My videos are a variety of live reaction videos, live debates, political commentary, opinion based vlogs, and life's travels : paypal candihome@gmail.com .
Месяц назад
dont tell anyone, I might be busted
2 месяца назад
hands down the BEST 6.0 powerstroke upgrade
3 месяца назад
almost forgot @richnubuck1875
3 месяца назад
who gave me these flea's
3 месяца назад
Uncle P Word tells us what eye candy is
6 месяцев назад
here is my certificate @Wade615
6 месяцев назад
well , if you insist @Wade615
6 месяцев назад
Words from the Workshop
8 месяцев назад
why live viewers dont matter to me @Wade615
9 месяцев назад
@TTSHAWNA 2 часа назад
Jeremy, had a recent video where he picks up glass, nails and sharp objects out of his driveway where Pepper is. Michelle is only one person and its gonna take her a while toget things cleaned up from the hurricane.
@TTSHAWNA 2 часа назад
Madame Mayor had a hidden agenda. So, she could get permits okayed fir her campground.
@TTSHAWNA 2 часа назад
I guess I'm really evil, because I am a very opinionated person.
@shopiefraccount9782 2 часа назад
I support your airing your side except for the LP beat JH in FL. That case Lynette was the only litigant who presented part of her case. JH never said anything, was never called to present his case or to refute the case against him. How is that a win for anyone? The case was never presented.
@Lynn-rf1kc 3 часа назад
WTH is such a LIAR and his side kick Martha is just like him. How do his followers not put together he can't go after others for doing what HE DOES TO LP AND ALL EVERY NIGHT. I almost hate this man, its closest I've ever come to hating a person.
@sheilagriffin3515 4 часа назад
Thank you for setting everyone straight. I stopped watching that toxic man so long ago. I don't feel sorry for Martha one bit.She has fallen into that trap and maybe she feels that she can't get out. You keep telling us the truth and you will have more and more followers. Rock on my man. From a 77yr.old.
@dardar892 8 часов назад
There’s a farm channel that has over 900.000
@paulawilson9190 9 часов назад
I think he has won.
@PsychobabbleRapp 8 часов назад
won what, "the loss of multiple long term subscribers" contest , yep he won that prize!, he also won the "destroy ones own credibility" contest, and the "give my adult children another reason to want nothing to with me" trophy, he is batting a 1000
@dardar892 9 часов назад
I’m a minster and I know how God works and I’m gonna tell you this God said if you love the one that’s unloveable your reward is greater than to love those that love you
@susanwiita3588 9 часов назад
The stole from a sky view ranch a 30,000 from his kids an cheated on his wife he is nothing but s bully..
@dardar892 11 часов назад
@dardar892 11 часов назад
Stand for the truth 👋
@jeanmason8662 14 часов назад
Have you seen Brett's rap sheet?
@PsychobabbleRapp 11 часов назад
@jeanmason8662 how is someone else's past connected to Jeremy Hales harrassing and bullying poor people today, please explain how it matters , and what it changes about the message, which is very simple.. " it is wrong on every measurable human scale for anyone to use their influence and fans as weapons to harrass and bully people" This whole lie is about needing to rescue a 4 year old that is doing just fine according CPS and the Sheriff, is not only absurd, it's criminal cyber stalking at this point, when his fans are making false reports on live streams in retaliation to her filing a suit .. Tell what someone else's past has to do with any of that
@slycat6804 День назад
What a tool….bed wetting usually is caused by more serve trauma than scary cartoons, more like abuse…he’s a pile of 💩
@topazubear День назад
thank you
@topazubear День назад
thank you
@smartazz512 День назад
I LOVE what you have done here. Ive been watching WHT since right around the beginning of the pandemic (right around the marilyn ordeal) and knew even then there was something not quite right about him. His arrogance is astounding. I continued watching only because i knew even then he WASNT what he portrayed himself to be, waiting for his skeletons to creep out and haunt him. Im loving this exposure of him. It confirms everything i have thought for a few years now. Keep up the good work! He deserves to lose his fake a$$. Dont let him threatening people get to you.
@TheRebellionFreedom День назад
hales is a loser. He lost his job. He lost his job again. He lost his wife. He lost his kids. He lost his employees. He lost his ever lovin mind ... HE IS A BIG FAT LOSER!
