Welcome to KevinHelpUs!
I make analysis videos for my favorite games and game design trends. Let's make some beautiful mischief together.
I Fixed Dead Space 3's Story
7 месяцев назад
Why Capcom WON'T Remake Resident Evil Outbreak
9 месяцев назад
This Boss Sucks: Bed of Chaos (Dark Souls)
10 месяцев назад
This Boss Sucks: Final Boss (Bioshock)
10 месяцев назад
When Epic Exclusives Come To Steam
2 года назад
I Picked The Best Dog In Undertale
2 года назад
What Rockstar Games' Manhunt Got Right
2 года назад
Maligula Is NOT A Villain
2 года назад
The Brilliant Levels of Psychonauts 2
2 года назад
The Brilliant Levels of Psychonauts
2 года назад
What FromSoftware Games Take From You
2 года назад
How Hades Makes Repetition Fun
3 года назад
@NKillBruh 18 часов назад
If it aint on steam or GOG, I'm sailing the seas to search for it
@gafarbello107 День назад
Interesting that watching this I just the group called The Family, and it makes me think of RE7 when Jack Baker says Welcome to the Family. Timeline wise, RE7 is before RE6, and he’s referring to the Baked family, but what if the bigger Family, was at play then too?
@izwanrauf6210 День назад
Only OUTBREAK Still On PS2 Which Is Great & I Hope CAPCOM Won't Remake/Port This Into Steam Or XBox
@IAmPlayer_5 2 дня назад
In the first watch dogs there is a mission where you gotta explode a toco truck jordi says in the cutcene he says " these are stickybombs, they stick." Tha made me laugh
@loboneiner1034 3 дня назад
I'm playing Resident Evil Outbreak right now lol
@MaxAtt4ck 3 дня назад
I kinda wish Gabe Weller was alive and be the co-op partner for Isaac Clarke, more than Carver. I know he pretty much passed in his DLC back in DS2, but I felt the connection of him and Isaac being pretty much ones who survived, ever since the whole incident with the Ishimura, would’ve made for some interesting chemistry between them.
@Donkehy-puncharello 4 дня назад
How did you fix something that wasn't broken????
@KevinHelpUs 4 дня назад
I don’t know, I’m fixing Resident Evil 6.
@derkanerka 4 дня назад
Outbreak stories were so interesting. because it was other stories inside the outbreak , just short stories that make you wonder what else was going on within the city struggle. Way ahead of it’s time.
@jellointhewind8712 4 дня назад
Ubisoft McFly: "Guess you guys weren't ready for that one...but you will in like 10 years"
@user-jo4dc7kk7i 4 дня назад
I guess they will do, but one after the other rome also hasn´t been made in one day wasn´t it?
@azariah_kyras 5 дней назад
No he isn't. He's my best friend.
@KevinHelpUs 5 дней назад
He is though. And he’s not.
@Engimaintrust 6 дней назад
I remember in both dead space 1 and 2 the sound thing was so true, as i entered a room a sound played i think it was a scream and i fucking booked itbout of that shit so fast, i came back with my plasma cutter drawn and saw nothing.
@zeroxdan 8 дней назад
this was wonderful, thank you!
@ELWPicaro 8 дней назад
“You’re only left with 6” No, we left with: - Gaiden - revelations 1 - revelation 2 - survivor (vr?) - revelations 3 - the rumoured re9 “relevant shadows” - dead aim - outbreak - outbreak 2
@KevinHelpUs 8 дней назад
“Universally beloved”. You literally included two games that don’t exist yet.
@AbhiMhatre 8 дней назад
They liked it when rockstar did ut in rdr2 but hated it in WD
@mischiefkitten7804 8 дней назад
goat simulator 3 was originally epic exclusive but went on steam has 97% positive reviews
@josephmercier7291 8 дней назад
Wowee - so my cousin played the game before me and using his feedback of the first 3 campaigns, I actually played Jake, Chris and Leon’s in that same order as you suggested! I hadn’t a notion what was going on after Jake. I agree his pointing a gun at Chris scene isn’t great as is, very good ideas throughout your rewrite. Like they’re fairly minimal changes to dialogue that tie everything together pretty nicely. Very well done! It’s rare to watch a video about RE6 that has a positive perspective on a rather flawed game, I enjoyed that.
@KevinHelpUs 8 дней назад
Thanks - glad you enjoyed it! There is a lot to like in Resident Evil 6, and I wanted to be fair and acknowledge when it did something right.
