Biblical resources from International Bible Society (IBS-STL).
The Truth. The Bible.
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Come Closer - Read the Bible
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The Books of the Bible
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Updating the NIV
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Who is Jesus?
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Teach us to number our days.
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Not My Home
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Everything That Has Breath
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The Commander in Chief
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He Has Done It
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@thecrew777 7 месяцев назад
I'm trying to find out what the notations in my NIV 2011 version is showing me. At Acts 25:23, right under the header, it reads "26:12-18pp-- Ac 9:3-8; 22:6-11". What does this notation mean?
@mo2marie Год назад
What is the Title of this movie?
@nicholaswestley9851 Месяц назад
Amazing Grace (2006)
@bluezy710 2 года назад
So many blank statements in this video that could mean just anything I want it to mean which shows the lack of integrity behind these folks, which doesn't surprise me since their Bible efforts are from a money-driven motivation. God has never been priority for the NIV publishers and creators. After all, Zondervan also publishes satanic books. On top of that, the translation is junk baby food for the naive. Sad so many people think this is actually a good Bible.
@paulanix7561 2 года назад
With all due respect, please compare the NIV and KJV of John 16:25. There are many clues in the bible and modern translation has removed many of them. The scripture should lead someone seeking God to the book of Proverbs. We should read proverbs to find wisdom. Please read Proverbs 1. I stumbled upon this. I won a Ligionier study Bible nkjv. The church used niv and during a studying I found a huge difference in meaning. Then I compared nkjv to kjv and found more important clues (commandments) God is amazing and no one wiser.
@bjbanisin6513 Год назад
Different manuscripts.
@stevetucker5851 4 года назад
I love the NIV2011. Criticisms of it are almost always based on ignorance.
@bluezy710 2 года назад
It's actually based on evidence. You should try studying that for yourself.
@bjbanisin6513 Год назад
The NIV 2011 is not based on ignorance the 2011 NIV Bible was updated because the English language has changed and proved they will be some changes from the 1984 NIV Bible to the 2011 NIV Bible but it's still the word of God.
@jbut1208 4 года назад
I tell you for your own sake! God is very hard on judgmental people!
@jbut1208 4 года назад
God is the only one who can judge! Neither you nor I are qualified! I am a sinner and so are you!
@jbut1208 4 года назад
You better hope your wrong!
@jbut1208 4 года назад
Newton's critics are just as much in need of God's grace as he was! "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"!!!
@brucetennyson5035 4 года назад
He was a slave trader, a killer, a rapist. While this makes for a good story that he was transformed and forgiven, I propose that there are some acts for which an individual cannot be redeemed.
@jbut1208 4 года назад
Who said? Not God but you perhaps!
@brucetennyson5035 4 года назад
John Butcher there is no proof god exists and there are those that require proper punishment by men for their acts. Imagine if he had done these acts to your family....would you forgive him raping killing and enslaving your loved ones? Or would you exact vengeance?
@brucetennyson5035 4 года назад
Even decades after his “conversion” he continued to invest in the slave trade...does that sound like a man redeemed to you?
@dragonchr15 4 года назад
The fact that he made a pact with god that he would do better if he survived proves he knows what he was doing (slave trading) was morally wrong.
@Timkamei 6 лет назад
Can anyone suggest what is the best book on the biography of John newton..? . I have heard of Once Blind, From Disgrace to amazing grace etc. But what is the best from theological point of view...
@periklis6888 7 лет назад
@julieroddy8775 9 лет назад
Love it that you have been sharing Jesus with people for decades !!!
@tinabishop2351 9 лет назад
In the end when we all have to face our sins, our faults, the life we have lived on earth, we will know the answer to all of your questions then, and only then. God asks that we love unconditionally and forgive as His son did. It is not for us to judge each other but to love!
@jeremyjohngraham 10 лет назад
@carolyncochrun6409 10 лет назад
Wish they had it in KJV I don't like NIV at all.
@carolyncochrun6409 10 лет назад
Thank you. I am pretty much a KJV only person but I use an ESV for reference when I don't understand something in the KJV. If it isn't in the old english it doesn't sound like the Bible. I wish they would do a KJV of it. I will check this one out. Thanks so much Mark Phillips.
@jerrynkathy 7 лет назад
Holman has published a KJV without CAV's. Here's the ISBN: 0805489606. You'll find it at www.cbd.com and Amazon. -- J
@gregsettle5880 10 лет назад
Where did Lucifer come from "that kid?" It came STRAIGHT out of Jerome's Latin Vulgate! Lucifer is Latin, it belongs in NO English bible translation! The Hebrew word that the Holy Spirit inspired was "heylel" which literally mean "daystar"
@MAMoreno 10 лет назад
So...transliterations are never acceptable? We can't have "angel" or "apostle" then? Or does it only count when it's a transliteration from the original language? We better scour the NIV to make sure it doesn't have a single English word that derived from Latin!
