Socialist Party
Socialist Party
Socialist Party
Find the Socialist Party at www.socialistparty.org.uk

The Socialist Party opposes every cut, fighting in our day-to-day campaigning for every possible improvement for working class people.

The Socialist Party stands for socialism -- a democratic society run for the needs of all and not the profits of a few. We show how the organised working class has the potential power to stop the cuts and transform society.

As capitalism dominates the globe, the struggle for genuine socialism must be international.

The Socialist Party is part of the Committee for a Workers' International (CWI), a socialist international that organises in countries across the world.

Read the Socialist issue 1270
3 месяца назад
What's inside the Socialist issue 1269
3 месяца назад
Read the Socialist issue 1268
4 месяца назад
Socialism 2023 Saturday rally
7 месяцев назад
Come to Socialism 2023!
8 месяцев назад
The Struggle for World Socialism launch
3 года назад
15% for NHS workers
3 года назад
109 End violence against women
3 года назад
Socialism 106. Black workers’ charter
3 года назад
International Women's Day Rally
3 года назад
Socialism 103. The Arab Spring
3 года назад
@ThembaMayekiso-vk7us Месяц назад
I think this was 5th September 2012 when they went to K3 Shaft and talked to Jan Thirion at the gate...25/6/2024
@Jsarson1976 Месяц назад
Wow that’s all I am saying and I a socialist
@Antares2 2 месяца назад
Fight the good fight! Free Palestine!
@Kazoookyd_team 2 месяца назад
I can’t wait for my birthday so I can get the socialist paper. ❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
@janmcgrady4066 3 месяца назад
Keep going, people are looking for a way forward.
@rice4550 3 месяца назад
11 years on and his analysis of new labour is still spot on
@shindoo7659 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this video. I have a sincere interest in scientific socialism. Could you please inform me if there are any institutions that provide specialized education in this discipline?
@annschneider3110 4 месяца назад
This is so brilliant. I want to watch it again and again
@jonathancravitz9048 7 месяцев назад
Hannah Sell should be on the Show more often
@petrosstefanidis6396 8 месяцев назад
Speaking of 1936 Spain, who did the counter revolution?
@paraceratherium255 8 месяцев назад
@Kazoookyd_team 2 месяца назад
@nealrobinson7054 8 месяцев назад
Excellent 😂
@guerillagardener2237 8 месяцев назад
Hmm perhaps we should make it so that you can't serve in the military and police force unless you are unionised.
@Mr.Robinson.TV. 9 месяцев назад
0:30 i can see me (cap/glasses on the left😅19 yo?) such a shame it was never saved all those years ago its was nice to be apart of the community, i also designed that Lidl poster you see at the end... The memories 🥲
@guerillagardener2237 9 месяцев назад
Im no capitalist, and I would never vote tory, the problem is that historically law is based on property. Fuedal serfs have always faught for the longest time for the right to own property themselves. This is why I could never be a communist. Socialism is all about the workers owning the means of production which sounds like a good idea.
@williamsmith2661 10 месяцев назад
Brilliant podcasts. Very informative.
@stephenholmes1036 10 месяцев назад
Stella Creasy is a poor MP she's establishment
@kimberlylindsay1971 11 месяцев назад
Brilliant ! the oppressed workers and students Need to Fight back Long live socialism !
@danielmoran9902 Год назад
Socialism does not work.
@MutualAidWorks Год назад
"This effort was made in the same way as the extremely centralised and Jacobin endeavour of Babeuf. I owe it to you to say frankly that, according to my view, this effort to build a communist republic on the basis of a strongly centralised state communism under the iron law of party dictatorship is bound to end in failure. We learn in Russia how communism cannot be introduced” - Petr Kropotkin on the Bolshevik regime in a message to western workers
@MutualAidWorks Год назад
“ The workers have come out with dangerous slogans. They have made a fetish of democratic principles. They have placed the worker’s right to elect representatives above the Party. As if the Party were not entitled to assert it’s dictatorship even if that dictatorship temporarily clashed with the passing moods of worker’s democracy!” - Leon Trotsky on the demands of the Kronstadt sailors and workers
@guerillagardener2237 9 месяцев назад
So somebody said something once, come up with your own quote's.
@MutualAidWorks 9 месяцев назад
@@guerillagardener2237 🤣🤣
@MutualAidWorks Год назад
" Is it true that compulsory labour is always unproductive? This is the most wretched and miserable liberal prejudice : chattel slavery too was productive. Compulsory slave labour was in it’s time a progressive phenomenon. Labour, obligatory for the whole country, compulsory for every worker, is the basis of socialism.” - Leon Trotsky misrepresenting socialism and trying to justify slave labour, including in the USSR.
@MutualAidWorks Год назад
“We must raise the question of applying much of what is scientific and progressive in the Taylor system. The Soviet Republic must at all costs adopt all that is valuable in the achievements of science and technology in this field. We must organise in Russia the study and teaching of the Taylor system.” - Vladimir Lenin
@MutualAidWorks Год назад
“What we have is the dictatorship of one party, or rather, of one party’s leaders : a genuine dictatorship, with it’s decrees, it’s penal sanctions, it’s henchmen, and above all it’s armed forces which are at present also deployed in the defense of the revolution against it’s external enemies, but which will tomorrow be used to impose the dictators’ will upon the workers, to apply a brake on revolution, to consolidate the new interests in the process of emerging and protect a new privileged class against the masses.” - Errico Malatesta on the counter - revolution of the Bolsheviks, 1920
@MutualAidWorks Год назад
