I am Yan Nie, LadyBlue at your service! A proud Hufflepuff and my, my, what is this? You're looking at my bio? Well, my life is a long story but I can tell you that this channel is filled with edited videos, by yours truly, Yan Nie. I create HP POVs and other multifandom videos. I also post my other POVs and edited videos on my Tik Tok account: yannie23_edits. And hmm, that's all I guess, oops wait! Don't forget to smile and subscribe to be part of the Fantasy Fam, where you can be whatever you want to be, and we may not be many, but we're all a family 💖.
@murphy7783 5 часов назад
It’s the cutting the carriage scene short and calling us all out for me 😂😂😂😂
@tamrinalfanzopeachcazkes5406 2 дня назад
nah cause anytime the polin music is playing in the background. my tears get activated DESPITE EDIT BAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
La escena del arbol es muy buena colin esperaba algo mas que siguiera el besuqueo con peni le quedó gustando y después que el nunca se fijaría en ella 😂
@bdarlene22 9 дней назад
Your videos are always so fun to watch!! ❤
@rbrainsop1 10 дней назад
18:57- The fact that even people who seem to love Colin still say things like "he doesn't deserve her" blows my mind. Why, pray tell? Why doesn't he deserve her? The most common arguments I've heard are either 1) He never noticed her before/it took another man showing interest before he woke up, 2) He made fun of her to that group of men in season 2, and 3) She's just really amazing and he doesn't bring much to the table. Let's consider those things one at a time. 1. *He never noticed her before* - This further breaks down into two general reasons for him not noticing her- either he didn't see how beautiful and wonderful she was (which people take as insulting) or he's simply stupid for not noticing her obvious affections. First of all, it isn't the insult people take it as. It's not as if he didn't know how great she was, or thought she was ugly. We can see him clearly admiring her throughout the first two seasons (the weirdly long look into her eyes during the famous "what a barb" scene in season 1, the way he looks at her when she's talking about her life's purpose in season 2, etc). He just didn't see her in a specifically romantic way. How many perfectly wonderful and attractive people in your life do you _not_ have a crush on? Probably plenty. Also, people don't seem to put together two very important facts- that they met when they were children and that he is about 5 years older than she is. While it's perfectly normal for a 13-year old girl to have a crush on her best friend's older brother, it would be a huge red flag if that 18-year old boy saw her the same way. And that is the foundation of their friendship. She has always had a crush on him, and he has always seen her as a little sister. By the time she was old enough for him to potentially see in a romantic way, those roles were firmly established, and it would take a sizable jolt to make him see her any other way. Which brings up another common misconception- that it took another man showing interest in her before he noticed her. But that's just clearly not true. It was their kiss that woke him up, in case anyone missed his dumbstruck face or romantic dreams about her immediately afterwards. Lord Debling didn't really start courting Pen until after Colin was already fully smitten. It served to heighten the drama and his jealousy, but it was _not_ the reason he started seeing her that way. As for Colin being stupid for not noticing Pen's obvious feelings for him, we need to cut him some slack. So much of the evidence we the audience have is stuff he wouldn't have seen anyway. Penelope staring at him from across a ballroom while the camera zooms into a close-up, talking about him when he's not around, gazing out her sitting room window towards his house, crying herself to sleep at the thought of him marrying Marina... As obvious as it is to us, we shouldn't expect it to be that obvious to him, with only a fraction of the clues. Even those things he _did_ see he didn't attribute to romantic feelings for one simple reason- his insecurities and low self-worth. He would never expect anyone to feel that way about him. That’s what made him such a sucker for Marina in season 1, because she was "the only one who takes [him] seriously." Of course, we know Penelope does too, but for obvious reasons, Marina was a lot more blatant about it, and about seeing him as a potential husband. Think about the fact that he has apparently flirted with half the ton, and as a handsome, charming, and exceedingly rich Bridgerton, I'm sure _most_ of those women would have been happy to marry him. And yet he still thinks Marina is the only one to see him that way. The truth is, she was simply the only one forward enough to overcome his substantial natural barriers. We actually see the same thing in Penelope in season 3, when she is completely shocked by Colin's revelation in the carriage, despite the fact that he's practically been drooling over her since their kiss. But she never expected him to return her feelings, so she re-wrote and re-interpreted all the signs in her head. And that's what Colin has been doing with her all along. He would never attribute Penelope's attentions to romantic feelings for him, so he simply assumed it was all because she was his friend. Honestly, as soon as the idea of being more than friends was presented to him, Colin was fully on board. Which makes me think that if Penelope had had the courage to follow through on telling him her