At Least 2 Videos a Month!

I'm Sinan (They/Them), but you can call me SK. This is my RU-vid channel where I talk about things that interest me, usually the media being incompetent, why space is bad and whether or not crepes are bread. I focus on these topics from my incredibly vulgar leftist perspective.
Mortal Kombat (1995) Was a Flawless Victory
2 месяца назад
Is It Time To Give The Green Party A Chance?
3 месяца назад
Unmasking The Real Keir Starmer
3 месяца назад
How are things going? and other updates
5 месяцев назад
Is Being an MP Britain's Most Dangerous Job?
5 месяцев назад
Dune: Part Two Was Kind Of Mid Wasn't It?
6 месяцев назад
The Galloway, The Bad and The Ugly
6 месяцев назад
This functions as a channel update I guess
6 месяцев назад
Everyone Should Have Nice Things
8 месяцев назад
The Real Threat to Free Speech
9 месяцев назад
Palestine and The Right To Resist
10 месяцев назад
Liz Truss: Appreciating What We Had
11 месяцев назад
The Comedy to Conservatism Pipeline
11 месяцев назад
Why Our Politicians Are So Awful!
Год назад
@raquetdude 10 дней назад
Old greens are bad for the environment and working class given their historic nimbyism. And the new greens don’t understand how agriculture/ farms function, and are way too third world nationalist while being limp on Ukraine… The anti nuclear stuff I also see as an issue. Glad the greens are slowly reforming themselves though with HS2.
@mac5565 10 дней назад
It took me about a minute to work out this was about Baddiel. I enjoyed him on Taskmaster, but yeich it would be nice to stop having to hear about him at some point. Now I wasn't around in the 90s, but I do remember a good chunk of the 2000s, and it was absolutely, no question, a proverbial "different time". I recently watched through Mighty Boosh (2005-7) out of curiosity, and that show manages to find new and exciting ways of being racist just about every episode, with apparently no self-awareness. Also Michael Palin's Sahara (2002), which I loved as a kid - while often kind of cringy and orientalist, it contains interviews with a whole range of people from the area, mostly Muslim, presenting them in an overwhelmingly positive and fully human light, and must have done some good in an immediately post-9/11 world. And in the promotional reel at the start of the VHS there's a clip of someone doing blackface, just right there, in an _advert._ It's the special bigotry of a place that thinks itself past that kind of thing
@HazyFelix 11 дней назад
14:13 Doesn't that argument twist itself both ways? You perceive the conservatives as transferring wealth from the poor to the rich because you live in the Marxist ideology? I believe the lack of ideology is clear in the British parliament in both sides; and marxist analysis does nothing but water it down to "rich/poor". It is clearly more complicated than that and I would have no problem with this critique if it wasn't for these insertions of reductive marxist analysis with no further implications taken as an axiom
@darienbragg4826 11 дней назад
Awesome work Sinan. Great points, well made, for nearly an hour!
@electricVGC 12 дней назад
I think the Ottoman Empire was pretty cool honestly if you think about it it's entry into WW1 was the last breath of the Roman empire. It's funny. That said, absolutely horrid hotbed of human rights abuses for everyone.
@Primed_loco 12 дней назад
yeah... you completely forgot the migrant crisis' effects on all of this...
@SKTheCrusader 12 дней назад
That's because I'm not a weird racist who spends their time getting mad that black people are in adverts.
@Primed_loco 12 дней назад
@@SKTheCrusader pulled that one out your arse didn’t ya! Neither am I, I believe that letting in millions of people who came in via illegal means is one of the reasons for our public services (benefits, housing, healthcare, policing, ect.) are under stress
@SKTheCrusader 11 дней назад
Then you're deliberately misunderstanding the cause of the problem to justify the fact that you get a little anxious seeing someone using seasoning in their food.
