Holly Olivia
Holly Olivia
Holly Olivia
I love video editing, as well as many other aspects of video production. This channel features some of my personal projects that I have made over the years - some prior to film school, others during and after, as well as some personal movie commentary videos. It is a passion of mine that I would love to and am aiming to pursue.
Mining Fail *MINECRAFT* (2)
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Missing You - A Destiel Music Video
4 года назад
Scooby Doo x Supernatural
4 года назад
Friends x Supernatural - Season Ten
4 года назад
Friends x Supernatural - Season Nine
4 года назад
Friends x Supernatural - Season Eight
4 года назад
Friends x Supernatural - Season Seven
4 года назад
Friends x Supernatural - Season Six
4 года назад
@davewhitmore1958 4 месяца назад
"Cooked Like A Pork Chop" was the name of my band in college!
@davewhitmore1958 4 месяца назад
It's not the size of your buns, it's how you use them l;)
@yuliaalt5597 4 месяца назад
Wow..🎉❤😊 'Riana dancing'😂😂❤
@galaxy7192 7 месяцев назад
Tom kann echt super Tanzen, aber beim Umbrella Tanz waren die frauen Klamotten total krass und schlimm, wie konnte er sowas nur anziehen, ohne das wäre er noch viel besser gewesen, verstehe nicht warum er sowas anzieht.
@susannariera 4 месяца назад
Because he is not insecure about his masculinity and can enjoy a dance pretending to be Rihanna. He looks awsome, confident, funny, talented and cool. Most women love that, and some men, of course.
@chobyboys 8 месяцев назад
my favourite too girl ✌
@faisalmemon285 8 месяцев назад
The whole sequel trilogy is the worst. Apart from that, for me at least, Attack of the Clones is the worst. It’s so boring and it’s where George Lucas’s “wooden dialogue” is in extreme prominence. To be true, everyone hated the prequels. But the Disney ones are so bad that people are now saying the prequels are masterpieces.
@faisalmemon285 8 месяцев назад
Snow is definitely that soft to land in, especially when there’s lots of snow. However snow can freeze overnight and become frozen. Then it would not be that soft to land in.
@charlesf2804 9 месяцев назад
Released in 1977; Lucas made his controversial (to many) "updates" in 1997 and pronounced that the definitive version. I prefer the original release, personally.
@Garryck-1 11 месяцев назад
@ 14:57 - "Why you picking a fight, bro?" You clearly haven't spent much time around those who over-indulge in alcohol, have you? <sigh> 23 years old, and still got *so* much growing-up to do...
@blueroninstudios 11 месяцев назад
This won an Oscar for editing, sooooo .... yeah.
@josephtingley654 Год назад
R2-D2 tells Luke that he belongs to Obi-Wan Kenobi, as part of his mission to find Obi-Wan and give him the message/Death Star plans, but he is originally Queen Amadala's personal Droid. Please finish the Prequels, I promise you won't be disappointed.
@josephtingley654 Год назад
There's so much put into this Episode, where do I start. Jabba definitely should have bargained. LoL. You notice that right off the bat Luke was more of a Jedi Knight and definitely more in control of his abilities, that's because he finishes his own training in order to set up a successful rescue of Han and he knew being a Jedi was the only way to make it happen. The journey to create a new lightsaber is something that only a person strong in the Force can accomplish, because the search for his personal Kyber Crystal (the crystal that powers a lightsaber) is a difficult mission. The line Vader uses about the Emperor not being as forgiving as himself makes me laugh every time. LoL. Vader feels Luke on the approach to Endor, but the Emperor did not, this is again an instance of how powerful Luke has become, he was using the Force to block his presence from the Emperor, but his father being on the Super Star Destroyer momentarily distracted him. I always find it frustrating that after Luke defeats Vader and tells the Emperor that he's a Jedi like his father, he tosses away his lightsaber (his only means of defense). For all the things the Emperor could forsee, he couldn't forsee Ewoks helping the Rebels or his apprentice giving him the shaft. LoL 😆. This is a special edition version and not the original version, but I like it for two reasons, first the celebration across the galaxy says a lot about the Emperor's death and it shows Anikan as we will get to see him in the Prequels. The Tragedy of Darth Vader: Born a slave, almost died a slave.
