Andres Didrik
Andres Didrik
Andres Didrik
20210731 224735
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20210731 222648
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20210731 221559
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20210731 215826
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20190827 190904
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20190803 172016
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Hamdam Ensemble
5 лет назад
Ralph Towner 28.02.2019
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
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20180822 223934
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20180713 200155
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20180713 195002
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20180713 194244
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20180106 225844
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20180106 223706
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@tarmopold7641 Год назад
Kuhu nad kadusid ? Isegi raadios ei lasta !
@ovetiits4489 3 года назад
@Lesiga1 3 года назад
I was there to see this. Afterwards Ralph told me he had had heart surgery and should be resting, but "got a bit bored " so went on tour!
@meegomae 4 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-d0zVKS6vJes.html tulge tule tulele
@toopakkumisedtookuulutused2528 4 года назад
Uskumatult hää lugu:) Super
@argohallop2740 5 лет назад
Sinu peralt on elamine väärt , kalliskivi samblas ja aianurgas !
@katananda8206 5 лет назад
Imeline. Alati!
@ArielAr 5 лет назад
Thanks for sharing !!!! do you have more material ?
@pjcerto1074 5 лет назад
Thank you for posting this, Andres. It's fantastic to see Ralph in such great form following his recent surgery. He is definitely playing w/ great vigor and concentration. This is how I want the classical guitar to sound . . . BIG. lt's how l hear it in my head. Reality is a different thing entirely. The grandness of the sound here enhances the music and is approaching parity with Ralph's prodigious talent. Made my day. Thanks, man.
@axyshaysi 5 лет назад
PJ Certo what kind of health problem does he has? what surgery? How is his condition now any info?
@pjcerto1074 5 лет назад
@@axyshaysi Ralph apparently had elective coronary bypass surgery during Christmas week, 2018. I have read that he is fully recovered, doing well and is back out playing.
@Peetrikanal 6 лет назад
2003.a maikuus ETV otsesaates "Pühapäevitaja". Loo (Brian Boru) originaalesitaja on keldi muusik Alan Stivell. Palju ilusaid mälestusi... :)
@aaremagi9142 7 лет назад
Minu Armsale Väiksele Nõiakesele <3
@aaremagi9142 8 лет назад
:) Midagi siiski on võimalik - püüa selle poole ja Sa saad seda, mida otsid ! :)
@granskare 9 лет назад
She sounds a bit more Finnish to me although I really do not know what she means. :)
@jubla2k 5 лет назад
It's estonian and it's a lovesong. Not a cheesy one :)
10 лет назад
Tarkusi vanu mul õpetas ema veel enam teadis mu vanaema kuis leida õnne ja õnnetust välti kuis peita vikerkaart maavillast kleiti kuis hoida vete pealt eemale parmu kuis leida allikast tulevast armu Nägingi sind vana männipuu ees hurmarohtusid korjates teelt jälgisin kaua ei reetnud end ma kartsin sind minema kohuta Hääletult kõndisid iidsesse laande hõljusin õhus sind koduni saates seal kus on lagendik varjatud hiies leidsin su osmiku kuldsetes kiirtes Päev läbi nüüd keerutan suurt tuulesõlme lootes, et lõpuks see toob mulle õnne saadan su õuele tormise raju mis maani su läve ees painutaks paju nõnda saad teada, et ikka mu meel armastust täis sinu vastu on veel Punusin pärjad siis sulle ja mulle puistasin oomeneid kuldsesse tulle tulin su juurde, et pärjata pea olla sul ainus ja olla sul hea Pagesid paanikas mätaste taha jätsid mind tühjalt ja närtsinult maha mina ei mõistnud su õudu ja pelgu hüüa mu poole ja too mulle selgust Päev läbi nüüd... Tean, et sa raba sees puudega räägid tean, et ei pelga sa madu ei sääski tean, et sa üksinda rändad siin ilmas eemaldund kõigist ja kõigest jäänd ilma Kas siis ka mina kui nõid sul ei kõlba kas ei saa hakata ma siis su hõlma kui minu vägi su peale ei mõju kui raiskan asjatult loitse ja sõnu leiad mind peagi sa ohverduskivilt mu ihust saab sinule lahkumiskiri Päev läbi... Oh loida suur tuli ja valgusta päeva sädemeid pillu, mis võimsama väega langeksid südame mehele et ta kord paneks mind tähele kui siis on lõpp, on ka lõpp sellel lool vaata, kas õnne sa leiad veel soost
@ROSIN1954 10 лет назад
Mängimiseks lugu lihtne,aga tantsu küll tantsida ei oska. Filmitud siit ja sealt ja ei saa asjale pihta.
@lembitnaur4767 11 лет назад
minu eesti kell on halb aga laul oli ilusse
@jonrivera 12 лет назад
Indeed, a very beautiful song.