@jayp7606 11 дней назад
@@Primed_locoleave the country then
@Primed_loco 10 дней назад
@@jayp7606 I was born here, I'm native! the english are becoming a minority and it's bad for our history and culture (especially for our industrial heritage, which I care about deeply)
@samuelwilkin5 12 дней назад
Why is federalism a non-starter? You mention it in the comments but give zero reason for
@SKTheCrusader 12 дней назад
It's been a while since I wrote this video so these are just some rough reasons off the top of my head: 1. No UK government would ever change the unitary nature of the British state 2. No one in any of the countries or regions of the UK wants federalism because it perfectly annoys every side of the independence vs unionist divide 3. The closest example we've had to federalism, which is the UK's devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and the North of Ireland have been used as a way for central government to duck responsibility for its own deeply unpopular decisions. Which if nothing else just seems like a bad way to run a country whether unitary or federal. 4. Federalism doesn't actually address any of the fundamental issues with the British state or how disconnected policy is from public opinion or improving material conditions (which I would suggest is the biggest driver in regionalist and nationalist movements here)
@lexi6878 12 дней назад
Coming at this as an american who just wants to be decently informed about what's going on in the uk: the idea that charging people for hospital stays would do anything but make this situation a million times worse would be laughable if I wasn't aware of how inhumane this practice is. Just off the top of my head, a couple I know who are both employed and insured ended up having health emergencies within weeks of each other that required surgery and ended up dealing with thousands and thousands of dollars of medical debt. Going to the hospital here isn't frightening because of the obvious, it's frightening because you might end up being charged thousands of dollars just for showing up and not getting the treatment you need anyway, because it turns out these practices do not even solve any of the efficiency problems and administrative nightmares that they claim to, as anyone who has had to deal with an american hospital's er and billing department will gladly tell you. I'm currently on Medicaid in a rural area, and I am very much aware of how underfunded and mismanaged programs can be barriers in and of themselves, but the solution is not to make the problem worse. I am worried about what will happen once I can find work, because I could easily be well below the poverty line and still end up struggling to find insurance. And if I get into a car accident on my way to work, I might never be able to get myself out of the resulting debt. A system where people end up making gofundmes to beg for help so they're not financially ruined by a tragic accident isn't any more efficient.
@alphamikeomega5728 12 дней назад
8:00 in, and you're citing the Daily Mail, pretending that gamekeepers weren't working class. Thanks for making it apparent so early on that I shouldn't sit through three hours of this crap.
@SKTheCrusader 12 дней назад
I'm sorry I don't love the racist ham man or want to defend the honour of his family
@alphamikeomega5728 12 дней назад
Yeah, I also felt parts of BritMonkey's video were off, especially once he got talking about NHS reform, but starting with the "everything is at least 40 years old". My biggest gripe was a mistake he made, misinterpreting a graph (around 32:30) which says that the *proportion* of UK health expenditure which is paid for out of pocket is higher than in the US. (You might expect that: most Americans have insurance, and they spend about twice as much per person on healthcare altogether as the UK does, so even a smaller proportion could represent a bigger total.) Most of his criticism of the Green Party is fair, though. The idea that local councils should behave as though the Green Party is governing Westminster is as silly as the polar-opposite idea that they should behave as though climate change is harmless: both hypotheticals are impossible. The line of yours about overly focusing on GDP is a tired one - reminiscent of how the right in America says that "free healthcare isn't really free" (to which the rest of us roll our eyes, because we already know that). GDP certainly isn't everything, but the lack of per capita GDP growth means that we need higher taxes if we want better public services. In fact, the tax burden has risen. This is because the popualtion is aging (and because pensioners' state income has consistently increased till the winter-fuel-payment cut just announced). This, more than inflation, is why the NHS can have record expenditure and be in a worsening state (though splitting it into trusts and using PFI don't help either). The graph you show at 30:25 compares the COVID (tax) year to the following (tax) year, rather than comparing, say, 2009 to a decade later (which would be more useful, though it would still omit the effect of increased demand as people age). And I have to dispute that Labour knew about the black hole. There hasn't been a spending review since 2021, back when economists expected inflation to be transitory, in spite of the invasion of Ukraine and Liz Truss happening since then. More to the point, the OBR agrees that there is a black hole, was surprised to discover it in July, and is consequently reviewing its March forecast.
@SKTheCrusader 12 дней назад
You're talking a lot of shite, but if Labour didn't know about the black hole then they weren't doing a very good job of listening to the journalists telling them about it to their face. Which maybe marks them as inadequate to govern.