@antonfowler6582 9 дней назад
If they made an open world map like the divisions with all the iconic locations each location having an hour plus of game play that gives you an item to unlock more areas of the map . That would be a fun game to play .
@SpitfiretheCat16 9 дней назад
I thought her name was based on "Malignant" like a tumor that's actively causing harm and difficult to excise.
@EddiePReacts 9 дней назад
Lol I never had issues with any of these bosses. I just hated this palace. Maybe I was over leveled or something
@BreadApologist 10 дней назад
Towards the end of R4 and 5, and some of the 6 campaigns,, made me ask a questionI never thought I would ask from playing other RE titles. The question being “Why the absolute fuck am I getting into a GUNFIGHT with ZOMBIES?”
@Spoky_Pun 10 дней назад
I'm sorry if my English is bad and I explain my opinion weirdly, I don't usually share my opinions. In my opinion, RE6 doesn't need a remake, but it could definitely use your changes. If Capcom does a remake, I'm really hoping they keep the CO-OP, maybe even add extra multiplayer content, and use your changes. Also, I wanna share my RE6 journey. I bought RE6 on the Nintendo Switch around 2021, curious on why it was the worst game in the series. I went through Leon's campaign, had a couple of people join through the co-op system and then moved on to the other campaigns. Did those, and overall, I did enjoy the entire story, bu it's definitely not my favorite story. The gameplay has given me some pretty fun memories. The melee combat in RE6 is the best of the series (IMO) I recently bought RE6 on the PS5. After playing RE6 for a combined time of around 400-600 hours on Nintendo Switch and PS5, I really love RE6, even though it's the worst game in the series, I do love it for what it is. Also, here's my answer to the "what would you change" question: I wouldn't change anything. I love it for what it is. That's all I have to say. I enjoyed this video. [!!SPOILERS FOR REVELATIONS 2!!] Alsooo, here's a fun fact: I'm pretty sure that Resident Evil Revelations 2 (my favorite RE game) ties into RE6 during the good ending.
@rue_pardox 10 дней назад
Love the video. Outbreak needs more attention!
@blackwaltz3135 10 дней назад
capcom should make outbreak file 3 similar to The last of us 2s new mode, where you go through a branched path of levels, and you can actually change weapons, mod them, get different skills. I think that would add some playability
@sirtoastyllama 11 дней назад
I feel like there's plenty of games Capcom can model, just small examples would be The Outlast Trials, and GTFO. Although a lot of the maps are same they change them up with events and the additions in cosmetics or emotes. In the original game we had characters, and costumes that could be found through finding those special items an easy way to monetize or even add emotes.
@neelayy 12 дней назад
just torrent mann just too much work
@neelayy 12 дней назад
and if you really enjoy the game then you can buy it
@KevinHelpUs 12 дней назад
But then I’d be giving Epic money and ew, no.
@zelky1394 12 дней назад
The point of launching stuff on epic first is to make some money from Epic and then fix all the bugs in the game with a smaller playerbase so that people dont get turned away, and then publish a polished game on Steam...
@mackbrown619 12 дней назад
@vectormac5064 13 дней назад
Kendra es muy buena manipulando en este juego,la hicieron más profunda e inteligente pero también más mala.Usa siempre excusas “por el bien de arreglar las cosas” pero realmente vela por su interés.Merecía ese final por eliminar a todos los que podía como Kyle y Elisabeth,después de todo no era tan diferente a lo que hacía Mercer.
@richarddechart6169 13 дней назад
This is something i love about new kendra. In the original, shes a villain. In the remake, shes just an antagonist.
@hj-hv6rt 14 дней назад
Will absolutely play OG Dead Space again because of the much lower system requirements lol. OG Dead Space runs on a potato, Dead Space 2023 has near constant traversal stutter on even top end hardware (rebought it on PS5 though, which isn’t perfect, but a lot better). Remake is better in pretty much every other way imo tho
@TheThunder115 14 дней назад
Strange thing is, even though Kendra was not immune to the Marker, she was smarter than it. Think about it. She gaslit the thing so hard that it panicked and had Isaac recall her shuttle.
@mmcv9625 14 дней назад
I just finished my first playthrough of the remake, i felt bad because i thought Hammond was going to end up being the spy and then he died, never suspected Kendra until the last second lol.