@ladypyro7987 День назад
Jermey is Not a father, or a man! In my opinion! To talk about your son just shows who you are Jermey. JH must think “rules for thee, not for me”. Sorry have to vent to JH on other channels cause JH did like me bringing up, “if being gay is a choice that means you like men but have chosen to be straight”. He banned me.
@ladypyro7987 День назад
Please be careful, some RU-vid creators and there cult like followers go after people if your not on his side. Thanks for standing up against these people.
@leisahammonds4479 2 дня назад
Loved your talk with Madame Mayor! ❤ I dont know if you saw the video where Hermy was cussing John or not but he was filthy mouthed in it.
@PsychobabbleRapp День назад
hypocrites suck, especially religious ones
@rods3275 День назад
@@leisahammonds4479 the one he called him a Fing F@g
@leisahammonds4479 2 дня назад
None of them go to church.
@laurieg673 День назад
JH preaches enough for them to pervert scripture.
@GoodeMa10 2 дня назад
Guess you missed what Guapo put on his Community tab about Jeremy and then deleted it the next day, and the videos where Guapo says that Jeremy embezzled from his employer.
@teesa925 2 дня назад
Why is Brett going by his middle name? So nobody will find out whats on his criminal record? Stephen Brett GRANGER
@laurieg673 День назад
@@teesa925 yup. Wes was shot by a cop!! Those 2 guys are hiding a lot of criminal stuff.
A WEAPON. The way you say it is great.😊
@Catstorm10 2 дня назад
Thank you for speaking up. Love you ❤. You nailed it
@northernmaine2020 2 дня назад
Can you get Jason on your channel? I'm new here but I love it here.
@unclemike4869 2 дня назад
Jerm is a great example of a coward
@northernmaine2020 2 дня назад
Great job. Standing ovation.
@wattsdronewilltravel3881 2 дня назад
@kiethz8201 2 дня назад
Lynette prefers to be called Michelle. She needs a lot of protection. She needs some body guards. Especially now. She also needs about 20 gung hoe lawyers to help fight for her rights. She has a few, but more would be better.
@TheGnomestead 2 дня назад
Phone call with Lynettes grand son comes to mind...Ill on)y help you if you are willing to testify.... Judge...was your testimony coursed or have you been paid.....case closed
@PsychobabbleRapp 2 дня назад
That kid was not credible, who drags 2 unemployed friends to their grandmother's hoyse in another state, then mooches money off her moratal enemy, that kid was serving himself, and looking for any hand out he coukd get, 3 young able bodied adults, and not a job betwen them, and they are the ones who brought lice there, Lynette hasnt been anywhere to get lice, its those couch surfers who get that
@TheGnomestead 2 дня назад
Germ is a perfect example of Twistian Charity....get a bunch of people to donate that cant afford it to begin with. Watch it pile in and take credit and praise cause thats what Baby Jesus would do.
@TheGnomestead 2 дня назад
As a former preacher I know the game very well and the book a bit.... This is the verse she nreds to live by Matthew 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
@samanthaspringman5527 2 дня назад
I commented a couple times about how the Bible speaks on helping people less fortunate than us and praying for them. The only answer I got was a few minutes rant on a video or two later about how Jesus threw a fit on the money lenders at the temple. After I shook my head for a few moments my question was how could this woman,Michelle Preston Ever compare to rich money lenders. Her situation is literally apples and oranges from rich money lenders. I'm ashamed to say that I wasted too long being fooled by the Germ and his wicked army. I know that I can Never be able to fix the wrong that I believed and commented on while being fooled. I have apologized and unashamedly so for being So wrong. I found the proofs of ugliness so much more ugliness than I could have imagined. I'm not ashamed of crying tears for a child. Any child . I'm ashamed of having Any part in the Evil Ugliness that the Germ spreads. Looking back,seeing video clips of these Horrible people makes me literally sick. All I can do is pray that either they see their wrongs and make them right or are magically put somewhere that they can't hurt others any more. Please ,please, anybody that's had an uneasy feeling while watching these hate mongering hypocrites do your human diligence, look up what the Germ has done and continues to do to children,women,elderly,People. People with feelings. Then ,if you can stand to watch what the Germ and Crew do and say ,telling on themselves. #IfYouSeeSomethingSaySomething. For people who claim that they know and love the Bible ,these hypocrites sure do manage to avoid Darned near every Single one of the Ten Commandments. I dont know and never want to know the God these ignorant, evilhypocrites claim.