@bagrat6085 12 дней назад
Loved the video, I do have to say though that digging on his "pro smoking" argument isnt really gonna render anything. I think his point wasnt rather to be explicitly pro smoking but rather to highlight the governments willingness to try to manage peoples lives from this toxic position of paternalism. Criminalizing smoking is defacto no different than the war on any other drug, the results of which have been disastrous. It simply boils down to the governments smug attitude of "we know what's best for you and you're going to like it". (I do support certain restrictions on smoking but the ban does feel egregiously draconian)
@SKTheCrusader 12 дней назад
As I said in the video I don't support the general ban on it because frankly: I don't care, but I think talking about the smoking ban is possibly the worst way to talk about paternalism in the UK when there are things like the Online Safety Bill and Members of Parliament who want people who call them horrible names to be arrested. Or indeed the slew of "anti-terror" legislation passed in the 2000s. My point was maybe poorly communicated, but there are so many better examples to choose from that I was kind of stunned he picked the cause that he did.
@bagrat6085 12 дней назад
@SKTheCrusader Absolutely agreed, like I said enjoyed the video, look forward to seeing more content in the future
@lethrington 12 дней назад
I remember feeling very confused when watching the original video when he started heavily advocating for basically removing all restrictions and government controls on construction. It made me wonder what other takes in the video were equally weird but I just lacked the cultural knowledge to understand
@aze4308 12 дней назад
what’s the typo?
@SKTheCrusader 12 дней назад
I assume this is about the paper that was part of the justification for austerity? If so they basically messed up a formula in their spreadsheet which impacted their further calculations and overemphasised the impact a high debt-to-gdp ratio has on growth. The common understanding is that this was used to justify the Conservative Party's austerity program (which, sort of, but not really) which has gone on to result in at least 1 million excess deaths in the UK.
@annaf2110 13 дней назад
Came from rosencreutz and really appreciate the focus on disabled people. I think one way of seeing how ‘of course there’d be exemptions for disabled people paying for the NHS’ would go is looking at free prescriptions eligibility. This is basically a rant for me but thought it might interest ppl too. The list is incredibly arbitrary, and contains exceptions even to conditions it does cover. I got an unexpected temporary stoma formed, and alongside dealing with that shock, I was told I need to get a prepayment certificate bc otherwise my necessary supplies would cost me £100s a month. Permanent ostomates get free prescriptions which is all well and good in theory, but permanent stomas can start as temporary ones, temporary ones can last years, and the beginning when you’re figuring out what bag etc works for you (aka ordering tons of supplies) is the same whether it’s temporary or permanent. Temporary stomas can last a year, and without a PPC I estimate supplies would cost me £2k a year (instead of £100ish on PPC). Also! Your stoma cannot be taken into account for PIP until it’s lasted/is expected to last for more than a year, so no extra money to cover the costs. The real cost of these supplies is far higher, which is why I’ve seen US ostomates who change their bag less regularly than my UK stoma nurses recommend, to save money, and they discuss ways to deal with their skin literally peeling away bc of it. And they have insurance! That’s the kinda dark stuff you can end up with in a fully privatised system, even just for prescriptions. Now imagine how paying for the NHS would go, what are the odds I would be exempted? Even with the NHS’s clear awareness that IBDs are better to proactively manage to minimise hospital stays (ie access to expensive biologic medicines etc), will that be remembered by whoever writes the exemption list? Forgive me if I’m not confident the would.
@LevelUpGameStation 13 дней назад
THANK YOU for actually articulating my issues with his video.
@louisboylan7623 13 дней назад
Immediately misrepresented the black hole story. Yes some parts were known, some parts were suspected, others were actively covered up by the Tory’s from the public record in an extremely irregular manner. This is what the term “black hole” refers to. Not a good start.
@SKTheCrusader 13 дней назад
Then how were journalists able to regularly confront Labour with almost the exact figure throughout the election whenever they were questioned about their tax and spending plans?
@louisboylan7623 13 дней назад
@@SKTheCrusader it’s on fullfact, I don’t know the exact figure for each of the 3 categories but it’s a matter of record that large Tory overspend was covered up. You can say it isn’t surprising that the Tory’s acted in bad faith, but that’s on them. You can’t blame Labour for not having a 100% accurate forecast for the level of Tory fiscal malpractice.
