Schizophrenic 101 - Here to help!
Schizophrenic 101 - Here to help!
Schizophrenic 101 - Here to help!
Although this channel is made by a schizophrenic for schizophrenics, there will be something for everyone here as being schizophrenic is like the human experience amplified and lived without filters.
No topic is off the table and I will be as open and honest as I can without ruining my professional and personal lives in the process.
It is my hope that through shared experience comes understanding and through greater understanding comes unity, which in turns brings us a tiny step closer to peace within ourselves and towards others.
Blah, blah, blah lets get on with it.
One year on...
3 года назад
We are back... on the upward trend.
3 года назад
Update from random Buddhist retreat.
4 года назад
Birthday: Blah, Blah, Blah
4 года назад
UPDATE: Back in Australia!
4 года назад
@noel2615 Месяц назад
I had similar experiences but not as severe as you had them. I found that laying down, looking at the sky, and letting my thoughts flow out helps clear my mind. Humming to myself and generally hearing my own voice also helped keep the projected voices at bay.
@KuswandiRia03 4 месяца назад
Real emotions: Laughter, tears & reflections of an amazing social experience, wow amazing friend
@amandadavis414 Год назад
This helped me alot thank you I'm trying to figure out what's going on with me.
@banritada884 Год назад
Oh that's Anya's power
@metaphyziks7579 Год назад
This is awful especially because I feel like I can actually hear them, I think they’re real. They’re mostly terrible…
@samindaperamuna6392 2 года назад
I have the same condition
@asedafghan786 2 года назад
You brain 🧠been hacked by deomons by someone your thoughts goes out to them trying to gaslight or control .they playing with you emotionally feeling tired nothing hurts all you bons
@Nenegyrl 2 года назад
My son is 18 and he just started to display some of this behavior. He thinks cars can read his thoughts. He thinks people are saying things when they aren't. He thinks people can project their thoughts in things, (eg; cars, video games) and he hears them. This is very recent behavior and he is temporarily in an institution to be properly diagnosed. I feel very strongly that he is suffering from schizophrenia. It's sad and it's taking a toll on me, but I know it's just as hard for him also because he really thinks these things are happening. I'm just doing research and trying to figure out ways to help him get better.
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 2 года назад
There is something I say often and that is "this could be as good as it gets" If you look at him through the lens of "getting better" this is something that may never be reached. I would suggest re-framing it for yourself as helping him to "manage better" for if he can not manage the symptoms that will always be there he will be forced to live a life on medication. Which is a choice he can make and live a whole life. But medication does have side effects that also need management and does have detrimental health effects with long term use. I live with voices still and constantly have to check what reality I am in, who's thoughts are these and deal with seeing things that as far as I can tell no one else sees. This is very draining at times and most days I have to deal with big doses of suicidal thinking. For me this is still better than medication but this is my personal choice which I have to take responsibility for. Your son will have to find out what his own methods will be and figure out what works and what does not. Of course you can try to support him in this life long mission but be careful not to end up being his crutch. I hope some of that ramble was helpful, I have not recorded anything in so long because I have not been managing myself very well. But I'm still alive, working, meeting people, helping people, helping to support my aging mother and giving back to nature and community with a personal project..... so just because he will not have a life like you might of imagined he can still have a full life that is arguably more entertaining than if he was just another run of the mill human. Take care I wish you both luck
@m.miller4634 2 года назад
Same here. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I hear the thoughts of people I am close to. I can look into someones face and suddenly hear them saying something without moving their lips. It also happense in their absence. Not constantly, but it happens.. especially when I'm stressed out. It's really frightening, especially when the voices become so loud and clear. Even if it would be telepathic, you really don't want to hear what others may be thinking. It's rather a burden. I feel you, keep up the confidence!Greetings from Germany 😊
@T.d0T. 2 года назад
"A little bit of a name for myself here but can't be to sure" - Can relate.
@T.d0T. 2 года назад
Feel better 😁
@jamilulup7557 3 года назад
I have same problem
@johnrainsman6650 3 года назад
Another time, she told me white and blue rags go in two different bags and _"I _*_figured_*_ you _*_knew_*_ but..."_ while passing me. Why not stick with that presumption then? I'm suspicious
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 2 года назад
I guess she thinks you are not putting them in different bags? And she might have an issue with non violent communication or just default to passive aggressive. She could also suck as a manager, so when she sees someone doing something wrong she is actually disappointed and angry with herself. But never underestimate people to just not be suited to the job they are financially dependent on doing so try your best not to take it personally and just ask yourself are you putting in at least 80% effort at work? I aim for 80% because it is reasonable and reachable, sure sometimes 100% is needed here and there but trying to do that day in day out will only lead to burnout.