feelings in the season 1 finale, this all might have happened much sooner. But of course, where's the drama in that? 2. *He made fun of her to that group of men in season 2* - First of all, I actually don't think he was making fun of or insulting her with that remark, but this comment is already going to be far too long without going into that. If anyone's interested, let me know. But for now, let's assume the common interpretation- that he was putting her down to save face. That he didn't only hurt her personally, but he also hurt her socially by saying that to a group of eligible suitors. And that this was especially damaging given his position as a Bridgerton, whose word carries a lot of weight. Okay, yeah. That's pretty bad. But we literally see Penelope do the same thing to him before our very eyes. On steroids. His was a move of self-preservation in the moment, without time to think about it. She was consciously lashing out in anger nearly a year after the fact. His was spoken to a small group, and intended only for their ears. Hers was as public as it is possible to be. His word carries weight because he's a Bridgerton. She's writing about him as Lady Whistledown, which arguably carries more weight than anyone besides the queen. Even if you say his comment was much worse and more damaging than what she said about him, that doesn't make it much better. First of all, his was a spur of the moment comment, without time to think. He clearly didn't intend any of those negative social consequences for her… they were an accidental byproduct. But she clearly intended to roast him before the entire ton. And regardless of the social impact, exposing all your friend's insecurities and mistakes to your entire world (from behind a mask of anonymity) is a shitty thing to do, at _least_ on par with saying something insulting to a small group of people. People like to defend her by pointing out that what she said was true. Well, what Colin said was also true, as far as he knew. If that doesn't excuse him in your eyes, it shouldn't excuse Penelope. Next, let's consider their responses when these things are called out. Colin, who doesn't even seem to remember the conversation she's talking about, still immediately owns up to it. He comes to apologize, doesn’t make any excuses, and tries to make amends. Penelope, who regretted her words as soon as they went to print, still gets defensive and tries to justify herself when Colin confronts her about it, and we don't actually hear her apologize for it. And this is just one example of Penelope lashing out via Whistledown. On top of this, you have all the other damage she has done over the years, including nearly ruining multiple women Colin cares about. If one comment out of all their years of friendship is enough to make Colin undeserving of Penelope, her antics as Whistledown are certainly enough to make her undeserving of him. And yet, strangely, I don't hear anyone arguing that. Because Penelope is our POV character. Continued in the comments, because apparently I have a lot of thoughts 🙄😂
@rbrainsop1 10 дней назад
3. *She's amazing and he doesn't bring much to the table* - No arguments on the first part of that sentence. Penelope is amazing! Managing to build a whole Whistledown empire as a teenager, complete with her own personal fortune is nothing short of incredible! But Colin is wonderful in his own, unique way. First of all, he's also really smart and well-read. He and Penelope are on a level intellectually- that's one of the cornerstones of their friendship. And he is also a gifted writer- he simply didn't have enough confidence in his own work to try to publish. And though people make fun of him for it, or even call him pretentious (which couldn't be further from the truth), Colin is a world traveler with lots of fascinating experiences and insights. But he has other, less flashy things to bring to their relationship, including an emotional maturity and thoughtfulness that Penelope lacks. We love her, but she's a teenage girl who uses Whistledown as a burn book to trash talk anyone she's mad at. And she's not great at accountability for it, either. Nearly a year after being confronted about what she wrote about Eloise, she's still making excuses to defend her actions rather than accepting responsibility. Even though I can see her point, and that her intentions were good, she still needs to own up to the very real damage she caused (just as we expected Colin to own up to the damage his comment caused, whether he meant for it to happen or not). Meanwhile, anytime Colin wrongs someone, however big or small the infraction, he immediately owns up to it, without excuses, and seeks to make amends. He's also much more mature in dealing with his own hurt and anger. When Penelope was angry at him, she simply cut him off with no explanation. She only finally confronted him because he continued to seek her out, and even then she simply launched accusations and then walked away, allowing no chance for dialogue, growth, or even an apology from Colin. And then she immediately took her grievances public, while hiding behind her alter-ego. When Colin was angry at her, he took it straight to her. He asked questions. He listened to her answers. And he refused to bring in any third parties. He wouldn't even talk to his mother or brothers about it because he wouldn't reveal Penelope's secret. He was protecting her even as he was angry with her. Penelope stewed over his comment for a nearly a year, and then lashed out in anger in the most public way possible. Colin