Haven Motivation
Haven Motivation
Haven Motivation
Hi Guys, Brian here. Haven Motivation is a space I create to share my experience with addiction recovery using videos. I’m sharing my story in hopes to motivate and support people on their own journey. Check out the channel for many videos of my story of addiction, what I’ve experienced and why I’m sharing my story.

Contact me for speaking engagements on the topic of addiction and addiction recovery.
5 месяцев назад
5 месяцев назад
You still have value.....
3 года назад
Testimony of Ethan Beckett
3 года назад
Clothing line is now open!!!!
3 года назад
We deserve it.
3 года назад
you can't move away from addiction.
3 года назад
Village of Hope partners/ support
3 года назад
addiction is raw
4 года назад
Who motivates a motivator
4 года назад
Recovery feels good.😁😁
4 года назад
Feel the burn
4 года назад
Helping someone out
4 года назад
Walk and talk
4 года назад
I don't have it all together
4 года назад
Your old life is always waiting for you
4 года назад
5 Second window
4 года назад
I find it hard rebuilding myself
4 года назад
There are two parts
4 года назад
Learn to stay in the moment
4 года назад
Never give up
4 года назад
Don't be so quick to judge
4 года назад
Always keep working on yourself
4 года назад
Don't be a people pleaser
4 года назад
@pigeonsil240sx 6 дней назад
yeah im at 9 months off methadone after 14years of use, still in paws but its alot better now
@Mythics1 2 месяца назад
My mums been on methadone tabs since I was 12 for withdrawal and pain. When I was 30 she started giving me one a day that went to two a day. I’m 39 and haven’t had any for two months. I stopped cold turkey. The anxiety and depression has been almost unbearable. I cry all the time and the despair is right through my mind and body. I just want relief from my mind so badly. It helps to know others out there know what it’s like.
@havenmotivation3285 2 месяца назад
@@Mythics1 keep your head up there is hope after dope
@Add_Account485 2 месяца назад
Oh. You jumped off of 2 mill big deal I jumped off 17 and i got sick 6 weeks later. Thats how much it seeped into my bones. Yeah its not that bad wheh you jump off 2 mg
@RomamDowd 3 месяца назад
When you taper down under five Mg and then stop how bad is the withdrawal compared to stopping on about 50 Mg
@ellen9925 2 месяца назад
For me, the withdrawal was still pretty brutal and long even tapering down to 1 mg
@tomtroy3792 3 месяца назад
The key word is 2 mg it's bearable when you wean yourself down to 2 mg then cold turkey but it's still pretty bad I had to isolate myself into bed for a month
@cristiP2022 3 месяца назад
I was on H and then on the clinic for 6 years. I tappered down and now I'm on day 17 off methadone. Sleep has been tough but tapering down is the way to go. Getting off is the easy part, staying sober is the struggle.
@havenmotivation3285 3 месяца назад
💯 You're right brother getting off the dope is the easy part . Staying sober is the struggle. You keep your head up you got this. There is hope after dope💯
@VEDER41 3 месяца назад
Thanks 🙏
@clayshearer5602 4 месяца назад
I was at 160mg for 3 years, went down to 155 and have been there for another 7 years, 10 years total. Ive been weaning down 1mg per month and am now down to 147. I wish I couod stay on it, but worried about my health
@havenmotivation3285 4 месяца назад
Don't ever wish that you could stay on methadone that is a horrible Life to Live. It is possible to free yourself from it hundreds and thousands of people do it all over the world every day. Keep your head up and keep fighting. It's worth it.💯💯💯💯💯
@clayshearer5602 4 месяца назад
@@havenmotivation3285 thank you
@tiyboss695 6 месяцев назад
Outta nowhere I had this epiphany and had to look it up coz ik for sure there’s people who have thought this. You’re absolutely right we all have gifts and definitely should not waste em.
@tiyboss695 6 месяцев назад
And I’m working on quitting nicotine rn. That’s the challenge I believe god gave me I need to get over if I want to the opportunity to join the ufc one day
@ryancameron-iv7fj 9 месяцев назад
How long were the withdraws after you stopped at 2mgs? Im currently at 29 and dropping 3mgs every two weeks, but i am thinking about stopping cold turkey and going through it! What were the worst symptoms you experienced?
