Zero - The Fool
Zero - The Fool
Zero - The Fool
Just a place where a fool hopes everyone has fun. Hopefully, as time passes, improvements follow.

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Mainly uploading with free time.

Subscriber goal: 75
Scale's dumbest plan - Fatal Twelve  - Part 51
2 месяца назад
Riftdives - A Space for the Unbound - Part 15
3 месяца назад
Scale's plans - Fatal Twelve - Part 50
3 месяца назад
The confession - Fatal Twelve - Part 49
4 месяца назад
What? - Fatal Twelve - Part 48
4 месяца назад
Miharu's secret - Fatal Twelve - Part 47
4 месяца назад
The Day After - Fatal Twelve - Part 46
4 месяца назад
Crossdive - A Space for the Unbound - Part 10
4 месяца назад
Round Eight - Fatal Twelve - Part 45
4 месяца назад
It draws near - Fatal Twelve - Part 44
5 месяцев назад
A Space For The Unbound - Part 7
6 месяцев назад
Oddette's story - Fatal Twelve - Part 42
6 месяцев назад
New leads - Fatal Twelve - Part 41
6 месяцев назад
Yu's actions - Fatal Twelve - Part 39
7 месяцев назад
Cats & dogs - A Space for the Unbound - Part 3
7 месяцев назад
@xunvest 3 месяца назад
20:51 how i be feeling without any cake too
@BlinkEmre 4 месяца назад
I was here!!!
@xunvest 5 месяцев назад
Only the smartest people know the best disguise to have is to just put on a hat
@xunvest 5 месяцев назад
I wasn't ready for the Ace Attorney Goose Trial
@xunvest 5 месяцев назад
Someone's usual reaction to something bad happening to a cat: OH MY GOD NO HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!??! Zero's reaction: Damn, this would make great thumbnail material
@FoolishZero 5 месяцев назад
You can’t say I don’t have my priorities in order.
@xunvest 6 месяцев назад
Don't you just hate when you need to catch cherries in a minigame but you also need to sneeze?
@xunvest 6 месяцев назад
Atma on his way to walk up to random dudes and yell "UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT A" after his training
@xunvest 6 месяцев назад
My theory is that the story of the Star Princess and the cat definitely relates to Raya and Admiral in some way especially since she has powers and she can talk (I know, mindblowing theory /sarcasm)
@mo_saku 6 месяцев назад
Makes sense! Feels like a story within a story. But I wonder if Nirmala or Atma is the narrator of Raya's story...
@xunvest 6 месяцев назад
Never let a quirky girl with a cat obsession have the magic world altering powers
@mo_saku 7 месяцев назад
Zero, any other time: doesn't talk to anyone Zero, when there's a time-sensitive emergency: 10:17
@mo_saku 7 месяцев назад
23:46 Putting a worker to sleep with mind magic, to get his ladder for a whimsical quest bestowed on you by the Star Princess, should be the *only* reason to accept a random demo tape on the street lol Anyways the game looks amazing so far, suits your playstyle Zero!
@xunvest 7 месяцев назад
Me when Atma crashed into Marin: oh no... a nerd emoji
@xunvest 7 месяцев назад
I like how you took the time to pet all the cats, they're so cute! The Magic Book is a really cool tool, you can walk around in people's minds! I'm surprised the player character is Atma, maybe you'll get to play as Nirmala in a different part? Also wondering why the base camp is a big train car in the middle of a grass field
@losers192 11 месяцев назад
No clue what this is but hi
@FoolishZero 11 месяцев назад
Hello! If you mean the game, it is a story about twelve people who have died too soon and each week must gather information about each other in order to eliminate the others and gain a second chance at life. If you mean just the video as a whole, it is my poor attempt at reading. Either way, thank you for clicking on the video.
@xunvest Год назад
i like how you pointed out cassidy's hand at 6:59, I didn't even notice that
@FoolishZero Год назад
Typical gamers using noclip.