@gregsettle5880 10 лет назад
LUCIFER is not "dervived" from Latin, is IS Latin! Pick up St Jerome's Latin Vulgate and find Is 14:12, unless you can read Latin, you'll only understand one word in that verse, LUCIFER! The Holy Spirit of God inspired the bible in Hebrew and Greek, NO Latin! The Hebrew word that God inspired at Is 14:12 is "heylel" which literally means "daystar" The AV 1611 has a footnote here that reads "or O day Starre"
@MAMoreno 10 лет назад
Don't overstate your case. The Greek New Testament contains Latinisms, so it's not as clear-cut as you'd like to believe. Should we translate "Legion" in a different way since it's a Latin word in an otherwise Greek text? Many theological terms also derive from Latin, such as "propitiation," and plenty of English translations still use that term to translate the Greek "hilasterion." How is that any different than "lucifer"?
@gregsettle5880 10 лет назад
Don't try to muddy the waters. We KNOW what the Holy Spirit inspired, "heylel" We KNOW that Lucifer in no way shape or form comes from "heylel" The KJV translators knew this too, but caved to popular opinion and left in the Latin "Lucifer" they even provided the actual translation of "heylel" in a margin note at Is 14;12 "or O day Starre" Jerome's Vulgate had been used and was extremely popular by the time of the KJV, in fact it had been used for mor than 1100 hundred years and "Lucifer" had become very popular, and they (KJV translators) made a command decision to leave it in, and include the footnote! It's not terribly complicated!
@MAMoreno 10 лет назад
Lucifer does come from heylel. There's nothing wrong with borrowing Latinisms when Latin is the basis for much of our theological terminology. The NKJV retains "Lucifer" and footnotes "Day Star" just as its predecessor did, allowing for a slight distinction in translation between ἑωσφόρος (Isa. 14.12 LXX) and φωσφόρος (2 Pet. 1.19). The RSV/ESV opts for a similar solution, using "Day Star" in Isaiah and "morning star" in 2 Peter. The NIV is sloppy here, as usual, inviting the critiques of the Ruckmanites.
@xXintuitionXx 10 лет назад
Compare Isaiah 14:12 in the NIV with the KJV version. Then look at Revelation 22:16 in the KJV. Jesus is the morning star, but the NIV calls Lucifer the morning star in Isaiah 14:12. NO! Jesus is the morning star, not Lucifer. Jesus didn't try to be God, Jesus IS God. NIV is a satanic counterfeit. A Perversion by the Catholic Church. The KJV is the perfect word of God for the English speaker, there is no need to update it, or even add to it like Isaiah 14:12.
@palmernoah 11 лет назад
Interesting video
@ronwess 11 лет назад
That is amazing...you learn something everyday...Thank U Lord for educating me today on this subject (" Now ill have to check the rest of this movie out ("
@CBALLEN 11 лет назад
Many speak of "accepting" Grace,but Grace is unmerited favor given from the one who possesses it,we can't except it anymore than a babe accepting his life,it is a gift not asked for or deserved that's what GRACE is.
@64MDW 11 лет назад
What foolishness. Newton was moved by conscience to give up his life as a slave trader. If the song is a "disgrace," as you claim, why has it been embraced by blacks?
@trentonortgies1754 11 лет назад
And please tell me you know that Paul and many of those early christians wrote in Greek and not in English the original copies of the books of the bible were not anywhere close to English/American.
@trentonortgies1754 11 лет назад
Dude... seriously where in God's Word does He say thou shalt preserve thine King James edition? And if the KJV is the only right version than what's wrong with the NKJV? It corrects mistakes in the KJV (which by the way there are mistakes, the 1611 had spelling errors... come on), as far as some mistakes go it corrects them by switching the greek text to the majority text (which is superior to the textus receptus).
@paulanix7561 2 года назад
I started with NIV for about 10 years the nkjv for about 2 year and now kjv for the past 3 years. HUGE difference for me. I find clues in kjv that aren't in the others. God knows and weighs the hearts so I'm not saying it keeps anyone from God. However, there are some humorous things...God has funny sense of humor which is not reflected in newer translations
@Slippin22 11 лет назад
Perhaps they have not been given Gods mercy. Romans 9:11Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad-in order that God’s purpose in election might stand:12not by works but by him who calls13Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated. 14What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15,“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion”16It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.
