley, who we were in the PoV of at the time, saw a version of the scene where Andrew was far more assertive and seemingly reigning dominant in their relationship. He was portrayed as the aggressor, initiating a "round 2" while Ashley pleaded with him to be more 'gentle'. Ashley's body language in this scene is bizarrely submissive for her usual routine, and the running mascara indicates to me that Andrew was a bit rougher than she would have liked. It's possible Ashley sees this future as a 'danger' to her because it entails a version of Andrew that she is no longer able to control, a version of Andrew that has fully and completely outgrown Andy and has made Ashley relinquish all control, because he no longer NEEDS her, he simply DESIRES her. And while some might argue that this relationship is more balanced and "healthy"(big fuckin quotation marks there)than their current dynamic, it's hard to argue that this is a version of their relationship Ashley wants. She seems perturbed by Andrew seemingly outgrowing the emotionally needy Andy and butchering their parents with all the fanfare of someone stocking a shelf, and when she awakens from the vision, she looks GENUINELY perturbed by it rather than neutral or excited by it. Andrew, meanwhile, I believe saw a version of the scene where Ashley was either explicitly or implicitly using sex as a means of control and he, as 'Andy', was capitulating. I believe he probably saw a version of that playing out where Andrew tried to 'rebel' against Ashley, possibly due to her convincing him to kill Julia, and she resorted to seducing him, and as Andy, he lacked the assertiveness to reject her or stand up for himself, and Ashley talking about how f'd up he has to be to sleep with his sister and how he truly has nobody else who would want him now that he has, shattering his thinly veiled attempts to clutch onto normalcy and reinforcing that she is doing this not out of genuine desire or affection, but out of a need to control him and erode his ability to assert himself. In a sense, Ashley's vision sees Andy fully dying and her losing all control over him and in fact becoming the submissive one in their relationship who is no longer 'needed' to keep Andrew content, while Andrew's vision sees the opposite, seeing himself becoming Andy once again, fully subservient to 'Leyley' and unable to escape because he crossed a line and now he can truly never be fully himself around anyone ever again and expect to be accepted. If this is true, then I'd further guess that Episode 3 and 4 may subvert the expectations people gained by Episodes 1 and 2 almost 'normalizing' things going in that direction and lay an actual incest scene as a narrative "trap"; as in, if the player guides the situation towards the sibling's relationship becoming sexual, it can only become sexual under one of those two contexts and lock the player into a "bad" ending route as the sibling's relationship becomes absolutely unrecoverable and perhaps even ultimately leads to them falling out, almost as if the creator is saying "What? Did you think I was going to make the story say 'Incest can be just fine and is the healthiest option for them, actually!'?" I could also be totally wrong and maybe the story has a route where the siblings escape somewhere with new identities and simply pretend not to be siblings and can happily bang away with nobody being the wiser. Who knows with this fuckin game, tbh lmao
@bestnameever1850 8 дней назад
in a way the incest hieghtens the story because ashley is fucking insane even outside of the incest this is so far from a healthy relationship that is would make sigmund frued barf
@sober_katz 9 дней назад
peoples reactions to this game really confuse me. so many oversensitive members of my generation are whining about how bad it is because of an insest scene (spelling that wrong on purpose cause youtube) that...didn't actually happen? it was a DREAM. a vision shown to the siblings by a literal DEMON. that and the game gives you multiple chances to back out of the actual route and stick with the friendship one. if that doesn't scream "i don't support this and i'm just including it to show what the siblings relationship could end up like if they continue down this awful path", i don't know WHAT does. (plus i've been banned from quite a few discord servers for having an ashley graves profile thank you immature 20 year olds <3)
@Yesil_Ata 10 дней назад
sans - papyrus i am going to grillby's want something chara - what you want is what you gona get chara in gribly's be like : yes sir whats your order?