@imafrenchtartine Год назад
Hi, loving some more Gnosia content ! Having watched a few other playthroughs, I kind of know what's coming and I enjoy the way you play, resisting the urge to take action and keeping a low profile. However, if I may, I think I'd enjoy it even more if presentation were a bit more "polished". English is not my native language and all the "stuttering" while reading the text boxes makes it hard for me to follow. I am aware that commenting while playing a game is work, so if only the reading were smoother (it could be slower, I don't mind), I think that'd make your videos an even more enjoyable experience :)
@FoolishZero Год назад
Thank you for the feedback, I’ll try my best to make it easier for you to watch and enjoy.
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
Laughing at you saying you trust Setsu, and literally being interrupted by Stella saying that she is demonstrably Gnosia. As an FYI, it's because two people died, meaning one had to be a crew member and the other the bug, so the real engineer would have had to examined one of them, which Krukruska did, and Setsu did not. Also some scenes require a certain amount of like with characters, e.g. if you had had a better relationship with Shigemichi when he was doing his practicing, you would have gotten more of a scene there. Also, some scenes require you to be collaborating with certain people, so consistently refusing collabs will push that number of loops required to beat the game up (which IIRC we talked about in an earlier vid.)
@FoolishZero Год назад
Ah, I hadn’t noticed Krukrushka’s actions. But yeah, I’ll need to be more careful when getting through the dialogue, as I’m not used to the characters asking me for collaborations.
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
@@FoolishZero Even completely disregarding Krukrushka, it was possible to tell Setsu was lying just because two people died and she had examined a third, but yeah, that should never occur without the real Engineer also being in play, unless it's the player risking the revenge of the time clam. As for more people asking for collabs, yeah that is not just confirmation bias. At the start everyone is basically limited to just pointing and yelling, but characters do indeed learn new skills as you loop, mostly as you learn new things about them (which is where they get the biggest stat bumps), but also occasionally via events (the same way you do).
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
It's worth remembering that the ages given are only estimates based on what they look like. (That's what the "est." means.) This is especially important once you realize that experienced age (the amount of time they've been awake for), chronological age (the amount of time their bodies have existed for), and biological age (the amount of time their bodies have been living and developing), are all separate things, and may all be different numbers for a single person. (e.g. If a person somehow stopped physically developing, they'd have a lower biological age than either their chronological or experienced ages, while spending time in cold sleep progresses someone's chronological age, while their biological and experienced ages stay the same.) Also, a tiny note, what Kukrushka did was technically mass murder, not serial killing. Not to say that she's not also possibly a serial killer, just that you're jumping the gun. For clarification, serial killers kill multiple people over a period of time, while mass murders kill their victims in relatively rapid succession. Just being pedantic (but also close examination of the situation does reveal some information which may be useful). And a final note, since you're now hitting the midgame. It's possible to prevent yourself from seeing certain (technically unimportant) scenes if you don't reach the right conditions. For example (no spoilers), there's one scene where Comet will say at the very start of the game that she doesn't think she'll survive, similar to how she said she didn't think she'd survive at the end of one your your loops here. (It's a running theme with her, she's very pessimistic about her chances, and rightfully so since she is both pretty easy to vote out and gets killed a lot.) Over the next night or two you'll unlock a piece of info about her. If you then get her to survive until the end (along with yourself obviously), you'll get a special scene, while if you get the info, then either of you die, or get cold sleeped, you don't get another chance to see the scene. Another example, when someone says only the two of your should survive, getting both of you to survive is the only requirements, and gets you the info, but if there are other people aboard at that time, you get a truncated scene, while getting it to be literally just the two of you alone gets you a much longer and meaningful scene. It's one of the things the game does to make sure it has significant replay value (along with having your gender and color choice be mildly meaningful and having such a good stats system).
