UK Visa Reporter
UK Visa Reporter
UK Visa Reporter
Welcome to the official UK Visa Reporter channel.

On this channel, I talk about the latest news on Visa and immigration policies in the UK. Which I'm passionate about because I love the UK.
@foolyskooly4867 57 секунд назад
BBC is a propaganda cone, why BBC didnt tell how groups of agresive, armed migrants attacking boarder in middle of forest and killed with knifes one of solidiers? There is 99.9% of young man, just watch videos on youtube, if they will be poor legit refugees they will apply for visa and try to cross like normal human thru border pass, not like animals in middle of forest with spears and knifes, how you know if they are afgan ors refugee if none of them want to show ID?, THEY CAN BE ISIS FIGHTER FOR EXAMPLE therfore they will meet gunfire now
@ChrisTian-uw9tq Минуту назад
I have lived in 3 countries in geographical Europe - the UK, Austria and Slovakia. I loved how multi-cultural the UK was, well, at least my home town and London. But that was over roughly 20 years ago now. Since, what I have heard and seen, its gotten to some point I think of no return. My move to Austria, saw me receive money from the state, to study the language and to support me until I get work. I went to courses for 3 months and passed (obviously secondary school German classes stuck ;) ). However, this is where I got a view into what some people have had enough of... Unfortunately for any of you who are Turkish and don't abuse the system, I witnessed countless Turks, in the same support system I entered... except they were repeating the same course for years, continuing to get support money all along. What I saw/experienced, was practically zero conscious effort to integrate, making their own communities and radically changing areas of otherwise traditional Austrian society, the violence increase, the abuse to women, the appalling care of the environment around where they lived - adding to that this abuse of a support system, was confusing to say the least. Couldn't relate to it. I move, I travel to countries where I am the only white guy, even to Muslim countries - some of the most warm and friendly people I met, helping me in my moments of despair (Malay Muslims). I was welcomed to their families in a very precious way and nothing negative to report at all. Absolutely wonderful times. It's not the Muslim factor which is the concern, its factions of a type of mentality you find regardless of religion everywhere. Some parts of the UK where I lived at least, white people acted just as appalling/worse... council estate areas where I grew up to believe its a poverty thing but its not, its a mentality thing, state of awareness thing - a product of the system in my eyes... Slovakia the next stop, the longest yet. Terrible behaviour to non-white people here, very primitive views on different cultures, quite disappointing in general but that said, I have been lucky that everyone I interact with, is open hearted and kind and welcoming regardless of faith or origin - bigger scale is generally more primitive. Now, since Ukraine situation... there isn't a day which goes by where I don't find myself not understanding the language around me anymore, years of learning a complicated language and navigating a post-communism culture just seemingly has ended up shifting to I don't know what... Unfortunately, I haven't got much confidence any more here to feel part of the community when those who arrive here (not all poor refugees at all I would say) - entitled behaviour, disrespectful behaviour and sort of walking all over the weaker behaviour of Slovaks nature. People with money from Ukraine who are just fair enough I suppose, enjoying what life they can here but its got a very noticeable sour taste to it - only thing I can relate it to, is Russian and Chinese tourists behaviour I encountered throughout SE Asia - the worst tourists by far to encounter, totally and utterly disregarding and disrespecting to local cultures :( Just walking all over as if they own the place. What I am experiencing now has similar vibes, you give a hand, they want the arm. Nothing too drastic at least directly to me, I can handle it as an space of understanding that its just a different culture, but where is the line - I don't know anymore... People who need help - should get the help they need, fullstop, but I think some regulation on who enters a country and stays in a country, where those of us who feed the system with our taxes and our good hearted nature, aren't left hanging to dry while someone takes advantage. Sorry to say it to be honest, its just my point of view on a complex topic from experience. That what you hear happening in the UK has gone well over the line and I am glad to not be involved in it for the polarization mostly, labelling them all with 'Muslim' and hence all Muslim are the problem makes me sick. We are all, just so primitive in general.
@Eric-jo8uh 10 минут назад
👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍to Poland from Australia. Fight for your country.
@komisarzludowy8442 21 минуту назад
Menwhile pis was selling polish visas in african countries.
@roykarim540 27 минут назад
All the immigrant problem from one religion 😂😂
@roykarim540 31 минуту назад
No peaclam no problems 😂😂
@Balkan1616 38 минут назад
They are invaders, they behave as such
@kate-luna6373 44 минуты назад
I am not Polish, but I am proud of Poland! Look how the migrants behave! You do not want people like that in your country! It only brings violence and trouble! Stay strong Poland we are with your policies. Other countries needs to do the same. Once Europe was peaceful, now these people bring chaos!
@punked424242 46 минут назад
AU here, we have a huge problem with Sudanese youth violence. Poland, how are you going with that??
@lanbui2282 52 минуты назад
Think and question yourself: Why no immigrates run to China, Russian?
@brians7613 Час назад
Belarus invited them in Belarus should be their host. Things have settled down now but when the Muslims first came over to Canada, they were driving down the sidewalk running people over again and again this is not how you treat your host. We had Afghanis demonstrating wanting the Canadian government to send more military over to Afghanistan back in the day and yet none of the Afghan joined the military and said send me there
@mariosantoniadis4496 Час назад
Let me get this straight... No illegal refugees- criminals and terrorism... Normal working economy... West Poland and Warsaw lgbtq friendly... Bro, fuck Greece, I am going to poland
@KingKluska Час назад
Total bullshit we already took in 1.000 illegal imigrants, they do what they want in Poland just as in any other EU country. SOME OF THOSE QUOTES HAVE 3 YEARS WTF.
