Solomon Pleasent
Solomon Pleasent
Solomon Pleasent
I'm Still Here: Channel Update
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Cryptid Realness Tier List
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The Beast of Gévaudan
3 года назад
Lost Tapes: The Return of The Ranking
3 года назад
Don't Be Scared Of The Frog
4 года назад
Making Better Skeletons
4 года назад
Assisted Living
7 лет назад
Chicago Regionals In a Nutshell
7 лет назад
Spectre Review
8 лет назад
@StyleshStorm Месяц назад
Underrated but out of all cryptid tier lists I looked up yours is the best explained on how believable any of these are.
@Wanderlust598 2 месяца назад
I agree it probably wasn't a hyena, but feel the need to point out that hyenas are fully capable hunters with a bite force stronger than many large cats
@brockschannel3927 2 месяца назад
One thing that really bugs me is that there are no BTS images of the Lizard Man, because the costume looks amazing.
@TheDevilHydraProdsXXII 3 месяца назад
The Beast of Bray Road episode was full of idiots, the militia leader was the biggest dunce. "It's the feds", dude there's literally inhuman roars, claw marks, and screams of terror. He only sees that it was a monster once it attacks him.
@philippeisnel4115 3 месяца назад
Bonjour : J'ai vu les émmissions sur la bête du Gévaudan. 3 hybrides . Lettre du comte de Tournon. « Mr Antoine et moi nous étant séparés pour tenir plus de pays, j’envoyais mon piqueur au bois avec mon limier, il détourna le vrai loup avec sa louve » (entendre par là la vrai bête avec sa compagne). « Je fis avertir Monsieur Antoine d’être sur ses gardes, ce qu’il fit, je fis donc attaquer le fusil de Bruasc, ce jeune homme que je voulais procurer à Dupond, lui rata dessus à quatre pas, c’est-à-dire sur le mâle, voyant qu’il avait passé l’enceinte, je lui donnais mes chiens à deux heures après midi, qui le suivirent jusqu’à cinq avec une chaleur qui nous fendait, enfin ils se rebutèrent, le quittèrent et nous rejoignirent à 6 heures, le loup vint pour attaquer des petits bergers qui gardaient des vaches ; il trouva en sentinelle un nommé Rainchard, allemand, garde de Monsieur le Duc d’Orléans, qui lui lâcha un coup de carabine qui entra par la cuisse gauche et s’arrêta à l’épaule droite entre cuir et chair ; le loup gagna le pays et alla mourir à deux mortelles lieues de là, on le chercha trois jours inutilement, enfin un paysan le trouva sentant déjà mauvais, le porta à Saint-Flour, reçut la rétribution du Subdélégué » (Monsieur de Montluc), « dépouille son corps à la diable, lui coupe la tête et les oreilles jette son corps dans l’eau et s’en va faire la quête de village en village nous le savons. On y envoie deux gardes, on rapporte la tête et les oreilles, on pêche son corps tout infecté, on oublie pas la peau » (sans doute obtenue par les perquisitions signalées par le rapport Magné de Marolles), « enfin tout nous parvient au Besset » (château du… où Antoine et ses hommes sont en résidence), « nous nous bouchons le nez, nous fouillons ce vilain corps, nous trouvons la balle, nous reconnaissons son pied, nous voyons que le gauche est usé en dedans (l’animal) ayant été blessé jadis à l’épaule ou à la jambe ; nous trouvons le côté du pied en dehors tout neuf. Nous l’avions reconnu pour être blessé en ce qu’il a appuyé à faux dans les endroits où nous pouvions en revoir, nous trouvons que son col est aussi gros que sa tête, que ses oreilles sont petites et larges, que son poitrail est prodigieux, que son poil est court et de la couleur d’un veau » (c’est-à-dire roux comme le confirme l’abbé Trocelier pour les vaches du pays), « qu’il a une raie noire sur le dos large d’un doigt » (10 à 11 cm environ), « que son pied est rond comme celui d’un mâtin » (chien mastiff, molosse, dogue) ; « enfin que c’est notre loup dévorant » (la vraie bête du Gévaudan), « nous ignorons si sa louve » (sa femelle aperçue par les piqueurs) « à des inclinaisons aussi meurtrières, c’est ce que le temps nous apprendra. » (Lettre du comte Hugues-François de Tournon-Meyre, veneur réputé du Vivarais étant venu au cours de l’été 1765 renforcer l’équipage de François Antoine pour ses chasses à la bête du Gévaudan. Transcription P.P.L. BERTHELOT 5/07/2021.) Nous pouvons voir sur son site Facebook : Amis qui aiment la Bête du Gévaudan de P.P.L. BERTHELOT, que le texte original écrit avec la plume, est bien scanné.Cette lettre se trouve bien aux archives nationales (Archives Nationales, Chartrier de Tournon, papiers personnels, 513AP/19, dossier 1).Les archives du comte de Tournon tout comme le rapport Magné de Marolles (BNF-Paris) confirment qu'il s'agissait bien de la vraie bête du Gévaudan et que ce n'était pas un pur loup puisqu'elle avait un pied de chien. Il y avait donc bien plusieurs