@PsychobabbleRapp 2 дня назад
Well said, and nobody blames you for being fooled by a conn artist
@samanthaspringman5527 День назад
@@PsychobabbleRapp I blame myself when it comes to the suffering involved.
@Sequoyah_7 2 дня назад
That segment with the "mayor", was total cringe. They are out of their minds. 😂🤣
@Sequoyah_7 2 дня назад
You are great, I so enjoy your videos. Keep speaking truth, and any help towards ending the torment, of that psycho's victims, is much appreciated.
@Sequoyah_7 2 дня назад
Unfortunately, the mother, MP, has lost the battle to keep her PO today; this will unleash even more harassment and bullying upon her, her daughter, and JC, sad 😥
@ScampyGirl 2 дня назад
Oh no! What the heck?! 😢
@PsychobabbleRapp 2 дня назад
No she didnt lose, it will just be heard by a new judge, and given what he and tube town have done sense the 1st judges ruling, she is on easy street to get a permant restraining order.
@Sequoyah_7 День назад
@@PsychobabbleRapp Those loony tune, rabid supporters of The Germ, are all celebrating a victory, gloating about it, really disgusting. I am so glad it will be heard again and they will hopefully receive a permanent one
@user-nv3le1ym3x 2 дня назад
Have you as a common ordinary life person ever looked at a star, such as Elvis and thought, man they had it ALL and they did not even see it. They were sitting on top of the world! And they just couldn't handle it. So many stars jumped off a cliff. No more money, no more fun, no more friends and family. Just nothing burger.....and never saw it coming. We saw it coming with Elvis and so many others........Upchurch yours is so near, so sad.
@rustysimms5583 2 дня назад
Would give me some pointers i going to start one it be all about gem and George.
@imderrickjed 2 дня назад
JH: I have no money, I own nothing please donate to help. by the way lets walk through my 1.2M$ home. JH: Im big and strong and if you have a problem with me step up. JH: Call the police somebody stepped up and threw tea on me. JH: She does talk to text all day long.... look she didnt spell this word right. JH: bottom line is when you break the law you lose some rights. JH: A judge took my rights away that's illegal. Does anyone wonder why JH puts everything in an LLC? Does anyone realize JH thinks poor people shouldnt be allowed to have kids?
@PsychobabbleRapp 2 дня назад
@juliesheart1234 2 дня назад
Newest sub ❤
@lindy62358 2 дня назад
I came to listen to you because of two Lee's, everything you are saying is true. Germ is disgusting, thank you for talking about this, things I have thought myself. ❤
@user-tt6nk2ws4z 2 дня назад
Thanks so much for this video is a great help 😊 Enjoy your day 😊
@carylamari6546 2 дня назад
Non of my business but, I have seen a lot of the Otter Creek videos of the Hales. Look when a person goes through a divorce that is their business. I feel for Jason, I have a lot of baggage with my father also but I still loved him. I suspect Jason needs to talk to his Dad and needs to shed some baggage at this stage of his life but People need to stay out of his and his dads business. As for Lynette, Michelle, She acts completely Bat Shit Crazy and She clearly hustled that child from the birth mother and no one can say she is giving that child a normal healthy environment. From my perspective she is harmful to that child. I do not plan on watching many more videos except the court cases but I hope that child does go back to her birth father or one of her blood aunts. She does not deserve to grow up in a Shed without the benefit of other children in her life. I think you are just playing up for the clicks and to be honest. If you do not at least plan on telling the whole truth you are taking advantage of the situation. Personally I am done with the drama. I gave you my last click.