@havenmotivation3285 9 месяцев назад
Just go through the withdrawals if you're going to do it. Everybody goes through withdrawals differently me explaining my experience wouldn't help you. All you need to know is it can be done.🙏 Keep your head up there is hope after dope.
@ellen9925 2 месяца назад
My withdrawal (acute) was about 4 months. Worse symptoms were aggressive insomnia, cold sweats, chills, bone aches, and rls
@ryancameron-iv7fj 2 месяца назад
@ellen9925 I've been off methadone now for almost 3 months. How long did it take for you to get your energy back? I just don't have the strength since I've been clean of methadone.
@ellen9925 2 месяца назад
@@ryancameron-iv7fj To be honest, I still battle with energy loss and it will be a year on July 5. Some days are better than others and it's definitely improved but just not 100%.
@ellen9925 2 месяца назад
@@ryancameron-iv7fj Btw, you've done something alot of people can't do so I'm proud of you. Keep it up
@kkrollingskkrollings3173 11 месяцев назад
I wouldn’t recommend cold turkey off methadone to anyone it’s a long and very painful withdrawal. Your chances of relapsing going cold turkey is huge. A tapper done right will be long but you won’t suffer any horrible withdrawals. As you get down in your tapper u may experience some body achs as you get close to needing your next dose you may experience some fatigue low energy but that’s about it if you go slow and listen to your body you will adjust as you go. I came down no more than 2mg every two weeks and once I got down to 20 mg I only dropped 1 mg every 2 weeks at most. Sometimes I stayed at same dose about 4,weeks. I have seen the torture of cold turkey methadone it will push you to extreme limits it will break you down physically and mentally and emotionally times 10x opiate use disorder don’t just go away don’t rush off methadone don’t even think about getting off it until you have made the changes in your life needed to stay clean. I relapsed a few weeks after successfully tapering off methadone was on it almost 8 years went a high of 145 mg tappered down to .5 mg a day when I stopped. I wasn’t prepared for the PAWS post acute withdrawal symptoms I’m still on opiates now battling to stop I tryed suboxone since then quit that tryed cold turkey off the street opiates several times to only relapse each time after a couple days to five or six clean. It’s a battle some of us need opiate matience the rest of our life’s. I’m just in denial I don’t want to be taking anything and I keep trying to quit begging God for help. It’s not easy. I was under pressure from family members to get off methadone when I should have just stayed on it I was getting 6 carry’s a week I had it good on methadone no cravings no wasting. Money etc.. you need to do what’s right for you.
@johnguzman8637 11 месяцев назад
Thank you sir
@NilodeRoock Год назад
Why did you want to quit in the first place?
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
To have a better life. 🙏
@NilodeRoock Год назад
@@havenmotivation3285 I bet the best part is not having to go a clinic regularly? - What other aspects in your life improved?
@chadster123 Год назад
Did anyone get the double vision & hallucinations? Had double vision for 4 days now!
@johnwick-ii6il Год назад
Is always good to see people leave methadone who dont need it. Then there are those of us so disabled that a massive addiction to methadone is the lesser of all evils by far.. An actual blessing by comparison to an existence without serious pain relief that very few Doctors are willing to provide.
@ryan8430 Год назад
I was on 150mgs wanted off it so bad went from 150 to 0 in 7 days and eat the f out of weed gummies and Klonopin
@johnguzman8637 11 месяцев назад
Hey how are you doing? Jumping off of 80 to nothing
@ryan8430 11 месяцев назад
@@johnguzman8637 that was December 28th 2021 I went to a rehab and was dose down from 150-0 in 7 days I went thru withdrawals for 3 weeks at that point I had to go back to work and ended up on Subutex. I was trying to get the vivitrol shot but when I had my blood drawn 3 weeks later it was still in my system so I wasn't able to get the shot. I've stayed sober since then but I'm on Subutex and now working to get off these things. If I were in your shoes idk if you can get weed or weed gummies or kpins or some sort of benzos but they for sure will help ease the withdrawals. I was also on methadone back in 2012 and it took me a solid 90+ days before I even felt any kind of normal and couldn't sleep good for a solid 6 months. Everyone's body is different and recovers differently
@williamscore5322 Год назад
Just throw the junkies in jail for a year, best cold turkey treatment out there.