Bêtes tueuses avec du gène d’un chien mâtin, car un pur loup ne peut pas avoir un pied de ce style. « Dans cette lettre-rapport du comte de Tournon, ce sont les louvetiers (valet de chiens et valet de limier de l'équipage de la Grande Louveterie Royale voire les gardes-louvetiers) qui parlent. Ils donnent leurs avis sur ce qu'ils connaissaient le mieux ; autrement dit la comparaison, non pas avec un chien de ferme (un matin), mais avec un chien mâtin de leurs équipages dont la race était bien fixée à cette époque. Ils chassent un loup, le porte-arquebuse François Antoine en a décidé ainsi, alors ils désignent logiquement cet animal ''loup'', mais son pied est comme celui de leurs mâtins d'équipage, celui d'un chien, pas un pied rond de loup » (Propos de Patrick Berthelot sur le site facebook : Amis qui aiment la bête du Gévaudan). Les propos qui suivent entre guillemets, sont également de Patrick Berthelot sur le même site : « Les autres témoignages provenant des chasseurs comme ceux de François Antoine, et qui étaient venus chasser des loups, n'y voyaient logiquement que des empreintes de loups. Quoi de plus normal que de trouver des empreintes de loups autour d'un cadavre dans un pays où il en existait autant ? Ensuite, il y a cette archive que j'ai retrouvée et décortiquée du rapport de l'équipage d'Antoine repris par le comte de Tournon, où les louvetiers (gardes et valets), évoquent la patte de la bête du Bois Noir (officiellement reconnue comme la Bête du Gévaudan) dotée d'un pied rond semblable à celui des mâtins qu'ils utilisaient à la vénerie. A l'ensemble, il faut ajouter un pelage roussâtre et court. Celui qui voit un simple loup là-dedans serait bien éveillé d'aller changer ses verres de lunettes de toute urgence ! » Après que Rainchard a tué ce chien mâtin croisé avec un loup, ou on peut éventuellement comprendre pourquoi Antoine a voulu par la suite tué également un loup, car c’était un loup entier et empaillé et non découpé en morceau qu’il devait ramener à Paris (pour être certain de toucher une prime). Mais ce loup des chazes empaillé en y regardant de plus près avait des côtes différentes des loups, ce qui permetté à l annimal de ce retourné sur lui même : seul les chiens du style Dog ont ce genre d'anomalie, donc c'etait encore une fois un chien croisé avec un loup, idem por la bête tué par Chastel. Et oui la science moderne répond à beaucoup de question. L'annimal de Chazes avait également provoqué quelques attaques car des blessures causé par l’homme sur l’animal étaient également présente et quelques personnes l’ont reconnu). Cette analyse MODERNE du rapport Marin qui suit, a permis d’établir la nature exacte d'une derniére bëte du Gévaudan. «Nous avions confiés ces notes au Museum d’histoire naturel de Paris, afin d’étudier la morphologie de la bête et de la comparé à celle du loup. Cette analyse complètement inédite, nous a permis d’établir la nature exacte de la bête du Gévaudan. La bête n’est ni une Hyène, ni un singe, ni tout autres animal exotique. » Sa formule dentaire montre que cette bête est un canidé : « C’est un mâle de 109 livres (le poids normal d’un loup adulte.) Mais son museau est plus court que celui d’un loup, et sa tête plus large. L’Arcade zygomatique surdimensionné laisse deviner une mâchoire particulièrement puissante, la crête du crâne et la taille des dents appartiennent au loup, mais la hauteur du profil et le stop du museau évoque incontestablement la morphologie du chien. De manière générale, l’avant du corps est proche de celui du chien, et l’arrière ressemble à celui du loup. Loin d’être une contradiction, la coexistence des deux morphotypes nous permet d’être affirmatifs. La bête du Gévaudan est donc un hybride entre un loup et un gros chien. Sans doute d’un chien Mâtin : ces conclusions sont confirmées par la tache blanche sur le poitrail de l’animal, et la grande longueur des griffes qui trahissent la domestication » (Fin des commentaires orales dans le grand documentaire de David Teyssandier : « La bête du Gévaudan autopsie d’un mythe -
@JokerVoorhees13 4 месяца назад
I definitely agree with Wendigo being the best episode! Love Vampire but Wendigo was just peak
@Kernowmafia123 4 месяца назад
cornwall not endgland cornwall is seprate
@Kmaruan404 5 месяцев назад
2024 here
@vijaidranrajagapal7955 5 месяцев назад
@ALIENBLOODLINE7 6 месяцев назад
If a man transform into a wolf its quite natural the wolf is not gonna look %100 like a wolf and not gonna attack like a wolf because of it being half man it was a werewolf
@SolomonPleasent 6 месяцев назад
The day Werewolves are proven real is the day I will announce with great enthusiasm that I’m doing a completely unrelated challenge of spending an unspecified amount of nights in the woods for no alterer motives.
