Miniatures Rundown
Miniatures Rundown
Miniatures Rundown
The miniatures wing of the Game Talk Network! Let's talk about games!
House Orlock Deep Dive | Necromundown
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Necromundown Hive Secundus Preview
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House Van Saar Deep-Dive - Necromundown Ep. 16
2 месяца назад
Adepticon Moves to Wisconsin!
2 месяца назад
Outlaw Brutes Rundown - Necromundown Ep. 16
2 месяца назад
@dunami5 6 часов назад
Woot woot did I hear delaque is next?!? I'm pumped! Of course this video was very helpful as well to basically choose your own adventure with your group (in my case a new group)
@unkelTP 13 часов назад
To anyone out there reading the comments. A big part of necromunda and wargames is also it is supposed to be FUN. When wierd but narrative accurate things happen, it is fun. Play Necromunda narratively and you will have a blast.
@akodotain 18 часов назад
Something I like about Necromunda is the permissive language the books use. The emphasis is very much on the idea of the books being a set of tools for the arbitrators to construct an experience to suit the play group.
@EmperorsTeeth 20 часов назад
We've just rolled into Cycle 4 in our current campaign, and these thoughts reflect mine very closely. In our previous campaign, we ran a by-the-books Dominion campaign with no frilly extras beyond what was available in the House books or any Hangers-on from any source that could be used. In this campaign, we're running the Dome Rush variant campaign, and set it in a Badzone. I used the Apocrypha book to help develop an NPC. There are incentives for players to use the Badzone rules in The Book of Peril. As much as I want to in a campaign someday, we decided not to use Alliances as they add so much more requirements and stuff to manage for players... and generally speaking I've found players are terrible at book keeping. I put together a big pack for the start of our campaign, which includes expectations for players, plus a step-by-step guide to handling pre, post and things to do during a game (eg XP and injuries), and even things like where to find Hangers-on and a huge appendix of where to find missions and which ones you can choose to play (ie not Arbitrator ones etc). Each Cycle I produce a mini-pack that offers a little narrative, and includes any specific rules that might be required in that cycle: NPCs, special Trading Post items, even scenarios.
@AM_RUS 22 часа назад
Thank you guys! 👍
@johnkidby7948 День назад
I've been wanting to try running a forge-born with the storm welder, and I do think you could make it quite scary with the right setup - Unborn (Savant) to pick up Munitioneer as soon as possible and mitigate the risks of Unstable a bit (and remember that you don't have to roll ALL the firepower dice every shot), coupled with a Heretek hanger-on to give it Blaze, Rad-Phage, or even Power if you don't mind fishing for sixes, could cause a hell of a lot of carnage. Efficient use of resources? GOD no. But quite a bit of fun I reckon.😎
@anthonyhemmings2531 День назад
It's true, you don't, but I do, so send me your books!!! 😂
@squeethemog213 День назад
Thank you guys for another really helpful video. I truly appreciate the advice you give. Y'all are awesome and the reasin I'm playing in the first place🙏😃
@garyjenson1326 День назад
The mini campaign on goon hammer is a great place to start. Rules light for new players so they don't feel overwhelmed.
@funguy398 День назад
I add even more rules! Roll for every fighter if you fight on a Monday to determine if you ganger suffering from hungover, decrease Toughness by 1 If your fighter takes fighting increasing drugs, roll for every concurrent use, if you roll lower than the number of tooked drugs during camping, ganger becomes a drug addict, you have to buy this ganger new drugs and take it in every scenario, ganger got +1 save versus toxins and gas. If a fighter have a grenade and set on fire, roll ammo check for a grenade, on a failed check grenade explodes with a centre on a ganger You can move and shoot with heavy flamer in the same turn. Vehicle rules are from gorkamorka + manoeuvres
@HacksawsHobbyBunker День назад
Agreed. Then again, I run Necromunda using Grimdark Firefight by OPR, so I just do what I want anyway. Cheers!