@tammyadamson2121 10 дней назад
Bro this is fake
@averagedumbproto 11 дней назад
just tried to sing this i had no last breath to begin witn 😭😭
@user-mn9df5um3j 11 дней назад
‏‪1:00‬‏ ‏‪1:02‬‏ ‏‪1:02‬‏ ‏‪1:03‬‏ ‏‪1:03‬‏ ‏‪1:03‬‏ ‏‪1:03‬‏ ‏‪1:04‬‏ ‏‪1:04‬‏ ‏‪1:04‬‏ ‏‪1:04‬‏ ‏‪1:04‬‏ ‏‪1:04‬‏ ‏‪1:05‬‏ ‏‪1:05‬‏ ‏‪1:05‬‏ ‏‪1:05‬‏ ‏‪1:05‬‏ ‏‪1:05‬‏ ‏‪1:06‬‏ ‏‪1:06‬‏ ‏‪1:06‬‏ ‏‪1:07‬‏ ‏‪1:07‬‏ ‏‪1:07‬‏ ‏‪1:07‬‏ ‏‪1:07‬‏ ‏‪1:08‬‏ ‏‪1:08‬‏ ‏‪1:08‬‏ ‏‪1:08‬‏ ‏‪1:09‬‏ ‏‪1:09‬‏ ‏‪1:09‬‏ ‏‪1:09‬‏ ‏‪1:09‬‏ ‏‪1:09‬‏ ‏‪1:10‬‏ ‏‪1:10‬‏ ‏‪1:10‬‏ ‏‪1:10‬‏ ‏‪1:10‬‏ ‏‪1:11‬‏ ‏‪1:11‬‏ ‏‪1:11‬‏ ‏‪1:11‬‏ ‏‪1:11‬‏ ‏‪1:11‬‏ ‏‪1:12‬‏ ‏‪1:12‬‏ ‏‪1:13‬‏ ‏‪1:13‬‏ ‏‪1:13‬‏ ‏‪1:14‬‏ ‏‪1:14‬‏ ‏‪1:14‬‏ ‏‪1:14‬‏ ‏‪1:14‬‏ ‏‪1:14‬‏ ‏‪1:15‬‏ ‏‪1:15‬‏ ‏‪1:15‬‏ ‏‪1:15‬‏ ‏‪1:15‬‏ ‏‪1:16‬‏ ‏‪1:16‬‏ ‏‪1:16‬‏ ‏‪1:16‬‏ ‏‪1:18‬‏
@Mike-wg9ev 11 дней назад
1:10 I think I just found sans’ favorite app
@user-mn9df5um3j 12 дней назад
@frisk_undertale-_- 13 дней назад
I love how I listen to both and I could tell that this one was the one I was listening to without the lyrics even starting 😂
@Amethyst_abhainn9662 13 дней назад
Frisk: wait why is the music different? *sschara and underswap show up* Frisk: OH SHI-
@aethien4753 13 дней назад
I thought the creator actually shipped the two and drew art of them tangoing and thats why no one liked it
@nomenium 13 дней назад
I can fix her
@MitchellLengerak-f3y 14 дней назад
Johnson Anthony Walker Thomas Lopez Nancy
@spenhunter3592 14 дней назад
how is this game controversial it’s not even that bad there are way worse games out there that nobody gives a shit about 😭🙏 the conclusion I’ve come to is that tcoaal isn’t psychological horror either it’s a comedy game trust
@DapplefrostAnimation 15 дней назад
Not even heard of this game until your video popped up on my feed! xD 100% subscribing to your channel and going to check out this game for myself, lmao! ^-^
@realkraid 15 дней назад
I am not going to lie to you chief this is not even close to the most controversial psychological horror game of all time, this was nothing but a monthly Twitter eruption from people too bored to wait for something useful to post about
@daimoon2 15 дней назад
Chấm chấm chấm ngang ngang ngang chấm chấm chấm 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 Nấu nó nấu nó lên 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
@3yE_s0cK3tS 15 дней назад
Also- i love the fact that only us!chara is taking it a bit seriously-
@3yE_s0cK3tS 15 дней назад
TIKTOK had me frickin dead-
@Cooltrap99 15 дней назад
This is the best slaughter continues with lyrics in my opinion
@LochlanKooistra 16 дней назад
Someone wanna explain what the hell happened at 1:59 ?