I Was a Teenage Fundamentalist
I Was a Teenage Fundamentalist
I Was a Teenage Fundamentalist
Brian & Troy used to be loyal megachurch leaders. They’re not anymore. This podcast explores life after fundamentalism.

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093 -What About the Podcast?
5 месяцев назад
Season 5 trailer
6 месяцев назад
091 - Sin Bravely with Maggie Rowe
6 месяцев назад
090 - Qanon and On with Van Badham
6 месяцев назад
089 - Divorcing Religion with Janice Selbie
9 месяцев назад
087 - God Hates Divorce
10 месяцев назад
084 - God is a Narcissist with Catherine Quiring
11 месяцев назад
@purpleheartarts 27 дней назад
“In true Asian fashion, he handed everything that he had onto his firstborn son.” And this was the moment I hit the pause button, as if nepotism and passing everything on to the firstborn son isn’t a thing that’s still very very present in western countries, even if there’s stage dressing of democracy. Maybe the rest of the podcast episode has merit, I but I’m not sticking around to find out
@sbwetherbe 2 месяца назад
I learned that lesson VERY early. My parents took me to a children's 'rally' when I was somewhere around 8-10 years old. The preacher gave the pitch for multiplying the return on your 'giving to Jesus'. I happen to have a fifty-cent piece in my pocket. A lot of money for a child back in the fifty's and more money than I had ever had before. It was many years before I had another fifty-cent piece. Note to self........
@sbwetherbe 2 месяца назад
The term I hear used a lot lately for these types of religions is 'high demand' religions. ~from a fellow PTSDer.
@sbwetherbe 2 месяца назад
OMG. This was one of the hardest/frustrating things.
@sbwetherbe 2 месяца назад
Love hearing you guys banter on these topics!
@sbwetherbe 2 месяца назад
Yup. Bible college was my step out the door of fundamentalism.
@chazisflying 2 месяца назад
I listen to the entire talk and I do appreciate that you had it. Sharon, I am truly sorry that you went through such a horrific ordeal and I do wish you well even more so I wish you Jesus. He’s still the life the truth in the way add to you and the two men may the Lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you, and give you peace now, until Jesus returns and forever more.
@chazisflying 2 месяца назад
Hello, I decided to come back give a listen. It’s truly heartbreaking thing to hear so much mocking and insulting of the Lord because you were hurt by people. I have experienced some pretty extreme leader ship of use in my life within the church, but by God‘s grace it did not the real me. That is the truth. God is love, and his love is just, and we are wicked to the core and in his love he provided a way of redemption through Jesus Christ of Nazareth are only Lord and Savior. I’ll continue listening now.
@chazisflying 2 месяца назад
706 in and her language has made me no longer desire to listen. Irreverent.
@sbwetherbe 2 месяца назад
So I'm starting to go through your catalog of podcasts in chronological order. Loving the journey.
@sbwetherbe 2 месяца назад
Lovely interview. I can relate.
@rolandwatts3218 2 месяца назад
As usual, a great interview guys. I love listening to Christians like Costello. They keep the faith grounded, even though I disagree with their 'God talk'. Lots of nuance in that discussion. //You sound like a hippie universalist Tim and I love it.// Well exactly.
@AndersErichsen-rr7vs 3 месяца назад
When did they stop selling the catholic chronicles by Keith Green?
@AndersErichsen-rr7vs 3 месяца назад
Although one gold nugget.... the rest was kinda not for me. Keith Green was amazing and sad to see him go so soon. Like finding out and writing those Catholic Chronicles and then be dead a year later.... He clearly became a Protestant! - Darkijah
@cj2507 3 месяца назад
Such a real part of the story that was sadly never dealt with. Thank you for keeping it alive and courageously speaking up. Good for you. We all need to address the messes (unintentional or not). That’s where healing starts. Ignoring it NEVER brings healing and always brings unfortunate consequences. We all reap what we sow. Lord have mercy. 😢 psalm 146
@sbwetherbe 3 месяца назад
Well done. From a former teenage fundamentalist now an atheist in his 70's. :)
@pamgessler5923 3 месяца назад
I am glad she's telling her story, and I'm sure her confusion and pain was real; however, I always see this as a problem that occurs when someone puts their faith in any person other than Jesus Christ Himself. Keith was VERY intense. We used to get all of his newsletters and saw a move growing toward legalism. That was real. We met Keith just before he died. He was a much different man than the writer of his articles. We could tell the Lord was doing a new work in him. He was very humble and quiet. He died two months later. I can definitely see how the group could move toward more and more control as they tried to grapple with their devastation and what they had left. That was a serious problem. What's really sad is that Tracey threw Jesus and God Himself behind her instead of sorting out the truth from the lies. I believe that EVERYONE needs to deconstruct their beliefs on a regular basis, pulling off the lies we attach to God's truth, but NEVER THROW OUT THE TRUTH.