@FoolishZero Год назад
I suppose you’re right about about the difference between mass murder and serial killings, but do we know if she hasn’t done it more than once? It probably changes nothing but it does sound like serial-mass murders. The close examination of the ending I immediately jump to when thinking about is how Ramnan described her. It’s sad that, that’s Comet’s usual fate. Though I can see why most would choose to kill her. She’s intuitive enough to be correct most of the time (to my memory) which both the emotional characters and logical characters would have issue with.
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
You still have one last major game feature to unlock before you need to start worrying about hunting down specific scenes. You may want to continue varying your loop setups until you get it. (It unlocks one more button on the setup screen.)
@FoolishZero Год назад
Ah, I see. I was under the impression it was possible from the beginning.
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
@@FoolishZero its less about possibly and more about having one last tool to help.
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
Yeah, with the "Say you're human" prompt, there's only two responses, either you say it, or you shut the whole thing down (or you just don't say anything, but that's not really a response, as it's literally not responding). The line Chippie gave in the first loop is indeed the one where he does say he's human (at least for the sake of the prompt), and is one of those points where looking at the words too closely can make you slip up in the gameplay. Suffice to say, he has a reason for the exact wording in that line (although he really should also mention not being a bug for it to be absolutely precise, but everyone only has one response to that, so w/ever). Since you figured out how to change up your stats, I recommend playing at least a little with max Intuition. It can help in learning how the everyone changes when they're lying, but more importantly, it's fun to actually be able to catch people lying, and then rather they going in for the kill, using them to suss out who their teammates are. Changing your build in general is really fun, as you do actually have to adapt your playstyle.
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
So, a small note, but for the meat of the gameplay (when you're getting the prompts like "Exaggerate", "Defend", or "Doubt"), or getting engineer/doctor reports, don't look too far into the specific meaning of the exact words. Some level of awareness can help, like understanding the 'I'm doubting X, because Y was against them and died', (because you can sometimes logically deduce things), but for the most part they're the same lines repeated for (virtually) every situation; so they more represent the personality of the person saying them, rather than have specific meaning to the particular situation at hand. As for the question of whether engineers should check other engineers, that's a very interesting conundrum. As the true engineer, it's not overly helpful to you personally to do so, because you know than any other engineers are enemies, even if you don't know the specific type of enemy, so a big part of the equation is whether there's a bug in play, because with a bug, your main job as the engineer is to seek them out first and foremost (so if there are 3+ engineers it's smarter, but a bug calling themselves the engineer when no one else stands up is really ballsy).
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
I think the not being able to claim guard duty was a mechanics limitation, like they had intended to allow you to do exactly what you said, but they didn't have the time to make it work before the game shipped, or the UI was always too confusing, so it was cut. Also, regarding the ages, see how it says "Est."? All of the ages are just estimates, they aren't their actual ages.
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
You asked how many loops does the game take, and the answer (like much of this game) is semi-random, although somewhere a bit under 150 seems to be common.
@FoolishZero Год назад
150? That’s a little worrying to hear. Not that I dislike the game or anything, I think I’m just moving a little slowly to reach that in a timely manner.
@eryntorrez6561 Год назад
You mentioned how good the UI is in this game, and I have to agree. There's a few little things, but I think they're all down to translation issues. For example the "Friend" and "Detractor" are just the people that like and hate you the most, nothing more. That said, you're the first person I've seen (and I've seen a number at this point) approach this game like an actual social deduction game.
@jewishfish3398 2 года назад
"We met two new characters, Jonas and Kukrushka. One is mute, the other is... Jonas."
@MrMindblastic 2 года назад
Give the man a sub and you won’t regret it I promise ya. He is a chill guy. Always enjoyed talking and doing stuff with him
@xunvest 2 года назад
Awww happy one year channel birth ^__^
@princeneko9103 2 года назад
Finalllllyyyy the second part is hereeee
@raniahawa409 2 года назад
Bro I’m still having difficulties with Chang Gyeong-Min and Kang Baek-Ya’s case.
@raniahawa409 2 года назад
@FoolishZero 2 года назад
Hopefully I can find out how to handle it too.
@xunvest 3 года назад
I will have a good day just cuz you said so :3