"The state as an institution is designed to protect and enforce oppressive class relations such as that of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat, not erode them. Allowing the state to continue to exist will not assist in dissolving such relations, only in perpetuating them in new and equally destructive forms . Without the state , such classes will be unable to enforce their will on the populous, and thus will not be able to continue their existence." - Nestor Makhno
@Daisy-yq1gi Год назад
Appalling video and appalling nonsense talked by these errant Trots. A failed leader died in 1940 and bs phrases including "permanent revolution deferred," "transitional demand" and a few bits of populist anti austerity drivel thrown in. Fake working class accents all boiling down to decades of failure, whether it be Militant Tendency, the predecessor to the "Socialist" Party, or the others on the fringe of this fringe. Corbynism has totally failed, his supporters, and Momentum, completely outmanouvred on your watch. Pathetic. SPEW has failed. The whole lot of you are just interested in retaining your big fish in the small pool situation whereby you get a nice income for peddling your failed politics. And you're still saying the same things despite continued failure and irrelevance. "Workers on the verge of waking up to form a new workers party." Hasn't happened. Incidentally, I'm a active union member, and yes Labour is a Capitalist party that will never change. Lenin said so in 1924. But that was then. This is now. You offer nothing here apart from "join the movement, build the paper, give us your money, talk about Trotsky" and other out of date irrelevant nonsense. "Bigger cages longer chains", to quote that pamphlet of yesteryear. It's a broken record and Hannah No-Sell looks more haggared and desperate every time she speaks. She must know that her model, the SPEW model, the Trot model, doesn't work. It's all opportunism and failure, again and again because your political ideology is wrong. Working class people have no interest in what you have to say. And I'm one of them. Your group is full of aging hacks who have nowhere to go and students who haven't, yet, worked out how ridiculous your model and efforts truly are. If you stopped what you're doing now, today, nobody would notice. Nothing would change for better or worse. Which, I suggest, is the biggest example of your absolute irrelevance.....
@intricatecinnamonhat9150 Год назад
Dave Moody - Shepton Mallet. We will NEVER forgive you for the damage you caused our family. And woman beater Steve German, bringng his Militant cult into my family. Trotskyite filth. You ain't no socialists. Scum.
@AbandonEarth911 Год назад
The present dog eat dog rat race of capitalism is obsolete and long past it's sell by date. Beyond the obsolete money/profit system another road beckons a classless stateless moneyless Global Community. Genuine socialism/communism has NOT failed it's never been tried.
@AnonymousCaveman Год назад
Very fascinating 👌👍
Thanks for posting, good video.
@ThekaiserXD Год назад
Great to see so many Trade Unionist reps speak. The real voice of the labour movement. 👏
@paisley6982 Год назад
Hannah completely sidesteps the war in Ukraine. No call for the defence of Ukraine. The statement that the 11 MPs signed was a Stop the War Statement whose pro-Russian credentials go back as far as 2014 when they supported the Russian invasion of Crimea. Stop the War is led by Andrew Murray an unreconstructed tankie and enemy of Ukrainian workers and people. The idea that this statement in any way reflects the Ukrainian working class is beyond fantasy. The Left is brilliant at not listening to Ukrainian workers. Zero solidarity. If arms are stopped to Ukraine, then you have a genocide that will compare to almost anything we have seen in history. ALready the UN warns that the lack of fuel in Ukraine will result in potentially millions of deaths as healthcare collapses. If you go to Ukraine you will see something that nobody has seen in Europe since WW2. I've seen just a fraction and I'm totally ashamed that people who call themslves Marxists can not understand the basics of the First International nor see why it was founded. It was founded in support of oppressed Eastern European nationalities against Russian imperialism and barbarism. Truly shocking.
@anthonyrowe6814 Год назад
Brilliant, that’s all I can say
@mymind7508 Год назад
It started a as a fantasy of a universal utopia. When implemented, it invariably evolved into a malevolent, genocidal dystopia - just like Frankenstein.....
@sparkspark833 Год назад
Starts at 2.46 😊
@refrencetofire Год назад
filmed in the stye of The Blair Witch Project
@TheSocialistParty Год назад
There's a possibility that RU-vid will be able to remove the shakes. We will investigate
@refrencetofire Год назад
@@TheSocialistParty did you try using warp stabiliser, some parts it may not work due to the severity, but will probably smooth the shot if used correctly.
@Rbourk252 Год назад
We certainly need change. The capacity for people to get poorer and poorer is unlimited unless they have the means to fight back. The monsters in power will lap up our poverty with glee if we let them.
@dinnerwithfranklin2451 Год назад
Excellent, thank you.
@andrewpyrah Год назад
Though my views now differ from his. I'll always respect peters integrity.
@Jsarson1976 Год назад
I have always said to people in the UK I am a socialist and I feel we need something different to labour and conservatives so I would love to get involved as it’s about time we made a change.
@annenunney9907 2 года назад
Brillant bloke Rip
@iiwii8622 2 года назад
What a sell out Mason is. He's become borderline unhinged recently. Wonder who's chucked him a bung to become pro right Labour all of a sudden? or is he thinking of running for MP somewhere? hmmm
@KimPhilby203 2 года назад
Don't agree with Militants but this guy has integrity and honesty ...Respect Sir
@politicalphilosophy-thegre3894 2 года назад
Thanks for posting.
@fourthinternationalist_1917 2 года назад
It's not a fascist regime but the party in power is the parliamentary wing of the fascist organization RSS
@Shadowstar1922 2 года назад
Solidarity from Teamsters Local 170!
@isaacio8924 2 года назад
Excellent podcast!
@ThangLe-cj8qy 2 года назад
Hurray the Socialism, from your comrade Vietnam