@Mia15239 3 месяца назад
very good.
@texvirgo9847 4 месяца назад
He definitely wasn’t a cult leader. He got things wrong, like many people do, but ultimately his heart was to please God and help other people. Keith brought many homeless people into his home, all of his concerts were free as well as his albums. He lived a selfless life. I would recommend talking to other people who actually knew Keith Green back in the day. I think we all can agree that Last Days and YWAM had (and have)problems, but attacking Keith’s character like this isn’t cool. I wish y’all well, and highly recommend doing some deeper research into this stuff. I know a bit because my Dad was subscribed to the LD newsletter back in the day… it’s a beautiful, messy history, but I wish we talked about it more.
@MonieMuse 4 месяца назад
Geoff was the missing piece to Hillsong history I didn’t know . I’m processing his story. So many worship leaders tried to be Hillsong for their church and pastor, I saw many fail and they too lost their families. The church needs healing .. and it starts with talking about it..
@amygormaly68 5 месяцев назад
Fantastic. I have been SO abused by Fundamentalists and live amongst the Trump lovers.
@dougmurphy1777 5 месяцев назад
I wouldn't worry too much about the "personal saviour" component of the sinner's prayer - it's actually not a biblical term
@owen4491 5 месяцев назад
I believe Geoff's faith has been restored and he will be putting on a concert next month for the first time in 8 years!
@kenzeier2943 5 месяцев назад
I listened to part 1 and am now listening to part 2. Not impressed by Tracy and Sharon. They went from one extreme to the other, radical “believers” to throwing it all away. There is a parable about seed that falls on shallow ground and the seed sprouts then withers a bit later. True faith is from God and God preserves His sheep. Turning to Christ to use him as a crutch is not Christianity. Parts 1 and 2 present people who, it seems to me, not ever Christian. It is unsettling to see how disrespectful they interviewers and interviewees were in Parts 1 and 2. -K
@amygormaly68 5 месяцев назад
Hee hee
@timknupp47 4 месяца назад
I agree…
@dougmurphy1777 6 месяцев назад
With the misogynistic verses in the epistles, the scholarly consensus today is that Paul didn't write any of that stuff. In fact, he only wrote about half the new testament letters that are attributed to him.
@dougmurphy1777 6 месяцев назад
Could someone please explain to me why YWAM got involved in determining LDM's future after Keith died? I thought they were a completely separate organisation . . .
@bmt-zo1ue 6 месяцев назад
A lot of the Qanon conspiracies are based on old antisemitic conspiracies going back centuries. (It's scary - bad foreign actors eg Russia, Iran and China have seen how easy it is to spread disinformation and propaganda. We've seen it turbo-charged in the past few months. Putin's long had the desire to destabilise and divide the western world. That's going to be our biggest challenge for democracies in the next few decades. Hate to think what's going to happen in the next 10 months leading up to the US election. Putin wants his puppet back.)
@Happyxcamper 6 месяцев назад
I was 6 years old when a word came to me that this man Keith Green had been murdered by the CIA by way of an airplane crash. They wanted to silence him for speaking against the Catholic religion. He was causing a lot of controversy for his teaching & winning people to Christ for God. After finding out he truly did die in a plane crash, I was shocked. I started looking into it more. I found a documentary video online of a female family friend talking to a pastor, asking him if he thought God would forgive her for betraying Keith, by telling them where the plane was, & when they were going up, under threat of her life & her family's life. The pastor told her it wasn't her fault, "It was an accident." She said "No, you don't understand. I told them where to go, & when." Now in recent years, AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, new documentaries have come out, just to make extra certain that no one knows about it. The one I watched is not able to be found. HOW CONVENIENT! They know who they are! We know who you are Babylon the great!!
@ptwevangelism 6 месяцев назад
Sad that this woman would walk away from the faith to drag her children along with her. And much to the pleasure of a satanic YT channel. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; - Rom 1:28
@John-rw2zf 8 месяцев назад
Keith Green is and was many things but a cult leader isn't one of them. It's easy and quite convenient to speak evil of a person who has been dead for over 40 years and isn't here to defend himself. This is an interesting interview but also a very shameful exhibit. Keith Green's life and music has been extremely influential in a positive way in the lives of many people and still is. I totally understand the general religious culture of 60's, 70's and 80's because I was there too but for crying out loud, please let this talent good man and his family rest in peace. He was trying his best to help people find their way back from drug addiction and alcoholism after the stress and horror of the Vietnam War. It is sad and offensive that people like her Dad had the nerve to judge and slander and verbally assault Keith the way he did. There were hundreds of jerks like him to deal with back then. Jerk is putting it politely. They were everywhere. The ironic thing now is that those same Catholics claim Keith Green music as their own and proudly sing his songs in their groups and gatherings. How hypocritical can you get? Severely apparently. It's too bad this girl had a bad experience from her point of view. Many others disagree entirely. But now this girl will use a good man's life story to try to get rich when her own life is an obvious failure in many ways. Very sad.