@johnrainsman6650 3 года назад
I'm not schizophrenic, but I often worry what people think of me, I guess via empathy. I'm a slow learner and my manager once said she'd help me serve two tables. I thought this was because of *_me,_* not the other servers, so I said I could do it alone.
@johnrainsman6650 3 года назад
I commented on your "hearing people's thoughts" video, if you want to discuss something with me there.
@jamilulup7557 3 года назад
@bradnolan8558 3 года назад
Somebody one put witchcraft on you I bet threaten you too
@inouskehashibira1045 3 года назад
What If you've done drugs in the past and now your mind is all messed up?
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 3 года назад
Some people can take hard drugs all their lives with no noticeable negative effects while some others might smoke one joint and loose touch with reality for the rest of their lives. The answer to your question is that there is no way of really knowing. Only the person living the experience can judge if what they are experiencing is caused or effected by actions taken in the present and or the past. Personally, I am 99% sure that if it was not for my drug use in my past I would not be alive today nor would I be the person I am with the ability to stay clean and sober and manage my condition with out medication. I am still trying to figure out a way I can communicate that confidence. With that all said, I do not recommend anyone try to use drugs in place of medication. I do not think anyone should stop taking their medication without the support of professionals. When people ask me about my thoughts on drugs these days I sum it up like this. "anyone who takes drugs often should experiment with sobriety. Anyone who has never taken drugs should experiment a little. And all the other people in the middle should help them and make sure their not actually supporting the status quo.
@carbunkle5643 2 года назад
Taumainuumau Pereira I smoked pot in the past and it messed up my mind. Back then it was not nearly as potent as it is today. I would suggest a person be very careful with it. If mental illness runs in your family then pot could trigger such illness with you. My grandfather was crazy. That's where I get my illness from. Smoking that stuff brought it out. Also I read that 20% of people who smoke the stuff that's available today develop some type of emotional or mental problem.
@jakeblunsford 3 года назад
It’s people in the magic universe messing with people in the physical world, which is unfortunate.
Fake news bud!
@zachr6637 3 года назад
It's telepathic
@siabrogden8363 3 года назад
This 100% resonated with me. Thank you for sharing
@RashidaBlake 3 года назад
Good question
@RashidaBlake 3 года назад
@RashidaBlake 3 года назад
It is bottomless... so true..💯
@siddiqsharif4061 3 года назад
Damn dog, u broke this shit down. I go threw it but idk what induces it?
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 3 года назад
I think that depends on the individual. For me, I have noticed that when I become conscious of it, my heart rate is higher than my "normal" (constant heart attack) level and breathing shallow (which are both signs of anxiety), which one is caused by which I am not sure. But then when I stop, make an awareness assessment, put my hand on my heart or pulse and refocus my breath I can see it for what it is. I simple delusion of the mind trying to make it's self (and me) the center of the universe. I simple smile to myself and say under my breath "fucking ego much buddy" and continue on my way.
@aqua6613 3 года назад
@@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 but what IF you ARE the center of the universe?...an unnerving thought perhaps that creates anxiety? ...we are not in control of anything except our choice of how to percieve it.
@XGaroRobeX 3 года назад
I liked it when you almost had a routine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 3 года назад
Lol. me too! but my life was simpler in Berlin, I had access to regular therapy and I was focused on getting myself to a stable place for the move back to Australia. I'm still trying to find a routine here and every day I get a little closer even when I go backwards so a regular routine will form in the coming months...... I hope :) Is their any loose thread or topic from the channel you would like me to make a video about?
@briellehunter7233 3 года назад
Telepathy or psychosis
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 3 года назад
As much as I would love to say telepathy because that would be cool and mean I am a little less crazy, but, I think it's psychosis because why would everyone be thinking about and have opinions on only me. I hate to admit it but I am not that interesting :)
@sarahforeman6463 3 года назад
Your so brave to tell your story. Iam greatful for your videos
@sarahforeman6463 3 года назад
God I fucking get you, every word. . . . Thankyou so much for these videos I suffer when Iam not in my prime. Iam literally watching all your videos and Iam actually ok with going out today.