@patientmental875 Год назад
I was on 200mg for 6 years & was forced to quit cold turkey, was one of the most brutal things I ever had to endure in life! It took a full year to fully recover!
@NilodeRoock Год назад
Forced to quit? How could that happen??
@tomtroy3792 11 месяцев назад
@@NilodeRoock it happens all the time to people they're forced to quit after they get arrested and put in jail some will die mostly from dehydration I can't imagine the pain I wean myself down to 5 mg then I cold turkey it was horrible it's been two years since I've done any opiates and I'm still not up to par
@ryancameron-iv7fj 9 месяцев назад
@@tomtroy3792 was it really that bad stopping from 5mgs? Im currently at 29 and dropping 3mg every two weeks and started from 95mgs. I am thinking about cold stopping cold turkey now. Do you think its possible to do and still function at work? what where the worst symptoms you had?
@tbrown5499 Год назад
I was on mmt for 9 yrs 110 mgs a day . Comin off was fckn hell it was a big fuckin problem .Methadone is the worst nothin harder to get off. Its hell. Damn near killed me and I did it med supervised in rehab. So if ur thinkin of methadone my advice is if u gotta just use it for a few days to detox off whatever ur on. Go to a good rehab. Rehab works for some folks. Take a chance...what u got to lose anyway. Dont do maintenance cause ull never get off.
@michaelkay8914 Год назад
Ive been on methadone for 3yrs & i haven't touched chiva/manteca since. I do want to get off but I'm a little scared. Its the combination of the medication & my faith that has keep me off dope. 🕯☦️🕯120mg
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
There is hope after dope. Keep your head up.
@mrbill9248 Год назад
I first tried dope in Jan 1994 and got on methadone July 31st 1994. I am still on methadone currently on 2mgs . I have not had a relapse since Dec 31, 2012 . It has been beyond tough getting off but i never been this low and confident i will succeed finally . I was 22 when i got on methadone and next month i will be 52 . It definitely saved my life but its all profit and they want you to stay on forever . 29 yrs is a long long time but on another note had i stayed on dope i could be worm chow right now .
@arisenfromash6489 Год назад
Had a similar dormant withdrawal process when I came off prozac and benzos cold turkey, when I would drink 4-6 energy drinks every single day when I would stay up for 2-4 days at a time. I would be present feeling and getting by like that by stimulating, but it backfired big time. Also weighed 120 pounds, and am normal between 140-160 lbs range.
@raybordelon5215 Год назад
You say you love doing it but you aren’t helping many by saying it ain’t that bad and there’s no fix because there is man and there’s more to it than just getting over the withdrawals .
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
It was very easy to do with the right mindset. You just got to stop being a b**** and put your purse away and just do it. Next time keep your f****** comments to yourself bud
@AL-tv4ht Год назад
It is hell to get off. I had to switch back to blues than taper down to a few pills a day. I failed until I found a Dr. in Merchantville NJ ( Dr Lance Gooberman ) I flew there last year from Charlotte NC sept 2022 to Philidelphia airport than took a uber to his office. He gave me 4 syringes full of something to get me off and a few scripts 1 for jumpy legs .1 for stomach issues and diarea. and 1 for anxiety. I flew home and started my detox about 2 weeks later because the fear I had from being sick but guess what I started my detox and it wasn't that bad. I flew back to his office 1 week after I was fully detoxed and he gave me a few more scripts to give me energy and depression . Here it is 8 months later and I am doing great sober but still get cravings. I ve gone back to see the Dr to get a pellet injected in me that will stop . He is the best detox Dr. that I have ever met,No bullshit with Dr gooberman and he gets it . He is also a recovering heroin addict
@MrBollocks10 Год назад
Crack cocaine?