@philippeisnel4115 3 месяца назад
@@SolomonPleasent Bonjour : J'ai vu les émmissions sur la bête du Gévaudan. 3 hybrides . Lettre du comte de Tournon. « Mr Antoine et moi nous étant séparés pour tenir plus de pays, j’envoyais mon piqueur au bois avec mon limier, il détourna le vrai loup avec sa louve » (entendre par là la vrai bête avec sa compagne). « Je fis avertir Monsieur Antoine d’être sur ses gardes, ce qu’il fit, je fis donc attaquer le fusil de Bruasc, ce jeune homme que je voulais procurer à Dupond, lui rata dessus à quatre pas, c’est-à-dire sur le mâle, voyant qu’il avait passé l’enceinte, je lui donnais mes chiens à deux heures après midi, qui le suivirent jusqu’à cinq avec une chaleur qui nous fendait, enfin ils se rebutèrent, le quittèrent et nous rejoignirent à 6 heures, le loup vint pour attaquer des petits bergers qui gardaient des vaches ; il trouva en sentinelle un nommé Rainchard, allemand, garde de Monsieur le Duc d’Orléans, qui lui lâcha un coup de carabine qui entra par la cuisse gauche et s’arrêta à l’épaule droite entre cuir et chair ; le loup gagna le pays et alla mourir à deux mortelles lieues de là, on le chercha trois jours inutilement, enfin un paysan le trouva sentant déjà mauvais, le porta à Saint-Flour, reçut la rétribution du Subdélégué » (Monsieur de Montluc), « dépouille son corps à la diable, lui coupe la tête et les oreilles jette son corps dans l’eau et s’en va faire la quête de village en village nous le savons. On y envoie deux gardes, on rapporte la tête et les oreilles, on pêche son corps tout infecté, on oublie pas la peau » (sans doute obtenue par les perquisitions signalées par le rapport Magné de Marolles), « enfin tout nous parvient au Besset » (château du… où Antoine et ses hommes sont en résidence), « nous nous bouchons le nez, nous fouillons ce vilain corps, nous trouvons la balle, nous reconnaissons son pied, nous voyons que le gauche est usé en dedans (l’animal) ayant été blessé jadis à l’épaule ou à la jambe ; nous trouvons le côté du pied en dehors tout neuf. Nous l’avions reconnu pour être blessé en ce qu’il a appuyé à faux dans les endroits où nous pouvions en revoir, nous trouvons que son col est aussi gros que sa tête, que ses oreilles sont petites et larges, que son poitrail est prodigieux, que son poil est court et de la couleur d’un veau » (c’est-à-dire roux comme le confirme l’abbé Trocelier pour les vaches du pays), « qu’il a une raie noire sur le dos large d’un doigt » (10 à 11 cm environ), « que son pied est rond comme celui d’un mâtin » (chien mastiff, molosse, dogue) ; « enfin que c’est notre loup dévorant » (la vraie bête du Gévaudan), « nous ignorons si sa louve » (sa femelle aperçue par les piqueurs) « à des inclinaisons aussi meurtrières, c’est ce que le temps nous apprendra. » (Lettre du comte Hugues-François de Tournon-Meyre, veneur réputé du Vivarais étant venu au cours de l’été 1765 renforcer l’équipage de François Antoine pour ses chasses à la bête du Gévaudan. Transcription P.P.L. BERTHELOT 5/07/2021.) Nous pouvons voir sur son site Facebook : Amis qui aiment la Bête du Gévaudan de P.P.L. BERTHELOT, que le texte original écrit avec la plume, est bien scanné.Cette lettre se trouve bien aux archives nationales (Archives Nationales, Chartrier de Tournon, papiers personnels, 513AP/19, dossier 1).Les archives du comte de Tournon tout comme le rapport Magné de Marolles (BNF-Paris) confirment qu'il s'agissait bien de la vraie bête du Gévaudan et que ce n'était pas un pur loup puisqu'elle avait un pied de chien. Il y avait donc bien plusieurs Bêtes tueuses avec du gène d’un chien mâtin, car un pur loup ne peut pas avoir un pied de ce style. « Dans cette lettre-rapport du comte de Tournon, ce sont les louvetiers (valet de chiens et valet de limier de l'équipage de la Grande Louveterie Royale voire les gardes-louvetiers) qui parlent. Ils donnent leurs avis sur ce qu'ils connaissaient le mieux ; autrement dit la comparaison, non pas avec un chien de ferme (un matin), mais avec un chien mâtin de leurs équipages dont la race était bien fixée à cette époque. Ils chassent un loup, le porte-arquebuse François Antoine en a décidé ainsi, alors ils désignent logiquement cet animal ''loup'', mais son pied est comme celui de leurs mâtins d'équipage, celui d'un chien, pas un pied rond de loup » (Propos de Patrick Berthelot sur le site facebook : Amis qui aiment la bête du Gévaudan). Les propos qui suivent entre guillemets, sont également de Patrick Berthelot sur le même site : « Les autres témoignages provenant des chasseurs comme ceux de François Antoine, et qui étaient venus chasser des loups, n'y voyaient logiquement que des empreintes de loups. Quoi de plus normal que de trouver des empreintes de loups autour d'un cadavre dans