@no_genius 12 дней назад
@@louisboylan7623I can blame labour for using a tiny (relative to the size of the budget) hidden sum as an excuse for doing more austerity. They wanted to do austerity since before 2015, the black hole is just their excuse
@louisboylan7623 12 дней назад
@@no_genius if total spending goes down in real terms it’s austerity, if it doesn’t (it won’t) it’s not. Cutting some areas and increasing spending in other places isn’t austerity, it’s a change of priorities.
@CDProjekt7 13 дней назад
And the food sucks
@Antipaxos_Nadja123 13 дней назад
Honestly, YIMBYism and the belief that some obscure planning rule or people not trusting the infinite wisdom of private investment are the actual problem, yet alone the reason why Britain is in its current state, is an extremely toxic cult which needs to be banished to the bin of ideas
@siskinedge 13 дней назад
There isn't just PFI which has caused issues for the NHS, the Lansley reforms broke patient history between trusts so tests have to be redone along with many other issues, the 'private doctors' capacity we are still using, is NHS doctors working second jobs to get by, the continual push back on digital modernisation from theresa may all the way to this year, the replacement of GPs with physician associates (we have thousands of unemployed GPs now and PAs are paid more and less specialised). All these issues have obvious ways to sort out, which take a lot of effort but funding isn't the issue so much as removing intentional tory shenanigans. Estonia's version of austerity didn't degrade the quality of their public services while also reducing their cost significantly by digitising and investment. Even Estonia's golden case of austerity where the state spent less, taxed less and didn't degrade public services they still economically stagnated, austerity was always dumb and wrong.
@edbop 13 дней назад
You look a bit old to still have kiddy politics views. The political parties are funded by similar interests and as such are revealed to have similar agendas once they get in government. The different colours are just to their to manipulate people that want to feel like they are on a team, and swapping from one to another gives the illusion of change.
@SKTheCrusader 13 дней назад
You didn’t watch the video did you?
@edbop 13 дней назад
@@SKTheCrusader only up to the point whereby it was clear it wasn't worth my time.
@InhabitantOfOddworld 13 дней назад
@EdamL22 13 дней назад
@@edbop Yet it's worth your time to comment and read the replies?
@dftp 13 дней назад
Oh yeah what's definitely more mature is having a completely reductionist view of politics.
@scoggspotplus 13 дней назад
The video came up on my feed when it first released, and even though the video was actually a pleasant watch, the same thoughts you seemed to have popped into my head after. Research is quite the strong word, especially in modern context. People don't realise how misunderstanding one thing can snowball quite badly.
@haydn6174 13 дней назад
as a hastings local fuck the green party, they are currently trying to depedestrianise town centre
@kenshin4113 13 дней назад
Finally some REAL Communist theory. Let's fucking go!
@DrAnarchy69 13 дней назад
The U.S. is also a dump but at least you Brits have better accents
@Starkweather133 13 дней назад
That’s not true, we have scousers
@joearnold6881 13 дней назад
Speak for yourself. Im a Bostonian 😛
@yudeok413 13 дней назад
I was randomly shown this video by RU-vid and although I've never even set foot in England I appreciate a well constructed critique. You make sense.
@SKTheCrusader 13 дней назад
I'm delighted to make sense, thanks for the comment.
@OdditiesandRarities 14 дней назад
"how much of a tool Keir starmers dad made" that is priceless 😂😂
@SKTheCrusader 14 дней назад
Look he kept bringing it up, at a certain point it’s his fault.
@LucasDies 14 дней назад
I've been desperate to see someone actually tackle this video because it got more and more frustrating for me the longer it went on.
@SKTheCrusader 14 дней назад
All I can say is sorry it took me so long it fell between a bunch of other things I had planned. Hopefully this provided a bit of catharsis.
@LucasDies 14 дней назад
@@SKTheCrusader I can finally say I feel validated by how off I felt after watching it, so thanks!
@SKTheCrusader 14 дней назад
I was confused and off at first too, just because “hey Britain sucks” is my whole thing so I was baffled how I could be polarised against that.
@LucasDies 14 дней назад
​@@SKTheCrusaderthe whole video is this big to and fro rollercoaster ride of 'yes that's a problem and we should address it' and 'wait... That doesn't sound quite right', to the point where you're just left kind of bewildered and not knowing what to think.
