Indrid Casts
Indrid Casts
Indrid Casts
Caster of Dawn of War 2 Elite Mod and other games coverage.

Dawn of War 2: Retribution Elite Mod:
discord.gg/jKVfpj3 (NOT run by Indrid)

Send replays to: dowreplays@gmail.com

Currently accepting:
Dawn of War 2: Retribution Elite Mod replays
Total War: Warhammer replays

Please note that I do not watch all the replays I receive, I only watch the replays that I cast or attempted to cast and reject for whatever reason. Many criteria is used for selecting matches. If I didn't choose yours it's nothing personal, just keep trying. Games that are great to play in are not always great to watch/cast. No need to ask whether you should send a replay - just send it! Please be sure to actually attach the replay to the e-mail (a lot of people forget).

Mechabellum | Multiplayer Matchmaking #25
9 часов назад
Mechabellum | Multiplayer Matchmaking #24
12 часов назад
Mechabellum | Multiplayer Matchmaking #23
14 часов назад
@ytimksydney 3 часа назад
Great game and cast cheers mate
@themightiestpen 6 часов назад
Banger! The storm lord dying to the orbital really swung the momentum
@MardukGodSlayer 7 часов назад
Wot a gud scrap!
@zackfishle1009 8 часов назад
The push when the venerable dreadnaught was called in was fun to watch
@SirMango 8 часов назад
What a game!
@connerhurd277 9 часов назад
@ikondevon 11 часов назад
nice game, close. always interesting when it's five minutes from video end & you're not sure who won
@Srex 12 часов назад
fun match
@Archer89201 13 часов назад
Gork and Mork chucking rocks simultaneously for the boyz
@mostafaoraby007 13 часов назад
Tbh, having voice chat helped us a lot towards the end. Fun game!!
@manubaumann7825 13 часов назад
Thank you indrid:)❤
@martinbega6369 14 часов назад
Amazing Game!
@A_Laughing_Matter 14 часов назад
Great scrap Boyz!!! thank you Indrid good Sir for the sweet cast as always... Comments for the Comment Throne!!!
@josephjohnson5415 16 часов назад
I was pretty suprised by the victory, it took the winning team a long time to get online, especially the DH that kept getting doubled. I really did wonder if nids simply couldn't rotate the lanes fast enough. Blue team really put up a scrap and it had looked like they would win but they faltered, lost their super heavy tank and then started just throwing the units into the meat grinder. Once the red had carni, nobz and terminators, they became to much to push with blues teir two units.
@nicholasogburn7746 Час назад
We need a spoiler shield; this comment just ruined the game for me
@josephjohnson5415 3 минуты назад
@@nicholasogburn7746 don't read comments tell after the game.
@taytonclait 16 часов назад
When Orks fight Orks, the Orks win. I love simultaneous Rokks, I could watch simultaneous Rokks all day.
@amn7319 19 часов назад
Losing whole units of Devastators to the Wierdboyz' Foot of Gork seems pretty imbalanced.
@A_Laughing_Matter 19 часов назад
Great scrap Boyz!!! Indrid thank you for the super sweet cast as always... Waaaggghhhh for da Waaaggghhhh Throne!!!
@Erebus2075 19 часов назад
27:25 a manticore for arti when engaging would have been super strong as well ^^ GGWP
@tobiastheblueman 19 часов назад
Brotha, I always love when you drop an Age of Wonders video! 😊 Keep up the good work, my dude!
@Erebus2075 20 часов назад
10:34 hits the shield so no kd then teleport before second hit lands ^^ GGWP, damn good fight :D
@Erebus2075 20 часов назад
played a couple hundred hours off dow1,2 and 3 and UA and Unification mods. and must say dow2 just hit a very good sweetspot for such 'fine unit control' setup ^^ all off them are good, but honestly i now find myself mostly on dow2 or dow3(for that larger war and massive killing scale feel) ^^
@Erebus2075 20 часов назад
also orc wraagh and orc choppers self-boost are such fun things to watch xD looks so orc hehe
@Azrael-XIII 20 часов назад
I feel like Weirdboys could use a bit nerf, they just seem a bit too good at *everything*. They have amazing CC that like Indrid said automatically wins melee fights vomit, a mini nuke on demand (Foot) that deletes setup teams, they shut down ranged units with their basic attack due to the disruption and splash damage, they’re relatively tanky for a caster so even when you manage to catch one they just retreat and get away. Like a lot of units on the orks roster at the moment I feel like it’s a bit too good at everything, a little too versatile.
@e21big 21 час назад
Seriously Indrid? 8 Flash Gitz in the field and your suggestion is Terminator? I gave that one of the two worst purchase in this game, the first one being Purifier. You don't counter melee with melee, you disrup them or use vehicle. Librarian or Terminator Librarian are badly needed in this game. That and they just didn't respon well to the Ork all 3 assault all the time. Didn't present a united front to counter the push but also didn't split up and do some damage while all of the Ork player bunched up in one place. Instead of just gen bash or VP capping, the SM guy got to turn back while the rest of his team mates were already routed.
@marcberry9653 21 час назад
Orks op .
@DIMIchannel 22 часа назад
Wow what an awesome fight
@ytimksydney День назад
Great cast, great dakka, great blobs fightin. Simple as.
@myflatlineconstruct День назад
That was a next level co-op from the orks. The assists and planned assassinations were beautiful.
@khorneberserker День назад