un pays où il en existait autant ? Ensuite, il y a cette archive que j'ai retrouvée et décortiquée du rapport de l'équipage d'Antoine repris par le comte de Tournon, où les louvetiers (gardes et valets), évoquent la patte de la bête du Bois Noir (officiellement reconnue comme la Bête du Gévaudan) dotée d'un pied rond semblable à celui des mâtins qu'ils utilisaient à la vénerie. A l'ensemble, il faut ajouter un pelage roussâtre et court. Celui qui voit un simple loup là-dedans serait bien éveillé d'aller changer ses verres de lunettes de toute urgence ! » Après que Rainchard a tué ce chien mâtin croisé avec un loup, ou on peut éventuellement comprendre pourquoi Antoine a voulu par la suite tué également un loup, car c’était un loup entier et empaillé et non découpé en morceau qu’il devait ramener à Paris (pour être certain de toucher une prime). Mais ce loup des chazes empaillé en y regardant de plus près avait des côtes différentes des loups, ce qui permetté à l annimal de ce retourné sur lui même : seul les chiens du style Dog ont ce genre d'anomalie, donc c'etait encore une fois un chien croisé avec un loup, idem por la bête tué par Chastel. Et oui la science moderne répond à beaucoup de question. L'annimal de Chazes avait également provoqué quelques attaques car des blessures causé par l’homme sur l’animal étaient également présente et quelques personnes l’ont reconnu). Cette analyse MODERNE du rapport Marin qui suit, a permis d’établir la nature exacte d'une derniére bëte du Gévaudan. «Nous avions confiés ces notes au Museum d’histoire naturel de Paris, afin d’étudier la morphologie de la bête et de la comparé à celle du loup. Cette analyse complètement inédite, nous a permis d’établir la nature exacte de la bête du Gévaudan. La bête n’est ni une Hyène, ni un singe, ni tout autres animal exotique. » Sa formule dentaire montre que cette bête est un canidé : « C’est un mâle de 109 livres (le poids normal d’un loup adulte.) Mais son museau est plus court que celui d’un loup, et sa tête plus large. L’Arcade zygomatique surdimensionné laisse deviner une mâchoire particulièrement puissante, la crête du crâne et la taille des dents appartiennent au loup, mais la hauteur du profil et le stop du museau évoque incontestablement la morphologie du chien. De manière générale, l’avant du corps est proche de celui du chien, et l’arrière ressemble à celui du loup. Loin d’être une contradiction, la coexistence des deux morphotypes nous permet d’être affirmatifs. La bête du Gévaudan est donc un hybride entre un loup et un gros chien. Sans doute d’un chien Mâtin : ces conclusions sont confirmées par la tache blanche sur le poitrail de l’animal, et la grande longueur des griffes qui trahissent la domestication » (Fin des commentaires orales dans le grand documentaire de David Teyssandier : « La bête du Gévaudan autopsie d’un mythe -
@TheLatiosnlatias02 6 месяцев назад
He was in the lift for the final time and it rose till it reached its height. He was now back to the Entrance Lobby. Enemies were under leadership of Wither. They scattered to corner him. He set about them in the same old style, and soon came under attack from Wither as well. Here, to his relief, was the Docking Bay. As the battle raged back and forth across this area, GoldenEye showed them what it meant to be a bulldozer. Wither was trying to halt his extreme adversary and expected to be the one be the great defender of the Octopus. He had a Mag-Rail and a Mamba 12 G. GoldenEye sacrificed his weapons to leave him vulnerable and finishing him. Drawing the last of the guards even further to the Docking Bay, GoldenEye ran off to the Docking bay and jumped into the Manta Mark 9 Submersible and locked its shutter. With the highly-manoeuvrable midget submarine proving to be bulletproof and armaments were installed, he did not hold back on its power. A folding missile launcher armed with eight forward-firing missiles was hidden beneath a panel on the submarine's tail fin. A pair of forward-firing, pop-up, double-barrelled, machine guns jutted out of the Manta Mark 9 Submersible's front. The last of the guards panicked, knowing their deaths were inevitable. GoldenEye made use of the touch-screen buttons for arming and firing the weapons, killing them. The submarine drifted from the exit and away from the Octopus to Crab Key. GoldenEye, in the future, might consider turning the Octopus into an underwater museum. Should someone else ever consider of visiting the Octopus, the location would be unknown, even if they did reach it, they might get lost in it or be killed by its mechanical traps. The Octopus was now rendered deserted and defunct since there was no one in charge of the underwater compound. GoldenEye did not know the hologram's origin.