had a _LOT_ more to process with her Whistledown reveal: 1) reconciling the fact that the woman he loves most and the woman he hated most are in fact the same person, 2) reckoning with all the damage she has caused, including nearly ruining the lives of two women he cares for, 3) questioning how well he actually knows her, since he was unaware of such a huge part of her life, 4) traumatic flashbacks to his situation with Marina, which, though it was different, had a few striking parallels- mainly his fiance keeping a huge secret from him that he really should have been told in order to know what he was choosing and committing to, and making him feel like a fool being taken advantage of again, 5) the betrayal of knowing that the woman he loves/trusts most in the world chose to expose all his insecurities to the entire ton rather than simply coming to him directly, which would be hurtful in any relationship, whether romantic or not, 6) embarrassment at having gone on about his writing, only to now feel like a joke, and that she must have just been humoring him or even laughing at him, 7) even more insecurity (on top of what he already had) because Penelope, who he already thought was out of his league, is now not only the amazing, clever, beautiful woman he knew, but also a renowned writer with her own personal fortune. What could he possibly do to deserve her now? 8) fear over what might happen to her if she's caught, which is becoming more and more likely as the queen is on the hunt, especially after she shows up at the wedding, 9) fear over what will happen to his family if she is caught, and 10) feeling absolutely powerless in the face of all this. And yet Colin took all of a week or two of self reflection to sort through *_ALL_* that, while still refusing to dishonor her by exposing her or calling off the wedding. Even in his anger, he is careful not to tear Penelope down. Consider the words he uses in this very scene- he says he knew something was wrong and assumed it was because of him, that he was "undeserving of [her] love." When he turns it around, you fully expect him to say that she's the one who is undeserving. But he doesn't. He simply says she was at fault for the situation (which she was). Even at the height of his anger and pain, and his first reaction to this news, he still won't tear her down. Even when he is objectively wrong, like talking over Penelope and taking over the conversation about Cressida's blackmail, he does what he does in service of others. He's trying to protect his wife, even though he goes about it in the worst possible way. And again, when things go wrong, he's quick to recognize it, own up to it, and make amends. As soon as he figures out that some of what he is feeling is envy, he goes straight to his wife to admit it and apologize. He is surprisingly emotionally mature and self aware, especially compared to other beloved characters. Penelope needs the maturity and stability he brings to the relationship. He's incredibly thoughtful. Consider the gifts he brought back for each of his family members- suited exactly to their tastes, not who they "should" be or what they "should" want. He brought Eloise a rare Bavarian text on the rights of women, despite the fact that those very views got her and the whole family in hot water just last season. He is constantly aware of the needs of those around him and taking steps to meet those needs (even those he's not close to, like noticing Edwina's distress in season 2 and encouraging Anthony to go after her). As his mother said in episode 4, he is always putting others first (though it's important to note that he does this in his own unique way, not the same way Anthony and Kate do as the eldest siblings). He's the one person who really saw and valued Penelope when no one else did, even if it wasn't in a romantic light until recently. I would argue that he saw her better than even Eloise ever did. It kind of seems like Penelope was more of a sounding board than a friend to Eloise sometimes, but Colin has always been genuinely interested in her thoughts, feelings, and insights. Whereas Eloise tends to ignore or bulldoze over anything that doesn't align with her views, Colin specifically says that one of the things he loves about Pen is her ability to make him see the world in ways he never imagined. Colin Bridgerton is about as good a man as you could hope to find. Penelope may be the more interesting, cooler person. But I would argue Colin is the better one, at least when it comes to maturity, kindness, and caring for others. But ultimately, it isn't a competition. They each bring their own unique gifts to the table, and encourage the other to grow in the areas where they aren't as strong. That's what a healthy relationship should be. If you have other reasons for thinking he doesn't deserve her, let me know. Maybe I've missed something crucial. But from all the commentary I've seen, it seems like a big case of main-character-energy. Penelope is our POV character, so we see all her actions (and mistakes) through a lens of her history, struggles, intentions, etc. But we only see Colin's through the lens of how they impact Penelope. In addition to that, Penelope's gifts are the more obvious (and traditionally masculine) ones, while the things Colin brings are more subtle and traditionally feminine (and generally overlooked). And so he ends up getting a raw deal. He is a good man, and he _absolutely_ deserves her, just as she deserves him. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk 🤣 Sorry for the novel!