@Chriscedk День назад
Another great Video guys. Been following and eating up your necromunda content vividly. Our group started playing 5 months ago and you and the other necromunda youtubers have been a big help for us to get our campaigns rolling. I just wanted to add some thoughts and ideas we have used in our group. I come from a background of RPG's and Tabletop wargaming spanning 30 years so when i came into N18 (used to play the old edition back in the day) I came with a wargamers perspective fresh off AOS and 40K, I quickly realized it was much more like D&D as you guys just said! So from the get go i decided to operate with my gaming club as big D&D party going into the underhive. This meant i was a GM and they were going on an adventure. Their gang would be their class and I would make a campaign, adding the "Modules" (read books) that i would use to make our first Campaign. To be honest, i did not go smooth. Necromunda is a very complicated system. So in the end we had lots of changes, Rules were misunderstood. Some Gangs turned out to be very OP and others well, They could barely win a fight. In the end our we cut our first campaign short and I was approached by another player who offered to Co- Arbitrate with me. He had way more time and energy than old dad here. So we took off into a new campaign. We did the following 1. made a player pack. We went through all the books and rules and had a brief discussion. then we wrote our gaming clubs house ruleset. docs.google.com/document/d/1WvxKDYjw1kLE5YE3qRDORG6va562xPJB8UN6QrwQw3A/edit?usp=sharing 2. We made sure everyone had access to all the stuff. Google docs, Rules. Necrovox. yaktribe. all of it. (the players didn't bother to read it all but, hey) 3. Were conciouss about what kind of Experience the other 8 people we play with wants and try to match that. We did all of this before i watched this video. But you clearly state the same so I can honestly say. Treat Necromunda like an RPG and make a House rule document. If you read this far, Thank you for your time and good luck in the underhive. Love from Denmark
@Kallistosprom День назад
Nooo must use every rule…. * explodes *
@brionl4741 День назад
Fool! You just activated my Trap Rule!
@jonathonmoreno6765 День назад
Man, I would love to see someone streamline all these rules!
@nicholassawyer6023 День назад
Love your content
@3ggh3ad 2 дня назад
oi! it needz da proppa vehicle rulez frum gorka morka!
@brionl4741 2 дня назад
I assume these faction packs will be immediately obsolete as soon as they issue the mandatory FAQs. Skaven are wonderful things. Their bottoms are made out of Warpstone Their tops are made out of Spring-springs.
@danielharrington8691 2 дня назад
Where did you get the ruling about toxin not stacking? I think in CC if I get 4 hits with a stiletto sword, thats 4 toughness checks and then potentially 4 injury dice
@macdmacd3358 3 дня назад
House of Iron says that Greenhorns can’t get skills, despite having primary and secondary skill options. Is this a mistake?
@miniaturesrundown 3 дня назад
It's never been confirmed whether it's a mistake or not. We play it as a mistake, because it'd be odd for those Juves to not be able to get skills in our opinion.
@post7950 6 дней назад
Best necromunda faction focus videos in youtube! I really wish you could do Enforcers next!
@miniaturesrundown 3 дня назад
Delaque will be next to finish out the main six houses, but Enforcers will be next after that!
@alexs7670 7 дней назад
You guys are missing something with the rage unending: it says friend or foe. Strategic charge to chain enemies together with your own chaff. Especially with something like a wasteland giant rat.
@miniaturesrundown 3 дня назад
That's good tech - using your chaff as momentum building!
@hpenvy1106 7 дней назад
I wanted to start Necromunda but the price and inconvenience scared me away. One Page Rules Firefight does also support gangs, I'm gonna look into that :)
@ChitosVids 9 дней назад
Guess a gang is going to need a friend to wipe his bum with these permanent weapons lorewise
@miniaturesrundown 3 дня назад
"You guys wipe your bums?" - Gangers, probably.
@madcapmiguel5071 9 дней назад
Run & gun + the new flamer?