@josephtingley654 Год назад
You have the advantage of knowing ahead of time about Luke and Leia being siblings, so that's what makes her kissing Luke gross, but watching it when it came out, we had to wait until Return of the Jedi to be grossed out. LoL 😆. My favorite scene is the Dark Side cave where Luke learned what could possibly happen to him. The scene with Darth Vader grabbing Han's blaster with the Force, he's using the Force to repel the blaster fire before using the Force to take it.
@josephtingley654 Год назад
The first major motion picture that didn't start with credits and Lucas was punished for it, but after this movie others started to do it too. There's a now Canon story about the red Droid that blew his motivator, R2-D2 told him his mission about the plans and he blew his own motivator in order for R2-D2 to get to the Rebellion.
@craigmorris4083 Год назад
"We have clearance, Clarence." "Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?" :)
@oougahersharr Год назад
I like Attack of the Clones less than Phantom Menace. I will get into why after you've seen it. More people like Attack of the Clones, but not me. Out of the original six, that is my least favorite (though there are a couple really epic battle scenes). I enjoyed Solo, though I hear other people did not. I first saw Star Wars in 1977, when it was first released, when I was six. I understand many people hate the newer trilogy (7 - 9). I can see their point, but it has it's merits, too. I would say the most hate I've heard given any Star Wars film is for number 9, though I liked that one, too. My favorite film was Return of the Jedi (6), followed by Revenge of the Sith (3), and Rogue One. Do not let anyone else's opinions stop you from watching these all. You miss out on story or call-back scenes if you do. Take them with a grain of salt. Not every story told was written by George Lucas, so they do not all flow the same. However, they aren't all bad, despite some things in each that may have been better done another way. There are favorite scenes/ characters in every film.
@oougahersharr Год назад
I would be a Miraluka if I could. They are similar looking to human, except they have no eyes. They are physically blind. However, they are notoriously strong in the force, using the force to "see." Others have always referred to me as Yoda, not just for my very short size. They have said I am wise beyond my years and that I talk in circles. ::shrug::
@glenketchum6379 Год назад
12 yo boy ? Most male and almost as many women's fave scene! LOL
@tofersiefken Год назад
In this movie Anakin is 9 years old and Padme is 14. She was not the youngest queen ever, but one of the younger ones. It is a tradition on Naboo to elect a young queen for a limited term every so many years.
@andrewfarmer7358 Год назад
For me all six of the original films are one big movie. They can't be separated into which one is best, since they tell a continuing story. That story is of Anakin and him being the Chosen One, meaning that he destroys the Sith, by destroying himself and the Emperor (I say this since I know you've seen Return of the Jedi). The worst ones are the Disney ones which don't fit with the other six.
@josephtingley654 Год назад
Rogue One is great.
@KevinLockamy Год назад
26:00 Hey look at it from their point of view. The second scariest person you know leads a single rebel (hand cuffed) in front of the #1 scariest person you know of. All the guards are dismissed, there's roomers of a battle in the Emperor's chambers and then the only one to walk out, is the (now free) rebel, dragging Vader, and the Emperor is missing. If he can pull all that off, I'm not gonna be the first fool to try and stop him.
@KevinLockamy Год назад
The species I'd be is Togruta. All male Togruta I've seen look like male run way models or the guys you'd see on the cover of Men's Health.
@curtismartin2866 Год назад
This thing became a Twitter group watchaling event quite by accident. There are, I think, 5 ridiculous movies.
@blowba Год назад
A Force user can manipulate objects with the Force, including their own body which makes gymnastics, high jumps, and extra speed much easier.
@blowba Год назад
I don't know if it's cannon or not but the rumor is that Luke found the parts for his new lightsaber at Obi-Wan's old house and got the green crystal from Obi-Wan's old master's lightsaber. (You'll see next movie). Luke had to build a new lightsaber after he lost Anakin's blue one when Darth Vader cut off Luke's hand.