@koleszgdanska7149 15 дней назад
Arkham Asylum even has a score called "Manhunt"
@natemrt4278 15 дней назад
I think I agree with acknowledging ds2 as the only sequel. This is my favorite game of all time and I can’t imagine playing through it as just a pawn… wonder what that says about me. Anyways. Great video.
@johnnyli4702 15 дней назад
I really like this rewrite, but I do have to say that I just finished Ada's campaign and found it to be a whole lot of nothing and wish there was more of a reward for playing through another campaign in this game. I hate that she is basically a brick wall as a character and never reacts in any way to anything that happens to her. Find out your ex made a sex clone of you? "Hmm, looks just like me, no wonder everyone is so confused..." Find the love of your life after having split up for almost a decade? "The more things change, the more things stay the same..." I hated that. I would make her actually react in a human way to some of these developments, OR give a reason for why she's basically done with all this BOW drama and just wants to quit, but can't. For me, RE6 OG Ada seemed like she shouldn't care that she has a sex clone trying to destroy the world, shouldn't care that Simmons is doing evil shit behind her back, etc, etc. I think Ada should start off really troubled by the events after RE4 still realizing how close she came for being responsible for everything Wesker was doing and having it weigh on her conscience and maybe why she stopped working for Simmons and disappeared off the face of the Earth for a number of years. Then she finds a recording of "her" taking credit for terrorist attacks and shenanigans ensue. And she has to roll her eyes at having to step in again. She should be really disgusted that Simmons has a sex clone that looks like her. But even then, I feel like there needs to be an even bigger revelation in her arch, otherwise, it feels like just more of the same and we're not learning anything new. Like what if we learn that all this time she's been playing with Leon, she actually doesn't care for him all that much and that she was actually in love with Simmons (who in this rewrite would not be a maniacal brohaha). I don't know. We need something big in her campaign that turns the other three campaigns on their heads. Also, at the end of Chris' campaign, Piers should mouth the words, "I love you," just before the escape pod fires out. Pickle.
@KevinHelpUs 13 дней назад
Ha! Love it and agree that Ada's campaign is more there to fill in blanks in the other stories than to tell one about her. I really do think she should have her own game, but hopefully we get to learn more about her. No notes on Piers.
@markrob2892 16 дней назад
I find it an amusing idea... still she could have told Isaac that Nicole was dead the whole time, and it was the marker manipulating him.. just like she was seeing her brother... she used him the whole time...I don't know why the Valor let out Chen, because they had to have known the ship was to be blown up, and they wouldn't want any witnesses from the ship. That is probably where Kendas plan was done... and to bring the marker back to earth.. ? that would have turned Earth into necromorph world.
@sugoistalin7809 17 дней назад
I remember playing the game then hearing my friends talk about how dogshit it was and i just sat there like "huh, what? No its good. Sure its not great but its still good..."
@kaloianmitrev6279 18 дней назад
Exclusive games are to be hacked or bought from G2A 2nd hand and at 50%+ so that you can punish 5he development team
@Johnsmith99663 18 дней назад
"Surely a corporation wouldn't resort to doing something shameless just to make money, right?" Capitalism, every single second of every single hour of every single day of every single week of every single month of every single year for the past 400+ years:
@BigSparky1316 18 дней назад
Man RE3 1999 is still to this day is my favorite game ever made. The RE3R is just absolutely terrible. I remember sitting there watching my dad beat 2 and 3 and when he got the infinite ammo my brother and I would play it and beat it over and over again. God nemisis was so damn scary in the 1999 game.
@GlideGames 19 дней назад
My easy trick for both of them is buy from Steam and just take all the free games they put out every week on Epic - Basically what my two libraries consist of.
@GlorboFlorbo-xu4kz 19 дней назад
The most important differnece is that steam is just a cool platform! You get communty maps, mod downlaods, linux support, family sharing and much more! Many people like ricing out their steam profile page becuase it is just a flex showcasing skins, game times or archievements. It's basically a social media platform for gamers!
@chrisswift3778 19 дней назад
Ive rewatched this a number of times, your longform videos are great
@KevinHelpUs 19 дней назад
Thanks a lot for telling me! So glad you enjoyed it. I promise I'm not in hiding, the new video is just under 100 minutes, so it's taking a bit longer than usual, but it's coming!
@chauvinbrenneise1138 20 дней назад
I will never forgive Ubisoft for not giving us a fully fledged Aidan perice sequel.