@DanielSarvajc-vq9pg Год назад
I am looking for encouraging words. I plan on going down to 0.5 mg. I can't find any stories
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
Hey my opinion is you don't need any stories. Everybody goes through recovery different all the stories going to do is put doubt in your head or worries. If you really want it bad enough you'll do it it won't kill you you might feel like it. You keep your head up and there is hope after dope. Peace and love my friend
@DanielSarvajc-vq9pg Год назад
@@havenmotivation3285 thank you.
@kytho7425 2 дня назад
@@DanielSarvajc-vq9pghow was it I’m on .5 right now like poster said looking for stories only worries me more lol
@chadhiggins9944 Год назад
I appreciate this video. But I just want to say, you didn't "jump off".. you went down to 2mgs and then stopped. That is a taper. Tapering is absolutely imperative with methadone. You need gradually get off, like over 2 years at least. If you jump off at anything higher, you are going to be in a world of pain. And the mental stuff is what fucks me up. So yeah, do what this guy did and taper slowly. If you just stop at a regular dose, especially if you've been on for a long time, it's going to be insane. Obviously it can be done that way if you absolutely have to but I would avoid that method at all cost. Thanks for the video!
@mrbill9248 Год назад
Been taperin for 29 yrs finally on 2mgs .
@akhmaddbaihackkiy2648 Год назад
Im using methadone @ 10 years... im borred n i wanna stop it... any ide ?
@tammydobson3387 Год назад
I'm on 20 mls now....from being on methadone for 7 years. My highest was 90 and I decided a cpl years ago I wanted off. My mom's wish before she passed away this year was to get off methadone. So now I'm at 20 mls and I'm scared shitless to get down lower, as I take care of my father now, I can't afford to get sick, but I want off. Yesterday. Thanks for the advice, I've been watching a lot of videos on methadone withdrawal, getting as much info as I can while I continue to taper down.
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
You can do this. With a positive mindset anything is possible💯💯.THERE IS HOPE AFTER DOPE.🙏
@MrBollocks10 Год назад
Info? It ain't brain surgery.
@mrbill9248 Год назад
I literally went 1 mg a month until i reached 10mg then 1 every other month .
@timgreenglass Год назад
kratom....only for a week or so, can be helpful if you fear the jump.....
@MrBollocks10 Год назад
I hope you're done, Tammy. Staying away from the real drugs is an achievement. Well done, if it's just the meth.
@CJ-dj Год назад
Anything is Possible with Determination and Willingness!
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
Thats right spread the word💯💯💯 There is hope after dope.
@janettorrinello2130 Год назад
Can you please message me, its about my son. He needs incouragement.
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
There is hope after dope💯💯💯 keep yout head up.🙏
@daledenton7296 Год назад
I’m on 140mgs i just started to taper I’ve been on it 3 years I really hope i can get off this shit methadone sucks. But I’m glade I’m not on heroin anymore and now i guess all there is is fentanyl so fuck that. Hopefully someday ill be off everything
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
THERE IS HOPE AFTER DOPE.💯💯💯 Keep your head up🙏
@jacobgarvia1065 Год назад
So bro please answer me I need advice I was withdrawing off fet for two days I legit waited 36 hours I took a sub and I went into the worst withdrawal of my life then I banged a line of what I was doing I was still in pain felt like my liver was ripped my throat hurt from throwing up I haven't eaten in three days or shit then yesterday I went for my first methadone and I was fine for about 18 hours I started to feel chills and goosebumps so I banged a lil fet just to sleep to get me to the next clinic visit but then over hearing people there saying it was a bad move that I'll be there for years lose my teeth and I'm scared I want to be clean I'm currently at 45 ml and I just don't know what to do today was the least fet I ever used in weeks but I don't want to become a slave to methadone next so what can you tell me please tell me
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
I think the problem is your body doesn't know what it wants to do. Get yourself on one medication and stay on it. I found a methadone was a good tool. I hope that helps .