With those nukes... Considering your opponent took one the turn before, you could've known he'd do it again and put it in the right spot that time. Might have been wise to take the nuke too, since it'd have left both of your armies at equal strength. Might have prolonged the game a bit.
@dval4275 День назад
I feel like the orks need a definitive av unit in t3 or something heavy its to easy for other races to just build some kind of tank and just kiting back especially since nearly all ork units have light armor.
@Azrael-XIII 21 час назад
What are you even talking about dude, Orks T3 is already busted enough as it is, Kommandos and Nobs can both pretty easily shred vehicles.
@14superkiwi День назад
Click click boom boom
@asherrietberg8520 День назад
That was a nasty purification vials throw at 6:54 it ended up getting two units of sluggas with burners.
@marcelfelixmartins4282 День назад
13:46 two heroic heretics right there, sacrificing themselves to save the chaos Dread, ironic, given the chaos dred lore
@dao2 День назад
Wow I didn't expect those late fangs to make a difference but they probably clinched it! For the point defense it seems the way they work is that they persist between rounds as long as they aren't killed, so as long as you're winning I guess :P
@martinbega6369 День назад
Nice scrap
@dao2 День назад
There is only 1 marksmen but aren't they half the price? So 2 marksmen would be the same price as a phoenix if that's the case.
@manubaumann7825 День назад
Some whirwinds could be usefull Here i gues
@manubaumann7825 День назад
Thank you indrid:)
@engrinis6344 День назад
"sir a seventh flashgitz has hit the landraider"
@mikoajgnatek5032 День назад
Those orbital whiffs costed them the game, why on earth did they both decide that it was the time and place for orbitals
@MrZecktor День назад
@marcberry9653 22 часа назад
It wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference the space marines were done from the start.
@CrankedDT День назад
SM players needed cyclone missile launchers on the termies for anti "fuck your blob"
@zombiegoku1243 День назад
The armor enhancement increases damage block as the unit ranks up. So the Rhino was blocking 300 damage from every attack.
@sgtsmith501 День назад
Unless you wanna commit economic suicide (common infection in team games), do not buy a strikesquad, interceptors and a purifiers squad. You're not gonna have next to any req. No transitional AV. You're paying 77/75 req per model and a shit ton of req upkeep. You want something better? Get a rhino or a term lib and/or squad leader upgrades and you might actually see T3
@gunterthekaiser6190 День назад
Especially vs orks. You are asking for a weirdboy vomit with a mass melee infantry like that.
@marcberry9653 21 час назад
Guys it wouldn't have made any difference what the space marines threw at them they were finished from start.
@sgtsmith501 20 часов назад
@marcberry9653 The OM player used a terrible build against orks in a 3v3. A different build and skill level perhaps he wins his lane decisively, maybe their team gets a contested node with a gen or two on it and a faster tech. Who knows. Something like two IST + sarge upgrade and purgation into a rhino, strike squad justiciar, two acolytes on the IST and leave the purgs naked and go T3
@danielbwest День назад
Cheers indrid
@dorgrath4543 День назад
Okay so I've never seen this game before, let alone played it, so I could be completely wrong here but... In the second game when you dropped the rhino in, don't you want your troops as far forward as possible, so your other units can use the distraction to either get in or do damage? He just died for free... Looks like a sick game though :) Glad to be back watching your vids
@banneduser5187 День назад
@josephjohnson5415 День назад
Damn that's a lot of flashgitz but they melt power armor so. I really liked how the orks never tried to overextend, it was the most conservative orks in the galaxy, never pushing too hard, just flowing in the flow. But that entire left lane was barely utilized, all the fight seemed on the right lane, you'd think more scouts could have dragged it out but it was clear SM had checked out already.
@saitamakunsimplehero1005 День назад
Love me some WAAAAAAGh
@gunterthekaiser6190 День назад
Da Boss isn't happy. Well, he never is, but diz time it'z worst. We got Krumped by some Blue Gitz cuz the WAAAAGH boss (boss's boss?) Got hit by dem big beamy stuf. So da other bosses started fightin, and our Boss decided to zog off. Thing iz, he forgot his favorite grot behind! So now da Boss is sad, and when da Boss is sad he killz his boyz. But some of da smarta boyz got a plan. Da top sneaky git and a mekboy we found strapped to a ship hull (outside, duh) are gonna find him a scrap with some humies! Dat'z gonna get him back in shape! Cuz at da end, an ork gotta get his daily scrap, odawize he forgor his purpose. Ya can read more in my paper "Da Ork, a socialz creature". - written on the back of a gretchin by Teafy Deaflaza, self proclaimed "Ork Filozof"
@samler1000 День назад
Indrid, at the first game, the armor upgrade blocks 60 PER RANK of the unit. :) So Rhino lvl 5 blocks 300dmg per instance. Same reason your Archlyte can tank the Typhons, 120 out of 170~ dmg being removed.
@IndridCasts День назад
Oh, that's cool! I guess I didn't read it very well.
@sha_663 День назад
I'm here to watch Indrid win. Brought me scarf and big foam hand