Dameon Hill
Dameon Hill
Dameon Hill
We are a local independent heating business established in 1993 and based in Gloucestershire. I take a strong personal interest in renewables and well thought out heating technologies. No longer are we expected to be early adopter guinea pigs and put up with poor support, poor reliability and poor performance such as we have had to do in the past. Mainstream manufacturers realise this is thier (and our) future and are coming up with better and more efficient products to vie for our attention. No longer do we have to accept the status quo of gas and oil boilers when there are such great alternatives out there which make solid financial sense - especially now that we are all focussed on our energy bills. The purpose of this channel is to raise awareness of renewables and new and alternative technologies - and to have a little fun.

Any enquiries can be sent over to me at dameonhillchannel@gmail.com