@johnguzman8637 11 месяцев назад
Your dose needs to be increased if you're having withdraws within 24 hours
@lexevo Год назад
I’m on it for a month and already so sick of going there every morning. I stopped at 50mg and already started going down. I’ll be at 40mg tomorrow. I hope by getting off sooner it won’t be so brutal. I’m giving it all I got to get off asap. There is little information for people that are trying to get off so soon into it. So I have no idea what I’m in for. All I know is try to taper slow. The shorter time I’m on it the less vicious it is and smaller the max dose the better. Restless legs and no sleep is so hard to get through. I don’t know how people are ok with leg pains 24hrs and kicking non stop. Maybe the restless legs aren’t quite as bad by tapering. Otherwise it will be near impossible to quit.
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
Everybody goes through withdrawals differently. For myself I didn't find it that bad. I was use to being sick all the time so the methadone withdrawals didn't bug me. I knew what was coming up next and how bad I was going to feel and I had my mind set that I wanted to get off it so that made it easier too. I will tell you one thing though I'm so glad I got off of it. And you can to there is hope after dope. IF YOU WANT IT BAD ENOUGH. Keep your head up.🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟
@lexevo Год назад
@@havenmotivation3285 thanks for that. I really want to be off. I’m going crazy doing this every morning. My counselor also mentioned the withdrawals aren’t as bad as fentanyl, just lasts longer. So hearing the withdrawals aren’t always that bad. I feel more comfortable and hopeful getting off. I can’t wait to come back to say I’m clean and give the next person hope as well.
@lexevo Год назад
@@havenmotivation3285 I starting to se what you mean about wanting it. Just tapering down it feels like it doesn’t last quite through the entire night. And I don’t feel it kicking in as much. It’s wanting to want to be off, more then being comfortable. And I suppose it gets harder as I go down more. Maybe that’s what you meant by feeling sick all the time, when I finally get to 0. Just not full withdrawal at any point. Hopefully
@lexevo Год назад
Last question for a little while, I’m tapering 4mg a week. Maybe slower towards the end. When you get to 2-4mg and drop. Did it feel the same as tapering, or did you go into a different kind of withdrawal? Like losing sleep and all that.
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
@@lexevo when I got off my methadone I dropped myself down to 2 mg. Then just stopped everything. No sleeping meds no nothing. I hope that helps. I don't want to give you too much information and discourage you everybody goes through withdrawals differently. There is HOPE after dope. If you have any more questions don't hesitate ask away I'm here to help.♥️
@myrajohnson3078 Год назад
Thanks man
@becky2235 Год назад
I'm doing the 2ml every 2 weeks drop did you ever pause? How long where you sick after coming off the last 2 ml? Thank you!
@havenmotivation3285 Год назад
When i was all done with my methadone i just went through it I didn't pause or take any breaks. And I didn't take any medication to take the edge off or to get me to sleep. My opinion that's the best way to do it if you're going to get off drugs get off everything. I don't want to discourage you so I'm not gone to tell you how long i was sick for. All I'm gone to say is everybody goes through withdrawals differently. Keep your head up there is hope after dope.💯💯
@rielletandre9444 2 года назад
Night 2, day 3 for me. I'm soooooooo beyond tired and sore. Aching everywhere. Goosebumps cold chills sweats, sore muscles, I just jumped off 20mg of methadone cold turkey. I hope I can stay strong. For me and my family.
@havenmotivation3285 2 года назад
You can do it there is hope after dope. It does get easier. Keep your head up🙏🙏
@Dabincracker Год назад
Do yourself a favor and detox down all the way to 1ml your chances will be way better at succeeding. I'm down to 9ml and having restless legs but other than that it's been pretty easy so far
@mwoods5166 Год назад
Did you get off completely. How long was it before you felt normal. Can you contact me. Im on 15mg now down from 100. I want to learn what to expect at low doses. I've been through opiate withdrawal 1000s of time but never more that a few days or at a low dose
@priestskorge Год назад
@@DabincrackerI’m trying to get off now I came down from 110 to 53 felt fine the other day I was feeling real bad went up a little to 57 but I refuse to go any higher. My question is at some point should I of just held at 53 and felt the withdrawal until I stabilized ? Also I’m under a lot of stress from people and I suffer from anxiety so I think I make it worse they it is. How many time during your detox did you have to stop and hold you dose to stabilize to start again?
