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@rctaylor5689 11 часов назад
The Republicans will support “THE DONALD” because they, along with a huge number of the population recognize this trial was nothing more than an attempt at political assassination of this man. Any other individual would have quit fighting the crooked political system long time since. But, Mr. trump has persisted in his efforts to attack the Status Quo. I trust this conviction will persuade more people to vote FOR HIM THAN AGAINST HIM due to the weapon is action of the justice system by the BIDEN fraternity. Stand up America & support Donald Trump. he is the only legitimate leader you can choose. BTW, I am NOT an American, neither do I reside in the UDSA but, I do believe in democracy and these attacks on this man by the legal courts of New York are anything but democratic. Rise up America and vote for this man. I have great faith in the ordinary people to recognize an injustice when they see or hear it and will do the RIGHT thing to correct it.
@lowproscrumbum 11 часов назад
Most corrupt thing I have seen in my lifetime. Pray for the US. This is what it looks like when a country is taken hostage.
@fkturdo 11 часов назад
Whats next for Texas? making fun of an old simp in a wheel chair? ... oh wait, you already did that.
@huddy22 11 часов назад
Honest mistake Sid, you don’t need to try to make it more than it is. Teams troll teams in pro sports, you of all people should know that. The dj apologized for the misunderstanding and mistake regarding the song, what more do you want from the guy? You don’t need to feed into the cancel culture as everyone makes mistakes and this was obviously an accidental oversight. I’m not sure what you are after with this segment, are you asking for his termination?
@fkturdo 11 часов назад
A little boy with Downs Syndrome and you stole his song? shame on you. Tonight your going to get pulverized.
@mikeshields5510 11 часов назад
These people are full blown libtards.
@randyhuke3773 11 часов назад
Not at all. If anything it helps him. The Deep State will try to assassinate him just as they did with the Kennedies and MLK.
@seanexner6417 11 часов назад
😂I can tell you this helps him 😊 this made everyone I know especially dems say they are voting trump. I live in Seattle by the way so real democrats are saying this.
@scotts1912 11 часов назад
Sure, buddy.
@SheldonBeckham 11 часов назад
Problem is God is for Trump, if God be for us who can (or would dare) to be against us!
@philster6383 11 часов назад
dream on cultist. Why would GOD be for that liar, adulteress, con man, and filthy mouthed goof
@JanetMacleod-zw6uq 11 часов назад
@Superscout19 11 часов назад
There’s a reason why Sydney got fired from Sportsnet. Total loser.
@Gothondra 11 часов назад
I thought this was a Canadian channel, oh thats right only when they feel like reporting Canadian news.
@kpotter78 11 часов назад
You people are so delusional!
@kpotter78 11 часов назад
The corrupt jury system is NOT the people, lady. The people will show you what the ACTUAL people want!
@donmcw5678 11 часов назад
My understanding is that a convicted felon cannot get a job in the US. What about Trump and the Presidency?
@steveolson69 11 часов назад
Now Biden and Obama and the Clinton’s can now be prosecuted for war crimes! The only president who can’t be prosecuted for war crimes is former POTUS DONALD J. TRUMP BECAUSE HE IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT THAT NEVER HAD A WAR WHILE IN OFFICE !
@vincedimanno1420 11 часов назад
Is it just me, I don't find them playing the song an "incident". Now if they mocked the kids I would agree with Sid. I guess in this new politically leftist society anything you do is offensive.
@cbzblaze2457 11 часов назад
If Trump wasn't running for president, this would never even get tried. 12 jury members from a district that votes 95% democrat isnt representative of the american people. You can find a crime on any politician. There was just an unwritten rule that we don't go down that road. Well, this just changed everything. America will never be the same. I used to love listening to Sid on the score. So out of touch. He should apply for a seat next to Whoopi goldberg. They love male feminists over there.
@Kimzu2oob 11 часов назад
She felt "sorta bad" by the attention? Now that's bullshit.
@faze0ne844 11 часов назад
the executive order still active for election interference have never been adopted .. Biden prolonged it .. meaning if its activated , trump can charge all past presidents or any actor foreign or domestic that interfers with his election .. trust me ... theyre is a lot to go get !
@theadventuresofjimmycrapol8827 11 часов назад
That DJ in Dallas didn't know the back story behind LaBamba, he was simply trolling the Oilers. Any criticism about this incident is short sighted.
@faze0ne844 11 часов назад
Yes , meaning all past presidents can be charged
@mayerbasic7004 11 часов назад
Honest mistake. Story had a happy ending.