@TheLatiosnlatias02 6 месяцев назад
The subterranean vault was flooded by all of Dr. No's troops who attacked him from various places in Midas Casino - the lifts and the basement. The Main Vault was now accessible for GoldenEye to enter. The Main Vault was a small and dark circular room, flashed red. Oddjob primed the OMEN for firing, before being airlifted to safety by Miss Galore who promised. "GoldenEye, I'll be back!" Bars and electronic shutters fastened to prevent GoldenEye's escape. Something was wrong, he could sense it. The guards appeared indefatigable, believing they got GoldenEye cornered. What else was he supposed to do other than thinking about a way out? The troops implemented the blitzkrieg strategy to swiftly attack and overwhelm him. Comtemplating on dealing with the enemies, GoldenEye knew that here was a big demand for assiduous use of his Polarity Shield, hiding spots and Predator MG to start railroading. He gasped sharply as he spotted an elite named Keyes leading his division to ambush him. Some of the invaders were lessened by the turrets, granting GoldenEye a moment's respite. He eliminated Keyes. Wondering how long it would take for Miss Galore to return, GoldenEye turned to deal with Latimer's other division. They seemed inexhaustible. It was as much as he could do simply to fend each group off. His cybernetic eye was burnt out. His energy was leaving his body. Ammo ran out. At the point of expecting help, he heard the voice of Goldfinger. "This is a perfect time to test the OMEN. Activate the trigger! Don't worry, Ms. Galore will pull you out of range before it detonates!" The OMEN was raised to the surface. He quickly tested the device, before what would seem to be his coming demise. A cable dropped from an opening above. Relieved to escape from ambuscade, GoldenEye was quickly hauled out by Miss Galore and Oddjob. The shutter closed above Dr. No's troops. Her helicopter left Midas Casino. The troops from various parts of Midas Casino regrouped to get to their escaped target. They were unaware of the fearful device being activated. They recklessly charged in. A storm of light burst forth. The energy wave whirled about the Main Vault and it proved to be corrosive. The assembled company were caught in the energy wave and the troops were all oxidised to dust particles. Not a single soul, except their armours, helmets and weapons were left behind. Such sophisticated weapon the OMEN was invented that no living being would have lasted. The theft was foiled and Midas Casino was rendered deserted. The OMEN could have been used to reduce the amount of crime rate. And none had time to suffer as they were given swift and painless deaths.
@TheLatiosnlatias02 6 месяцев назад
Soon enough, attacks attracted a stream of violet-blue electricity which fizzed and cracked, Dr. No was caught in. GoldenEye searched for an exit while Dr. No gave a cry of agony while electrocuted. GoldenEye judged a moment to leave in its wake, shifting the walkway steadily, hand over hand as it sparked out just ahead. Goldfingers expressed gleeful satisfaction. "At last, Dr Julius No is dead! Unfortunately, GoldenEye, I must confess that this victory is entirely mine. The satellite you toppled was not Dr. No's." Goldfinger added a betrayal in his tone. "You disabled the Volcano Lair's defense grid. I have engineered a change in management... And there are no chairs at the table for those who might challenge me. Your return flight has been cancelled. Auf Wiedersehen, GoldenEye." Turmoil seethed within GoldenEye's already tormented head. He was discharged from MI6 and felt betrayed for the last time, since the Triad leader, Oddjob, Onatopp and now Goldfinger. Feeling time was running out, he remembered the small opening and went down the ladder. Guards poured from the fortress to attack the man who killed Dr. No. There seemed too many to repel with finesse. Even so, yet more arrived, and GoldenEye was surrounded once again. Combat was fruitless with the objective overlooked. He fled and the electronic doors crashed against each other, holding back the enraged troops inside. He felt there was seemingly no escape and pondered that Goldfingers reveled in his predicament. From below, he saw the body of Dr. No. More explosive barrels were scattered about this area. He caught his breath and decided the only way forward was to reach for an exit which his instincts signalled him. Electronic doors were released, granting him access through a vast, dark and hollow tunnel. And through another doorway, transport was here readily available. A familiar Dr. No’s vast Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey did indeed stand patiently the other side. He was now in a cavernous hangar. Small circular LED downlights were around the circular rim. Three large squared alcoves were at the north, east and west. Fluorescent tubes were lit and Dr. No's symbols were seen in the alcoves. He heard sounds of explosion starting to erupt. GoldenEye started the transport engines to escape the intense heat of flames crackling just underneath, ascending to great height. Fire burst out of everywhere, a stream of gas wafted excessively and fizzing sparks of electrical energy crackled uncontrollably. The elites within the fortress - Murdoch, Fletcher, Blackwood, the anonymous elite and their divisions were killed by the blast of the electricity, fire and gas. A large glass panel displayed flashing green words. Below the aircraft, the chain reaction was building up. Once airborne, the nacelles rotated forward 90° in as little as 12 seconds for horizontal flight. Behind it, a pillar of heated plutonium, uranium, cobalt, radium and other contents shot into the sky with sunset behind it. Sounds of the danger alarm were heard. The glass panel marked - "System failure! Core breached!" Here, with a 'Boom', the island exploded into a towering nuclear explosion, lighting the sky with an eerie twilight glow. The aircraft hovered as fast as it could. There seemed no better plan. The surviving batallions led by Hood, Cross and Snell who were ignored by GoldenEye were left stranded and investigated the site of the explosion. The ground forces witnessed the ultimate biggest explosion - a ghastly sight that would affright them. The cargo ship, the island, special purpose buoys, moor contact mines, the Manta Mark 9 Submersible, the containers with nuclear contents, the advanced tank and the infantry contributed to the widespread of the explosion. While trying to flee, the remaining forces were now perished in the nuclear detonation. Those within the Mining Complex were also killed within. While piloting the aircraft, GoldenEye now won the almost great tranquility and looked at the now destroyed Crab Key. This was the time for GoldenEye to recur his thoughts. He was discharged from MI6 for the death of James Bond during a simulation and now he felt betrayed for the last time. He suffered a number of betrayals since his first mission from Goldfinger. The Triad leader betrayed him after receiving better payment from the now departed Dr. No. Oddjob who was Goldfinger's manservant betrayed GoldenEye and those reasons were anonymous and it was something he could not figure out until now and then. Onatopp, a dark reflection of GoldenEye, employed by Dr. No as his enforcer participated in the underworld feud between her boss and Goldfinger. And now Goldfinger swiftly betrayed him after he outlived his usefulness. Or was it because of the death of Oddjob? Or for spending his money at the Octopus? He reflected on Goldfinger’s words “Now, the rest of my plan will face into place” and realised what he meant earlier. He realised Goldfinger swiftly betrayed and abandoned him. All of the suicidal missions were his contemplation of using the enforcer as part of his larger scheme to take over the Organisation. No honour among thieves. Or so he thought. The only ones he had left were Number One, Scaramanga and Galore.