@mariaflorenciacosta3252 12 дней назад
I love you 😂😂😂. This is epic! I need you to musicalize life.
@kathyastrom1315 12 дней назад
Just noticed that, when Queen C leaves the ballroom after the big reveal, everyone is bowing in her direction. Everyone, that is, except Lady Danbury, who has her head angled towards Penelope! Was she just quick to shift her attention to Pen immediately after bowing for the Queen, or was she bowing to her the whole time?
@oreoqueen7372 12 дней назад
No he has a betrothed- since they moved in they were betrothed by the viewers and creators of bridgerton
@densixreylo4ever 14 дней назад
You did great with these edits! They made me chuckle!
@meghandog 15 дней назад
@peggyschultz5419 15 дней назад
Pen went from a young teenage girl to a woman in her twenties, blossoming and blooming before him, I think lust drove him first, as with most men
@gabbymouse8197 20 дней назад
The powerpuff bit killed me 🤣 cuz it’s too accurate
@cothka27 20 дней назад
The hair difference
@cothka27 20 дней назад
I love fat Colin
@melissafuson9351 21 день назад
BTW very impressed that you used the Rudy clip!
@nicolem2877 23 дня назад
I mean all the guys knew Colin was in love by watching him dance w/ Penn…. it’s written all over his face 🎶 He just was too scared to admit to the fellas… 😢
@nicolem2877 23 дня назад
Colin is quite skilled w the fingers… unclasped Cressida necklace…..
@nicolem2877 23 дня назад
Even in his delusion w/Marina he’s still kind. Lol. Polite to her and the husband. He can’t move on and he’s insecure in trying to prove himself and slightly inappropriate going to her house but it is gallant to be a man concerned about what happened to a woman you used to love hoping her life is not miserable (with or without you). ❤ Proof his attachments are not fickle. Colie= Husband material. 🏆
@Topside27 23 дня назад
He always felt "something" for her. The kiss just released it. After it was released, he couldn't contain it any longer. His jealousy of Debling brought it out to its fullest. When he got to that last ball, he would have fought Debling in a cage match to the death over Pen if he had to. He was ready! Pen felt it at the end of episode three, but Debling cut him short. He had the courage to tell her how he felt.
@Topside27 23 дня назад
Season 3 will be hard to beat. Polin was a great build up and culmination of a love story.
@Topside27 23 дня назад
The editing in this video is hilarious!
@yashvitareddy 23 дня назад
If it wasn't for the icon Lady Bridgeton colin would still be in denial
@tiny_kiki8044 24 дня назад
The sound at 11:27 😂😂😂
@kawaiistarr 25 дней назад
@rbrainsop1 28 дней назад
I'm clearly in the minority on this, but I never thought Colin was making fun of Penelope with that comment at the ball. It's incredibly out of character for him. It's not in his character to openly make fun of any woman that way, let alone his best friend who he's always been extremely protective of, and who he just promised to take care of moments before. That's not to say people don't act against their character sometimes, but if he had, if he had gone so far outside his character as to throw his best friend under the bus like that, he would certainly have felt some amount of guilt over it. It would stick in his memory. Considering his already low view of himself, he would probably end up beating himself up endlessly for it... it would become yet another voice in his internal chorus of self-loathing. But what he wouldn't do is simply forget it, as if it were any other random comment. And yet, when Penelope brings it up in season 3, he has no idea what she's talking about. Also, consider this: Penelope completely cut him off immediately after this incident, and he spent the better part of a year wondering why. Colin is always quick to assume the blame when those around him are upset, even when it has nothing to do with him. And yet in this case, when he actually was at fault, it doesn't even cross his mind. He interprets her silence as her simply living her life and having no need of him, like the rest of his family. This conversation wasn't even a flicker at the edge of his consciousness. The fact that it didn't even occur to him as a possible reason makes it pretty clear that he didn't mean it in the insulting way she/we took it. In his mind, he was asked if he was courting her, and he said no. Period. It wasn't even worth remembering, let alone considering as a possible reason for her distance. To be fair, his wording was unnecessarily emphatic, and that probably did have something to do with the company he was in. But I honestly think it had more to do with the fact that he hadn't yet recognized the feelings he had for her. He protests too much. We have to remember that we're seeing all this through Penelope's eyes. We saw her hopes get built up, only to be dashed so brutally. We felt her heart breaking in real time. And it's only human nature to jump to the worst, most painful conclusion. We see her do exactly this after the Danbury ball in Season 3. He compliments her dress, and she assumes he's mocking her. He wants to find somewhere private where they can talk, and she assumes it's because he's embarrassed to be seen with her. But we the audience just saw him interrupt a conversation with two men (who were part of that same group from Season 2) to inquire after her, and then when they tried to brush her off, he straight up ditched them to go check on her, with no pretense whatsoever. He's clearly not ashamed to be seen with her (also, he sought her out in broad daylight at the garden party earlier). But in her hurt and anger she jumps to the worst, most painful conclusion. Because that's what people do. And we jump with her, because we're so deep in her POV. He did hurt her, and he may well have hurt her chances with those other eligible suitors, and she has every right to be mad about it and to tell him so. But it simply doesn't make sense that he would step so far outside his own character as to throw his best friend under the bus like that, and yet not even remember doing it. It seems clear to me that it was a mistake (a hurtful one) rather than callousness or cruelty, or even an attempt to win the approval of his peers.