@omalleysmith9100 11 часов назад
The DJ in Dallas was stupid in all the ways Sid mentioned, but additionally - he kind of failed at his mockery attempt because he did NOT play the Los Lobos version of the song from the movie soundtrack, which is the one that was so beloved by Joey Moss and is the ONLY version of the song that has significance. So yeah, I hope that DJ feels like the ignorant a-hole he is and that he grows a few brain cells along the way.
@jonk5669 12 часов назад
The verdict will have more people voting for him.
@LelandReview 12 часов назад
It changes everything. Trump wasn't going to get many votes before. But now everyone will vote for him. After they saw how corrupt the Left has made the court system.
@zigfield723 12 часов назад
No. Nobody cares that he banged a hooker
@frankieb8591 12 часов назад
I think it was just a honest mistake and they apologized and made a donation
@bobwoods1302 12 часов назад
Trump is not allowed to own weapons and will have to submit to random drug tests.
@joe-hp4nk 12 часов назад
Those three monkeys haven't a clue. Their monkey brains have no idea of the corruption it took to get the conviction.
@kevingronau4946 12 часов назад
Wow! Morons of disinformation. No clue what is happening in the U.S. or the world. Trump wins in the landslide wait and see. He got 56 million votes the most of any incumbent in history during Covid and still lost HOW?? Unless you want the U.S. and Canada to end up like Russia and China you better hope Trump wins!!!.......or there will be a world war. Trump is the only person on earth who has the balls and knows how to stop a war world through strength and wisdom! ...I loved Ronald Reagan for those qualities!
@sdt1sdt 12 часов назад
Sid, great segment as always. I think I peed a little bit when you mentioned the Dallas Stars as 20th most popular team in Texas. This will go down as one of your all-time classics. FYI, I think this has been your 15th best segment... Keep up the great work!
@margiemows 12 часов назад
The DJ had been playing the opposing team's win song after the Stars won at home, and the Oilers were obviously no different. Do we now expect everyone to know the lore behind every team's traditions? The guy apologized and even donated money. Get off your high horse, calling people dumb for an honest mistake is childish.
@sunnym5318 12 часов назад
People that support trump are trash
@AngloSaxon-yx8tk 12 часов назад
These convictions are false
@kousarhoward5063 12 часов назад
trump is stronger than ever dum asses
@brettporter5787 12 часов назад
Is this an SNL skit?
@Stevo935 12 часов назад
Trump has to thank the Dems for all of this free campaigning they're doing for him. Eight years of relentless attacks, from "waaaaaah he stole the election", which ended up being false, to endless witch hunts and trials which prove nothing other than exposing their own bias (with the media in lockstep) trying to suppress a political rival.
@Stonesour1 12 часов назад
This show is so woke its not even funny, they have no clue what is real or false. And the sad thing in this country is people actually believe their crap !! Most humans are dumb and naïve..its easier for them to have someone tell them than do their own critical thinking.
@kingjames7273 12 часов назад
Fatty had all the answers😅😅😅😅😅she is clueless
@rjstewart 12 часов назад
Bet these MSM 🤡s won’t report the MASSIVE boost in campaign fundraising this has given Trump.
@BruceBlitzHasTits 12 часов назад
dems are helping trump win! great job they/them lLFG
@kingjames7273 12 часов назад
Bogus bsnsna republic your a fckng joke america
@marioaraya1395 12 часов назад
So then can we all agree that laws are made for poor people only? Bc no jail time? Explanation please?
@vileluca 12 часов назад
Explanation: Former presidents are granted protection from the secret service for life. You can't just put Trump in gen pop. You could to Hillary though since she was never president :)
@rjstewart 12 часов назад
It’s a clerical error. Also there are a dozen legal errors by the judge so this WILL go to appeal and most likely he will win.
@toypianokeys 12 часов назад
It will make America vote for him in greater numbers. Weaponizing the justice system will backfire for the democrats.
@Heroesworkshop 12 часов назад
12 jurors were able to convict him on all 34 charges in 2 days? Is that some kind of new record? All this will do is make his base bigger. You can deny it all you want but all the other cases he's been in have given him a jump in the polls. This will be no different.
@pierrepellerin249 12 часов назад
Well, legally, convicted felon Trump is now banned from entering dozens of countries like Israel, Japan, the UK, Canada, Taiwan, etc. But he can still go see his master in Russia...
@vileluca 12 часов назад
Lmfao Remember the only election you're not allowed to question is 2020. Trump's 2016 win? Oh yea conspiretard away!
@otisacre1654 12 часов назад
The US lost 11 marines, 1 Navy corpsman, and 1 soldier in Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan and millions of illegal aliens have poured over the border under his watch, but instead we’re watching this??
@joshuaalmeida1145 12 часов назад
It's ok that Biden has committed crimes that border on treason,