@TheLatiosnlatias02 6 месяцев назад
The Manta Mark 9 Submersible drifted throughout the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. The voice of Goldfinger communicated through the moon pool's intercom. "I am certain Dr. No has been made aware of your attack on the Octopus, therefore, I cannot deploy the OMEN on Crab Key and risk making it a target. Instead, you must infiltrate the island, and find your way to the central compound." The moon pool bobbed and wove among the moored contact mines suspended by long chains. "Your objective is the nuclear reactor. Once sabotaged, it should destroy the entire island. No's fortress will be heavily defended. A diversion might help you slip past the gates. Use the explosive you so generously charged to my account at the Octopus." Special purpose buoys with radioactive signs drifted lazily on the water. It was unknown who deployed the moored contact mines, before his arrival. The sky was blue and it was usually meant to be a delightful moment. However, it was proven to be the opposite. The Manta Mark 9 Submersible docked at the wharf where GoldenEye got out and offered it a heartfelt farewell, knowing Crab Key would be the subject of destruction. At the far end, a cargo ship carried its entire load in truck-size intermodal containers. Smoke rose out of the cargo ship. Equipped with a HS-90 which he picked from the Octopus, GoldenEye ran up short steps.
@mamodine2548 11 месяцев назад
I think if monster is a puma
@albinoplatecarpus2736 11 месяцев назад
The Dover Demon is not a Cryptid its a lifestyle
@TheAnxiousOwl Год назад
Go away filmora, lemme watch the video >:( evil software...
@MoonMask22 Год назад
Hey, understand that the water mark is pretty easy to look past. But I do recommend doing some research on what you may be able to use in the future. I understand that it may be hard to change systems (if you are). But I think it will help you continue to grow as a creator. Keep up the good work.
@brockschannel3927 Год назад
A new Solomon pleasent cryptid video? My day has just been made!
@YourCeeCeeDuelist Год назад
My top 10 episodes are: (1.) Death Raptor (2.) Hellhound (3.) Megaconda (4.) Werewolf (5.) Devil Dragon (6.) Jersey Devil (7.) Q: The Serpent God (8.) Alien (9.) Beast of Bray Road (10.) Kraken ------------------------------- My top 10 LEAST FAVORITE episodes are: (1.) Devil Monkey (2.) Strigoi Vampire (3.) Dover Demon (4.) Bear Lake Monster (5.) White River Monster (6.) Death Crawler (7.) Vampire (8.) Southern Sasquatch (9.) Lizard Man (10.) Death Worm
@vijaidranrajagapal7955 6 месяцев назад
@brockschannel3927 Год назад
A few years back,when we were passing through Louisville Kentucky,my mom said that she saw what she described as an iridescent black pterodactyl with 2 small crests above it's eyes. While I did some cryptid research,I learned about a gargoyle like creature called the demon leaper that lived in Louisville. Because of how she described it,I can't help but think that the demon leaper could have some relation to the Van Meter monster.
@davidtierney7941 Год назад
I think The Dover Demon was a reality or dimension drifting creature
@cgbiv23 Год назад
bro you are scarier than any of these lost tapes
@shanedawndusk3290 Год назад
If the events show in the show really did happen, you’d have to think about it like this. Would any of the governments portrayed let the footage be shown on public television? I don’t think so.
@vijaidranrajagapal7955 6 месяцев назад
@GeoffreySambursky Год назад
I really enjoyed lost tapes and I do have to agree on the thunderbird topic and how some people seem to deem it as filler. Although the lizard man episode had that crazy yet bizarre ending. I also am still surprised that the episode of Bigfoot from season 1 has the Bigfoot rescue the female ranger from the poacher.