@Samahra01 5 дней назад
I mean do you, but in all kindness and transparency tapering all the way down is the safest and best way to do it. You feel better and your chances for a relapse are significantly lower. Do it right if you wan stay sober. Best of luck!❤
@hibaali3797 2 года назад
@havenmotivation3285 2 года назад
Methadone is the government's way of saving money. Keeps the addicts out of jail. And why don't you f*** off somewhere and go find another Channel. I can tell people what I want to it's a free world b****. Have a nice day and go f*** yourself
@lynncook7981 Месяц назад
No they just traffic them in. Dude they could stop it but they don't cause its big business.
@giovannimarino7449 2 года назад
Thanks for your story
@Aman2111 2 года назад
Bro how was ur sleep, when u were on methadone...
@havenmotivation3285 2 года назад
My sleep was the last to come around. I dont want to tell you how long it took because I don't want to discourage you everybody goes through it differently. You got this keep your head up. THERE IS HOPE AFTER DOPE💯💯💯
@Aman2111 2 года назад
@@havenmotivation3285 my sleep is pathetic, i am on 15 mg.. due to accident i am on these opiods but its killling me with many mental problems
@MarkGelderland Год назад
Never slept better tbh
@These-nutz 2 года назад
I was on 100 mgs for 20 years
@James-eo8no 2 года назад
Dont get off of this in the summer time , wait till winter hits. The cold weather will help with the hot flashes and use a hot tub for warming up.
@TomTschritter 2 года назад
Success is acquiring self-honesty. Until one is honest with oneself, not progress is possible. Greed is just an addiction. Wealth is hoarding, and not success.
@danm3195 2 года назад
Good for you.hope your still doing well..its very difficult and alot of support is needed.
@philiphays8284 2 года назад
Hello,my names Phil I'm a 44yr old Englishmen with a 70ml methadone habit and your vids have helped so much
@hippigirlful 2 года назад
Hello I saw ur video on ur meth detox. That’s real increadable. But fir me I tryed hundreds of times to detox and every time I did I realized every time it was just too hot to me it was really go to the hottest things I just know I had kids I couldn’t take care of the kids when I was like really detoxing my mother was taking care of them it was just so so bad unfortunately enough for me I’m on methadone 37 years now and still on it but you know it works for me you know some people don’t like it I stay clean and you know that’s how I do it unfortunately it’s just I just couldn’t do it and I just got a graduate event that’s great that’s really really I’m really great happy for youBut for me unfortunately I am a lifetime take care man and good luck with yourself bye
@abdulaleem7344 2 года назад
He’s never gonna respond to anyone. This was 2 yrs ago
@jasonj.gerard286 2 года назад
I m on 70 mg. And in last 4 weeks i cut down 30 mg .i still feel a bit shitty in nights.special with toughts.... anyway. I was on heroin only 2 y. And i fking choose methadone as a fking pussy.now is been 3 y on meth.Apart from my expressions God bless everybody and dont give up.
@FitzSchlitz 2 года назад
How are you doing lately my friend? Positive vibes!💪✌️❤️
@nge80t 2 года назад
I'm on it for 17 years. Sick of methadone..at the moment I'm only taking 4mg a day and and soon will be down gradually to 1mg and stop. 🤞
@havenmotivation3285 2 года назад
Keep your head up . There is hope after dope.♥️
@FitzSchlitz 2 года назад
nge80t How are you doing now? Healing vibes my friend!💪✌️❤️
@GaganMilanianfriends 2 года назад
I'm at 39mg a day, drop 1 mg a week. I'm scared to get down to 5 then 2!!!!!! Good for u though! Much respect!
@nge80t 2 года назад
@@FitzSchlitz I'm down to 3mg couple weeks back. I'm feeling fantastic. Not gonna lie, feels a bit rough on first couple of day. Thanks for the support 🙏🙏
@nge80t 2 года назад
@@GaganMilanianfriends much respect to you too. Keep it going🙌
@niathomas6508 2 года назад
Wonderful testimony! Bless God that you are His now and are "fixing your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith" Hebrews 12:2.