@miniaturesrundown 3 дня назад
@janklevaivancic4263 9 дней назад
Personally I really like the concept of Whispering weapons to represent Chaos/Xenos 'possessed' weapons that provide both benefits and drawbacks. The Whispering trait is essentially 40 creds on top of the cost of the normal version of that weapon (except in the case of the Rage unending which is 80 creds more expensive for some obscure reason), so an arbitrator could easily make up their own Whispering weapons (just has to be careful not to make the 'extra special rule' too powerful). My favorite is the Drawn-out Death, since it is a good weapon profile that works particularly well with Whispering (specifically the additional fight actions if you killed an enemy in melee works best with Versatile 2''), while having an actual drawback (the risk of whacking your own fighters if they happen to stand too close to you in the end phase and the fact that if you go OoA 4 times you are perma-dead) - reminds me of Kharn the Betrayer's mechanic. IMO the melee weapons work best, since having Reckless guns after 1 OoA makes using the Bolter and Melta somewhat finicky, but the Flamer essentially ignores the drawback of Reckless (since you place the template just as normal), unless you gave them other guns besides the Whispering flamer, which is then your own fault. That said, these Whispering weapons will 'latch' to whoever opened the loot crate in the scenario, meaning you could have Juves/Gangers/Corpse grinders/Ogryns using the Whispering Melta/Flamer regardless of Special weapon type normal restrictions and after 2 'deaths' you could have a S5 Bolter/Flamer or a S9 Meltagun, possibly on a Wrecker/Neotek/Butcher/Slave Ogryn :D I'll probably use this scenario more as a Narrative 'excuse/explanation' for Law-abiding gangs turning to chaos/xenos corruption mid-campaign (I feel this scenario should be use as a Downtime scenario, if 2+ gangs are 'flirting with chaos/GSC corruption' and want to spin out a slightly more 'coherent' narrative for their gang's 'Road to Perdition'). Anyway, keep up the good work and cheers! :)
@miniaturesrundown 3 дня назад
Love the idea of these things turning a gang into xenos or chaos corrupted. Maybe if the leader gets the Whispering Weapon, they'd have to make willpower checks to stop the gang from falling?
@janklevaivancic4263 3 дня назад
@@miniaturesrundown Well, it depends on the narrative the Arbitrator/players want to spin: If they want to 'resist' the corruption, I would add the Willpower tests and probably Outlaw the gang, just for owning the weapon, putting out bounties for other Lawful gangs to hunt down the 'heretics', preparing a chain of narrative scenarios to maybe 'seal' the Whispering weapon (if the gang stayed 'pure') or 'fall to chaos', becoming a full Chaos/Xenos corrupteed gang (and probably unlocking an 'enhanced' special rule on the whispering weapon). If you wanted a less 'micro-managed' narrative, or rather a more streamlined 'corruption system/incentives', you could dedicate each custom whispering weapon to a specific Chaos god/GSC variant (Malstrains Vs 'un-mutated' Purestrains), by having an enhanced boon on it if the bearer worships the appropriate god/cult, which would potentially motivate players to go for chaos/GSC corruption of their own accord, after they found one of these weapons in a scenario (the rules drive the narrative)... Just some ideas :)
@squeethemog213 9 дней назад
This is so cool. Can't wait to try out this insanity 🤩 Thanks guys 🙏😁
@MalakhimJWQ1 9 дней назад
Hail all
@wraithship 10 дней назад
On the ash wastes list the death maiden having combat vertioso does make sense as that skill is only for swords and knives.
@boodzilla_2649 10 дней назад
since stumbling upon you guys ive shelved my 40k and gone full necromunda been loving these vids keep it up guys
@mistformsquirrel 10 дней назад
It's just a few tentacles, it's still good it's still good >.>
@alexanderhoclippiunus7644 11 дней назад
Letting you know that this video appears to be missing from the Necromundown playlist! Your audio quality really improved since the start . . . Thank you for making these videos
@miniaturesrundown 10 дней назад
Thanks, fixed it!
@TheGriefondeath 12 дней назад
Great video, just what I was waiting for!
@cardyfreak 13 дней назад
Great work lads. Rapidly becoming one of my favourite channels for Necromunda content; love the format, great hosts, insightful and clearly know the game through playing it, spot on 👍🏻
@squeethemog213 13 дней назад
Thank you for covering Cawdor. I truly appreciate it guys. Now to patiently wait for the Corpse Grinder vid 🙏😃 Also there seems to be a slight metallic buzzing in some of the audio here. Apologies if people have already pointed it out. 🤔
@Wanderingduellist 13 дней назад
I dunno where you're getting that if you're blazed and engaged you get to fight, the brb says you get to stand there and attempt to put the fire out, then your activation ends.
@miniaturesrundown 10 дней назад
Looks like there was a wording change from the old to the new full rulebook that we missed, good catch!
@gamingborger 14 дней назад
suckin at somethin is the first step to bein sorta good at somethin
@s.m6840 14 дней назад
Thanks for this guys, great rundown. I've played Cawdor pretty religiously (excuse the pun), and they are just so much fun. Chaotic flame mayhem.
@Wendelvendel 14 дней назад
@wizardmanaia4664 14 дней назад
Excuse the nun....