@vijaidranrajagapal7955 6 месяцев назад
@vijaidranrajagapal7955 6 месяцев назад
@vijaidranrajagapal7955 6 месяцев назад
@vijaidranrajagapal7955 4 месяца назад
@GeoffreySambursky Год назад
Omg I loved lost tapes as it also made me have a fascination with the unknown. I also think that the wendigo is freakin terrifying in the episode about it. But the first episode I saw of the show ever was the season 1 episode about the Mongolian Death Worm which is one of my favorites of season 1 along with the hellhound episode because when the show first came out back in 2008. My dad and I were watching tv and were flipping through the channels and watched animal planet and the episodes about the death worm and hellhound came on and it peaked my interest in the show. However the only thing that confuses me about the hellhound episode is how they use a Rottweiler to portray the hellhound when most people perceive the hellhound to resemble a dog or canine species like a Siberian Husky, malamute or even a wolf sometimes. But I also have to say my all time favorite episode of season 3 has to also be the wendigo episode. The wendigo episode has a high death count unless you include the episode of the mothman which had the bridge collapse offscreen leading the confirmed kill count in the prologue and footage of the guy being interrogated in the mothman episode to be a whopping amount of 46. But yeah I wish animal planet made a 4th season because it would have been cool if they did a episode about like let’s say the mummy or the wooly mammoth or the megalodon or heck maybe even the Loch Ness monster.
@TheNraveles Год назад
Putting moth boi below a 3 wouldn’t make any sense so I’m happy it’s there. Something was there. Something existed. Many people saw the same thing. There’s gotta be something happening, similar to the Dover demon imo.
@danielbaker7929 Год назад
I feel like if this show made a comeback in someway it would be so amazing
@kingaxolotl4085 Год назад
@nehuenmutiozabal6339 Год назад
I mean you don't even need some highly edited stuff I could lisent to ya all day with a still image in the back, thats the level of how enjoyable ya are to watch ma dude I'm just asking for some Vanguard content at least a remake of the old videos because those are the ones I go back time to time and would love to see what new thoughts you had on the clans and some more of the units of G like The Purge D&D related content also would be wholesome since people have been talking about it recently for a while having great success mainstream wise talking about your experiences in a campaign or doing kinda of a begginer guide Anyhow, reggardless of what ya do, I will be waiting, take all the time you need
@kingaxolotl4085 Год назад
@brockschannel3927 Год назад
Take your time dude.
@LazarusGamingandDiscussion Год назад
Maybe it'll get my Lost Tapes fan license revoked but I don't particularly get the hate for Q and Bear Lake Monster? Maybe it's because it was my favorite episode when I was younger so my lizard brain just kinda accepts it but I don't think they're that bad lol
@SolomonPleasent Год назад
The reason Q gets so much hate is because of the bad effects and just how unrealistic it is, even for a show like lost tapes. Bear Lake only recently has gotten hate because of the material but honestly it’s not the worst episode, so I understand why people would like it. But Q is a really hard one to watch and I still think it’s pretty rough.
@LazarusGamingandDiscussion Год назад
​@@SolomonPleasentThat's fair. I actually just went back and rewatched it and yeah it doesn't hold up whatsoever. Bear Lake is now just eh to me but I always felt bad hearing them as they died and I still do. Really makes you wonder how much better they could possibly do the show now
@KingOfTheSkies-ob3no Год назад
51:24 Quetzalcoatl is actually from Aztec mythology, although he does have a Mayan counterpart with a different name. Edit: His Mayan counterpart's name is Kukulkan, who if you look at Aztec lore for Quetzalcoatl and Mayan lore for Kukulkan you can tell is actually supposed to be the more aggressive of the two deities.
@vijaidranrajagapal7955 5 месяцев назад
@carolannshepherd2189 Год назад
This bloke is an idiot speaking
@pegasuspony139 Год назад
Talks about skinwalker shows a picture of werewolf.
@SolomonPleasent Год назад
Good catch. Werewolf had 2 good sets for it and I figure I’d make both be seen by choosing the one that looked closer to the skinwalker out of the 2.
@pegasuspony139 Год назад
@@SolomonPleasent the werewolf picture scared me when you showed it I was scared of werewolf as a kid the first when I watched the chupacabra episode it didn’t scare that was the first time I was introduced to lost tapes but the werewolf episode did scare me. I watched lost tapes when I was a kid during the summer time I was going to start my first year at middle school 6th grad.
@coltancontreras8 Год назад
the mothman is real it's not fake
@Sarah-lb2rf Год назад
I think the wendigo episode is the scariest I can watch it but it does make me really uncomfortable 😖 And after I saw it my uncle and I went on a hike cause I live next door to him and and my aunt in the countryside and we went by a small stream and right next to the stream was a fishing pole just like the kids have at the beginning of the episode I know it's stupid but I kinda steered us away from there because I got really creeped out
@turiq10000 Год назад
Animal Planets best hit next to river monsters
@SolomonPleasent 2 года назад
For those who care, after doing some more reading, the Ropen does not deserve a place in 2 Star, far too ridiculous a creature and should be in the 1 Star where it deserves. Apologies for this blunder, but I shall not blame the Hodag for this one.
@Trike71171 2 года назад
Overall pretty good vid! Happy to have helped with it (Side note mokele being below the literal bioluminescent, 2 limbed, tail dragging, chimera of a pterosaur I feel is a crime against humanity)
@SolomonPleasent Год назад
We do plenty of crimes here.
@brockschannel3927 2 года назад
I would've put the lone pine mountain devil in the bottom tier because it was literally made up for a RU-vid video.