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
Review Woah I wouldn't have thought you were 39, more like late 20s tbh, not sure if that is a good or bad thing I went mostly by your appearence. So the mosquitoes attacked you, they are part of the luciferian circle of bug creation, evil little creatures. Routine is good to keep but only works for a while till the next wave of mud comes hitting, then the only way out is to plunge straight through. New mind tricks tormenting the man, seems to be what the mind does until you are made of steel. Lacking concentration is something I stuggle with as well, making my animal do certain things, sometimes he will just oppose me in every way he can. Lost verbal control multiple times -Talking to yourself for hours - Yelling, abusing yourself: Sounds like you really let the horses free on this one. Pressuring yourself too much, well I do that too but if it yields no results its a pretty bad way of tackling the dude. Eating out of control as well, not the worst coping mechanism honestly, but you gotta keep being alive somehow. Birthday is nice but your mind tormenting you even now - mind is not really all yours though its more of a collective thing, have you tried the Wim Hof abilities? They work sometimes. Suicide is not you and also you might not even die but doom yourself to be a wandering hungry ghost which is the worst, hang in there. Fleeting moments of joy is all most humans have ever gotten in most lives if you go by standard narratives, but I think joy needs to be mastered just like anything else, how you move around through a day or something, how you prepare for the next wave of awful. Its cold in Australia, the cold is nice to calm the mind in my experience, maybe you can dip in the cold lake. Simply continue to exist in the physical is hard and can seem pointless, sometimes embracing that nihilism can get you nearer to the light, instead of fighting it, but only sometimes these things are so subtle its almost impossible to define. Not following a plan just doing random stuff is also good, planning is also good, doing both combined is usually best. One thing into the next is not you, but you are doing it so its part of you, don't punch your other self in the ballsack. Get a job - relaying the conversation, that was difficult to follow though but I get the capitalist neurosis is difficult to enter if you are not a good, driven actor, maybe be more mean to these people, they actully want it. Become a suit cokehead stockbroker would be a crazy 180 you can bring out all your repressed dark abilities in the market. Ghosting by other ghosts, yeah that can suck all these phantom people appearing like booo then vanishing, I tend to do that cause I carry such a weird vibe sometimes. People suck - yeah we all suck, the inconsistency is what drives me mad and its so obvious when you are outside the 'flow' how pointless it all is, its almost no worth it to get back in. Yo man happy birthday, I was leaving some of my madness in your comment section last year, sorry about that, you responded in a nice way to me kind internet stranger. Not the best place to invest my energy I suppose but good luck hope the day turned out fine for you. May your journey lead you to the clear light of peace and BIG strength.
@theodoreobrochta3096 4 года назад
Hi, I’m not sure if you’ll ever check this comment, but I’ve recently been experiencing psychosis and delusions, whether theyre persecutory or delusions of grandeur, and I’ve been having trouble trying to differentiate between my own inner monologue and this observant connection type of voice. So far after searching for so long this is the most helpful video I’ve seen. I’ve been talking with my therapist and I’m soon seeing a psychiatrist, but it’s always been in my life, almost like narrating my life and watching, but it’s not something I actually can hear. It’s more of like a connection that comes and I understand, but it sounds like my own voice, like it’s predictable, and I can’t distinguish if this is a separate voice from my own inner monologue. But sometimes I can hear a bunch of racing thoughts in that voice and then think something in my head that is overlapped by this narrating voice. I’m super confused and don’t know how to tell the difference.. Is this something you experience? Or have experienced?
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
Hi, thanks for sharing. Yes I know exactly what your referring to. In my limited experience through self observations and hearing other people talk about their experiences this is for many the starting point that many of us miss, so your lucky that you have the awareness to notice it and not just go on living like this is totally normal while it gets more and more consuming and controlling like I did most of my life. To that, I think it's great that your seeing a therapist and now going to a psychiatrist, I hope that they are both understanding and able to listen to what you want out of this and not just medicate you for medications sake. If you choose to be medicated, so be it, do it 100%, see how it goes and have a support plan to come off it in a year or two. But if you choose not to be medicated then prepare yourself to live that life 100% also, which means having a plan for going on medication if need be. Both options are not easy, none of this shit is fair but if life was easy it would be called easy and not life. Good luck, stay healthy and JUST KEEP TRYING!
@theodoreobrochta3096 4 года назад
Schizophrenic 101 - Here to help! Thank you so so much, this honestly helped a lot, and I wasn’t expecting a reply at all! I will be sure to explain this to the psychiatrist I’m seeing tomorrow, and I’m glad I was able to notice this instead of letting it be. Again, thanks so much! You’re an inspiration!
@alucardtepes9188 4 года назад
Yess exactly 100 percent correct... but its true... its real thoughts of others
@susinspector9613 3 года назад
I knew i wasn’t crazy lmao
@SweetHomeDelights 4 года назад
Hi , This is a very beautiful as well creative and We "SUBSCRIBED" your channel .
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
All I wanted was to know what the world is, how it works. Then I broke a promise and ended up in hell, which was always around me, I just didn't see it. Its like a protective barrier melted, like my conscious field expanded. Now I can't unsee it and it comes back to haunt me periodically, just in the little things. Lesson learned: be a little submissive pup, you are not strong enough for nothin. Stay in your box. German society is one of the most decadent, self-righteous and evil things I have ever seen man, don't mistake it.