@GailStrom 11 лет назад
I find it interesting to find comments posted here, under the song title of Amazing Grace, to be anything but Grace inspired. As usual people flee to RU-vid to insult and disrespect. Fine examples of why the human race would always be lost if not for the Grace of God.
@TacoSt8 11 лет назад
"Im the freedom man"
@niccoertze 12 лет назад
John pickup the hymmming/ murmiming songs of the slaves when they were forced on the boat and they knew all of them will never return. Those voices must have remained with John all his life.It must be wonderful to know that God reminded him give back those voices and translate the words for us to understand What a joy
@onemarktwoyou 12 лет назад
He makes it sound like the 1984 niv was unreadable. He is a LIAR! The 2011niv is the tniv that fundamentalist rejected. It is a poor translation compared to the 1984niv! Shame on the cbt translation thought police. They made a bible for 'progressive' culture! Yes they think you people are that dumb as to accept it! They claim it is new? LIARS! The tniv came out in 2003. Yes the 2011niv is basically identical! YOU HAVE BEEN HAD!!!
@scandawarrior 12 лет назад
Hey , maybe you could include Mathew 17.21 . Let me know when you get done revising God's Holy Word .
@bjbanisin6513 Год назад
There wasn't part of the NIV manuscript a lot of people call them missing scriptures but the NIV manuscript did not have those scriptures like that King James Bible and the new King James Bible does a lot of the new modern Bibles don't have those scriptures. But they are in the footnotes so they're not missing check them out in the footnotes.
@bat7brucegmail 12 лет назад
Was this manJohn Newton really regetfull for his action? Even though this is one of the most grace filled songs ever written. I need to know if this man was a true believer or was he a man masquerading as a believer?
@dezireezy 6 лет назад
His life speaks for itself. He served as a spiritual father to the man who effectively championed the ending of the Transatlantic Slave trade. If that isn't fruit worthy of repentance as Scripture demands, I don't know what is.
@Mich_Et 12 лет назад
@SuperALSOM 12 лет назад
Looks like a good idea...
@CaseyCovenant 12 лет назад
God created the Hebrew & Greek Bible, Man translated that into English, technically if you really want to read the real Bible you need to read it in Hebrew & Greek.
@theowlfla 12 лет назад
That is the whole point it is "Amazing Grace" He was forgiven and could move on, away from his terrible deeds of the past because of what Christ did on the cross . I hope you too can accept this amazing grace from God as we all have fallen short and need the forgiveness and the new life that our Lord offers us . I pray that your eyes will be opened as Johns were so long ago and as mine were a few years ago .. me who was once a a drug dealer and a criminal ..I once was lost and now am found .
@yasumpuss1ey 12 лет назад
Ah........ I don't know why Christians and fans of John Newton try to hide the real identity of John Newton when he was a slave owner/investor before and after he wrote the song Amazing Grace. I would respect John Newton more if they would have told the truth story about him. To said Amazing Grace was a song of hope for the hopeless is a disrespect to the slaves who were traded, killed, and owned by John Newton cause Newton was the one who wrote it. What a disgrace.
@dezireezy 6 лет назад
Who's hiding his identity? The movie plainly says who he is and what he did...and how he repented for it. If God can forgive him - as a black woman - so can I. Let's not forget the greatest apostle who wrote 2/3 of the New Testament was a persecutor of those who followed the same faith he later adopted after a drastic encounter with the resurrected Son of God. Newton may not have had a vision, but he certainly had a revelation. He has made a great contribution to Christianity and the world as a whole. I honour him for it.
@RyanGill86 13 лет назад
Amen. God has spoken. Not through my feelings or intuition... but in his Word. I am thankful for good translations of the Bible - such as the NIV (advertised here) and the ESV (esv.org)
@bulldog12341000 13 лет назад
this is so wrong the king james verison is the truth and the only truth because in the niv there are over 3000 mistakes and in the king james verison there are no mistakes because God created the king james verison
@bjbanisin6513 Год назад
There's no mistakes in it and NIV Bible the manuscript that they found those scriptures are not found in that manuscript for the NIV Bible and a King James Bible is an old translation from 1611 that we do not speak that way that's why we have the new modern Bible for today's english.
@daisybelvillarosa 14 лет назад
Auz ....john newton a slave trador
@poppy90290 14 лет назад
He didn't just suddenly have a crisis of conscience. The ship was about to sink when he heard a sound rise up from below, the voices of the prisoners. The confident vibration of their voices calmed the storm. That is what struck John Newton, that was the amazing grace that unblinkered his eyes, his heart. He turned the ship about and returned the people to their homeland, before sailing back to England. He wrote the words to Amazing Grace, using the tune he'd heard sung by his prisoners.
@crazylover77 17 лет назад
verey nice video :)