@EdSmith-bq1ox 6 месяцев назад
She's a total liar the ministry of Keith Green was one of the best ministries I remember reading his stuff in the mid and late eighties even though he had already died in 1982 but his stuff was some of the best I've ever read it was very inspirational he said the right things he compared it to Bible scripture and all he did is speak out about the evils of the Catholic he spoke up about the evils and then he'd also tell you about the good side of it the bad side of the Catholic church he talked about both but yes he talked against evil and he was a good man Keith Green was one of the greatest preachers this Earth ever had
@webshepherd1852 8 месяцев назад
It sounds to me that YWAM, was the problem.. I didn't hear anything that supports your claim, that Kieth was a cult leader. You are slandering a brother in Christ. Tracy lost her faith. That's sad. Jesus is not to blame for YWAMS, error. Tracy, living a holy life is what we are called to do. That's not a sign of a cult. Jesus is coming back soon. You should remember your first love. You should flush this podcast. I won't be listening to anything from you all.
@danw36 9 месяцев назад
@ashleytheseeker8480 9 месяцев назад
@hopeseeker97 9 месяцев назад
Not at all. In fact TPTB probably killed him because he was going against Rome. 😢 He even repented of his ego. Dear God he was young and immature and overzealous. But he learned over time. Maybe listen to his later sermons to hear him humbled.
@AndersErichsen-rr7vs 3 месяца назад
Any Sermons against Rome and Roman Catholicism? When did the ministry removes his flyers on Catholicism.
@AndersErichsen-rr7vs 3 месяца назад
@AndersErichsen-rr7vs 3 месяца назад
As far as I recall we had an CIA woman saying they sabotaged the airplane and because she felt bad about it she spoke out - although.... hard to confirm really, but surely the Poopist have a motive for wanting to get rid of him. 1981 he makes those flyers and 1982 he is dead - and then the flyers are removed.
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 9 месяцев назад
Politics and nationalism ate false gods. JEHOVAH is our mankind's only hope.
@bmt-zo1ue 9 месяцев назад
So does that mean that the Bible verses supposedly about 'homosexuality' can't be about that as it didn't exist before the 1800s????!!
@ianrobertson4398 9 месяцев назад
Being anti-Calvinist is a concern,,, strong concern.
@willschoonover8654 10 месяцев назад
When you were talking about casting out demons, I remembered that we (80s AoG kid too) didn't believe that christians couldn't be demon possessed, but we could be "demon oppressed".
@glennrobinson7193 10 месяцев назад
Religion and denominations stink
@bmt-zo1ue 10 месяцев назад
You could start your own church like Henry VIII when he wanted to get rid of his current wife and marry another woman??!!!!!
@danstoian7721 10 месяцев назад
My conclusion is: Yes he was, he was also tough, but at least it seems you could leaven whenever you'd want to, and also it was an exclusivist thing.
@user-bo1xz6em5x 10 месяцев назад
I know that book as well!😂
@user-bo1xz6em5x 10 месяцев назад
Gosh. I was there about the time y'all left
@user-bo1xz6em5x 10 месяцев назад
I was there! It was an intensely emotional experience. I went through ict. Matt Schoenfeld. I left before the tornado, and came back when we were still rebuilding.
@EvilFleesBeforeMe 11 месяцев назад
of course it was a cult, it was based on the "end times" which have already happened, as Jesus prophesied in Mat 24.34
@ColorMeASatanist 11 месяцев назад
Just found this podcast/youtube channel. Great stuff! Love the stories, even though some are pretty dark.
@haze7972 11 месяцев назад
Aye hello from a fellow Wheaton graduate that has left the fold
@MichaelB1488 11 месяцев назад
Suffering is as natural as is pleasure. Misery is as natural as happiness. Hate is as natural as love. Just accept the natural order. Make your enemies suffer and give pleasure to your friends. Make your enemies miserable and your friends happy. Hate your enemies and love your friends. And my the great succeed and worst fail. These are Nature’s commandments. This is the struggle of life, and true religion.
@hazeluzzell 11 месяцев назад
Sounds as if your wife, like very many folk, has ‘convenient truths’, in her life.
@madsleonardholvik3040 11 месяцев назад
Yet Armageddon or Ragnarok or call it whatever you want is in every story of the cosmos.