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
Not sure I follow your thinking. But life is not easy, never has been, never will be. problems are subjective to the individual. If life was meant to be easy, it would b called easy and not life :)
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
@@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 The difficulty level is indeed quite high, but I feel like I can't even play. Like my controller is not connected most of the time or like I have some lag. Something outside my control is buzzing me and at this point I refuse to accept that I am the one tripping. There is something there, some 'extra' bit of fuckery, I can only hope its working towards helping me eventually. Yeah my problems are so subjective everyone thinks I am a whinny baby. Casue NOBODY understands :( ( ( . Dammit. I will replace the word life with easy from now on. "How is easy going?" " eh you know, just easy..." "imma take your easy"
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
@@XGaroRobeX that is a very good way of seeing it, some people do have social lag, myself included, and that's just the way it is, it allows me to be reflective in the moment.
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
Damn man you blink a looot. Deeper breaths dawg.
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
Yeah filming in public is not my thing.... obviously ;)
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
@@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 You are always being filmed both in public and in private anyway O_O . Dunno if that is helpful or not ahaha.
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
Real talk sounds like the universe released you from some heavy responsibilities. Do you have a path to lock unto now?
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
There are always many paths to take and I don't know if locking onto any one direction is a good idea in this day and age, but I am on a better path than in my past and that is a good start.
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
@@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 Yeah, seems like entrepeneurship is the way forward nowadays, work on many projects at once, keep the mind flexible and flowing ;) .
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
YO MAN I DONT WANT THAT SHT I GOT ENOUGH WITH MY OWN I feel like the university is sabotaging my focus so I cant leave the town. Devils, nymphs, tricksters and wizards throwing spikes in my path Even though I know I should keep to peace and compassion all I feel is wrath.
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
I am not sure how much of this is just me reading it a certain way or if you might be talking it up because.. well... internet. But if this is how you truly feel and this is your real waking life experience I urge you to seek professional assistance and get medicated or correct your medication to help get you back to zero so one day you might be able to try to come off meds again with a better head space leading in a better direction. Your situation is your responsibility, power to you :)
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
@@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 What is me even? Something is making 'me' this way, cause I 'am' pushing my boundaries mentally, seeing what I was not supposed to see. Its like this world is telling me to be grateful for the shit I am eating cause I could be drinking gasoline. Its always an 'or else' scenario when I start asking real questions. So now I am supposed to numb myself through the complexity of it, while no one holds my hand, so I can fit in to this big piece of shit. Meanwhile these mystical 'syncronicities' are becoming little insults at my adress, cause I need to comply 'or else'. I AM FILLED WITH HATRED, WHY ARE YOU DOING ME LIKE THIS!??!?!?! I WANT TO HELP, BUT WHEN I HELP ITS JUST WEIRD AND IF I DONT DO IT I GET THE HAMMER. Fuck a world that does not want to you to succeed on your terms, this makes a man want to kill. But yo man you are right I can just be sorta ignorant and live a lie then I am happy, why care?
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
@@XGaroRobeX Not what I said at all. I suggested you get professional assistance, get correctly medicated to bring you some stability, so that then you may be able to more affectively help yourself and others and then maybe one day being able to handle being unmedicated. From what I can tell, you are not coping so well right now. Please take care of yourself, you are worth it.
@XGaroRobeX 4 года назад
@@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 Awhh, yeah my bad. I don't really want meds, I just want to be free of stress, cause otherwise I go loko. All of that is just university energy, bad vibes. I would cope well if I was not getting fucked by my thesis. But I can therapise myself by writting poetry and drawing, just don't make me a fool for not integrating in society - give me a path that does not involve selling my soul. Thank you for the kind words, you seem to be doing well. Good luck.
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
@@XGaroRobeX not doing well but trying and that is all any of us can do. good luck to you too, and take advantage of the German health care system, I am missing it already.
@matthewswain419 4 года назад
I think more people should take time and think b4 speaking, just like you do with every word. We all sometimes get In to much of a hurry.
@schizophrenic101-heretohel5 4 года назад
thanks, but just to be honest this is not my reality either, even though I try to edit myself and breath before speaking I too get caught up in the sudden urge to get my thoughts into words and slip into old habits of quantity over quality. So, JKT Just Keep Trying :)
@daveotoole3279 4 года назад
Hey man, cheers for the video! I can relate to a lot of what you talk about. I have schizophrenia too and make videos on this. I will follow your future videos. Take care mate! Subscribed!
@avivtech 5 лет назад
The pretend yawn sounds perfect!! Reminded me of this: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-H9vztQ7Z9sQ.html
@avivtech 5 лет назад
I just yawned