@Arkilonn_ Год назад
The end of the fight between Qui Gon, Obi Wan and Darth Maul shows the difference between Sith and Jedi very well. When the laser partitions separated Qui Gon and Maul from each other, the Jedi began to meditate, calming down, and the Sith, on the contrary, walked in a rage like a tiger in a cage, filling himself with emotions. And when Obi Wan attacked Maul after the death of his master, you can see that he was filled with rage, which took him out of balance, since this is not the way of the Jedi and he does not know how to handle it, and Darth Maul, being a Sith who has been raised inside the order since childhood, who on the contrary feeds himself with emotions, easily he was defeated and thrown into the mine, and only when Obi Wan was able to calm down and return to balance, he was able to defeat Maul
@edcliffe2988 Год назад
Anthony Daniels was inside C-3P0, AND Kenny Baker was inside R2-D2. ReJabba's barge: the original Sy Snoodles was way, way better..
@edcliffe2988 Год назад
Nathalie Portman / Keira Knightly - practically twins. Worst Star Wars movie? VII, VIII and IX. Saw them. They are the only ones I really don't feel like watching ever again.
@georger.3489 Год назад
Not the best one out of the franchise, but still a good movie. And the final fight with darth maul is on top. Enjoyed your reaction :D
@stevethemagicninja Год назад
I think most fans dislike this one and Solo the most. Both actors for Anakin and Jar Jar were very criticized and hated amongst the fanbase. Jake (Young Anakin) went down a bad path after the backlash. It's too bad because I really enjoyed him in this and Jingle All The Way (AKA Arny Saves Christmas). His line delivery is not the greatest, but what can you expect from a child. He played the role well. Natalie Portman and Keira Knightly played the Queen and Decoy roles well, too. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Will you make a 'Friends' intro for each Star Wars movie like Supernatural? I would love that! May the 4th be with you, Holly
@domingocurbelomorales8635 Год назад
Nice reaction Olivia! I really love the OT but the prequels have a lot!! I smile about some questions that you do for yourself. Be patient, will be answered in eps II and III!!
@visionaryventures12 Год назад
As a Star Wars fan since 1983, the two films fans seem to put at the bottom are Solo and The Phantom Menace. You might also check out the documentary, The People V George Lucas after seeing the whole prequel trilogy to see what fans have said for so long on many topics.
@BenWillyums Год назад
Try episode 8 instead
@visionaryventures12 Год назад
Remember, in A New Hope, Ben tells Luke that Darth Vader hunted down and destroyed the Jedi Knights.
@visionaryventures12 Год назад
“This has fart jokes…” That’s the source of some fan animosity towards this film.
@visionaryventures12 Год назад
I think R2D2 in the original story was lying when claiming to belong to Ben. Notice Ben saying he doesn’t recall ever owning a droid.
@BandOfHarjaps Год назад
Harrison Ford has a small part in Apocalypse Now, from about the same time, too
@sandilar Год назад
Never ask a question that you don’t know the answer to already
@aranerem5569 Год назад
Hello holly
@Lenkic13 Год назад
The Empire Strikes Back is arguably a better film, but Return of the Jedi is still my favourite.
@bigmanarnold Год назад
leia is hot
@frazzit1 Год назад
Great reaction. Keep up the good work!
@henrytjernlund Год назад
You may want to watch Screen Rant's Sharknado pitch meeting parody.
@boqndimitrov8693 Год назад
if they knew what was waiting for them, they wouldn't be celebrating .wars, family dramas, Disney taking over the franchise and ruining it….😂
@ArgonTheAware Год назад
But Some like it Hoth " In "Empire", Luke found out Vader was his father, but instead of putting away his lightsaber and talking about it, he overreacted and got his hand cut off. I mean, they worked it out eventually, but at what cost? Another Death Star was destroyed, Boba Fett got eaten by the Sarlacc, and we got the Ewoks. It all could've been avoided if they just, you know, communicated. And let's face it, the Ewoks sucked, dude."
@DanSolo0119 Год назад
I'd be human. But I would date a Twi'lek.
@fahooga Год назад
Grant Imahara worked on the prequels. He was 12 when this movie came out.