@trombolio 13 лет назад
kõrvadel hakkas hea
@benshalomgad 13 лет назад
@benshalomgad 13 лет назад
@CORXX 13 лет назад
Thanks, Id' been looking for this song and couldn't find it!
@diipster 14 лет назад
@ihugtheworld 14 лет назад
imepärased sõnad
@TarjaTurunen1Fan 15 лет назад
Love the melody and the acoustics of it all just wish i could understand the words
@meegomae 4 года назад
The wisdom of old was taught to me by my mother my grandmother knew even more how to find happiness and avoid misfortune how to hide a rainbow card in a woolen dress how to keep out of the waters of the barge how to find the source of grace I saw you in front of an old pine tree picking chocolates from the road I watched for a long time I did not betray myself I was afraid to scare you away They walked silently to the ancient valley I hovered in the air sending you home where there is a clearing hidden in the hiies I found your osmium in the golden rays Throughout the day, I'm spinning a big wind knot hoping that in the end it will bring me happiness I'll send a stormy storm to your yard which will bend the willow before your threshold so you will know that still my mind full of love for you is still Then I braided wreaths for you and me I sprinkled apples on the golden fire I came to you to crown my head be you alone and be good to you Pages panicked behind the sod they left me empty and withered I did not understand your fear and fear cry out to me and make it clear to me Day out now ... I know you're talking to a disabled person in a swamp I know you are not afraid of the snake is not a mosquito I know you travel alone in this world a sense of nothing and everything left without Or me as a witch can't i start covering you then if my power does not affect you when I waste spells and words unnecessarily you will soon find me on the sacrificial stone my body will be a letter of departure to you A day out ... Oh let down the great fire and light up the day sparks a pussy with more powerful power would fall to the man of the heart that he would notice me once if there is an end, there is an end to that story see if luck you can still find sex
@m66k 15 лет назад
Olen seda juba päris palju playeris kedranud ja pole veel ära tüüdanud. Väga kena laul.
@tildezon 15 лет назад
for him to notice me eventually if then it ends, it's also the end of this story maybe you'd find happiness in the bog still
@tildezon 15 лет назад
I know that you're wandering the world alone backed away from everyone and lost everything Then won't I as a witch befit you Won't I be able to get close to your helm if my powers won't have any effect on you if I'm just wasting charms and spells you will soon find me on a sacrificing rock my body would become a goodbye note for you All day long I now... Oh, flame up big fire and light the day throw sparks that with even more might would fall on the heart of the man
@tildezon 15 лет назад
Si I entwined wreaths for you and me sprinkled omens into the golden fire I came to you to wreathe your head to be your one and to be good to you You fleed behind the turfs in panic left me behind, empty and withered I didn't understand your terror and fright cry towards me and bring me clarity All day long I now... I know you speak with the threes in the bog I know that you're not afraid of snakes nor mosquitos
@tildezon 15 лет назад
To the ancient grove you walked soundlessly I floated in the air accompayning you to your home there, where is an expanse in the hidden grove I found your hut in golden rays All day long I now twirl a big wind-knot hoping it would finally bring me happiness a stormy thunder I send to your yard that would bend the willow to the ground in front of your doorstep that way you would know that still my mind is full of love for you
@tildezon 15 лет назад
Kiritöö - " Enchantment " Old wisdom my mother taught me my grandmother knew even more how to find happiness and avoid disaster how to hide a rainbow into a woollen dress how to keep a horsefly away from the water how to find a love-to-be from a spring So I saw you in front of an old pine tree picking enchantment herbs from the road I observed for a long time, I didn't betray myself I was afraid to scare you off
@inimolend 15 лет назад
Very beatiful:) Ilus.
@Teetseremoonia 16 лет назад
Täna hommikul tabasin selle loo terevisioonis poolepealt. Loo lõpus ei öeldud esitaja nime kahjuks. Lugu avaldas mulle niipalju muljet, et ma ei saanud seda lihtsalt sinna jätta ja helistasin 1182'e. Seal andis mulle üks preili ETV numbri kust ma siis lõpuks saingi esitaja nime ja loo. Kohutavalt ilus lugu!
@tildezon 16 лет назад
Töesti asjalik ja ilus laul.
@k2ngu 16 лет назад
Tõesti kaunis hääl^^
@lordcaine2401 16 лет назад
Ülihea laul:D
@countbatu 16 лет назад
Väga mõnus lugu.
@eksiarvamus 16 лет назад
huvitav lugu, hea hääl
@casinnova 16 лет назад
i love meelika
@kykah01 17 лет назад
There was a group green bullfrog in England in sixties. Ritchie Blackmore recorded with them two or three songs.... )))
@JoeMatzzie 17 лет назад
What a great band and great voice. I have no idea what you're singing about. :)
@BottleneckJohnBlues 17 лет назад