@PsychobabbleRapp 2 дня назад
blah blah blah blah, everyone needs to do something accept Jeremy Hales, and everyone needs to stay out of his PUBLIC business, but everyone else's personal NON public business belongs to Jeremy and his 700k subscribers.. yes we know your a fan boy, we get it.. now lets remove your blatant one sided bias, Jason Hales is 19 years old, and he lived with his father and mother until he was 8 almost 9 years old, and had forced weekly visitation until he was 15, he came forward on his own having ZERO, notta, none, zilch, not any, knowledge of anything about Lynette, or any of the channels speaking out against the harassment being perpetrated on her father and his crazed fans, , and you people trying to bottle the two together is pure nonsense, they are not related in any way, he never mentioned otter creek ,, so stop,, . Jason has every right to speak about his abuse, and tell the truth about the fear his father used to intimidate him and his siblings,, remember, this is not just one adult child saying they were abused, its THREE adult children saying they were abused, backed up by court documents proving negligent neglect, child endangerment, and verbal abuse all proven in a court of law, followed by a restrainer order that the teenage children sought on their own, and the complete loss of all parental rights, and it was not that long ago,, just 5 years, .. so just stop.. he was deemed UNFIT in court. and we wont even get into his brother and sister, and Georges brother and sister all saying what all three kids say.. there is nothing that can be said, that justifies Jeremy Hales using his influence as a weapon to destroy people, for profit, and convincing thousands of total strangers that his children are all liars and his neighbors whole life is his business and his subscribers business.. just this past Sunday, he doxed the father of some other youtuber, to 700k subscribers.. there is no excuse for that bulling . you lacking the rational to understand, if Jeremy can post videos to his 700k subs talking about people, THEY can post videos talking about him.. and if it is some violation for them to talk about him, then what do you call his actions.. your not going to change my mind, so save it, I am far to intelligent to fall for bullshit ,
@laurieg673 2 дня назад
You're one of the simpletons drinking the kool-aid.
@unclemike4869 2 дня назад
You need seek counseling yourself another 🦠🦠keyboard warrior get some help
@JASONKOCH-ij5hb 2 дня назад
100% right
@pattydurbin3116 2 дня назад
And not once has Jeremy said my son is off limits, he has said things as jabs and insults.
@MissX905 2 дня назад
Ex "mayor's" husband can't even get a word in edge wise lol. Blab blab on and on how good of a Christian she is yeah right. When you lie and toot your own horn on being so righteous God knows so who are you really fooling?
@laurieg673 День назад
Their audience for the most part are over 50, divorced, self righteous "Christians" who live for gossip, slander and bullying. That is who they are getting views and money from.
@MissX905 2 дня назад
I always knew that JH wasn't on the up and up just something off with him. Former "mayor" lady is drowning in the kool-aid now lol JMO. Why does "George" stay with him anyways? The shiite will hit the fan big time sooner or later.
@kimberlynbyars 2 дня назад
Yes, she is going down in this lawsuit, too! And guess what... she owns nothing.. ask Germ. She won't be able to fight her court case..
@MissX905 2 дня назад
@@kimberlynbyars Wow interesting. That JH is so full of himself as they say. He'll get knocked down a peg or two as he'll mess with the wrong person then truths will be told just like what his son is disclosing. I have yet to see what the son has said tho. I haven't watched JH's YT channel in ages. Any of my comments asking legit questions never got allowed onto the channel. It sensor's bigtime on that channel JMO
@PsychobabbleRapp 2 дня назад
@@kimberlynbyars thats so crazy that George just accepts his discounting of her equity, because she had been there from the start, a huge amount of his fans watch her and subscribe to see her, .. and he has used the term "we" way to many times to ever claim she has no stake in anything. We bought the old School house, We bought OUR dream home in Ohio, We record OUR lives , we we our OUR, has been used way to many times for him to lay claim in it all
@TracyH007 2 дня назад
What kind of Man would talk chit about their own child who is already suffering from trauma he caused. Germ acts ignorant to the fact his own blood is suffering from mental health issues. Germ will go to the lowest places in an attempt to glorify himself. It's Sickening. His kid has been scorn and germs have no problem pushing him into the fire knowing it will cause further pain, suffering and destruction. I really appreciate your stand on Jason. Thank you for sharing this with the community.
@PsychobabbleRapp 2 дня назад
I thought that was so awful for him to say that about his sons testimony , what a terrible thing for any parent to do
@laurieg673 День назад
​@@PsychobabbleRappmalignant narcissist. He smiled when he said it. He wanted to cause pain and humiliation.