@cactus2260 12 дней назад
I watched the fiedt half with mild annoyance, then 3/4 of the way it was too gross to continue lmao
@elementseven 14 дней назад
It's definitely good that Labour have brought architect of PFI implementation Alan Milburn back
@SKTheCrusader 14 дней назад
No but you see it’s not noteworthy or relevant to NHS privatisation, but also let’s charge people for GP appointments.
@verystripeyzebra 13 дней назад
The architect of PFI? What? PFI already existed, labour merely continued it.
@elementseven 12 дней назад
The word "implementation" is right there. But anyway, I'm sure it's fine that the guy who's been hanging out in the meantime as chair of PwC's Health Industry Implementation Board is allowed to come back with great ideas for the NHS.
@katiemarshall4340 14 дней назад
Hi SK, you and I both why these sceptred isles are crud. 45yrs of Neolib shitfuckery would destroy any halfway decent place let alone the 4th largest country in the world before SHE happened.
@OK2BeFat 23 дня назад
I never really played Sonic but I'm loving this!! 🙌🏻
@DrAnarchy69 24 дня назад
The one Sonic game I’ve ever owned was Sonic Adventure 2 for the GameCube. Also Capitalism DOES NOT require “free” laborers. Wage slavery is a concept for a reason and Capitalism was also largely built via chattle enslavement
@INSIDELEFT 25 дней назад
Yes! 🎉🎉🎉
@geo-fry6372 25 дней назад
When you said that eggman was going to make his announcement himself, I was sure you were going to cut to a clip of the real-time fandub
@velvetvandal 25 дней назад
Well done SK!
@jovaniibb 25 дней назад
I always enjoy this kind of silly, ironic deep-dive analysis video. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it!
@southparkking2 25 дней назад
The Gamer strats to get people into dialectical materialism makes me so happy. This and Warlockracy are my jam.
@SKTheCrusader 25 дней назад
Had never heard of Warlockracy and the first thing I saw was Soviet Star Citizen, so I'm sold.
@southparkking2 25 дней назад
@@SKTheCrusader also recommend the Vampire the Maqurade, Arcanum, and Jagged Alliance Essays. He is the Gonzo Journalist of Boomer RPGs and Jank Gems.
@BrigitteEmpire 25 дней назад
If you think about it, sonic and shadow arguing about who is the fake hedgehog was an allegory for sino-soviet split
@SKTheCrusader 25 дней назад
I was actually really close to going with Eggman is a ML vs Sonic and team being Maoist
@TheYeIIowDucK 26 дней назад
Is Lowtax really that much of an obscure reference that it deserves a 'like'?
@grobknoblin5402 Месяц назад
Where are the cockneys? they have been ethnically cleansed from london.... Praising the fact there are less white people in England a majority White nation would never be tolerated for any other racial group in any country..... 80% of population growth since 2001 has been from immigration how can you say the establishment hates immigration? lmao
@Gledster Месяц назад
Thanks for the video SK. Can I suggest future videos be more brightly lit? The RU-vid encoding has destroyed the black colours in the video in a way that was a little distracting.
@SKTheCrusader Месяц назад
Yeah I’m still feeling out the new set up plus having to record at night because it’s the only time I’ve had lately doesn’t help. I’ll be trying something out on the next one to see how it does
@dalek604 Месяц назад
I remember Baddiel on a radio panel show in the late 2000's talking about racial stereotypes could be a positive thing. There was a black comedian on the panel who put him in his place. I'd like to say this, and all the reasons you've stated were the reason I came to dislike him, but it was him mocking rave music in the early 90s that originally did for me.
@JonasFilberg Месяц назад
Aye, Behemoth! 🤘🏿
@vickypedias Месяц назад
Excellent video, thank you so much! I hope you get many mmore subscribers, as you well deserve!
@BenzoylGains Месяц назад
The crusades were a response to islamic aggression and colonialism. It’s funny how leftists will gladly jump at the chance to condemn western colonisation (as they should) but somehow turn a blind eye or even try to justify the islamic conquests. Egypt for example was not always a muslim land and christians who live there face persecution to this very day. But leftists can’t talk about that because christians are always bad and white and greedy.
@robjob9052 Месяц назад
suppin' for clicks.
@tr3vk4m Месяц назад
Racism is just a subcategory of stupidity.
@ValQuinn Месяц назад
I honestly think it is a general problem with our enduring class society in Britain, that powerful classes are listened to and those with less power are laughed at.