@dirtybirdsf 14 дней назад
With the special rules and tactics cards you can get up to an extra 10 fighters on the table! It's incredible but also makes the game take that much longer. I started a campaign that way and barely got past turn 2 before we ran out of time every game. I dropped the cards but kept using the special rules to get a couple extra bodies every game. ALSO - you can hire so many cheap fighters, you can balance a ton of champions with good load outs.
@wombatsteroids 14 дней назад
Cawdor was my original gang back in the 90s. I liked them for their medieval aesthetic. The new hobo iteration is cool but not my thing, so now I'm firmly in the Delaque camp.
@janklevaivancic4263 14 дней назад
Nice overview as usual; you should probably do that episode dedicated to Paths of Faith (it is only 4 Paths with 1 Miracle dice generating bonus and 6 Miracles per path). One detail about Deacons (the Redemptionist champs) you forgot to mention is that once per game they can double their Attacks stat for the activation, which combined with Chain axes (+1 to hit) and Devotional frenzy (+D3 Ws) makes them actually competent melee champs, even before considering Stim slug stashes, Frenzon collars and Pyromantic mantles. Also, if your gaming group House rules Bulging biceps (Brawn) to ignore Unweildy on ranged weapons (like it did in OG Necromunda 95), Firebrands could chose it as their starting skill to save 60 creds on a suspensor to use thier Heavy Crossbow and not suck as much :P Personally I run a Redemptionist skewed gang following the Path of the Doomed: Priest, 2-3 Deacons and Redemptionist Specialist to match the number of Cawdor Brethren with Blunderpoles and Bonepickers with Flails. The first round or 2 all my Bone-pickers hide out of sight to Pray for extra miracle dice and then use those dice for the Miracle that lets you bring in extra fighters from a table edge, to surprise the opponent when they already run out of activations and can't respond to the new arrivals on their flanks. Keep up the good work and cheers! :)
@miniaturesrundown 14 дней назад
It was literally right there on my notes in front of me and I still forgot to mention it. D'oh. It does bump him up to "the melee champ," though I still hate the 4+ WS. - J
@WoodImp 14 дней назад
Unshakable Conviction also allows you to make reactionary attacks while seriously injured - and the number of 'call an ambulance, but not for me' kills I've managed to get from it is bonkers. Folk always want to rush in to finish off your leader, get parried with his chain axe and I scoop up some bonus XP
@s.m6840 14 дней назад
I agree, this isn't a throw away skill, it's genuinely impactful
@Havok448 14 дней назад
Are Corpse Grinders a proper “gang”?
@janklevaivancic4263 14 дней назад
Yes they are, but we don't talk about them, because Paired Heavy Chain cleavers, Masks and Initiates are broken/OP :P
@FrostWolfPack 14 дней назад
They are one of the side gangs. And prepared that they dont have much stuff on them even they are dam strong but lack the main gang like special features or special brutes or hangers ons.
@miniaturesrundown 14 дней назад
Absolutely, and we'll cover them eventually! We place them under "secondary" gangs, but they're fairly feature-complete.
@MalakhimJWQ1 14 дней назад
Hail all
@laurentderrien 15 дней назад
exactly the video and playlist I was looking for, thanks guys
@laurentderrien 15 дней назад
insane how complicated to get into they managed to make a fucking skirmish game... and the upcoming box doesn't seem to make it any simpler, with a "self contained dungeon crawl campaign".. Wtf, I just want a starter set :(
@steeldrac 16 дней назад
Do you think they'll use again the Genestealer Cult bits sprue for the new Necromunda box?
@miniaturesrundown 16 дней назад
Probably not officially, but it's Necromunda, so the Kill Team would make for some awesome GSC gang kit bashes or counts-as models.
@jon0963 16 дней назад
Although 'Leadership' is useless on a ganger most of the time, it does help control a sentry rather than giving control over to your opponent. Having a 6+, on 2 dice, on a gunner is useful as a sentry.
@dunami5 16 дней назад
As someone who is trying to learn Necromunda before my first campaign with some experienced folks, these videos have been very helpful! Although i admit, Delaque sounds like too much fun so its where i am going to start - just to i can seek my "Squid Billy" at the enemy :)
@dunami5 15 дней назад
Also I see it looks like you are working on deep dives for each gang currently in this playlist, would love and appreciate if Delaque is in the somewhat near future! Thank you!!
@01eksii 16 дней назад
That's a really good production value for such a small channel like this. Keep it up!
@miniaturesrundown 16 дней назад
Thank you!!