@ethanmitchell7479 Месяц назад
Are we not gonna mention the little head bob and sassy “Is everything well with you?” At 2:17 Benedict’s face after was spot on of “Ohhh I see I struck a nerve” And immediately backed off seen that happen that exact way so many times in family and friendships
@jennybien-aime3725 Месяц назад
I just realized that in season 1, Colin almost gets scammed by a featherington cousin. In season 2, Colin almost gets scammed by a featherington cousin. He needs to stay away from featherington cousins
@davidmarlajurek5038 Месяц назад
12:57 Blazing Saddles reference!!!! 😂😂😂 Desperate man indeed! Oh Colin!!!
@bernadetteramos705 Месяц назад
@Auslly217 Месяц назад
They are endgame imo
@GreenNicole Месяц назад
Miller Jennifer Lewis Amy Gonzalez Cynthia
@Faeriesephone Месяц назад
I will say season three was cute but also felt a bit rushed on my part, but looking back I appreciate Colin and Penelope more now looking at it I do love how this couple had more of a process, because we saw them as young little teenagers too young adults and ugh it’s so cute.😭
@asmrwonderlandd Месяц назад
colin jumpscare 😂😂😂😂 never 😍
@aaliya246 Месяц назад
i love how the power dynamics shifted this season, she was not at his mercy , infact i believe she spoke rather freely this time ,even showing her discontent at the ball abt his comment from last season...
@julianna_gosh Месяц назад
No bc I need a relationship like theres
@nenasummers-shanafelt5126 Месяц назад
I like how in the first two seasons we always see Pen walking towards Colin, but season 3 he’s always the one searching her out.
@phoenix_____4264 Месяц назад
If Penelope featherington was in today's world she would have reached greater heights
@barbimachan9164 Месяц назад
Excellent video !
@jenniferpierre882 Месяц назад
Merci pour ses fous rires que je viens de me prendre. Des pepites vos videos !
@priscilafaillace6330 Месяц назад
He drank all the lemonades that existed on the set.
@debbiemackenzie814 Месяц назад
Wow, this is so funny! I adore all these videos.
@claudiaalphonse2575 Месяц назад
God I love these edits you have done a really good job ❤❤
@karindaisackson5706 Месяц назад
This is gold! 😂😂
@Likeaboss-j2b Месяц назад
Omg noo I don't want to leave harry
@debocreazioni5641 Месяц назад
Posso sapere il nome e dove trovarla?
@yannie_edits Месяц назад
It's "The Buccaneers"
@allisonlew4508 Месяц назад
The beeping has to go.
@jack-jackslife7495 Месяц назад
“Then you should’ve told me to my face!” Flashback to S1 Colin telling Marina “if you would’ve told me of your situation I would’ve married you without a second thought” ….sure Jan
@AdieldeVilliers Месяц назад
But did Colin in fact entrap Penelope as soon as he had the opportunity? Because he was scared she didn't feel the same way and he wanted to make sure he got to keep her. At the stage of the "intimacy" Pen had not yet told him she loved him and for all he knew she was settling for him. Just saying.
@Fire.12 Месяц назад
Colin extremely handsome than the lead
@valeymac2007 Месяц назад
that first kiss hit him like a freight train