EcoprintPET - Plastic Bottles Recycling
EcoprintPET - Plastic Bottles Recycling
EcoprintPET - Plastic Bottles Recycling
The EcoPrint PET project aims to promote the sustainable use of resources and the adoption of ecological practices in 3D printing through the use of innovative technology that transforms recycled plastic bottles into filament for 3D printers. This project aims to tackle the problem of plastic waste and promote the circular economy by enabling people to turn their plastic waste into a valuable resource. The project was developed with the goal of simplifying the recycling process of PET plastic bottles and providing an ecological alternative for the production of filaments. Our technology looks forward, we are applying and developing it in our projects in the Amazonas areas to help the environment dispose of plastic waste and preserve forest ecosystems to fight climate change and create a circular economy even for remote native communities of that areas of the world so important to maintain the climate balance of our planet. Join us on the path to a world of recycling.