@lielaram2531 Час назад
European union need to mind their own business
@theinngu5560 Час назад
Muslims, who make up so many of the immigrants, need to ask themselves why their lives always seem to be so full of misery. Perhaps following a vile, violent and subjugating ideology is the cause.
@theinngu5560 Час назад
The EU leadership has been woefully poor ..interested in their own power and have been so harmful for Europe. I hope the anti Brexiteers in the U.K. can see the appalling failings of the EU.
@Pollydoidle Час назад
Funny but when you go camping in a tent we call it a holiday…..put illegals in a converted barge or container with beds chairs and other f@cilities it’s not goid enough, it’s a prison
@manuelstapp7277 Час назад
I don't want them in the USA.....Trump 2024
@Pollydoidle Час назад
Why aren’t fences electrified,
@Roodjes603 Час назад
Yes and we don’t have sovereignty and culture anymore in Europe, destroyed to keep outsiders happy by changing it. Keep up Poland ! Show who got the balls and always have.
@Pollydoidle Час назад
It would be cheaper and easier on the world if w3 just helped them sort out their own countries so they w@nt to stay there
@pawekrol8528 Час назад
W Polsce myślimy tak samo, to nie jest Nasz problem a granic trzeba chronić
@RachelStead Час назад
The EU is doing nothing to protect Europeans. It should be dismantled and renamed 3rd World Division. We don't want immigrants who will divide our nations and who refuse to fit it. Poland has done the right thing.
@Pollydoidle Час назад
If the6 think they face that, they won’t go….
@astarklord 2 часа назад
Stop importing waste!
@Toto-dn6dv 2 часа назад
You reap what you sow. Where there are muslims, there's trouble...
@petr8068 2 часа назад
Hey speak for yourself dude! It doesn't shock me, so don't say "EVERYONE"! I see only the state, the president and the Hungarian nation, which values ​​and protects its individuality, which it has won over the centuries. Look at that "glorious old" England of yours, what's going on there....
@robp765 2 часа назад
THERE'S A HERO AT LARGE AND HIS NAME IS VIKTOR ORBAN. Who's next? Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen, Trump, Germany?
@fatsun8 2 часа назад
They should go to UAE, Qatar, Saudi
@helenarachelleiwakabessy5328 2 часа назад
Saya seorang Kristen Protestan dari Indonesia. Indonesian negara mayoritas penduduk beragama Islam terbesar di dunia. Tolong... jangan pernah percaya pada mereka/muslim, saat mereka menjadi mayoritas, mereka akan menguasai semua milik mu termasuk hak mu untuk beribadah kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus, itulah yang terjadi di negara Indonesia. Lindungilah negara agama dan budaya anda dari Islam dan imigran ☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿
@georgebaby6587 2 часа назад
When they enter, surely they will destroy the country as well as an innocent people peaceful life. Hallelujah 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
@alexandrav5635 2 часа назад
@brayli86 2 часа назад
When been conscious and sober minded along lunatics, shocks everyone 🫡🍺🥂🍸🍹
@johnLee-qm7pm 2 часа назад
Well done Poland, the UK is now finished now the WEF Liebour Gov have been elected in, our boarders will be thrown wide open, our free speech will be gone, our traditions will be lost to time and the indigenous people will be in the minority in there own country.
@RussellBond-zh9qw 3 часа назад
What both Hungarian and Poland have figured out about how to protect their country and prevent threats and problems from invading their country will never be allowed to happen in America until the liberal conservatives are fighting the people that they were proponents for are invading their homes and the police they wanted to refund and the neighbor who is a gun owner but a monster because of the fact are needed to to help protect them from the things they advanced and supported.
@johnbonwell8735 3 часа назад
Way-to-go, Poland.
@trparnell87 3 часа назад
Hungary really said: we're full, go home.
@samiesmith 3 часа назад
Yah!!..... Had To ve done!!! A+++!!!
@michaelberman2402 3 часа назад
So they won't stay and fight to fix there own country, but are so so will to come and destroy yours's, these are not immigrants, There agitators, future colonizers, hoping to live off the hard work of citizen in other countries while breading like rats!!! on your dime!!!, they refuse to assimilate to your coulter, follow your laws, and respect natural citizens!!!
@melissastreeter22 3 часа назад
Responsibility lies with the millions flooding into our countries without funds, plans, language, respect for our language and rules. It's not our fault they're disappointed.
@JuanChaca-dc7lz 3 часа назад
We need more politicians like this.
@JuanChaca-dc7lz 3 часа назад
Well done Poland' keep going.
@melissastreeter22 4 часа назад
Tourists, sí. Illegal migrants, no!
@margauxlaurenpelijates9473 4 часа назад
@juvelpbaiju7561 4 часа назад
Where did peacfuls go they make that land full of pieces.😂😂
@codreanupetronel 4 часа назад
Godd luck UK.you claimed about east European workers you made brexit and now you need to learn from the same people from east Europe🤣🤣
@codreanupetronel 4 часа назад
this is how brexit work 🤣🤣🤣
@tevaz5001 4 часа назад
Polish government is protecting the Poles. That is what governments are for.
@annaa6152 4 часа назад
It's time the government take action
@terryflowers7837 5 часов назад
Is this recent ?