@SolomonPleasent 2 года назад
The bat version was but there are sightings of a velociraptor type creature between the 90s and 2010s. Regardless it’s still pretty unlikely either way you slice it.
@brockschannel3927 2 года назад
@@SolomonPleasent really? Interesting. Anyways, if you want some more sources for cryptid information, I'd recommend "crash course cryptozoology" he is very informative and has done a couple of paranormal documentaries on his channel.
@harleywoods1555 2 года назад
The skinwalker one tripped me out
@nehuenmutiozabal6339 2 года назад
Yea been revisiting your vanguard videos time to time and I love them to this day, I also been watching your new videos focused on horror creatures and they seem pretty fine mait Wanted to ask you if you would think to do some content regarding overdress in some shape or form, wonder if you already gave it a try Also, what did you think about the whole Shadow Paladin Diablo Archetype? Hope you are having a nice day!
@SolomonPleasent 2 года назад
It’s been ages since I’ve done this kind of content, and I do miss it. The fact of the matter is I don’t have the money to afford good deck building for most card games; and furthermore, Bushiroad as a company partakes in practices in marketing and selling there games that I just can not support or be invested in. Money and Bushiroad are the 2 major factors (there’s the issue of people to play with but that’s smaller an issue) as to why I stopped making Vanguard content, and outside of donations or cheaper prices on cards (which are both options that I think are unrealistic and will most likely never happen) I sadly must admit that I don’t think card game content is something I can ever come back to. I don’t know about any new vanguard content so I can’t give a good opinion on it. After doing some research into Overdress it looks like a Bastardized version of Vanguard, like looking at what they did to the clans and how that must really make deck building a mess, plus the addition of something that isn’t a monster/minion/unit is the worst possible thing you could have done to the game. Honestly Overdress isn’t Vanguard, plain and simple. It would have to take a really hard sell for me to even bother giving that a chance. Hope that answers your questions, sorry if any of it is disappointing.
@nehuenmutiozabal6339 2 года назад
@@SolomonPleasent Understandable I thought you might had heard or play against Diablo since it was a Vanguard G deck but it was also a long time ago. Yea I can see your point there, specially because on a investment standpoint right now you only have either Overdress or V premium to invest on I dono, appart from phisical decks, I think you could try doing a short Vanguard related video talking about the different stages it has had during the years up to this point and your overall opinion of the franchise-the anime, maybe a remake of one of your old videos, etc If it helps on something right now getting into Overdress is mega cheap specially the starter decks and the upcoming new trial decks, the game also brought back old archetypes as Overlord-Royals and Shadows on the game with new forms (Golds are nowhere to be seen so that might be a plus or not) and they are cheap to build for a fun deck And as previusly mentioned trial decks coming the 7 of this month one of them features a new archetype heavely influenced by Dark Irregulars which does Soulblast 4 turn your enemy vanguard power to 1 A review on each Nation would be pretty sick but first I would like for you to give it a chance, believe me is not too stray from what it used to be Not disappointed at all mait, im still glad you're holding up and having a good time, cheers!
@SolomonPleasent 2 года назад
@@nehuenmutiozabal6339 ah I remember Diablo now, I recall I had a deck of it at one point but I’m not sure where it is or if I still have it, honestly my whole experience with Shadow Paladin as a whole was fun, but expensive. Like the clan felt fair and didn’t feel too good, but competent. So I guess the same can be said for Diablo.
@SolomonPleasent 2 года назад
@@nehuenmutiozabal6339 Also, interesting, if you wanna have a go at convincing me to look into or try Overdress I am all for new experiences, I just also know it would be a hard sell, but by all means show me what you got.
@nehuenmutiozabal6339 2 года назад
​@@SolomonPleasent I mean the basics you should know besides spell cards (That they aren't even that relevant depending of the deck) is: Stand triggers are dead (Most clans have units in that reestand now) Over trigger is the new best and worst thing, there are two new mechanics exclusive to two archetypes called Overdress (Xyz summon with two different grades) and Revoldress (Cross Ride in the battle fase) and that's it, the rest is regular old vanguard Rly The starters only cost 7 or less dollars, the Bruce one which is the succesor of Spike Brothers is only 6 and they come with perfect guards and is easy to upgrade (Plus there's new support coming up soon), You can check the anime if you want but you don't need too unless ya wanna catch up with the coming up cards, Check it out when you can mait and have fun!
@donedeal69 2 года назад
It's such a treasure revisiting reviewers back in real time when the show was on air. I caught on by season 5 b. And literally every episode. I used to read every review and watch every podcast.. something very emotional for me. This show hits too close to home
@dashabordelon7793 2 года назад
Anyone else get the shivers hearing this again?
@gamesincharacter5106 14 дней назад
Great memories and Ngl still goes hard will definitely be my favorite album.
@moisesdanielalvarado5578 2 года назад
I remembered when the Lost Tapes show was on Animal Planet from the year 2010 it was on Cable TV
@masternoob9673 2 года назад
No one really cares that you’re clearly an anti religious zealot that somehow can’t let the lore behind most of the monsters help tell the story 🙄 What don’t know what Dafuq else you expect in terms of explanations
@Nakapeesh 2 года назад
@calebhasnoskill964 2 года назад